Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

It describes a THOUGHT DISORDER found in various forms---both
organic and functional---of psychosis



there have been several altercations w/ the authorities ... hope all is well.
Everyone knows that Iran supports the al Houthis.
do you have a reason for making this ^^^ comment. It is an idiotic
comment?. MANY people do not. Of course you and I both know.
You had no reason to THROW in your "everyone" BS except as a cynical
Everyone knows that Iran supports the al Houthis.
ROFLMAO @ ----"EVERYONE" know that Iran supports the HOUTHIS". ----Why? because
the Houthis are 'poor' and 'in need' ? How does Iran support the Houthis? medical care?
education? or even WHY does Iran support the Houthis. Iran supports the Houthis in the
same way Iran supports the 'palestinians'------guns and bombs. It is not at all clear to me that
EVERYONE knows that Iran supports terrorism in Yemen directed against NON-HOUTHI Yemenis
and against Saudi Arabia FOR EMPIRE AND CONTROL and with total disregard of life and limb
of their victims including but not limited to the Houthis and the sunni muslims in
Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. But, FRET NOT----IT QUALIFIES AS HOLY ZAKAT
ROFLMAO @ ----"EVERYONE" know that Iran supports the HOUTHIS". ----Why? because
the Houthis are 'poor' and 'in need' ? How does Iran support the Houthis? medical care?
education? or even WHY does Iran support the Houthis. Iran supports the Houthis in the
same way Iran supports the 'palestinians'------guns and bombs. It is not at all clear to me that
EVERYONE knows that Iran supports terrorism in Yemen directed against NON-HOUTHI Yemenis
and against Saudi Arabia FOR EMPIRE AND CONTROL and with total disregard of life and limb
of their victims including but not limited to the Houthis and the sunni muslims in
Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. But, FRET NOT----IT QUALIFIES AS HOLY ZAKAT
Rave on.
Both here and IRL, Christians feel quite comfortable telling Jews why they are wrong - and why Jesus was the Messiah. (It’s quite rude when Christians keeping arguing and warning Jews they will be damned, that G-d is angry with them, etc.), but they never are willing to hear why Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah.

It’s as if they only want to tell Jews (“you’re wrong, and I’ll tell you why) and never want to hear the reasons for the opposite - why Jews think Christians are wrong.

So I’ve written to Christians asking if they would be interested in hearing the Jewish perspective, and they never respond. So I’m asking now:

Are there any Christians here who would like to understand why Jesus is not the Messiah - from the Jewish perspective - or must we simply be silent about our opposite view?

Thank you.
I actually studied Judaism in religious studies classes in college, so I do have a very open mind to the perspective Jews have. I would call myself a Christian and I do go to church, but I am very open minded to other religions and don't discount their opinions. I also am very open minded to the Islam perspective as well as Buddism, Taoism, Hinduism, Thelema, etc.
Nope, that’s not it. It wasn’t about “vanquishing enemies of Jews,” a comment that makes Jews look selfish. The Messiah will bring peace to everyone, and there will be no more wars. But that’s just one point.

Rather than have a Christian answer as to why Jews are still waiting for the true Messiah, anyone interested in hearing from a Jew about it?

Before I make the effort, I would like to know that at least one Christian would be open-minded to hear what Jews think.
All that will occur after the tribulation and Armageddon-Gods kingdom will take full control.

I know why they didn't accept Jesus as the Messiah--They erred in their thinking, they were sure a mighty king was coming to rid the roman rule over them. Plus they thought highly of themselves and looked down on the flock, thus a mere carpenters son showed up and told them their errors. They hated him. His kingship didnt start until here at Rev 6:2.
All that will occur after the tribulation and Armageddon-Gods kingdom will take full control.

I know why they didn't accept Jesus as the Messiah--They erred in their thinking, they were sure a mighty king was coming to rid the roman rule over them. Plus they thought highly of themselves and looked down on the flock, thus a mere carpenters son showed up and told them their errors. They hated him. His kingship didnt start until here at Rev 6:2.
So you’re not Jewish, yet you’re telling Jews why they didn’t accept him?

Plus, your message is pretty blatant in your contempt for Jews. You’re certainly not the one to judge why Jews didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah. I’d explain it to you, but you‘re obviously not interested in hearing it from a Jew.

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