Anyone here ever suffer from a dreaded kidney stone?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm getting some pains that are sharp, and very powerful. I figure a hernia or a kidney stone. I had it for about 10 solid minutes, then it subsided, somewhat disappeared. Too general in symptoms to narrow it down.

Anyone go through one of these? I'm drinking liters of water and hoping it works itself out. Not interested in a 10 hour wait at a hospital.
I'm getting some pains that are sharp, and very powerful. I figure a hernia or a kidney stone. I had it for about 10 solid minutes, then it subsided, somewhat disappeared. Too general in symptoms to narrow it down.

Anyone go through one of these? I'm drinking liters of water and hoping it works itself out. Not interested in a 10 hour wait at a hospital.
Keep drinking lots of fluids, and see how you feel. I passed a HUGE kidney stone years ago, luckily it's the only one I've had to endure. The pain was pretty intense.
I'm getting some pains that are sharp, and very powerful. I figure a hernia or a kidney stone. I had it for about 10 solid minutes, then it subsided, somewhat disappeared. Too general in symptoms to narrow it down.

Anyone go through one of these? I'm drinking liters of water and hoping it works itself out. Not interested in a 10 hour wait at a hospital.
Keep drinking lots of fluids, and see how you feel. I passed a HUGE kidney stone years ago, luckily it's the only one I've had to endure. The pain was pretty intense.

Man, I hope I don't have to go through that. If I must, I will have no choice obviously. It could be worse, though few less painful.

God willing. I'm drinking and praying.
I'm getting some pains that are sharp, and very powerful. I figure a hernia or a kidney stone. I had it for about 10 solid minutes, then it subsided, somewhat disappeared. Too general in symptoms to narrow it down.

Anyone go through one of these? I'm drinking liters of water and hoping it works itself out. Not interested in a 10 hour wait at a hospital.
I have had one twice. Very bad pain. Never let up Like you describe. Was told by a doctor that a woman patient of his had a one time had children, a broken leg and a kidney stone she told him it was the worst of the three.
from the times I have had them I must admit I believe her.
I'm getting some pains that are sharp, and very powerful. I figure a hernia or a kidney stone. I had it for about 10 solid minutes, then it subsided, somewhat disappeared. Too general in symptoms to narrow it down.

Anyone go through one of these? I'm drinking liters of water and hoping it works itself out. Not interested in a 10 hour wait at a hospital.

I get them all the time. Lots of pain, it can send me to the floor. I started taking an herbal supplement called stoner breaker, it helps break them up. It may or may not help, to me, it’s worth the try.
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I'm getting some pains that are sharp, and very powerful. I figure a hernia or a kidney stone. I had it for about 10 solid minutes,
Same thing happened to me. It lasted a whole month. All the doctors I saw were hooting and hollering, masturbating and making catcalls, teasing with sexual innuendoes and deliberately cocked-up misdiagnoses. Finally I purchased an antifungal medication, single dose, a pill --- on the black market behind a Ukrainian deli --- and it went away. A common yeast infection "below the belt" in all probability.

Now I don't believe that the pill I was sold was necessarily a "magic cure" for anything, but the other meds they prescribed for me, in their willful ignorance of my situation, and in their total denial of basic human compassion, undoubtedly exacerbated my infection.
I did twice. I was hospitalized both times. Now I avoid oxylates and eat pineapple. The bromelians in pineapple dissolves kidney stones. Especially the core.
I just started taking some herbs for stones. I have had lot of relief from pain and the reviews I read most people took for a week and resolved their issues. Take with caution 'gravel root' also called 'queen of the meadow'. It is very hard on the liver though so not recommended at all but I figure at this age with an excellent liver due to never drinking, etc... I should be okay with it for a brief time to resolve stones if it will. Can't be any worse than the big pharma crap I know a lot of people ten years younger than I are on and if it prevents an unneeded surgery, etc I'm better off for it.

Plus cranberry as it helps bladder and kidneys.
It is very hard on the liver
The liver is called a liver for a very good reason. It is the one organ that can almost completely regenerate itself and heal as long as any part of it is still alive.

