...Another report supports Fabrizio's Trump report....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
There is reportage this morning of another Trump paid-for report that informed Don Trump and his enablers that he had legitimately lost. Another report given to him prior to the January 6th seditionist attempt to stop the Electoral College count, and the terrible violence that that attempt engendered.

We know, as has been linked several times on this venue, that Trump's own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, informed him that interviews, polling, and findings revealed that more people voted for Biden than Trump because they believed Trump untrustworthy and incompetent. And Trump knew of those findings before the terrible violence of January 6th.

And we also have the under oath testimony of White House staffers and insiders who revealed Trump had been emphatically told he legitimately lost, and he had even had acknowledged that he lost. But he still instigated the terrible violence against America on January 6th. I bring it to this forum as a counter to other posters who insist that Trump was de-frauded....by dead people, and double-dip voting despite credible information that that was not the case. And I also bring it to this venue to emphasize the widespread belief that what Trump did after he received these various reports --that he paid for -- was mendacious and terribly damaging to America.
In my opinion, Don Trump need be held accountable for his mendacity against America.

It is a long piece in today's newspaper, but I have pulled some 'taster' paragraphs so you can get an idea of the reportage. The link to it is below.
(I have underlined for emphasis some notable passages.)

From the headline:

"A report commissioned by the former president’s campaign ....did not back up his claims of fraud and did not provide evidence to overturn the 2020 election"​

"The “Project 2020” report conducted by the Berkeley Research Group has now been obtained by prosecutors investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. ...... it shows that Trump’s own campaign paid more than $600,000 for research that undercut many of his most explosive claims. The research was never made public.

Don Trump to Raffensberger: “So dead people voted, and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number, and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters,” he said, without citing his study.

But a report commissioned by his own campaign dated one day prior told a different story: Researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” of only nine dead voters in Fulton County, defined as ballots that may have been cast by someone else in the name of a deceased person. They believed there was a “potential statewide exposure” of 23 such votes across the Peach State — or 4,977 fewer than the “minimum” Trump claimed.

In a separate failed bid to overturn the results in Nevada, Trump’s lawyers said in a court filing that 1,506 ballots were cast in the names of dead people and 42,284 voted twice. Trump lost the Silver State by about 33,000 votes.
The researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” that 12 ballots were cast in the names of deceased people in Clark County, Nev., and believed the “high end potential exposure” was 20 voters statewide — some 1,486 fewer than Trump’s lawyers said."


In the opening post to this thread I offer a descriptor of reportage this morning about a report refuting Trump's claims. A report that Trump's own campaign coffers paid for.
But, you will note in the reportage --- this commissioned report was never made public. It's revelations kept hidden until it was subpoenaed by prosecutors. And that development reminded me of other recent reportage of a similar nature.

And it again involved Arizona, and an official whose own investigations revealed no fraud substantial enough to impact the election, but.......but that official, the then Attorney General, like Trump......kept hidden those findings.

To wit:

"Former Arizona AG sat on records refuting election fraud

"PHOENIX -- Arizona's former attorney general suppressed findings by his investigators who concluded there was no basis for allegations that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud, according to documents released Wednesday by his successor."

They'd admit to going to all these questionable lengths to usurp Trump, but stuffing ballot boxes in the dead of night in key states, after getting all the observers out of the room, would be completely beyond the pale!

There is reportage this morning of another Trump paid-for report that informed Don Trump and his enablers that he had legitimately lost. Another report given to him prior to the January 6th seditionist attempt to stop the Electoral College count, and the terrible violence that that attempt engendered.

We know, as has been linked several times on this venue, that Trump's own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, informed him that interviews, polling, and findings revealed that more people voted for Biden than Trump because they believed Trump untrustworthy and incompetent. And Trump knew of those findings before the terrible violence of January 6th.

And we also have the under oath testimony of White House staffers and insiders who revealed Trump had been emphatically told he legitimately lost, and he had even had acknowledged that he lost. But he still instigated the terrible violence against America on January 6th. I bring it to this forum as a counter to other posters who insist that Trump was de-frauded....by dead people, and double-dip voting despite credible information that that was not the case. And I also bring it to this venue to emphasize the widespread belief that what Trump did after he received these various reports --that he paid for -- was mendacious and terribly damaging to America.
In my opinion, Don Trump need be held accountable for his mendacity against America.

It is a long piece in today's newspaper, but I have pulled some 'taster' paragraphs so you can get an idea of the reportage. The link to it is below.
(I have underlined for emphasis some notable passages.)

