Anti-Semitism Explained


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
One advantage of a 14 year-old computer is a 14 year-old Texts Directory with all my scribblings from over the years. Consequently this post. And while I don't expect slobbering anti-semites to read it and think "Oh wow, how wrong I've been!" I figure some will benefit from it.

It occurs that rather than argue with every antisemitic poster in every thread I should just post some info from actual Jewish and Zionist sources revealing our positions. Not that I believe truth can combat hate, but it might prove helpful for some of the fence-sitters. First, let's explain a bit about the Jewish view of non-Jews since that comes up rather a lot:

• You don't have to be Jewish to find favor in G-d's eyes
• G-d gave only seven basic commandments to gentiles
• Yiddish words for gentiles are goy, shiksa and shkutz
• Judaism does not approve of interfaith marriage, but it is very common
• Jews do not proselytize, but it is possible to convert to Judaism

"Judaism maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come. This has been the majority rule since the days of the Talmud. Judaism generally recognizes that Christians and Moslems worship the same G-d that we do and those who follow the tenets of their religions can be considered righteous in the eyes of G-d.

Contrary to popular belief, Judaism does not maintain that Jews are better than other people. Although we refer to ourselves as G-d's chosen people, we do not believe that G-d chose the Jews because of any inherent superiority. According to the Talmud (Avodah Zarah 2b), G-d offered the Torah to all the nations of the earth, and the Jews were the only ones who accepted it. The story goes on to say that the Jews were offered the Torah last, and accepted it only because G-d held a mountain over their heads! (In Ex. 19:17, the words generally translated as "at the foot of the mountain" literally mean "underneath the mountain"!) Another traditional story suggests that G-d chose the Jewish nation because they were the lowliest of nations, and their success would be attributed to G-d's might rather than their own ability. Clearly, these are not the ideas of a people who think they are better than other nations.

Because of our acceptance of Torah, Jews have a special status in the eyes of G-d, but we lose that special status when we abandon Torah. Furthermore, the blessings that we received from G-d by accepting the Torah come with a high price: Jews have a greater responsibility than non-Jews. While non-Jews are only obligated to obey the seven commandments given to Noah, Jews are responsible for fulfilling the 613 mitzvot in the Torah, thus G-d will punish Jews for doing things that would not be a sin for non-Jews."

Judaism 101: Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews

"Zionism: The national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. Has come to include the development of the State of Israel and the protection of the Jewish nation in Israel.

Zionism avocated, from inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions - left and right, religious and secular - joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained.

The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.
Types of Zionism:
General Zionism | Messianic Zionism | Revisionist Zionism | Christian Zionism | Socialist Zionism"

A Definition of Zionism | Jewish Virtual Library

"Anti-Semitism (also Antisemitism) is the prejudice, discrimination, and hatred of Jews as a national, ethnic, religious, or racial group.

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," a text debunked many years ago as a fraud perpetrated by Czarist intelligence agents, continued to appear in the Middle East media, not as a hoax, but as established fact. Government-sponsored television in Syria ran lengthy serials based on the Protocols. The presentations emphasized blood libel and the alleged control by the Jewish community of international finance. The clear purpose of the programs was to incite hatred of Jews and of Israel. Copies of the Protocols and other similar anti-Semitic forgeries were readily available in Middle Eastern countries, former Soviet republics and elsewhere. Similarly, allegations that Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks were widely disseminated."

Report on Global Anti-Semitism (2004)

During the Cold War, Soviets had a term for westeners working on behalf of Sovet interests: "useful idiot." That is, they mocked and disparaged Americans and others who were pro-communist for their efforts to spread communist dogma throughout democratic nations. I guess because the communists themselves knew the downside but were trapped within those political systems.

Today, the antisemites are repeating the same sort of "idiot" mentality working on behalf of pro-Islamic forces while insisting they don't like Islamicists any more than Jews. Judaism might not be your cup of tea (and surely a religion which tolerates other faiths, and doesn't insist you must become like us for G-d to love you is obviously the worst thing in the world) but we're not cutting people's heads off when they don't convert to Judaism or Christianity.

By perpetuating antisemitic ideology, you're only helping Islamic interests. If that's your goal fine, but if you're of the American conservative persuassion worrying about Sharia Law in the US, and similar "threats" then ask yourself why you would side with those very same Islamics against the Jews. "The enemy of my enemy may be my friend."
Thank you for the post; it's been very enlightening.

While non-Jews are only obligated to obey the seven commandments given to Noah, Jews are responsible for fulfilling the 613 mitzvot.
This is an elaborate version of the Commandments. Some of them are (duh) obvious. But Christians are not allowed to hate, let alone commanded to kill. As I've read this, I've begun to question both religions.

