Another couple found guilty of murder for parenting by "To Train Up a Child"

Uhkilleez, you know you're never going to talk anyone out of their faith, don't you?

Not so long as you remain willfully ignorant. You do know that mudslinging and ad hominem simply encourage me to continue, right?

Facts remain, Christian sadists killed their child using techniques from a Christian book which are encouraged in yet another Christian book. They were probably sexually stimulated after beating her with that plastic tubing, too. Like a priest when he gets a new altar boy.

That's not to mention you have not provided any answers, you simply deflect any points with ad hominem because you have no answers. That's why you get so worked up when I throw your Bible right back at you.
I gave you answers. What I got back was "yabbuts" and an unmerited sense of superiority.

You understand nothing of faith if you think talking down to people will make them question theirs.

Why are you so afraid of God?
So you don't like to have your beliefs challenged? That is the basis of religious discussion, is it not? I would love for someone to challenge mine in an impressive manner, and I also believe you do yourself a great spiritual disservice to rely on the Bible for God's word. The Bible has been perverted and as I have shown in this thread as well as others, it's full of immoral behavior and encourage immoral actions such as the abuse and murder of children. I'm not evil for pointing it out, and it's not a lie. It's been condoned in the words of Jesus himself, and its one of the primary reasons that certain Christians make child abuse books such as the one in the OP. I highly doubt it's the first pile of garbage of its kind, knowing the type of religious sadists there are out there.

True salvation lies within, but not within the Bible.

I think you should be happy that anyone talks to you at all.
I don't respond to every thing you say because I consider the source.
I think you should try to improve yourself before you try to clean up others.

Your talk is cheap, which isn't a shocker considering its source. Not everyone on the forum is so closed minded.
...says the guy who's saying "Neener neener, Xtians are STUpid!!"

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