From the headline:

"A report commissioned by the former president’s campaign ....did not back up his claims of fraud and did not provide evidence to overturn the 2020 election"​

"The “Project 2020” report conducted by the Berkeley Research Group has now been obtained by prosecutors investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. ...... it shows that Trump’s own campaign paid more than $600,000 for research that undercut many of his most explosive claims. The research was never made public.

Don Trump to Raffensberger: “So dead people voted, and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number, and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters,” he said, without citing his study.

But a report commissioned by his own campaign dated one day prior told a different story: Researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” of only nine dead voters in Fulton County, defined as ballots that may have been cast by someone else in the name of a deceased person. They believed there was a “potential statewide exposure” of 23 such votes across the Peach State — or 4,977 fewer than the “minimum” Trump claimed.

In a separate failed bid to overturn the results in Nevada, Trump’s lawyers said in a court filing that 1,506 ballots were cast in the names of dead people and 42,284 voted twice. Trump lost the Silver State by about 33,000 votes.
The researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” that 12 ballots were cast in the names of deceased people in Clark County, Nev., and believed the “high end potential exposure” was 20 voters statewide — some 1,486 fewer than Trump’s lawyers said."

He knows. The GQP knows. The pundits know. Even most of the freakin' rubes have to know by now.

It doesn't matter. They're told they're in a Holy War against Evil. They're jihadis. There is no talking to jihadis.
In the opening post to this thread I offer a descriptor of reportage this morning about a report refuting Trump's claims. A report that Trump's own campaign coffers paid for.
But, you will note in the reportage --- this commissioned report was never made public. It's revelations kept hidden until it was subpoenaed by prosecutors. And that development reminded me of other recent reportage of a similar nature.

And it again involved Arizona, and an official whose own investigations revealed no fraud substantial enough to impact the election, but.......but that official, the then Attorney General, like Trump......kept hidden those findings.

To wit:

"Former Arizona AG sat on records refuting election fraud

"PHOENIX -- Arizona's former attorney general suppressed findings by his investigators who concluded there was no basis for allegations that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud, according to documents released Wednesday by his successor."
More like he didn't release them because they were incomplete, since Maricopa County illegally refused to release relevant information.

Lies of omission are still lies.
There is reportage this morning of another Trump paid-for report that informed Don Trump and his enablers that he had legitimately lost. Another report given to him prior to the January 6th seditionist attempt to stop the Electoral College count, and the terrible violence that that attempt engendered.

We know, as has been linked several times on this venue, that Trump's own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, informed him that interviews, polling, and findings revealed that more people voted for Biden than Trump because they believed Trump untrustworthy and incompetent. And Trump knew of those findings before the terrible violence of January 6th.

And we also have the under oath testimony of White House staffers and insiders who revealed Trump had been emphatically told he legitimately lost, and he had even had acknowledged that he lost. But he still instigated the terrible violence against America on January 6th. I bring it to this forum as a counter to other posters who insist that Trump was de-frauded....by dead people, and double-dip voting despite credible information that that was not the case. And I also bring it to this venue to emphasize the widespread belief that what Trump did after he received these various reports --that he paid for -- was mendacious and terribly damaging to America.
In my opinion, Don Trump need be held accountable for his mendacity against America.

It is a long piece in today's newspaper, but I have pulled some 'taster' paragraphs so you can get an idea of the reportage. The link to it is below.
(I have underlined for emphasis some notable passages.)

From the headline:

"A report commissioned by the former president’s campaign ....did not back up his claims of fraud and did not provide evidence to overturn the 2020 election"​

"The “Project 2020” report conducted by the Berkeley Research Group has now been obtained by prosecutors investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. ...... it shows that Trump’s own campaign paid more than $600,000 for research that undercut many of his most explosive claims. The research was never made public.

Don Trump to Raffensberger: “So dead people voted, and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number, and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters,” he said, without citing his study.

But a report commissioned by his own campaign dated one day prior told a different story: Researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” of only nine dead voters in Fulton County, defined as ballots that may have been cast by someone else in the name of a deceased person. They believed there was a “potential statewide exposure” of 23 such votes across the Peach State — or 4,977 fewer than the “minimum” Trump claimed.

In a separate failed bid to overturn the results in Nevada, Trump’s lawyers said in a court filing that 1,506 ballots were cast in the names of dead people and 42,284 voted twice. Trump lost the Silver State by about 33,000 votes.
The researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” that 12 ballots were cast in the names of deceased people in Clark County, Nev., and believed the “high end potential exposure” was 20 voters statewide — some 1,486 fewer than Trump’s lawyers said."