602.To exterminate the seven Canaanite nations from the land of Israel.
Now THAT'S what you call a motive! So Islam is commanded to kill us? But your religion of 613 commandments, commands you to exterminate other "tribes". I'm really trying to wrap my head around this.

Ah, "the Protocols"-all I can say is: Well done, Mr. Rachkovsky. Was he not Jewish?

This post has only increased my suspicion.
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One advantage of a 14 year-old computer is a 14 year-old Texts Directory with all my scribblings from over the years. Consequently this post. And while I don't expect slobbering anti-semites to read it and think "Oh wow, how wrong I've been!" I figure some will benefit from it.

It occurs that rather than argue with every antisemitic poster in every thread I should just post some info from actual Jewish and Zionist sources revealing our positions. Not that I believe truth can combat hate, but it might prove helpful for some of the fence-sitters. First, let's explain a bit about the Jewish view of non-Jews since that comes up rather a lot:

• You don't have to be Jewish to find favor in G-d's eyes
• G-d gave only seven basic commandments to gentiles
• Yiddish words for gentiles are goy, shiksa and shkutz
• Judaism does not approve of interfaith marriage, but it is very common
• Jews do not proselytize, but it is possible to convert to Judaism

"Judaism maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come. This has been the majority rule since the days of the Talmud. Judaism generally recognizes that Christians and Moslems worship the same G-d that we do and those who follow the tenets of their religions can be considered righteous in the eyes of G-d.

Contrary to popular belief, Judaism does not maintain that Jews are better than other people. Although we refer to ourselves as G-d's chosen people, we do not believe that G-d chose the Jews because of any inherent superiority. According to the Talmud (Avodah Zarah 2b), G-d offered the Torah to all the nations of the earth, and the Jews were the only ones who accepted it. The story goes on to say that the Jews were offered the Torah last, and accepted it only because G-d held a mountain over their heads! (In Ex. 19:17, the words generally translated as "at the foot of the mountain" literally mean "underneath the mountain"!) Another traditional story suggests that G-d chose the Jewish nation because they were the lowliest of nations, and their success would be attributed to G-d's might rather than their own ability. Clearly, these are not the ideas of a people who think they are better than other nations.

Because of our acceptance of Torah, Jews have a special status in the eyes of G-d, but we lose that special status when we abandon Torah. Furthermore, the blessings that we received from G-d by accepting the Torah come with a high price: Jews have a greater responsibility than non-Jews. While non-Jews are only obligated to obey the seven commandments given to Noah, Jews are responsible for fulfilling the 613 mitzvot in the Torah, thus G-d will punish Jews for doing things that would not be a sin for non-Jews."

Judaism 101: Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews

"Zionism: The national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. Has come to include the development of the State of Israel and the protection of the Jewish nation in Israel.

Zionism avocated, from inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions - left and right, religious and secular - joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained.

The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.
Types of Zionism:
General Zionism | Messianic Zionism | Revisionist Zionism | Christian Zionism | Socialist Zionism"

A Definition of Zionism | Jewish Virtual Library

"Anti-Semitism (also Antisemitism) is the prejudice, discrimination, and hatred of Jews as a national, ethnic, religious, or racial group.

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," a text debunked many years ago as a fraud perpetrated by Czarist intelligence agents, continued to appear in the Middle East media, not as a hoax, but as established fact. Government-sponsored television in Syria ran lengthy serials based on the Protocols. The presentations emphasized blood libel and the alleged control by the Jewish community of international finance. The clear purpose of the programs was to incite hatred of Jews and of Israel. Copies of the Protocols and other similar anti-Semitic forgeries were readily available in Middle Eastern countries, former Soviet republics and elsewhere. Similarly, allegations that Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks were widely disseminated."

Report on Global Anti-Semitism (2004)

During the Cold War, Soviets had a term for westeners working on behalf of Sovet interests: "useful idiot." That is, they mocked and disparaged Americans and others who were pro-communist for their efforts to spread communist dogma throughout democratic nations. I guess because the communists themselves knew the downside but were trapped within those political systems.

Today, the antisemites are repeating the same sort of "idiot" mentality working on behalf of pro-Islamic forces while insisting they don't like Islamicists any more than Jews. Judaism might not be your cup of tea (and surely a religion which tolerates other faiths, and doesn't insist you must become like us for G-d to love you is obviously the worst thing in the world) but we're not cutting people's heads off when they don't convert to Judaism or Christianity.

By perpetuating antisemitic ideology, you're only helping Islamic interests. If that's your goal fine, but if you're of the American conservative persuassion worrying about Sharia Law in the US, and similar "threats" then ask yourself why you would side with those very same Islamics against the Jews. "The enemy of my enemy may be my friend."

