AP: The Border Is a National Emergency

Come one guys they need good health care! And public schools for their kids, and the jobs you ordinary Americans want to work! We will lower the wage so you can be even poorer!
Get with it! Lol

And because all the attention on the border the illegals that are scattered all over the U.S. are going unchecked and they love the diversion.

U.S. immigration arrests fall under Trump as resources shift to the border
We need to organize it’s not illegals that’s the problem it’s Democrats allowing it. They are the enemy of the free man

No you are the enemy and your kind in fact the U.S. needs to make them legal.

America should naturalize more immigrants to benefit economy

We know from a wide body of research that immigrants on the whole help grow our economy. One of the most compelling data points is that immigrants have provided half of the growth in our workforce over the last decade. What’s more, immigrants have started 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies.

Immigrants who become U.S. citizens also give our country a dimension that homogenous societies often lack. They add to the vibrancy that only a diverse population generates. Think of the innovative companies that naturalized citizens like Sergey Brin have started, and the many rich cultural contributions immigrants have brought to the arts.
Yes immigrants do not Latino immigrants find me a Latino neighborhood not high in crime .. import similar cultures
View attachment 251521

And a good percentage are infected with things long eliminated within our border.


You have no evidence of that, and going by DHS statistics, it's simply not true. Trump is hoping that by making people stay on the Mexican side of the border, they'll become ill in the overcrowded and unsanitary camps, and then they can bar people on account of their illnesses.

The crisis at the border is that the government is now detaining all refugee claimants and incarcerating them in tent cities. Trump is creating this crisis with his policies which are intended to slow down the number of asylum seekers coming into the USA. In fact, Trump policies are driving desperate families into the arms of the coyotes who promise to get them across the border, or who attempt dangerous desert crossing.


No One Believes Your Lies any more. It's not even worth debating you. Most of the seasoned posters here have researched these topics repeatedly, posted evidence, and people like you just disappear or refuse to believe it when they take the time to educate you. Rinse Lather Repeat.

We cannot even detain these people any more so many of them are coming in. They are now coming over in large groups, and we have to do catch and release.

The illegal immigrants are creating this crisis. It is illegal to enter a country without a VISA. These people are being bussed all the way from Guatemala and elsewhere in Latin America, and are arriving by the thousands.

We are over capacity with not enough sites to house and detain these people. 80% of ICE is involved in taking care of these people. It's costing the taxpayer $150 Billion a year to deal with illegal immigration. This does not include the Billions of dollars in issues we deal with relating to crime, drug trafficking, human trafficking and prostitution.
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Like USA leading the world in many drug addictions?
I doubt that is true. Show me some evidence. Also show me that other countries are reporting with the same level of accuracy (you can't).

But if true, the cause is the black market.
Gun ownership
This is a bad thing?

See. In America, we still retain a few inalienable rights that the rest of the world lost long ago.

production addiction?
What the fuck is this?

USA is a leader in the use of many drugs!
Open borders is popular with 10% of voters, all others flee.

Most of my life was lived near the border. It’s a crisis.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you.

As for your life, I’m sure it’s one crisis after another.

What is the matter…you’ve only posted 83 new threads this week detailing the calamities of your existence. Slow week?
Oh gee, attack me to avoid the thread topic. So unexpected.

It’s a humanitarian and financial crisis. But please, run on open borders and get Trump elected again.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you. There were over a million arrests at the border 20 years ago (or so). During that 20 years, the GDP doubled, stock markets doubled, and family income rose.
The manufactured crisis you guys keep propagating is fine for the base. Getting anyone else to believe your bullshit will be difficult.

As for the “humanitarian crisis”; perhaps you should stop kidnapping children and holding them for 2+ years away from their parents (our official policy now). Now…quickly cue, “well under Obama….”. Old play book.

Being against the worthless wall doesn’t mean you’re for “open borders”. The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration.

Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Most of my life was lived near the border. It’s a crisis.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you.

As for your life, I’m sure it’s one crisis after another.

What is the matter…you’ve only posted 83 new threads this week detailing the calamities of your existence. Slow week?
Oh gee, attack me to avoid the thread topic. So unexpected.

It’s a humanitarian and financial crisis. But please, run on open borders and get Trump elected again.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you. There were over a million arrests at the border 20 years ago (or so). During that 20 years, the GDP doubled, stock markets doubled, and family income rose.
The manufactured crisis you guys keep propagating is fine for the base. Getting anyone else to believe your bullshit will be difficult.

As for the “humanitarian crisis”; perhaps you should stop kidnapping children and holding them for 2+ years away from their parents (our official policy now). Now…quickly cue, “well under Obama….”. Old play book.

Being against the worthless wall doesn’t mean you’re for “open borders”. The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration.

Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Has Mexico sent the check?
Most of my life was lived near the border. It’s a crisis.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you.

As for your life, I’m sure it’s one crisis after another.

What is the matter…you’ve only posted 83 new threads this week detailing the calamities of your existence. Slow week?
Oh gee, attack me to avoid the thread topic. So unexpected.

It’s a humanitarian and financial crisis. But please, run on open borders and get Trump elected again.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you. There were over a million arrests at the border 20 years ago (or so). During that 20 years, the GDP doubled, stock markets doubled, and family income rose.
The manufactured crisis you guys keep propagating is fine for the base. Getting anyone else to believe your bullshit will be difficult.

As for the “humanitarian crisis”; perhaps you should stop kidnapping children and holding them for 2+ years away from their parents (our official policy now). Now…quickly cue, “well under Obama….”. Old play book.

Being against the worthless wall doesn’t mean you’re for “open borders”. The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration.

Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Has Mexico sent the check?

Doesn't matter, you fucking asshat! The people have already funded it twice! 3rd time's a charm.
President Trump tried to get funding, cooperation, even acknowledgment of the problem. Shows how Diabolical (or stupd?) Chancy really is. Yet the commee socialist posters here.....also went along with Chancy......sigh. Chancy forced a shut GOVT shutdown to ensure this crisis grew to a major disaster.
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Mathematics are disagreeing with you.

As for your life, I’m sure it’s one crisis after another.

What is the matter…you’ve only posted 83 new threads this week detailing the calamities of your existence. Slow week?
Oh gee, attack me to avoid the thread topic. So unexpected.

It’s a humanitarian and financial crisis. But please, run on open borders and get Trump elected again.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you. There were over a million arrests at the border 20 years ago (or so). During that 20 years, the GDP doubled, stock markets doubled, and family income rose.
The manufactured crisis you guys keep propagating is fine for the base. Getting anyone else to believe your bullshit will be difficult.

As for the “humanitarian crisis”; perhaps you should stop kidnapping children and holding them for 2+ years away from their parents (our official policy now). Now…quickly cue, “well under Obama….”. Old play book.

Being against the worthless wall doesn’t mean you’re for “open borders”. The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration.

Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Has Mexico sent the check?

Doesn't matter, you fucking asshat! The people have already funded it twice! 3rd time's a charm.

Sure it does. Your blob said Mexico was going to pay. He wasn't lying was he?

Consider yourself triggered.
Oh gee, attack me to avoid the thread topic. So unexpected.

It’s a humanitarian and financial crisis. But please, run on open borders and get Trump elected again.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you. There were over a million arrests at the border 20 years ago (or so). During that 20 years, the GDP doubled, stock markets doubled, and family income rose.
The manufactured crisis you guys keep propagating is fine for the base. Getting anyone else to believe your bullshit will be difficult.

As for the “humanitarian crisis”; perhaps you should stop kidnapping children and holding them for 2+ years away from their parents (our official policy now). Now…quickly cue, “well under Obama….”. Old play book.

