Another right wing paper dumps on Obama

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
What was that? The Chicago Tribune isn't a right wing paper? They endorsed Obama? Three time? It is his home town?


Much of the focus in Washington has been on the political consequences of the Obamacare disaster, whether Democrats are vulnerable and Republicans can take advantage.
No surprise there. Democratic leaders forced the law through Congress without a single Republican vote. The architects of Obamacare brushed aside sharp warnings from tech wizards that the computer system wasn't tested and ready. They piled hundreds of pages of last-minute regulations on insurers. They forced insurers to cancel policies by the thousands because those policies fell short of the soup-to-nuts coverage required by the law.
The American public is having a credibility-shattering debate about the president: Did he not bother to learn the details of the law before he told us we could keep our doctors and our insurance, or did he know the truth and flat-out lie?
Political consequences from the early failure of Obamacare are likely. But far more important are the personal consequences for American consumers.
There are early indications that many young and healthy people are opting not to buy insurance. There are two likely reasons: It's nearly impossible for anyone to sign up, and the cost is prohibitive for people who have modest incomes but don't qualify for subsidies.
If this continues, you'll hear the phrase "death spiral" more and more. That's the term insurance execs use to describe what will happen if young and relatively healthy people don't pay into the system while older people with greater health care needs sign up. If that happens, increased costs will vastly outstrip increased revenues, putting enormous financial pressure on the whole scheme.

Lies, consequences and Obamacare -
The media will never turn on their Messiah and they will enthusiastically endorse whoever his heir apparent ends up being, even if their policies are exactly the same as his.

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