Anyone For Making Voting a Federal Right?

Each state has an allocation of federal representatives, all of whom are elected in state elections.

As I said:
That said, your right to vote in your state elections is protected by the US constitution.

So... what's your point?

Hey WB!!!!
Be specific....what do you mean by "a fraudulent voter"? Provide data verifying that this type of "fraud" amounts to a significant election issue.
HUH? way are you going to get away with that....

Show me a recent case of a voter that was unable to vote because they were disadvantaged by ID laws.....
and telling me that poor people can't afford ID's doesn't cut it because anyone can get one for free.

Be specific....what jeopardy? You mean that a fraudulent voter is being inconvenienced? Yeah.... actually that is what you mean.
I don't have to be specific the Republicans targeted things the Democrats were doing to help assist voters to vote so just passing out water to people in lines where did you vote buses black people getting the out the vote on Sundays. It was totally obvious what they were doing, even a blind person would know what's going on. Especially after having the safest best election free of fraud election ever. The fools believe the lies that Trump said about the election. It was a foolish knee gut reaction.
I don't have to be specific the Republicans targeted things the Democrats were doing to help assist voters to vote so just passing out water to people in lines where did you vote buses black people getting the out the vote on Sundays. It was totally obvious what they were doing, even a blind person would know what's going on. Especially after having the safest best election free of fraud election ever. The fools believe the lies that Trump said about the election. It was a foolish knee gut reaction.
That's what you got? " THNGS"? in other words you're just parroting a hack partisan talking point and don't even have one damned example of a person who complained in real life that they were unable to vote because they were unable to get an id. This is why I usually don't even begin these conversations because I already know where they will end up.

That's what you got? " THNGS"? in other words you're just parroting a hack partisan talking point and don't even have one damned example of a person who complained in real life that they were unable to vote because they were unable to get an id. This is why I usually don't even begin these conversations because I already know where they will end up.

No one can be that dense, the Republicans targeted specific activities minorities were doing to get the boat out. I didn't know Republican men you were racist.
You may think you already have such a right, but alas, no.. you don't. Why not? Because, believe it or not, some people here don't want other people being able to vote. Making it the law has actually been tried before and killed by those people. Good a time as any to try again, no?
I don't want the stupid to vote.
HUH? way are you going to get away with that....

Show me a recent case of a voter that was unable to vote because they were disadvantaged by ID laws.....
and telling me that poor people can't afford ID's doesn't cut it because anyone can get one for free.

I gather you have no answer. As for your question?.. Already covered upthread. You are now excused if you've coherently responded to the topic question. Mind the door.. it can get ugly!
You may think you already have such a right, but alas, no.. you don't. Why not? Because, believe it or not, some people here don't want other people being able to vote. Making it the law has actually been tried before and killed by those people. Good a time as any to try again, no?

You may think you already have such a right, but alas, no.. you don't. Why not? Because, believe it or not, some people here don't want other people being able to vote. Making it the law has actually been tried before and killed by those people. Good a time as any to try again, no?
Rights don't come from the federal government.
With republican-led States launching such brazen attacks on the right of everyone to vote it is not only a good time to do so, it is necessary to address these egregious wrongs.

Sorry, what "attacks" are you talking about?

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