See post #9.

I know, I know, we have all seen that bloke in the strait-jacket many many times.
It's that poster's (Crusader Frank) go-to meme.

But, it does remind me of when I put myself through university as a part-time bartender (22hrs every week for 3 years, btw. Sometimes a lot more if another bartender was not in.)

Anyway, the busy burger and steak-sandwich biergarten I worked at had a 'regular's corner' of the bar where ....you guessed it....the daily 'regulars' assembled to gossip, banter and opinionize. As a youngster I found it sometimes fun, sometimes tedious. They were initially a tough crew on a young college kid...but, in time, I was accepted.
But there was this one bloke who would come in periodically....maybe once every two or three weeks. He was known, folks called him by his name, and he would sit at that corner if a stool was available. And he'd tell the same joke every time he came in. The same friggin' joke.

Now, nobody was rude to the guy. To be sure they would roll their eyes, look up at the ceiling, down at their shoes, into their beers. And, they would never --ever-- look at each other when the bloke was telling his worn joke.

The fear was, of course, if they looked at each other with even a sidelong glance.....the whole bar would collapse into mean-spirited snickers and laughing ridicule. So they quietly listened to it until he finished. Then they would just pick up their previous conversations and go along as if the bloke wasn't even there, as if he had never walked in.

The bloke would finish his pint, and mosey out. THEN.....an only THEN....would the snicker and snarking start.
But, the bloke would be back .....with the same tired and worn joke.

I will always remember that though it was a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
There is reportage this morning of another Trump paid-for report that informed Don Trump and his enablers that he had legitimately lost. Another report given to him prior to the January 6th seditionist attempt to stop the Electoral College count, and the terrible violence that that attempt engendered.

We know, as has been linked several times on this venue, that Trump's own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, informed him that interviews, polling, and findings revealed that more people voted for Biden than Trump because they believed Trump untrustworthy and incompetent. And Trump knew of those findings before the terrible violence of January 6th.

And we also have the under oath testimony of White House staffers and insiders who revealed Trump had been emphatically told he legitimately lost, and he had even had acknowledged that he lost. But he still instigated the terrible violence against America on January 6th. I bring it to this forum as a counter to other posters who insist that Trump was de-frauded....by dead people, and double-dip voting despite credible information that that was not the case. And I also bring it to this venue to emphasize the widespread belief that what Trump did after he received these various reports --that he paid for -- was mendacious and terribly damaging to America.
In my opinion, Don Trump need be held accountable for his mendacity against America.

It is a long piece in today's newspaper, but I have pulled some 'taster' paragraphs so you can get an idea of the reportage. The link to it is below.
(I have underlined for emphasis some notable passages.)

From the headline:

"A report commissioned by the former president’s campaign ....did not back up his claims of fraud and did not provide evidence to overturn the 2020 election"​

"The “Project 2020” report conducted by the Berkeley Research Group has now been obtained by prosecutors investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. ...... it shows that Trump’s own campaign paid more than $600,000 for research that undercut many of his most explosive claims. The research was never made public.

Don Trump to Raffensberger: “So dead people voted, and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number, and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters,” he said, without citing his study.

But a report commissioned by his own campaign dated one day prior told a different story: Researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” of only nine dead voters in Fulton County, defined as ballots that may have been cast by someone else in the name of a deceased person. They believed there was a “potential statewide exposure” of 23 such votes across the Peach State — or 4,977 fewer than the “minimum” Trump claimed.

In a separate failed bid to overturn the results in Nevada, Trump’s lawyers said in a court filing that 1,506 ballots were cast in the names of dead people and 42,284 voted twice. Trump lost the Silver State by about 33,000 votes.
The researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” that 12 ballots were cast in the names of deceased people in Clark County, Nev., and believed the “high end potential exposure” was 20 voters statewide — some 1,486 fewer than Trump’s lawyers said."

Any person, any report that tells President Trump, you, me, or simply screams it at the sky that there was no fraud, is just propaganda.

We all saw the fraud being played out.

Unvetted/Unverifiable mail in ballots decided that election.

The End.

They'd admit to going to all these questionable lengths to usurp Trump, but stuffing ballot boxes in the dead of night in key states, after getting all the observers out of the room, would be completely beyond the pale!

View attachment 766590

They are in a cult.
They believe the teachings of the Cult.
Without question.

Look at the things the Cult has made them now believe that 10 years ago would have gotten them a night in Bellevue.
See post #9.