All religion is crap...nonsense....including yours.
Now I see how some have 10's of thousands of posts. They're all one-liners. :)

Well, I've been on here for nearly 5 years...and am nowhere near 10K.
Delta, my position is clear. Reading that information about Judaism left me disturbed; but it was also quite a revelation. I love people of all religions; because my Scriptures instruct me to do so: and that includes both Jews, and Muslims. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Hopefully more Christians will read this information, and better understand our role, in society. :eusa_angel:
By perpetuating antisemitic ideology, you're only helping Islamic interests. If that's your goal fine, but if you're of the American conservative persuassion worrying about Sharia Law in the US, and similar "threats" then ask yourself why you would side with those very same Islamics against the Jews. "The enemy of my enemy may be my friend."

For centuries the Jewish people sought to live in Muslim lands as a protection from the Christian's pogroms.

It wasn't until the formation of the state of Israel in 1948 that this dynamic changed.

And the reason for that was political and not based on religion. ..... :cool:
By perpetuating antisemitic ideology, you're only helping Islamic interests. If that's your goal fine, but if you're of the American conservative persuassion worrying about Sharia Law in the US, and similar "threats" then ask yourself why you would side with those very same Islamics against the Jews. "The enemy of my enemy may be my friend."

For centuries the Jewish people sought to live in Muslim lands as a protection from the Christian's pogroms.

It wasn't until the formation of the state of Israel in 1948 that this dynamic changed.

And the reason for that was political and not based on religion. ..... :cool:

Violence Against Jews

At various times, Jews in Muslim lands were able to live in relative peace and thrive culturally and economically. The position of the Jews was never secure, however, and changes in the political or social climate would often lead to persecution, violence and death. Jews were generally viewed with contempt by their Muslim neighbors; peaceful coexistence between the two groups involved the subordination and degradation of the Jews.
When Jews were perceived as having achieved too comfortable a position in Islamic society, anti-Semitism would surface, often with devastating results: On December 30, 1066, Joseph HaNagid, the Jewish vizier of Granada, Spain, was crucified by an Arab mob that proceeded to raze the Jewish quarter of the city and slaughter its 5,000 inhabitants. The riot was incited by Muslim preachers who had angrily objected to what they saw as inordinate Jewish political power.
Similarly, in 1465, Arab mobs in Fez slaughtered thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive, after a Jewish deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman in "an offensive manner." The killings touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco.(6)
Other mass murders of Jews in Arab lands occurred in Morocco in the 8th century, where whole communities were wiped out by Muslim ruler Idris I; North Africa in the 12th century, where the Almohads either forcibly converted or decimated several communities; Libya in 1785, where Ali Burzi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews; Algiers, where Jews were massacred in 1805, 1815 and 1830 and Marrakesh, Morocco, where more than 300 hundred Jews were murdered between 1864 and 1880.(7)
Decrees ordering the destruction of synagogues were enacted in Egypt and Syria (1014, 1293-4, 1301-2), Iraq (854-859, 1344) and Yemen (1676). Despite the Koran's prohibition, Jews were forced to convert to Islam or face death in Yemen (1165 and 1678), Morocco (1275, 1465 and 1790-92) and Baghdad (1333 and 1344).(8)

The Treatment of Jews in Arab/Islamic Countries | Jewish Virtual Library

I guess I get bad rep for posting the truth from you yet you can't hold a conversation with me.
Haven't been on-site for very long, but even I know sunny's a Holocaust denier. As such, this is the only time I'll acknowledge he even exists. As such, people like him aren't worth responding to in threads. I get it's tempting, and given the right mood it can be cathartic, but every time we acknowledge them, it only gives them an erection. :)
Haven't been on-site for very long, but even I know sunny's a Holocaust denier. As such, this is the only time I'll acknowledge he even exists. As such, people like him aren't worth responding to in threads. I get it's tempting, and given the right mood it can be cathartic, but every time we acknowledge them, it only gives them an erection. :)

I don't find you being vulgar amusing.
I guess I get bad rep for posting the truth from you yet you can't hold a conversation with me.
Although the relationship between muslims and jews had it's rough times in certain areas of muslim lands.

All in all, Jew's were still way more secure in lands ruled by muslims than those ruled by christians.

1) During the Crusades the crusaders murdered every jew they encountered.

2) The 'Golden Age' for Jewish scholarship was the several centuries in Spain under Islamic rule. But after the muslims were defeated in Spain by the Christians all Jews were expelled from the country under threat of death in 1492.
One advantage of a 14 year-old computer is a 14 year-old Texts Directory with all my scribblings from over the years. Consequently this post. And while I don't expect slobbering anti-semites to read it and think "Oh wow, how wrong I've been!" I figure some will benefit from it.

