Antarctic ice sets another record!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

"Antarctic sea ice set another record this past week, with the most amount of ice ever recorded on day 256 of the calendar year (September 12 of this leap year). Please, nobody tell the mainstream media or they might have to retract some stories and admit they are misrepresenting scientific data."

Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record - Forbes about k00k losing!!!!:D:D:fu::fu: Nothing more to say..........this blows up the tens of thousands of weenie posts by the alarmists in the past few years on one single day!!!

All the "consensus science"???

Bye......bye............and Im laughing..........Ive been sayng it for years on here. The alarmist elevator continues its steep decline downward!!!

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Antarctic sea ice levels dont prove or disprove CAGW anymore than Arctic sea ice levels. but dont say that to the alarmists because they will show you the documents to prove that we were always at war with Eurasia.

oops, I mean that CO2 causes more flood, drought, tornados, hurricanes, snow....

unless it doesnt, then it stops flood, drought....

no, no, I was right the first time....we were always at war with Eurasia.

weren't we?
Antarctic sea ice levels dont prove or disprove CAGW anymore than Arctic sea ice levels. but dont say that to the alarmists because they will show you the documents to prove that we were always at war with Eurasia.

oops, I mean that CO2 causes more flood, drought, tornados, hurricanes, snow....

unless it doesnt, then it stops flood, drought....

no, no, I was right the first time....we were always at war with Eurasia.

weren't we?

LOL........its is funny as shit that these hysterical radicals NEVER want to talk about the south pole!!!:eusa_dance: As if it doesnt exist!!!

Thats is exactly why their plaight has gone steadily downhill for the past 5 years..........people are on to this cherry picking the data BS.

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...."on day 256 of the calendar year" are such a gullible retard!!!.....


Trends in Antarctic sea ice cover. Credit: Cryosphere Today.

"Antarctic sea ice set another record this past week, with the most amount of ice ever recorded on day 256 of the calendar year (September 12 of this leap year). Please, nobody tell the mainstream media or they might have to retract some stories and admit they are misrepresenting scientific data."]Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record - Forbes
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......James Taylor???? mean the stooge for the fossil fuel industry who works through the discredited front group called the Heartland Institute??? are such a gullible retard!!!.... about k00k losing!!!! Nothing more to say..........this blows up the tens of thousands of weenie posts by the alarmists in the past few years on one single day!!!
All the "consensus science"???
Bye......bye............and Im laughing..........Ive been sayng it for years on here. The alarmist elevator continues its steep decline downward!!! are soooooo funny, kookie.....and so very, very retarded.....

Forget the Melting Arctic, Sea Ice in Antarctica is Growing!
Climate Central
By Michael D. Lemonick
Published: September 22nd, 2012

The sea ice that covers the Arctic Ocean has plummeted to its lowest level on record — but down at the other end of the world, the sea ice surrounding Antarctica has swelled. That’s no surprise, considering that winter is just ending in the Southern Hemisphere — but what may be surprising is that the overall extent of Antarctic ice has grown by about one percent per decade, on average, since satellite records began a little over 30 years ago. You might reasonably suspect that all the fuss about disappearing Arctic sea ice is overblown, then, given the growth of ice down south. But you’d be wrong, for all sorts of reasons. The first is that the one percent growth per decade in the Antarctic pales next to the much faster 15.5 percent drop per decade in the Arctic. They aren’t even in the same ballpark. Not only that: while the sea ice bordering Antarctica has been growing slightly, the massive ice sheets that sit directly atop the frozen continent are shrinking, at an accelerating rate, with worrisome implications for global sea level rise. The disparity is even more dramatic when you realize that most of the sea ice surrounding Antarctica drifts away during the summer to melt in warmer waters, and reforms anew in the winter. The Antarctic sea ice cover is nearly all first-year ice, which is typically three to six feet thick. In the Arctic, by contrast, the ice is hemmed in by Canada, Alaska, Russia and Greenland. It mostly can’t drift away, so whatever is left behind at the end of summer gets even thicker the following winter. That multi-year ice, which can be up to 15 feet thick, which is much harder to melt, dominated the Arctic Ocean when satellites first went into orbit back in 1979. If you look at the volume of ice rather than just the area it covers, the disparity between the Arctic ice loss and Antarctic ice gain is just that much more impressive.

