Another fourteen black on white murders


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Another fourteen black on white murders

Another fourteen black on white murders

We have been working to create a comprehensive look at black on white murders for the years 2014 and 2015. Many media bosses openly admit that they censor black on white crime. We have been working to collect the biggest sample size of black on white murders possible.

From information we have already collected, many important conclusion can already be drawn. People who drive taxi cabs, deliver pizza, or deliver other food items are probably in much greater danger of being killed on the job than police officers. The overwhelming majority of these killings seem to be black on white and black on Asian. For people who delivery food or drive a cab, this is important information that they should be aware of. They should not be put in greater danger by having this information censored in the name of political correctness.

Also, large numbers of young white males and females are being murdered while trying to buy marijuana off of black dealers. The perps never acquire any significant monetary gain from the murders. They simply kill the victim for the fun of it and to gain street cred. The media often blames the white victim and calls it “a drug deal gone bad.”

We also find that a very high percentage of black on white murders are random. Usually the perps are never charged with capital murder and in many cases they are only charged with manslaughter or aggravated assault! Since such a high percentage of black on white murders are random events, it suggests that a high percentage of white victims of unsolved murders were killed by a black perpetrato. Since random killings are more likely to be unsolved.

This is information is not being disseminated in the “mainstream” media. You will only learn about it here.

I thought I'd post this to remind people that blacks KILL more whites every year then the other way around. Liberals don't seem to care about data, stats or much of anything as they have their stupid fucking anti-white bs to force down our throats.

Most of these whites really were victims to violent thugs with long arrest records...The same thug that sometimes run into cops that are forced to shoot them. More of these innocent whites would die if it wasn't for our police, along with probably thousands of more blacks. But hey, this isn't about solving the problems within the black community...This is about keeping up a narrative of guilt.

Blacks kill 440+ whites per year....Based on the 2010 fbi racial breakdown. Twice as many in raw numbers. Now take that data point and stick it up your anti-white raging ass.
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Here is 2011 data
Blacks killed 448 whites
Whites killed 193 whites

Anytime you get a higher number out of 13% of the population for anything = serious problem. We're talking 10-11 times per capital murder rates against whites and yet the media only focuses on the injustice done against blacks. I mean wtf?

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Here is some of the murdered! I wouldn't be doing this if you people and the media wasn't going crazy about WHITES killing blacks!!! I wouldn't be doing this if you weren't constantly shaming whites with a double standard. Lets see how you like it, assholes.

Our 2014 sampling of black on white murders is now up to 412.

Our 2015 sampling of black on white murders is already up to 96.

We have also tried to find actual cases of white on black murders, in which the victim was not committing a felony at the time. We have asked the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC], #BlackLivesMatters, and various other left-wing groups for examples of white on black murders for 2014 and 2015. So far we have only found four in 2014, and two in 2015.

To read about other black on white crimes, click here.

4/27/15 – Ana Charle, 36, was murdered by a black male while working at a homeless shelter in New York City, NY.

4/24/15 – David Fuller, 26, was shot and killed by a black male while delivering pizzas in Flint, MI.

4/22/15 – A father and son were killed execution style when two black males invaded their home in Metairie, LA.

David Pence, 56
Nicholas Pence, 26

4/20/15 -Aiden Louis Bard, 8, died from being burned in a scalding hot bath by his black DCFS caregiver in Deerfield, IL.

4/17/15 – Cassandra Cassidy, 24, was shot and killed by multiple black males in a car in Las Vegas, NV.

4/17/15 – Samantha J. Fleming, 23, was stabbed to death in her home by a black female in Gary, IN. Police say the perp pretended to be a government worker.

4/15/15 – Floyd Valachovic, elderly, was beaten to death by a black male in St. Stephens, SC.

4/2/15 – Cheri Amber Houston, 28, was killed by a black male in Lake County, FL.

3/26/15 – Destiny Asher, 23, was shot and killed by a black male who wanted to rob her and her friends in Indianapolis, IN.

4/11/15 – Nils Johnson, 39, was beaten to death by a black male in Oak Park Heights, MN.

1/2/15 – Lee Rappuhn, 36, was shot and killed by a black male while driving his car in Flint, MI.

11/15/14 – Catherine Walker, 38, was stabbed to death by a black female in Honolulu, HI.

5/1/14 – Harold E. Collins, 66, was killed by multiple black male perpetrators while he was working in his coin shop in Monroe, LA.
Thanks for your near daily reminder Matthew. :cool:

Well, you people make every other godforsaken thread on this board about freddy the thug gray and how evil whites are. So I thought I'd bring a little balance.

Of course these whites don't matter to people like you.
Matt, the cops WERE evil on this issue.

In the case of freddy gray with the little I know of this case you're possibly right.
Of all of your posts, this one gives me some hope. Read very carefully. Some of the cops were black, too, if that helps you.
I think ol Matty is a slacker. He is wasting time here on the internets when he could be out there sniping the blacks and correcting some of these satistics(Letterman's pronounciation).

Problem is though he will have to tell some witnesses he is a white guy to make his kills count and that will probably get his dumb ass caught.

Come to think of it do we know there aren't some clever white people out there offing the blackies and leaving no clues as to who is doing it?

Does the FBI have a category by race of people killed by assailants unknown? I know that if I was trying to balance Matty's survey numbers I sure wouldn't want to go to prison.

Just sayin...

I know...responding to crazy Mathew's thread leaves me open to the usual name calling.. lefty, communist, Obama lover, N***** lover, NBA fan, etc... But he's crazy as a coot so it's all good.

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