I know, I know, we have all seen that bloke in the strait-jacket many many times.
It's that poster's (Crusader Frank) go-to meme.

But, it does remind me of when I put myself through university as a part-time bartender (22hrs every week for 3 years, btw. Sometimes a lot more if another bartender was not in.)

Anyway, the busy burger and steak-sandwich biergarten I worked at had a 'regular's corner' of the bar where ....you guessed it....the daily 'regulars' assembled to gossip, banter and opinionize. As a youngster I found it sometimes fun, sometimes tedious. They were initially a tough crew on a young college kid...but, in time, I was accepted.
But there was this one bloke who would come in periodically....maybe once every two or three weeks. He was known, folks called him by his name, and he would sit at that corner if a stool was available. And he'd tell the same joke every time he came in. The same friggin' joke.

Now, nobody was rude to the guy. To be sure they would roll their eyes, look up at the ceiling, down at their shoes, into their beers. And, they would never --ever-- look at each other when the bloke was telling his worn joke.

The fear was, of course, if they looked at each other with even a sidelong glance.....the whole bar would collapse into mean-spirited snickers and laughing ridicule. So they quietly listened to it until he finished. Then they would just pick up their previous conversations and go along as if the bloke wasn't even there, as if he had never walked in.

The bloke would finish his pint, and mosey out. THEN.....an only THEN....would the snicker and snarking start.
But, the bloke would be back .....with the same tired and worn joke.

I will always remember that though it was a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

Are you drunk right now?
that there was no fraud,
Duh!! There is always fraud in huge elections. After all, about 160 million citizens voted, there are hundreds of thousands (a couple million?) poll workers, spread across 174,000 precincts, spread across at least 5 time zones.
Of course there is the opportunity of fraud in every such election.

And we get some fraud (witness those blue-hairs in Florida's Villages voting twice). But the key determinant is: Does fraud rise to the level that would determine a national election?

The answer after numerous hand-counts, machine-counts, audits, investigations, and examinations is.....'No'. There was some, sure. But not enough to be determinative.

The RWNJ/QAnon/MAGA world is deluding themselves and harming America's confidence in its elections by over blowing nickel-dime small potatoes frauds into a existential crisis for America's electoral processes. They are not only obtuse, but unpatriotic. Even the talking-heads at Fox have revealed they privately thought their viewers were nuts and the Trump claims of fraud were loonery.


Unvetted/Unverifiable mail in ballots decided that election.
OK, here's your chance Billiejeens to put on your big-girl briefs ....... and prove it.
You claimed it. You alleged it. You prove it.

It is up to you ---it is Adult Swim, after all ----to show that you are not a silly girl but a mature adult woman with grit, gravel and gravitas. And that when you make a statement the adult world can take you seriously and NOT perceive you as an out-of-her-league frivolous girlie.

So saddle up, Skinnyjeans. Show us what your little pony can do.
There is reportage this morning of another Trump paid-for report that informed Don Trump and his enablers that he had legitimately lost. Another report given to him prior to the January 6th seditionist attempt to stop the Electoral College count, and the terrible violence that that attempt engendered.

We know, as has been linked several times on this venue, that Trump's own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, informed him that interviews, polling, and findings revealed that more people voted for Biden than Trump because they believed Trump untrustworthy and incompetent. And Trump knew of those findings before the terrible violence of January 6th.

And we also have the under oath testimony of White House staffers and insiders who revealed Trump had been emphatically told he legitimately lost, and he had even had acknowledged that he lost. But he still instigated the terrible violence against America on January 6th. I bring it to this forum as a counter to other posters who insist that Trump was de-frauded....by dead people, and double-dip voting despite credible information that that was not the case. And I also bring it to this venue to emphasize the widespread belief that what Trump did after he received these various reports --that he paid for -- was mendacious and terribly damaging to America.
In my opinion, Don Trump need be held accountable for his mendacity against America.

It is a long piece in today's newspaper, but I have pulled some 'taster' paragraphs so you can get an idea of the reportage. The link to it is below.
(I have underlined for emphasis some notable passages.)

From the headline:

"A report commissioned by the former president’s campaign ....did not back up his claims of fraud and did not provide evidence to overturn the 2020 election"​

"The “Project 2020” report conducted by the Berkeley Research Group has now been obtained by prosecutors investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. ...... it shows that Trump’s own campaign paid more than $600,000 for research that undercut many of his most explosive claims. The research was never made public.

