Are relegulations unconstitutional?

Regulations in today's America are only in place to create barriers to entry for small businesses and protect monopolies and oligopolies and give business to lawyers. They just pretend to care about the "worker" or "consumer".
You're right, we should only allow day traders who are bad. :cuckoo:

Day traders capitalize on fluctuations in the market and, since they have thousands of hours of experience at it, can immediately buy and sell as much as millions of stocks in a single day before hardly anyone can access the prices they hook into. How to level the playing field there? I have no idea, but how hard could it be if the regulators put a little effort into it?

I LOVE your solution though.

how hard could it be if the regulators put a little effort into it?

Hard. Most regulators are dumb. What do you regulate?

That's true, but only because people like you and pretty much everyone ignores the problem and doesn't apply any pressure.
Are Regulations unconstitutional? Who's to say that the federal government has any power to tell a business what to do??? So you're really going to argue for us to go back to the good old days?:doubt:

So if it isn't a document that allows for the betterment of our nation then child labor is still legal as those regulations are unconstitutional. The epa is illegal as that is unconstitutional so we can pollute to our wildest dreams. FDA is unconstitutional, better be ready to eat maggot filled meat, boys! The safety net is unconstitutional so little johny better find a extra dish washers job to keep his family off the street as he would of done before the new deal! Don't forget that old fred can raise his rent up the ass at anytime! And Jacky can charge 100 dollars for cookies and breed at her store! What's even colder is old Elise better be ready to pay that 400 a month for weather warnings from the corporate system called accuweaher! Even through it isn't as good cut as all research has been cut by 80% and the big corporate weather alert corporation charges up the ass for that tornadoes warning!!!! So 400 people a year are dying like the good old days!

heck, if you wanted to think about it, the airforce is unconstitutional. We Didn't have airplanes when our founders lived and we're dealing with a stiff piece of paper. So why not!

Let's be honest...
Do we have a spending problem, yes! Welfare shouldn't be dolled out like Obama is doing and we MUST work on efficacy. I just hope to god that the American people aren't ready to take us down the road to hell. There's a big difference between what is above and being smart. Both parties are now full of extremist that don't want to advance America wisely...

I know I am going to get slammed for this post but this is how it appears to me.
Right on brother! Who needs regulations. Let's get rid of ALL regulations. And I mean, ALL regulations!!!! Traffic regulations? Get rid of them. If someone wants to drive 70 or even 100 mph on city streets they should have that right. So also should people who want to carry guns and bombs on planes. If a local power plant wants to dump its waste in the public water supply they should have that right. After all, they pay taxes. Tired of your boring job and want to be a doctor. Okay, you are a doctor. Forget about that bothersome schooling and testing that is required. I am sure you would agree that getting rid of medical regulations would immediately rid the US of a shortage of doctors. In sports pitchers should have the right to bean anyone they want and for linebackers it should be okay to carry big clubs so they can get through the lines faster. In hockey we can get rid of the sticks and go right to spears. It would be harder to control the puck but it would make the fights a lot more fun. Yes, let's get rid of all regulations.
Say, here is a thought Matthew, IF you want to get rid of regulations why don't you go and spend a year in Somolia or maybe in the Sudan. I also understand they have few regulations in the Congo. Seek out some country without regulations and enjoy the freedoms you will now have.
The bottom line here is that a country without regulations is an uncivilized country. By all means, let's get rid of regulations so we can enjoy the stone age!!!
Are Regulations unconstitutional? Who's to say that the federal government has any power to tell a business what to do??? So you're really going to argue for us to go back to the good old days?:doubt:

So if it isn't a document that allows for the betterment of our nation then child labor is still legal as those regulations are unconstitutional. The epa is illegal as that is unconstitutional so we can pollute to our wildest dreams. FDA is unconstitutional, better be ready to eat maggot filled meat, boys! The safety net is unconstitutional so little johny better find a extra dish washers job to keep his family off the street as he would of done before the new deal! Don't forget that old fred can raise his rent up the ass at anytime! And Jacky can charge 100 dollars for cookies and breed at her store! What's even colder is old Elise better be ready to pay that 400 a month for weather warnings from the corporate system called accuweaher! Even through it isn't as good cut as all research has been cut by 80% and the big corporate weather alert corporation charges up the ass for that tornadoes warning!!!! So 400 people a year are dying like the good old days!

heck, if you wanted to think about it, the airforce is unconstitutional. We Didn't have airplanes when our founders lived and we're dealing with a stiff piece of paper. So why not!

Let's be honest...
Do we have a spending problem, yes! Welfare shouldn't be dolled out like Obama is doing and we MUST work on efficacy. I just hope to god that the American people aren't ready to take us down the road to hell. There's a big difference between what is above and being smart. Both parties are now full of extremist that don't want to advance America wisely...

I know I am going to get slammed for this post but this is how it appears to me.

I believe you are looking for the Commerce Clause. :eusa_shifty: United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). Libertarians act like a vampire turned with a cross when they read this.

EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING in the human world needs regulation. Regulation isn't a bad word!

The topic should be OVER-regulation vs. UNDER-regulation. But political parties just fight for what they need to, to win, not is what is best for the people.

Everything in life needs regulation............EVERYTHING..........
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how hard could it be if the regulators put a little effort into it?

Hard. Most regulators are dumb. What do you regulate?

That's true, but only because people like you and pretty much everyone ignores the problem and doesn't apply any pressure.

I still haven't seen proof that daytrading is a problem.

You are solid on that point.

This thread had nothing to do with daytrade, but whatever.