The "irreversibility" of liver damage due to alcohol, is really more reflective of the inability, or rather, the unwillingness to quit drinking alcohol than anything else.
'gravel root' also called 'queen of the meadow'.
I'm skeptical already, and Latin terms for genus and species do not improve my disposition in this matter.
Plus cranberry as it helps bladder and kidneys.
Turkey for Thanksgiving? I wish. Nah gonna happen. Not this year, at any rate. I skipped the Hallloween candy this year, too, and I'm sure I am not missing anything.
It is very hard on the liver
The liver is called a liver for a very good reason. It is the one organ that can almost completely regenerate itself and heal as long as any part of it is still alive.

The "irreversibility" of liver damage due to alcohol, is really more reflective of the inability, or rather, the unwillingness to quit drinking alcohol than anything else.
Yes most definitely it can if one still has 20% good viable tissue, eats right and takes Milk Thistle daily.

At first they thought three months but further study showed up to three years to fully regenerate.
eats right and takes Milk Thistle daily.
I'd rather drink a glass of milk and skip the thistle, notwithstanding occasional adulteration problems on the dairy farms, due to the use of vodka or other food-grade alcohol to disinfect the milking machinery, and the failure to rinse it out with fresh water and dry it adequately, any complaints are likely to be of adulteration with water, a little nip of vodka never hurt anybody, according to our betters at the local milk operation.
'gravel root' also called 'queen of the meadow'.
I'm skeptical already, and Latin terms for genus and species do not improve my disposition in this matter.
Plus cranberry as it helps bladder and kidneys.
Turkey for Thanksgiving? I wish. Nah gonna happen. Not this year, at any rate. I skipped the Hallloween candy this year, too, and I'm sure I am not missing anything.
Like I said helping me but I have other issues I am dealing with too since an 18 lb mass was removed. That kinda bound everything up and nothing worked right so its taking some time to resolve other issue, tumors without surgery (hopefully anyhow).
tumors without surgery (hopefully anyhow).
And now we've got ionizing radiation in play. Hundreds of criminal doctors of the lowest class of Mafia with access to all that top-secret nuclear arms information. And I don't trust people in the government who keep secrets, either.
tumors without surgery (hopefully anyhow).
And now we've got ionizing radiation in play. Hundreds of criminal doctors of the lowest class of Mafia with access to all that top-secret nuclear arms information. And I don't trust people in the government who keep secrets, either.
I had planned with docs for two surgeries this Fall. Got to the appointment for one and the guy boom just chickened out. Odd that he was all the sudden worried about nerve damage, etc. that I had described to him from a previous surgery for the same thing 20 years ago. Glad he did though. The other one was for an adrenal tumor and they wanted a new CT scan. When I told the surgeons nurse no dye in the CT as I was severely allergic she became very bullish and tried to coerce me. Of course that pissed me off as I do not ever feel like someone else gets to make the choice on gambling with my life (its a 1 in 75,000 chance of dying from that severe allergic reaction to dye in a CT scan if allergic like I am). Since this all transpired though I have learn some new info I was seeking out and that seems to be working thus far after getting together herbs and such. I figure God has another plan or it would have all worked out with those surgeons but it didn't.
Odd that he was all the sudden worried about nerve damage, etc. that I had described to him from a previous surgery for the same thing 20 years ago
Sounds like the doctors who promoted and compelled the removal of my wisdom teeth, from which I ended up with an extraordinarily painful case of herpes in my mouth, the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life --- my tongue hurt so bad I went completely deaf for the pain of it. All I want now from those damned doctors now is vengeance and freedom for my life and the lives of the Innocent Ones
I'm getting some pains that are sharp, and very powerful. I figure a hernia or a kidney stone. I had it for about 10 solid minutes, then it subsided, somewhat disappeared. Too general in symptoms to narrow it down.

Anyone go through one of these? I'm drinking liters of water and hoping it works itself out. Not interested in a 10 hour wait at a hospital.

If it's a stone, you are in for some serious agony. Buckle up.

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