Don Trump to Raffensberger: “So dead people voted, and I think the number is close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number, and a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters,” he said, without citing his study.

But a report commissioned by his own campaign dated one day prior told a different story: Researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” of only nine dead voters in Fulton County, defined as ballots that may have been cast by someone else in the name of a deceased person. They believed there was a “potential statewide exposure” of 23 such votes across the Peach State — or 4,977 fewer than the “minimum” Trump claimed.

In a separate failed bid to overturn the results in Nevada, Trump’s lawyers said in a court filing that 1,506 ballots were cast in the names of dead people and 42,284 voted twice. Trump lost the Silver State by about 33,000 votes.
The researchers paid by Trump’s team had “high confidence” that 12 ballots were cast in the names of deceased people in Clark County, Nev., and believed the “high end potential exposure” was 20 voters statewide — some 1,486 fewer than Trump’s lawyers said."

81 million ballots against an incumbent President who increased his own vote total by 10 million?

Historically, statistically and factually impossible. And you know it.
In the opening post to this thread I offer a descriptor of reportage this morning about a report refuting Trump's claims. A report that Trump's own campaign coffers paid for.
But, you will note in the reportage --- this commissioned report was never made public. It's revelations kept hidden until it was subpoenaed by prosecutors. And that development reminded me of other recent reportage of a similar nature.

And it again involved Arizona, and an official whose own investigations revealed no fraud substantial enough to impact the election, but.......but that official, the then Attorney General, like Trump......kept hidden those findings.

To wit:

"Former Arizona AG sat on records refuting election fraud

"PHOENIX -- Arizona's former attorney general suppressed findings by his investigators who concluded there was no basis for allegations that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud, according to documents released Wednesday by his successor."
So who believes anything ABC says? Besides I live there and everyone knows democRats are criminals with low intelligence. Their just lucky the repugs are too.
Duh!! There is always fraud in huge elections. After all, about 160 million citizens voted, there are hundreds of thousands (a couple million?) poll workers, spread across 174,000 precincts, spread across at least 5 time zones.
Of course there is the opportunity of fraud in every such election.

And we get some fraud (witness those blue-hairs in Florida's Villages voting twice). But the key determinant is: Does fraud rise to the level that would determine a national election?

The answer after numerous hand-counts, machine-counts, audits, investigations, and examinations is.....'No'. There was some, sure. But not enough to be determinative.

The RWNJ/QAnon/MAGA world is deluding themselves and harming America's confidence in its elections by over blowing nickel-dime small potatoes frauds into a existential crisis for America's electoral processes. They are not only obtuse, but unpatriotic. Even the talking-heads at Fox have revealed they privately thought their viewers were nuts and the Trump claims of fraud were loonery.


OK, here's your chance Billiejeens to put on your big-girl briefs ....... and prove it.
You claimed it. You alleged it. You prove it.

It is up to you ---it is Adult Swim, after all ----to show that you are not a silly girl but a mature adult woman with grit, gravel and gravitas. And that when you make a statement the adult world can take you seriously and NOT perceive you as an out-of-her-league frivolous girlie.

So saddle up, Skinnyjeans. Show us what your little pony can do.
So biden did get 81 million votes. When pigs fly.
Duh!! There is always fraud in huge elections. After all, about 160 million citizens voted, there are hundreds of thousands (a couple million?) poll workers, spread across 174,000 precincts, spread across at least 5 time zones.
Of course there is the opportunity of fraud in every such election.

And we get some fraud (witness those blue-hairs in Florida's Villages voting twice). But the key determinant is: Does fraud rise to the level that would determine a national election?

The answer after numerous hand-counts, machine-counts, audits, investigations, and examinations is.....'No'. There was some, sure. But not enough to be determinative.

The RWNJ/QAnon/MAGA world is deluding themselves and harming America's confidence in its elections by over blowing nickel-dime small potatoes frauds into a existential crisis for America's electoral processes. They are not only obtuse, but unpatriotic. Even the talking-heads at Fox have revealed they privately thought their viewers were nuts and the Trump claims of fraud were loonery.


OK, here's your chance Billiejeens to put on your big-girl briefs ....... and prove it.
You claimed it. You alleged it. You prove it.

It is up to you ---it is Adult Swim, after all ----to show that you are not a silly girl but a mature adult woman with grit, gravel and gravitas. And that when you make a statement the adult world can take you seriously and NOT perceive you as an out-of-her-league frivolous girlie.

So saddle up, Skinnyjeans. Show us what your little pony can do.

I know from the previous site that we were at that you aren't a reality-based person.

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