Still, if the planet is warming, how can the sea ice be expanding in the waters surrounding Antarctica in the first place? Keeping in mind that it isn’t expanding by much, scientists offer several possible explanations. One is that there’s been more precipitation in recent decades (which itself could well be due to global warming). That puts a cap of relatively fresh water atop the denser, saltier water below, and in winter, when that top layer cools, it stays on top rather than mixing with the warmer water underneath, thus encouraging the growth of ice. Another factor may be the ozone hole that opens up at this time every year over the South Pole. Ozone loss tends to cool the upper atmosphere — an effect that percolates down to the surface. Still another factor is purely natural climate variation, which is still happening even though manmade global warming has a growing influence on every aspect of the Earth’s climate system with every passing decade. In any case, climate scientists have long expected that the Arctic would warm up faster than the Antarctic. After all, the former is an ocean surrounded by land, while the latter is land surrounded by ocean. Wind patterns, weather systems and ocean currents behave differently at the two poles. And because the coldest part of the Antarctic is land, the ice there has been able to accumulate into a giant ice cube the size of a continent and up to two miles thick — which tends to hold back local warming considerably. By the second half of the century, however, climatologists say that the human warming signal will become more apparent, and Antarctic sea ice will begin to follow its Arctic cousin in a downward spiral. That, in turn, could speed up melting of the all-important Antarctic land ice, thereby raising global sea levels.

Copyright © 2012 Climate Central.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
...."on day 256 of the calendar year" are such a gullible retard!!!.....


Trends in Antarctic sea ice cover. Credit: Cryosphere Today.

"Antarctic sea ice set another record this past week, with the most amount of ice ever recorded on day 256 of the calendar year (September 12 of this leap year). Please, nobody tell the mainstream media or they might have to retract some stories and admit they are misrepresenting scientific data."]Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record - Forbes
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......James Taylor???? mean the stooge for the fossil fuel industry who works through the discredited front group called the Heartland Institute??? are such a gullible retard!!!.... about k00k losing!!!! Nothing more to say..........this blows up the tens of thousands of weenie posts by the alarmists in the past few years on one single day!!!
All the "consensus science"???
Bye......bye............and Im laughing..........Ive been sayng it for years on here. The alarmist elevator continues its steep decline downward!!! are soooooo funny, kookie.....and so very, very retarded.....

Forget the Melting Arctic, Sea Ice in Antarctica is Growing!
Climate Central
By Michael D. Lemonick
Published: September 22nd, 2012

The sea ice that covers the Arctic Ocean has plummeted to its lowest level on record — but down at the other end of the world, the sea ice surrounding Antarctica has swelled. That’s no surprise, considering that winter is just ending in the Southern Hemisphere — but what may be surprising is that the overall extent of Antarctic ice has grown by about one percent per decade, on average, since satellite records began a little over 30 years ago. You might reasonably suspect that all the fuss about disappearing Arctic sea ice is overblown, then, given the growth of ice down south. But you’d be wrong, for all sorts of reasons. The first is that the one percent growth per decade in the Antarctic pales next to the much faster 15.5 percent drop per decade in the Arctic. They aren’t even in the same ballpark. Not only that: while the sea ice bordering Antarctica has been growing slightly, the massive ice sheets that sit directly atop the frozen continent are shrinking, at an accelerating rate, with worrisome implications for global sea level rise. The disparity is even more dramatic when you realize that most of the sea ice surrounding Antarctica drifts away during the summer to melt in warmer waters, and reforms anew in the winter. The Antarctic sea ice cover is nearly all first-year ice, which is typically three to six feet thick. In the Arctic, by contrast, the ice is hemmed in by Canada, Alaska, Russia and Greenland. It mostly can’t drift away, so whatever is left behind at the end of summer gets even thicker the following winter. That multi-year ice, which can be up to 15 feet thick, which is much harder to melt, dominated the Arctic Ocean when satellites first went into orbit back in 1979. If you look at the volume of ice rather than just the area it covers, the disparity between the Arctic ice loss and Antarctic ice gain is just that much more impressive.