Being against the worthless wall doesn’t mean you’re for “open borders”. The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration.

Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Has Mexico sent the check?

Doesn't matter, you fucking asshat! The people have already funded it twice! 3rd time's a charm.

Sure it does. Your blob said Mexico was going to pay. He wasn't lying was he?

Consider yourself triggered.

I'm not triggered. Looks like you're melting, though.

Oh gee, attack me to avoid the thread topic. So unexpected.

It’s a humanitarian and financial crisis. But please, run on open borders and get Trump elected again.

Mathematics are disagreeing with you. There were over a million arrests at the border 20 years ago (or so). During that 20 years, the GDP doubled, stock markets doubled, and family income rose.
The manufactured crisis you guys keep propagating is fine for the base. Getting anyone else to believe your bullshit will be difficult.

As for the “humanitarian crisis”; perhaps you should stop kidnapping children and holding them for 2+ years away from their parents (our official policy now). Now…quickly cue, “well under Obama….”. Old play book.

Being against the worthless wall doesn’t mean you’re for “open borders”. The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration.

Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Has Mexico sent the check?

Doesn't matter, you fucking asshat! The people have already funded it twice! 3rd time's a charm.

Sure it does. Your blob said Mexico was going to pay. He wasn't lying was he?

Consider yourself triggered.
You think Trump is finished with Mexico? Of course you do. You’re a clueless leftist who hates America.
Mathematics are disagreeing with you. There were over a million arrests at the border 20 years ago (or so). During that 20 years, the GDP doubled, stock markets doubled, and family income rose.
The manufactured crisis you guys keep propagating is fine for the base. Getting anyone else to believe your bullshit will be difficult.

As for the “humanitarian crisis”; perhaps you should stop kidnapping children and holding them for 2+ years away from their parents (our official policy now). Now…quickly cue, “well under Obama….”. Old play book.

Being against the worthless wall doesn’t mean you’re for “open borders”. The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration.

Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Has Mexico sent the check?

Doesn't matter, you fucking asshat! The people have already funded it twice! 3rd time's a charm.

Sure it does. Your blob said Mexico was going to pay. He wasn't lying was he?

Consider yourself triggered.

I'm not triggered. Looks like you're melting, though.

View attachment 259582

Poor little bitch...can't answer the question and has to result to someone else's artwork because you're too stupid to make your own. Tell us, how does it feel to be a total loser?
Mathematics are disagreeing with you. There were over a million arrests at the border 20 years ago (or so). During that 20 years, the GDP doubled, stock markets doubled, and family income rose.
The manufactured crisis you guys keep propagating is fine for the base. Getting anyone else to believe your bullshit will be difficult.

As for the “humanitarian crisis”; perhaps you should stop kidnapping children and holding them for 2+ years away from their parents (our official policy now). Now…quickly cue, “well under Obama….”. Old play book.

Being against the worthless wall doesn’t mean you’re for “open borders”. The wall will do very little to stop illegal immigration.

Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Has Mexico sent the check?

Doesn't matter, you fucking asshat! The people have already funded it twice! 3rd time's a charm.

Sure it does. Your blob said Mexico was going to pay. He wasn't lying was he?

Consider yourself triggered.
You think Trump is finished with Mexico? Of course you do. You’re a clueless leftist who hates America.

Its been 2 years and 4 months. How much has your blob collected already?
Bullshit! So let's build one and find out anyway, k? After all, Democrats promised to build one 30+ years ago.
Has Mexico sent the check?

Doesn't matter, you fucking asshat! The people have already funded it twice! 3rd time's a charm.

Sure it does. Your blob said Mexico was going to pay. He wasn't lying was he?

Consider yourself triggered.

I'm not triggered. Looks like you're melting, though.

View attachment 259582

Poor little bitch...can't answer the question and has to result to someone else's artwork because you're too stupid to make your own. Tell us, how does it feel to be a total loser?


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