Zone1 Best Version of the Bible and Why?

Looking for opinions back by a fax and argument.

In researching this, I realize I had assumed for no good reason that most post king James versions were basically translations of the King James version. Then I saw a recommendation for a modern version that is taking more directly from the original group text. But that was just a brief search.

I always prefer to hear from experts. That’s why I come here to ask.

I’m not an expert

But my vote goes to Rev Scofield

Expert scholars have a bad history of changing doctrine even when they are supposed experts in ancient languages. Take the Jehovah Witnesses and how they have butchered the Bible by even claiming to have known the exact date, year and time of the end of the world and were wrong not once, but 5 times at least. Rather than relying on so called scholars, I would rather rely on a couple of other reasons to choose one to primarily rely on. First, is there a Prophet on the earth or has been recently to know by communicating with the Lord to clear up misunderstandings of doctrine in the Biblical texts. Prophets do not need to be scholars with PhD's behind their names since they are messengers from God to the people of the world. Since there are no churches that have Prophets like this except for those who claim to be connected to Joseph Smith, that's where to start. In 1844, there were no planes for the apostles to get together quickly and go to the Lord to know who was to be his successor. Over time, the mantle fell on Brigham Young. All the people at that meeting saw the mantle of Joseph Smith fall on Brigham Young. So, the correct Church to follow from that point is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt lake City). This Church chooses to use the King James Version. However, there are many errors in it. Joseph Smith was given the knowledge by Christ to correct the errors in doctrine. We have those corrections as does the apostate Church of Jesus Christ, now called the Disciples of Christ. If you go online to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day website, you can find the KJV of the Bible that will show the corrections he made as well. Second, with any study of scripture, everyone must study out the version of their Bibles and ask God if how they are interpreting the scriptures is true or not. The Holy Ghost will bear witness of the truth.

Prophet Hal Lindsey uses the Scofield Bible footnotes.
Looking for opinions back by a fax and argument.

In researching this, I realize I had assumed for no good reason that most post king James versions were basically translations of the King James version. Then I saw a recommendation for a modern version that is taking more directly from the original group text. But that was just a brief search.

I always prefer to hear from experts. That’s why I come here to ask.
KJV, because everything else is reinterpreted.
Who's that?

Actually, I don't care which version is true, if any. There are so many that it makes it impossible to say which is the most true. They ae all written down by men and all have flaws.
He wasn't a reverend. That is the Bible Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye use.
I already know your opinion about the Scofield Bible

To me the proof is in the pudding

On 1909 Scofield matter of factly predicted the creation of Israel in the Holy Land when detractors like you called that impossible

But he read it in the Bible
Yet, many others preceded the KJV and all had some differences and claimed to need no interpretation.

in fact the 1st was written 4 centuries past the 1st century events without a single copy still in existence - proving its lack of authenticity and no bible ever made has a single word included written by jesus during the time of the events ...

nor what jesus taught past down through the centuries, liberation theology, self determination or the repudiation of judaism those people in the 1st century gave their lives to accomplish - and failed to accomplish. judaisms heredity idolatry and false commandments.
Prophet Hal Lindsey uses the Scofield Bible footnotes.
Yes, my church in my teenage years taught much of the same thing that Lindsey taught, and I read his books along with all the UFO, Pyramid Power, Ancient Astronauts and other fads of the 1970's. I remember that he taught about Bible prophesy, not that he himself ever claimed to be a prophet.

No offense, but this is why I hesitate to be informed about Christianity by a person who is so disdainful of the religion.
I already know your opinion about the Scofield Bible

To me the proof is in the pudding

On 1909 Scofield matter of factly predicted the creation of Israel in the Holy Land when detractors like you called that impossible

But he read it in the Bible

Samuel Untermyer hired him for that purpose.

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