Still, if the planet is warming, how can the sea ice be expanding in the waters surrounding Antarctica in the first place? Keeping in mind that it isn’t expanding by much, scientists offer several possible explanations. One is that there’s been more precipitation in recent decades (which itself could well be due to global warming). That puts a cap of relatively fresh water atop the denser, saltier water below, and in winter, when that top layer cools, it stays on top rather than mixing with the warmer water underneath, thus encouraging the growth of ice. Another factor may be the ozone hole that opens up at this time every year over the South Pole. Ozone loss tends to cool the upper atmosphere — an effect that percolates down to the surface. Still another factor is purely natural climate variation, which is still happening even though manmade global warming has a growing influence on every aspect of the Earth’s climate system with every passing decade. In any case, climate scientists have long expected that the Arctic would warm up faster than the Antarctic. After all, the former is an ocean surrounded by land, while the latter is land surrounded by ocean. Wind patterns, weather systems and ocean currents behave differently at the two poles. And because the coldest part of the Antarctic is land, the ice there has been able to accumulate into a giant ice cube the size of a continent and up to two miles thick — which tends to hold back local warming considerably. By the second half of the century, however, climatologists say that the human warming signal will become more apparent, and Antarctic sea ice will begin to follow its Arctic cousin in a downward spiral. That, in turn, could speed up melting of the all-important Antarctic land ice, thereby raising global sea levels.

Copyright © 2012 Climate Central.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)


The AGW k00ks will never get it. After almost two decades, they still think this is about the science.:D:D:D

But as has been overwhelmingly proven through polls, the public doesnt give a rats ass about global warming anymore. Why? Because of stories like this....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:....of ice expanding at an exponential rate!!! Your average Joe on the street see's stuff like this and gives a big yawn every time some AGW nutter throws a bomb, thus, in the world of carbon emmissions reductions, the nutters obviously have failed to make their case.......except if you talk to another nutter.:funnyface: And since those assholes are fringe in number, it begs the question...........

Who are the real retards??

Because the AGW truthers keep posting up the same crap, year after year, implying as they go, that the world is about to go on fire.!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

And the attitude of the public?

"m e h"

Make no mistake......this is a religion of mental cases who missed a few meetings somewhere along the way, and now define their lives by grasping at a cause.........any cause will do. Thats what oddballs do.

But no matter how hard they try............they remain fringe except to like fringe.
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And by the way.....from the much of a predictable crock of shit is this???

"After all, the former is an ocean surrounded by land, while the latter is land surrounded by ocean. Wind patterns, weather systems and ocean currents behave differently at the two poles."

These people are all snake oil salesmen!!!:D:D:D

Thankfully, the only people buying their crap are the hoelessly duped assholes on the planet.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:........who dont add up to dick.
The AGW k00ks will never get it. After almost two decades, they still think this is about the science.
The deluded AGW denier cultists will never get it. After over five decades of intensive scientific climate research that has convinced virtually all of the leading scientists and every reputable scientific institution and organization on Earth, the dingbat denier cultists still imagine that this is about the politics. These bamboozled retards, closing their eyes to all of the evidence, still cling to their cultic faith in long ago debunked pseudo-science, misinformation and lies. They repeat their fallacious bullshit endlessly to each other in corporate sponsored rightwingnut media echo chambers and thereby fool themselves into imagining that most other people are as ignorant and brainwashed about AGW as they are. LOL. Case in point:
But as has been overwhelmingly proven through polls, the public doesnt give a rats ass about global warming anymore.
There's the denier cult myth and here's the reality.

Record Heat Wave Pushes U.S. Belief in Climate Change to 70%
BusinessWeek - Bloomberg News
By Mark Drajem
July 18, 2012
A record heat wave, drought and catastrophic wildfires are accomplishing what climate scientists could not: convincing a wide swath of Americans that global temperatures are rising. In the four months since March there has been a jump in U.S. citizens’ belief that climate change is taking place, especially among independent voters and those in southern states such as Texas, which is now in its second year of record drought, according to nationwide polls by the University of Texas. In a poll taken July 12-16, 70 percent of respondents said they think the climate is changing, compared with 65 percent in a similar poll in March. Those saying it’s not taking place fell to 15 percent from 22 percent, according to data set to be released this week by the UT Energy Poll. Following a winter of record snowfall in 2010, the public’s acceptance of climate change fell to a low of 52 percent, according to the National Survey of American Public Opinion on Climate Change, which was published by the Brookings Institution in Washington. After this year’s mild winter, support jumped to 65 percent, the same as that found by the UT Energy Poll in March. “There has been a rebound in belief” in global warming, Barry Rabe, a University of Michigan professor who published the research on the Brookings study.

