Ann Coulter: VP pick is Trump's first mistake

social media is a means to making a fool of yourself and alienating people.

well done, man legs.
Pence is a good pick overall, but the far right won't support him.
Coulter is correct.

Trump missed a golden opportunity to pick a well qualified woman or minority as his VP.

Instead of a Bidenesque like clone. ..... :cool:

Republicans don't vote based on skin color or the presence of a vagina. That's a democrat thing.
Coulter is correct that Pence will make the far right very unhappy: he supported Obama's Libya program and he is not a "build a wall" type of guy.
"First" mistake?

She means, "first mistake this week" right?

Because the Republican Presidential candidate should be consistently 10 points ahead of Hillary right now, not trailing in every single 4-way Presidential poll taken.

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