Regulation is absolutely necessary for healthily-functioning economy on a variety of levels.

Unfortunately, our "leaders" have yet to discover the distinction between "more" regulation and "better" regulation.

They're still mired in the simplistic chemotherapeutic method of regulation, damaging and killing all cells in the general area of the cells for which they're aiming.


They have yet to figure out how to write common sense into any legislation.

We have so many regulations that no one can possibly keep up with all of them and it's impossible for government to enforce them. The process of enforcement seems pretty selective at this point and the laws and regulations are easy to use against companies they don't like while others are left alone. That's true of all government agencies and we've seen examples with the IRS, the NSA, the EPA and DOJ.

I have read that the majority of people in this country are guilty of breaking a law or two because they have no idea they are doing so. While ignorance of the law is no excuse, it is impossible for anyone to know all the laws and it's unreasonable to except people to check before doing the simplest things, like catching rain water in a barrel, to see if it's legal. People often rely on common sense and that doesn't help to understand government rules.

The private sector is being smothered in new regulations, countless ones just in the last year. It's killing jobs.

Our "leaders" love to pile on new laws and regulations to demonstrate that they're "doing something" besides fundraising.

I'm not sure that they care one way or the other about quality or effectiveness. They just want "more". Look at it this way: If they enact new regulations and they either don't work or even exacerbate the problem, then great, they can -- wait for it -- add NEW regulations to fix THOSE problems.

None of that is a mystery. What IS a mystery is how their "followers" forgive them for it. This devotion to, and affection for, bureaucracy is bizarre.

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Regulation is absolutely necessary for healthily-functioning economy on a variety of levels.

Unfortunately, our "leaders" have yet to discover the distinction between "more" regulation and "better" regulation.

They're still mired in the simplistic chemotherapeutic method of regulation, damaging and killing all cells in the general area of the cells for which they're aiming..

Hyperbolic, overblown, but certainly worth considering.

With all the hyperbole and pure bullshit and bluster that's tossed around here, you choose THAT to focus on?

LOL, okay Jake.


The US passed well over 40,000 new regulations and laws last year. So the question becomes, what have we become? Will we pass another 40,000 next year? My guess is yes.

Keep in mind that as laws increase freedom decrease. Do we really want a police state?

What exactly is the price for freedom? Is it too high?
Are Regulations unconstitutional? Who's to say that the federal government has any power to tell a business what to do??? So you're really going to argue for us to go back to the good old days?:doubt:

So if it isn't a document that allows for the betterment of our nation then child labor is still legal as those regulations are unconstitutional. The epa is illegal as that is unconstitutional so we can pollute to our wildest dreams. FDA is unconstitutional, better be ready to eat maggot filled meat, boys! The safety net is unconstitutional so little johny better find a extra dish washers job to keep his family off the street as he would of done before the new deal! Don't forget that old fred can raise his rent up the ass at anytime! And Jacky can charge 100 dollars for cookies and breed at her store! What's even colder is old Elise better be ready to pay that 400 a month for weather warnings from the corporate system called accuweaher! Even through it isn't as good cut as all research has been cut by 80% and the big corporate weather alert corporation charges up the ass for that tornadoes warning!!!! So 400 people a year are dying like the good old days!

heck, if you wanted to think about it, the airforce is unconstitutional. We Didn't have airplanes when our founders lived and we're dealing with a stiff piece of paper. So why not!

Let's be honest...
Do we have a spending problem, yes! Welfare shouldn't be dolled out like Obama is doing and we MUST work on efficacy. I just hope to god that the American people aren't ready to take us down the road to hell. There's a big difference between what is above and being smart. Both parties are now full of extremist that don't want to advance America wisely...

I know I am going to get slammed for this post but this is how it appears to me.

I would judge regulations by 3 areas, fraud, force, health. Meaning we need some controls and or avenues of redress for the aforementioned.

Regulation is absolutely necessary for healthily-functioning economy on a variety of levels.

Unfortunately, our "leaders" have yet to discover the distinction between "more" regulation and "better" regulation.

They're still mired in the simplistic chemotherapeutic method of regulation, damaging and killing all cells in the general area of the cells for which they're aiming..

Hyperbolic, overblown, but certainly worth considering.

With all the hyperbole and pure bullshit and bluster that's tossed around here, you choose THAT to focus on?

LOL, okay Jake.



Just letting you know that you are one in a crowd.
Are Regulations unconstitutional? Who's to say that the federal government has any power to tell a business what to do??? So you're really going to argue for us to go back to the good old days?:doubt:
Congress and the executive have the power to create regulations pursuant to any power that it was given to it by the constitution.

The constitutionality of those regulations rest with the legislation upon which they are based and the nature of the regulations themselves.

So, conditionally, the answer to your question is no.
how hard could it be if the regulators put a little effort into it?

Hard. Most regulators are dumb. What do you regulate?

That's true, but only because people like you and pretty much everyone ignores the problem and doesn't apply any pressure.

I still haven't seen proof that daytrading is a problem.

That is as difficult to quantitate as fraud, where regulation has also failed and taxpayers and consumers are losing tens of billions of dollars annually. Maybe, care is something that is missing here.
That's true, but only because people like you and pretty much everyone ignores the problem and doesn't apply any pressure.

I still haven't seen proof that daytrading is a problem.

That is as difficult to quantitate as fraud, where regulation has also failed and taxpayers and consumers are losing tens of billions of dollars annually. Maybe, care is something that is missing here.

Yes, your proof is difficult to quantify.

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