Because of stories like this.......of ice expanding at an exponential rate!!!
Here's a good demonstration of just how extremely retarded the deniers are. This particular (extremely!!!) retarded denier is claiming that Antarctic sea ice is "expanding at an exponential rate!!!". Leaving aside the fact that he is very obviously far too stupid to understand the meaning of 'exponential', the fact is that, as the article I posted mentioned, Antarctic sea ice extent has been expanding at a rate of about 1% per decade for the last few decades.

"the overall extent of Antarctic ice has grown by about one percent per decade, on average, since satellite records began a little over 30 years ago"

Who are the real retards??
You are, every time, kookiepukie, you and all of your denier cult butt-buddies.
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skookerasbil :: Now THIS is 1st class entertainment.. Better than Joel McHale and "the Soup"...

One isolated summer heatwave is DEFINATELY CO2 induced warming announcing the coming apocalypse. But an Antarctic ice record for this day in history --- that's KOOK talk..

Me? I'm waiting for something "GLOBAL" to happen.. When it does --- PM me..

Both you kids have fun --- and don't hurt the princess Skooker.
The ice is increasing...because of Global Warming

Amiright? Isn't that how AGW science works?

Instead of adding "that's what she said!" to the statement, you add "Because of manmade global warming"
Record Heat Wave Pushes U.S. Belief in Climate Change to 70%
BusinessWeek - Bloomberg News
By Mark Drajem
July 18, 2012

Sure... If Bloomberg asked me ---- Hey FlaCalTenn !! Do you think the Climate is Changing?? Why I'd have to be part of that 70% that said "why YES Mr. Bloomberg -- I do"..... And then I'd be used as weapon by some moron on USMB who has NO CONCEPT of what I think about AGW...
rolling thunder- over the last few years I have pointed out that GRACE measurements have a high amount of 'slack' involved with all the adjustments and corrections that need to be made before an actual 'number' is produced. and I stated my suspicions that they were being 'pushed' in the right direction to support AGW in all its glory. I figured that it could only last so long before more realistic numbers would have to be produced. in the last year many new 'adjustments' were added to sea level rise to keep up the numbers so that even 12 inches per century was still being predicted. this was needed because there was no way of getting it out of satellite altimetry anymore.

the latest victim of no wiggle room for making dire predictions is Antarctica. I cant remember the exact numbers involved, was it something like a loss of 40 gigatons per year, +/- 60 gigatons per year? close enough. these dire predictions were made and accounted for 1mm/year sea level rise appearantly.

what do you think is the latest estimates for ice loss in Antarctica? the dire predictions got headlines all over the world. would good news get the same acclaim? of course not. I looked at the first two pages of search results but couldnt find a single newspaper or magazine result for the latest of Jay(ice free arctic by 2012) Zwally. and what is the latest?

SCAR ISMASS Workshop, July 14, 2012
Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed LossesH. Jay Zwally'. Jun Li', John Robbins2, Jack 1. Saba2, Donghui Yi', Anita Brenner', and David
During 2003 to 2008, the mass gain of the Antarctic ice sheet from snow accumulation exceeded
the mass loss from ice discharge by 49 Gtlyr
(2.5% of input), as derived from ICESat laser
measurements of elevation change. The net gain (86 Gtlyr) over the West Antarctic (WA) and
East Antarctic ice sheets (W A and EA) is essentially unchanged from revised results for 1992 to
2001 from ERS radar altimetry. Imbalances in individual drainage systems (DS) are large
(-68% to +103% of input), as are temporal changes (-39% to +44%). The recent 90 Gtlyr loss
from three DS (Pine Island, Thwaites-Smith, and Marie-Bryd Coast) of WA exceeds the earlier
61 Gtlyr loss, consistent with reports of accelerating ice flow and dynamic thinning. Similarly,
the recent 24 Gtlyr loss from three DS in the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is consistent with glacier
accelerations following breakup of the Larsen B and other ice shelves. In contrast, net increases
in the five other DS ofWA and AP and three of the 16 DS in East Antarctica (EA) exceed the
increased losses. Alternate interpretations of the mass changes driven by accumulation variations
are given using results from atmospheric-model re-analysis and a parameterization based on 5%
change in accumulation per degree of observed surface temperature change. A slow increase in
snowfall with climate wanning, consistent with model predictions, may be offsetting increased
dynamic losses. of the loudest climate change alarmists backs down from his multiple shrill peer reviewed papers on massive ice loss in Antarctica and no one notices it. nada.

