Ann Coulter praises Joe Biden on Afghanistan?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It wasn't handled well, but given how the Taliban had pretty much taken back everything that our soldiers weren't protecting (how did our "intelligence" not know that?), it was never going to be pretty.

Biden got us out of that ugly, horribly wasteful, 20-year war, and a place we never should have occupied in the first fucking place, and no partisan bitching and finger-pointing can change that.
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The underlying problem of Afghanistan is that we never learn our lesson.

Nobody likes it when you invade their country and most people are happy when you leave.

120 years ago, the US was engaged in a war just like this in the Philippines. We fought a war for 10 years, killed 200,000 Filipinos, and they were never happy with American occupation. Some of them even collaborated with the Japanese during WWII.

Since then, we've engaged in imperial adventures in Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Syria, Libya and probably more than a few more I am forgetting.

I don't blame Biden or even Trump for how this ended. I blame Bush for getting us into it, prosecuting it in a haphazard way, and then leaving it to future presidents to find a way out that wasn't going to end up exactly like what we saw last month.

Look everyone, someone out there thinks Joe Biden handled Afghanistan well. I reckon that now makes two people on planet earth

Maybe she will let Biden sniff her hair as well.
I guess even that lying loon is more honest than you. *shrug*
Getting out wasn't the question, Americans were broadly in favor of this.

It was the "how" of the withdrawal that will have ramifications for years to come. When you couple this with "woke" military recruitment videos and the like and other nations are going to wonder what type of military the U.S will consist of. Politicians and activists, or those prepared to fight to defend liberty?
Like I have said before, it wasn’t THAT he got out it is HOW he got out. Trump specifically stated back in 2017 that a rapid exit would be a problem. I guess Ann and liberals all forgot about that. Funny, what Trump said is coming to pass. To make matters worse, he never dreamed it would be compounded by leaving Americans and equipment behind. Biden screwed the pooch. Anyone with any common sense recognizes that.

“Second, the consequences of a rapid exit are both predictable and unacceptable. 9/11, the worst terrorist attack in our history, was planned and directed from Afghanistan because that country was ruled by a government that gave comfort and shelter to terrorists,” he continued. “A hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum that terrorists, including ISIS and al Qaeda, would instantly fill, just as happened before September 11th.”

Pretty darn prophetic. Maybe Biden as his team of “experts” should have been paying attention.

Video: Trump warned in 2017 'hasty' Afghanistan withdrawal 'would create vacuum that al Qaeda, ISIS would instantly fill'
Getting out wasn't the question, Americans were broadly in favor of this.

It was the "how" of the withdrawal that will have ramifications for years to come. When you couple this with "woke" military recruitment videos and the like and other nations are going to wonder what type of military the U.S will consist of. Politicians and activists, or those prepared to fight to defend liberty?
It's the former Afghan government that screwed this up for us. In a quest for a compliant puppet government we put a bunch of con men and cowards in charge who had no interest in covering our retreat.
It's the former Afghan government that screwed this up for us. In a quest for a compliant puppet government we put a bunch of con men and cowards in charge who had no interest in covering our retreat.


As I see your nation emulate more and more the Canadian system, which is failing us and closer to the Cuban, former Eastern Bloc system than capitalism. You should ask yourself "how many other military leaders and politicians within the U.S are also in charge with similar characteristics"?

I've always said, 'don't blame the soldier, blame policies and leadership". Seeing what the Afghan leadership represented should be a warning to the U.S of the types you do NOT want in leadership in your country, nevermind Afghanistan. After 20 years, you'd think these details would have been well known and honestly projected/.

How will the common Western soldier view any future engagement, anywhere, when they see what the Afghans did? You can be sure Americas enemies will be in their ear reminding them...
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It's the former Afghan government that screwed this up for us. In a quest for a compliant puppet government we put a bunch of con men and cowards in charge who had no interest in covering our retreat.

Yes, they were only interested in the free ride on the backs of American taxpayers, not in actually reforming their country.

As I see your nation emulate more and more the Canadian system, which is failing us and closer to the Cuban, former Eastern Bloc system than capitalism. You should ask yourself "how many other military leaders and politicians within the U.S are also in charge with similar characteristics"?

I've always said, 'don't blame the soldier, blame policies and leadership".
Been saying all along that our military is great at blowing things up and filing a place with weapons but they suck at winning the peace.
The military isn't there to capture minds and bodies like they are ordered to do.

If we go to war. Go in. Kill whoever needs killing. Blow up what needs to be blown up and then go home. Let them take care of their minds and bodies and rebuilding.
The military isn't there to capture minds and bodies like they are ordered to do.

If we go to war. Go in. Kill whoever needs killing. Blow up what needs to be blown up and then go home. Let them take care of their minds and bodies and rebuilding.
If our military is not suited to perform the task we give them that's a problem. We either need to quit occupying places or figure out how to do it.
If our military is not suited to perform the task we give them that's a problem. We either need to quit occupying places or figure out how to do it.
The best course of action is terminate the military, close the pentagon, and fire all the generals.

War is a racket.

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