Are Christians Political Chumps for voting Republican?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.
During the 1980s there was a mass infusion of investment in the South that coincided with the Republican republican political domination. Though I don't believe that the two were related - a massive migration of wealth by northern retirees and investments by financial institutions because air conditioning finally made the south livable.

Either way life improved greatly down south and it certainly appeared that Republicans were responsible.
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.

so you are saying the Democrat party does not have real Christian members and are not right with Jesus since they push all that anti-Christian legislation....?

....that Obama.....Pelosi....etc. are liars.....and they make 'Baby Jesus Cry'....?

think about it....
I vote for republicans because no matter how bad a republican might be, they are not nearly as vile as democrats.
The decision to go after evangelicals was made to break the New Deal coalition. The sixties social revolutions (which alienated a large part of the traditional working class democratic base) opened the door for the Republican party to attract the rural south and heartland. Christianity was the needed tool for prying oor workers and the white suburban middle class away from the dems, who had alienated them with bra burners, hippies, atheists, black panthers, etc. Reagan never stepped foot in a church while governor of California. He also passed the most liberal abortion policy when he could have easily prevented it. As for family values, he was a divorced man estranged from his children, but he needed Pat Robertson and the moral majority to attract voters who don't really care about the Free Trade deals he gives to his business base. Religion worked like a charm.
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.

anyone is a chump for voting Republican....just sayin....
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.

My God - the ignorance from Dumbocrats like JoeB. here is just astounding...

First of all - it was Bill Clinton who forced "free trade" (NAFTA) down the throats of the American people. So Dumbocrats sent the jobs to China.

Furthermore, no matter what "free trade" agreements exist, nobody would ever move their business overseas if it were cheaper to conduct business here in the U.S. But Dumbocrat crushing taxes, punishing regulations, and extorting unions have told businesses "fuck you - we don't want your kind here" and forced business to go overseas just to survive.

But hey, keep up with your false narrative there Joseph! All you're doing is destroying credibility with any newcomers (the existing members figured out long ago that you don't have any credibility) and proving that the left is made up of pathological liars.
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.

so you are saying the Democrat party does not have real Christian members and are not right with Jesus since they push all that anti-Christian legislation....?

....that Obama.....Pelosi....etc. are liars.....and they make 'Baby Jesus Cry'....?

think about it....
Leave it to a lib to expose libs, eh?
I vote for republicans because no matter how bad a republican might be, they are not nearly as vile as democrats.

if you cant see that both parties are dragging this Country down......then you are a chump.....

But only one party (the Dumbocrats) are fast-tracking this nation to hell (the other party is slowly taking this party to hell). And if you can't see that.....then you are a really dumb chump.
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.

Pelosi votes Republican? When did that start? Or is this just another example of you talking about something when you really have no idea how the world works?
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.

so you are saying the Democrat party does not have real Christian members and are not right with Jesus since they push all that anti-Christian legislation....?

....that Obama.....Pelosi....etc. are liars.....and they make 'Baby Jesus Cry'....?

think about it....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

SE - that was money! I've seen JoeB made a complete humiliated fool before, but your post just took that art to a whole new level. In the immortal words of Larry Munson:

"We just stepped on their face with a hobnail boot and broke their nose! We just crushed their face!"

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Joseph - my ignorant, communist friend - you just had your face completely crushed by ScreamingEagle! :lol:
and still the dems gave us the 2 worst presidents in recent history

That would kind of depend.

I think the worst in recent history was Dubya. Easily. Hands down. And I voted for that retard twice.

But really had nothing to do with my thread.

I mean, I really understand why rich people vote Republican.

Poor working class Christians, can't understand it at all.
I think too many have been chumps voting blindly on either side.

You know it took a long hard deal to become the Conservative Party of Canada and become the majority. But when I vote, I know that my representative will represent me in Ottawa as compared to voting R or D and as soon as your poor rep makes it to Washington and inside the beltway, well you are a distant memory.

And what do you do? You vote them in again. Unfreaking real.

My God - the ignorance from Dumbocrats like JoeB. here is just astounding...

First of all - it was Bill Clinton who forced "free trade" (NAFTA) down the throats of the American people. So Dumbocrats sent the jobs to China.

Furthermore, no matter what "free trade" agreements exist, nobody would ever move their business overseas if it were cheaper to conduct business here in the U.S. But Dumbocrat crushing taxes, punishing regulations, and extorting unions have told businesses "fuck you - we don't want your kind here" and forced business to go overseas just to survive.

But hey, keep up with your false narrative there Joseph! All you're doing is destroying credibility with any newcomers (the existing members figured out long ago that you don't have any credibility) and proving that the left is made up of pathological liars.

Poodle, sweetie, last time I checked, China was part of North America.

Also, most factories that relocated to China were non-union, so you really can't blame the unions for that one.

Now, one more time, guy, again, you believe in your magic sky man and your interpretation is your magic sky man hates abortions and gays, exactly what has voting Republican gotten you in the last 40 years.
and still the dems gave us the 2 worst presidents in recent history

That would kind of depend.

I think the worst in recent history was Dubya. Easily. Hands down. And I voted for that retard twice.

But really had nothing to do with my thread.

I mean, I really understand why rich people vote Republican.

Poor working class Christians, can't understand it at all.

It's simple JoeB - middle-class don't want to become poverty class (which is what the Dumbocrats will do to them) and the poor don't want to be poverty oppressed slaves to the communist state (which is what Dumbocrats will do to them).

Why is that so hard for you to understand? Very few people are both greedy and lazy like you. Very few could care about table scraps from Uncle Sam. They care about freedom. You'll sell your soul for healthcare. You don't mind surrendering freedom because to you, freedom = work and you prefer a life of lazy.
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.
The GOP keeps running on those things you listed and the Christians buy it every time. Like Charlie Brown and the football.

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