I dont believe that Arctic or Antarctic loss or gain, from sea ice or land ice, is a marker for confirming AGW. but I think it is pretty crappy that inconvenient news is apparently not news at all, or we would have heard about this.
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rolling thunder- over the last few years I have pointed out that GRACE measurements have a high amount of 'slack' involved with all the adjustments and corrections that need to be made before an actual 'number' is produced. and I stated my suspicions that they were being 'pushed' in the right direction to support AGW in all its glory. I figured that it could only last so long before more realistic numbers would have to be produced. in the last year many new 'adjustments' were added to sea level rise to keep up the numbers so that even 12 inches per century was still being predicted. this was needed because there was no way of getting it out of satellite altimetry anymore.

the latest victim of no wiggle room for making dire predictions is Antarctica. I cant remember the exact numbers involved, was it something like a loss of 40 gigatons per year, +/- 60 gigatons per year? close enough. these dire predictions were made and accounted for 1mm/year sea level rise appearantly.

what do you think is the latest estimates for ice loss in Antarctica? the dire predictions got headlines all over the world. would good news get the same acclaim? of course not. I looked at the first two pages of search results but couldnt find a single newspaper or magazine result for the latest of Jay(ice free arctic by 2012) Zwally. and what is the latest?

SCAR ISMASS Workshop, July 14, 2012
Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses
H. Jay Zwally'. Jun Li', John Robbins2, Jack 1. Saba2, Donghui Yi', Anita Brenner', and David
During 2003 to 2008, the mass gain of the Antarctic ice sheet from snow accumulation exceeded
the mass loss from ice discharge by 49 Gtlyr (2.5% of input), as derived from ICESat laser
measurements of elevation change. The net gain (86 Gtlyr) over the West Antarctic (WA) and
East Antarctic ice sheets (W A and EA) is essentially unchanged from revised results for 1992 to
2001 from ERS radar altimetry. Imbalances in individual drainage systems (DS) are large
(-68% to +103% of input), as are temporal changes (-39% to +44%). The recent 90 Gtlyr loss
from three DS (Pine Island, Thwaites-Smith, and Marie-Bryd Coast) of WA exceeds the earlier
61 Gtlyr loss, consistent with reports of accelerating ice flow and dynamic thinning. Similarly,
the recent 24 Gtlyr loss from three DS in the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is consistent with glacier
accelerations following breakup of the Larsen B and other ice shelves. In contrast, net increases
in the five other DS ofWA and AP and three of the 16 DS in East Antarctica (EA) exceed the
increased losses. Alternate interpretations of the mass changes driven by accumulation variations
are given using results from atmospheric-model re-analysis and a parameterization based on 5%
change in accumulation per degree of observed surface temperature change. A slow increase in
snowfall with climate wanning, consistent with model predictions, may be offsetting increased
dynamic losses. of the loudest climate change alarmists backs down from his multiple shrill peer reviewed papers on massive ice loss in Antarctica and no one notices it. nada.

I dont believe that Arctic or Antarctic loss or gain, from sea ice or land ice, is a marker for confirming AGW. but I think it is pretty crappy that inconvenient news is apparently not news at all, or we would have heard about this.

Ian......he doesnt understand this kind of presentation because he's wired differently. The k00k left's mind doesnt allow for information contrary to the accepted narrative.

So I'll put it like this...............

I take blood pressure medication. It lowers my blood pressure. 100% provable through science. THAT is science. Using the Antarctic vs Arctic analogy, when I take the medication, my blood pressure is lowered THROUGHOUT my body. My blood pressure doesnt remain high in my legs and low in my torso............assholes.:D:D To the mental cases like Rolling Thunder, the south pole is an inconvenient fucks over the narrative. And boob science is gay.:eusa_dance:.......and most importantly, the public knows its gay.

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Granny says we all gonna drown, Uncle Ferd out inna backyard buildin' a ark fer his g/f's...
Satellites trace sea level change
24 September 2012 - Scientists have reviewed almost two decades of satellite data to build a new map showing the trend in sea levels. Globally, the oceans are rising, but there have been major regional differences over the period.
A major reassessment of 18 years of satellite observations has provided a new, more detailed view of sea-level change around the world. Incorporating the data from a number of spacecraft, the study re-affirms that ocean waters globally are rising by just over 3mm/yr. But that figure, according to the reassessment, hides some very big regional differences - up and down. The Philippine Sea, for example, has seen increases in excess of 10mm/yr.