It occurs that rather than argue with every antisemitic poster in every thread I should just post some info from actual Jewish and Zionist sources revealing our positions. Not that I believe truth can combat hate, but it might prove helpful for some of the fence-sitters. First, let's explain a bit about the Jewish view of non-Jews since that comes up rather a lot:

It seems rather obvious to me that the basis for anti-Semitism for at least the past few thousand years has been the refusal for religious or even secular Jews as a whole to accept the Christian claim that Jesus is God or that God is a trinity. According to church dogma any such person is anathema and deserving of any consequent suffering according to the will of God defined by their perverse, ignorant, and superstitious interpretations of scripture even though such refusal to worship false gods in the face of unspeakable suffering is obedience to the will of God, righteous, according to those same scriptures.

one cannot stop anti-Semitism by trying to show how nice Jews can be to the ones who hate them, you must show how they have always been right to prefer death and suffering remaining faithful to God rather than trade their birthright for a life of pretense and comfortable fellowship with the insane who worship some imaginary roman triune mangod that never existed.
Haven't been on-site for very long, but even I know sunny's a Holocaust denier.
I am not so much of a denier; but more of a revisionist.

In essence, I do not believe the "Official' holocaust story. And think the holocaust should be debated and discussed the same as any other historical event.

Also, what I find disturbing is that in several countries a person can end up in prison for even questioning the holocaust.

Why? What are they trying to hide?? ..... :cool:
Haven't been on-site for very long, but even I know sunny's a Holocaust denier. As such, this is the only time I'll acknowledge he even exists. As such, people like him aren't worth responding to in threads. I get it's tempting, and given the right mood it can be cathartic, but every time we acknowledge them, it only gives them an erection. :)

Never known a Jew that didn't have sexual disfunction and transfer that onto others.

What possible difference does it make if someone won't count up the same number of dead Jews as you do?

A lot of people have died unjustly. I find it distasteful how Jews dishonor thier dead by bragging about how many of thier kind were too weak and or stupid to put thier own families onto box cars instead of choosing to fight at thier own doorsteps. I have no respect for anyone that gives up so easily. If it were me I would be ashamed to keep bringing up that my ancestors were cowards. Oh ya... I know...The stupid Jews "didn't know"...ya right...maybe your first clue would be the soldiers with the rifles and machine guns at your doorstep. There never would have been any death camps if the Jews had displayed courage when it was needed. No one can FORCE you to be a coward.
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One advantage of a 14 year-old computer is a 14 year-old Texts Directory with all my scribblings from over the years. Consequently this post. And while I don't expect slobbering anti-semites to read it and think "Oh wow, how wrong I've been!" I figure some will benefit from it.

It occurs that rather than argue with every antisemitic poster in every thread I should just post some info from actual Jewish and Zionist sources revealing our positions. Not that I believe truth can combat hate, but it might prove helpful for some of the fence-sitters. First, let's explain a bit about the Jewish view of non-Jews since that comes up rather a lot:

It seems rather obvious to me that the basis for anti-Semitism for at least the past few thousand years has been the refusal for religious or even secular Jews as a whole to accept the Christian claim that Jesus is God or that God is a trinity. According to church dogma any such person is anathema and deserving of any consequent suffering according to the will of God defined by their perverse, ignorant, and superstitious interpretations of scripture even though such refusal to worship false gods in the face of unspeakable suffering is obedience to the will of God, righteous, according to those same scriptures.

one cannot stop anti-Semitism by trying to show how nice Jews can be to the ones who hate them, you must show how they have always been right to prefer death and suffering remaining faithful to God rather than trade their birthright for a life of pretense and comfortable fellowship with the insane who worship some imaginary roman triune mangod that never existed.

Early on, the Catholic Church exterminated anyone not Catholic to ensure their's was the only tale being told. Jews, Gnostics, other early Christians were murdered without discrimination. I think Jews simply proved too many being an older extant religion that while the Catholics could wipe out the others, the Jews were too spread out so other means had to be used like disparaging them and spreading lies about their way of worshipping. Hence the first defacto antisemitism.
Haven't been on-site for very long, but even I know sunny's a Holocaust denier. As such, this is the only time I'll acknowledge he even exists. As such, people like him aren't worth responding to in threads. I get it's tempting, and given the right mood it can be cathartic, but every time we acknowledge them, it only gives them an erection. :)

Never known a Jew that didn't have sexual disfunction and transfer that onto others.

There never would have been any death camps if the Jews had and courage when it was needed. No one can FORCE you to be a coward.

Two of the most ignorant things I have ever read on a message board..... and in the same post!


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