Are Tax Payers Paying For Any Of This $hite?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama Uses Private Jet, 14 Car Convoy to Get to European Climate Change Speech

"Former President Barack Obama traveled to Italy this week to make a speech on climate change at the “Seed & Chips: The Global Food Innovation Summit” in the city of Milan.

It seems like Obama has taken a page out of
Leonardo DiCaprio's book of “do as I say, not as I do” and took a private jet to Milan. Not only that, he had a 14 car convoy to get into the city, which also included protection from above with a helicopter.

It doesn't end there. According to
The Daily Mail, 300 police officers were used to protect the former president."

How do you save the planet by eliminating Carbon Footprints?
1 x Giant hypocritical Global Warming Fraud Ex-U.S. President
1 x Private Jet to Italy
1 x Secret Service Detail
14-Car Convoy
1 x Helicopter Air cover
300 Police officers


Yeah and that trip to Asia really did cost 200 billion dollars.......

Dump the Trump 2018
Pretty sure we are, except maybe the jet. Though I found this on yahoo, and this-
Obama restores lifetime Secret Service for former presidents

Only under certain circumstances does the government provide a plane for former presidents usually when the sitting president requests the services of a former president is this done.

The use of Airforce one to transport Reagan's and Ford's caskets and immediate families is the only time i've ever heard of "Airforce one" being used for a former presidents transportation needs.

In all other cases it's a regular jet passenger aircraft that is used for former presidents. All these planes are located at andrews airforce base near washington, D.C.

The government has a rather large fleet of aircraft to transport government officials and this is where they would requisition an aircraft for a former president.

As for vehicles for ground transportation. It depends on the secret service detail assigned to the former president.

In most cases the former president buys/leases the vehicle he is transported in.

Obama Uses Private Jet, 14 Car Convoy to Get to European Climate Change Speech

"Former President Barack Obama traveled to Italy this week to make a speech on climate change at the “Seed & Chips: The Global Food Innovation Summit” in the city of Milan.

It seems like Obama has taken a page out of Leonardo DiCaprio's book of “do as I say, not as I do” and took a private jet to Milan. Not only that, he had a 14 car convoy to get into the city, which also included protection from above with a helicopter.

It doesn't end there. According to The Daily Mail, 300 police officers were used to protect the former president."

How do you save the planet by eliminating Carbon Footprints?
1 x Giant hypocritical Global Warming Fraud Ex-U.S. President
1 x Private Jet to Italy
1 x Secret Service Detail
14-Car Convoy
1 x Helicopter Air cover
300 Police officers

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