Part of that signal reflects the great fluctuation in winds and sea-surface temperature across the Pacific Ocean known as the El Nino/La Nina-Southern Oscillation. "The trend map is really a way of looking at average field changes over the 20 years," explained Steven Nerem of the University of Colorado, US. "The places where you see high trends probably won't have high trends in another 20 years. "A lot of this is decadal variability that will average out over the longer time series, which is why we need more missions to understand where this variability is."

Paolo Cipollini from the UK's National Oceanography Centre added: "Many of the features in the trend map indicate changes in heat storage and correspond to long-term variations in the ocean currents." This is evident if you look for some of the well-established mass movements of water - such as the Gulf Stream arching across the North Atlantic from the eastern US, or the Kuroshio Extension reaching out from Japan into the Pacific.

Surface bounce

The map was unveiled in Venice, Italy, at a symposium marking "20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry". The research will help scientists to tease out the scale of the various contributions to long-term sea-level rise and understand better the annual and inter-annual changes that can occur. Currently, the most significant contributions are identified as being the expansion of the world's oceans due to their absorbing more heat, and the melt water coming from eroded glaciers and ice sheets. A key quest is to identify to what extent sea-level rise may be accelerating and to pull out any long-term oscillations in ocean behaviour that could confuse that signal.

More & map BBC News - Satellites trace sea level change
Granny says we all gonna drown, Uncle Ferd out inna backyard buildin' a ark fer his g/f's...
Satellites trace sea level change
24 September 2012 - Scientists have reviewed almost two decades of satellite data to build a new map showing the trend in sea levels. Globally, the oceans are rising, but there have been major regional differences over the period.
A major reassessment of 18 years of satellite observations has provided a new, more detailed view of sea-level change around the world. Incorporating the data from a number of spacecraft, the study re-affirms that ocean waters globally are rising by just over 3mm/yr. But that figure, according to the reassessment, hides some very big regional differences - up and down. The Philippine Sea, for example, has seen increases in excess of 10mm/yr.

Part of that signal reflects the great fluctuation in winds and sea-surface temperature across the Pacific Ocean known as the El Nino/La Nina-Southern Oscillation. "The trend map is really a way of looking at average field changes over the 20 years," explained Steven Nerem of the University of Colorado, US. "The places where you see high trends probably won't have high trends in another 20 years. "A lot of this is decadal variability that will average out over the longer time series, which is why we need more missions to understand where this variability is."

Paolo Cipollini from the UK's National Oceanography Centre added: "Many of the features in the trend map indicate changes in heat storage and correspond to long-term variations in the ocean currents." This is evident if you look for some of the well-established mass movements of water - such as the Gulf Stream arching across the North Atlantic from the eastern US, or the Kuroshio Extension reaching out from Japan into the Pacific.

Surface bounce

The map was unveiled in Venice, Italy, at a symposium marking "20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry". The research will help scientists to tease out the scale of the various contributions to long-term sea-level rise and understand better the annual and inter-annual changes that can occur. Currently, the most significant contributions are identified as being the expansion of the world's oceans due to their absorbing more heat, and the melt water coming from eroded glaciers and ice sheets. A key quest is to identify to what extent sea-level rise may be accelerating and to pull out any long-term oscillations in ocean behaviour that could confuse that signal.

More & map BBC News - Satellites trace sea level change


I have talked about these type of SLR maps before. dont you find that they give rather bizarre results? besides the fact that there are a lot of dark blue spots right next to dark red spots (rapidly decreasing next to rapidly increasing) with no particularly convincing reasons as to why the high water bulge wouldnt simply pour into the low water hole, consider the top of Australia. this map shows a rise of at least 150mm during the last 17 years. do you think any of the actual tide guages show that sort of increase?

I love satellite altimetry but I dont have naive faith that all the calculation bugs have been worked out, to the point that we can accurately measure the oceans down to a millimetre.
skookerasbil :: Now THIS is 1st class entertainment.. Better than Joel McHale and "the Soup"...

One isolated summer heatwave is DEFINATELY CO2 induced warming announcing the coming apocalypse. But an Antarctic ice record for this day in history --- that's KOOK talk..

Me? I'm waiting for something "GLOBAL" to happen.. When it does --- PM me..

Both you kids have fun --- and don't hurt the princess Skooker.

FlacalTenn.....if not for the nutters in here, I would be long gone. Ive always been one to get a hoot out of persecuting the whack jobs on the internet. Ever notice how every time you or I throw up a post, theres a complete mental meltdown? Thats how the far left works........when you pwn them publically, they go mental with the personal attacks of pronounced angst. The reason is, they wnt to use this forum to promote their hoax and when very lighthearted and comical fashion I might add.......blow their shit up leaving them looking like, well............k00ks!!!:D:D:D

The way I see it, my role in here as to nuke the liberal fantasy of a green world, which is so far off the reservation its beyond surreal. These people mostly are social oddballs who wer eht last guys picked for the team, sat in the corner at parties and generally are outcasts in their social realm. So they find some fringe cause so that they can matter SOMEWHERE in the world. So..........when you blow their shit up, you are conjuring up all those memories of being left out, thus, the violent attacks on here. I am literally laughing my balls off as I prepare all my gay MSPAint Photobucket stuff because the curious who come in here seeking answers to this global warming crap leave not wanting to feel like an oddball out in the real world. And every month, more science stuff comes out to just blow their narrative to shit..........and think about it...........these meatheads will sit there and bloviate for 5 minutes about this data and that data and my response is, "Yeah......ummm.......but the south pole ice is expanding to record levels so........what? warming on the earth is skipping the south pole?".:funnyface::coffee::eusa_think::2up::eusa_think::funnyface::coffee:

Fact is, nobody gives a rats ass about this stuff in 2012, which we rather astutely point out in here on a daily basis.

Keep the good stuff coming FlaCalTenn..........this place is the shit!!!!:eusa_dance:
Last edited: the way FlaCalTenn, did you ever see this one? Its a photo I stole off of Rolling Thunder's Photobucket........and compelling given his rants with every post huh??? Of course, I inserted the FAIL part...........:rock::rock::coffee:

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So, to summarize the denalist argument:

A tiny increase in Antarctic sea ice completey overrides the massive decreases in Arctic sea ice and Antarctic land ice.

And since AGW theory predicted all that correctly, AGW theory being right thus proves AGW theory was wrong. And the people who got it all completely wrong, the denialists, were actually completely right.

Well, good luck with that.

By the way, what are you guys planning to use as a fallback strategry when the ice keeps declining? It's going to get harder and harder for you to keep up the great conspiracy theory, so you really need a retreat strategy now. When even the freakin' north pole starts melting each summer in a few years, it's going to look totally insane to deny that the big melt is happening.
So, to summarize the denalist argument:

A tiny increase in Antarctic sea ice completey overrides the massive decreases in Arctic sea ice and Antarctic land ice.

And since AGW theory predicted all that correctly, AGW theory being right thus proves AGW theory was wrong. And the people who got it all completely wrong, the denialists, were actually completely right.

Well, good luck with that.

By the way, what are you guys planning to use as a fallback strategry when the ice keeps declining? It's going to get harder and harder for you to keep up the great conspiracy theory, so you really need a retreat strategy now. When even the freakin' north pole starts melting each summer in a few years, it's going to look totally insane to deny that the big melt is happening.

Who's denying the ice is melting? Who's denying it's getting marginally warmer (or was)?

And PLEASE provide a citation showing that in 1980 -- AGW scientists KNEW that the North Pole was gonna take it in the chin and the South Pole would be all honky dory...
So, to summarize the denalist argument:

A tiny increase in Antarctic sea ice completey overrides the massive decreases in Arctic sea ice and Antarctic land ice.

And since AGW theory predicted all that correctly, AGW theory being right thus proves AGW theory was wrong. And the people who got it all completely wrong, the denialists, were actually completely right.

Well, good luck with that.

By the way, what are you guys planning to use as a fallback strategry when the ice keeps declining? It's going to get harder and harder for you to keep up the great conspiracy theory, so you really need a retreat strategy now. When even the freakin' north pole starts melting each summer in a few years, it's going to look totally insane to deny that the big melt is happening.

The northern hemisphere ice has been declining for the past 14,000 years.

Are you saying the trend stopped? If so when? why?
The northern hemisphere ice has been declining for the past 14,000 years.

Are you saying the trend stopped? If so when? why?

Yep. Stopped around 9,000 years ago. Started warming up around 11,000 years ago (the end of the Younger Dryas period), but it took a couple thousand years for the ice sheets to melt back. It's been very slowly cooling ever since, until very recently. It should still be cooling very slowly now, according to the actual natural cycles, which are driven by orbital factors.

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