An RNC remade by Trump backs away from his campaign.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Interesting how insiders feel. Seems only dead-enders are behind him now, which is still a large group of voters. I think they are not being entirely truthful in that last sentence, or the reporter can't read the room.

As Donald J. Trump prepares for his first public events since announcing his presidential campaign, dozens of members of the Republican Party’s governing body are expressing doubts about his ability to win back the White House and are calling for a competitive primary to produce a stronger nominee in 2024.

The 168 members of the Republican National Committee are gathering in Southern California to select their own leader on Friday, and interviews this week with 59 of them — more than one-third of the committee’s membership — found few eager to crown Mr. Trump their nominee for a third time. While they praised his policies and accomplishments as president, many expressed deep concerns about his age (he’s 76), temperament and ability to win a general election, often in unusually blunt terms.

“This isn’t 2016,” said Mac Brown, the chairman of the Republican Party of Kentucky. “People have moved on.”

Jonathan Barnett, an R.N.C. member from Arkansas who claims to have been the first member of the committee to endorse Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign, said the party would benefit from its nominee being forced to navigate a crowded primary field.

“I’ve been a supporter of Donald Trump in the past,” Mr. Barnett said. “I just think that we need choices this time. We’ve got to look at all of our options.”

The motivation to leave Mr. Trump behind is not ideological but political, the party leaders said: They worry he can’t win.
The Republican Establishment is still pissed at the millions of us Little Trumpsters and has never swerved on theiir path of wanting us to just "go away".

Sincerely speaking , McRib, what do you think would happen in November 2024 if Sleepy Joe faced Larry Fucking Hogan in the General Election?

BTW, I respect your opinion on this as you obviously have a great taste in fine cuisine.
As Donald J. Trump prepares for his first public events since announcing his presidential campaign, dozens of members of the Republican Party’s governing body are expressing doubts about his ability to win back the White House and are calling for a competitive primary to produce a stronger nominee in 2024.
And the 2024 primary should be a competitive primary. If Trump wins the nomination again, so be it, but he should not hold presumptive nominee status without having to earn it by going through the primary process.
I'd vote for Larry Hogan. Your party needs more sensible members in it like him.

Why would you voted for Hogan over Sleepy Joe? What's his appeal? Further, do you really think that Hogan would be able to schlong the Democrats in the fall after the pathetic performance he had in the 2022 general elections in his home state?

He might be "sensible" I guess, but he looks like a sure Loser..
If the GOP were, in their infinite wisdom, to nominate Mr. Hogan, Hogan would be literally crucified just like other Republican favorites of the left like Romney and McCain were when they were nominated.

Hogan would be called a racist, fascist, nazi who doesn't pay his taxes and is totally disconnected with the common man. And his weak ability to fight Democrats means that he wouldn't have an effective response to keep his leftist friends onboard his campaign.

The GOP would be better off nominating the other Hogan who has a record of dealing with adversity.

Why would you voted for Hogan over Sleepy Joe? What's his appeal? Further, do you really think that Hogan would be able to schlong the Democrats in the fall after the pathetic performance he had in the 2022 general elections in his home state?

He might be "sensible" I guess, but he looks like a sure Loser..
Says someone who thinks Trump was the best President ever.
Says someone who thinks Trump was the best President ever.

You don't get it. Larry Hogan supported Sleepy Joe in Biden's quest for the Presidency.

He doesn't have any credibility to attack him in a general election debate.

The truth is that if forced to make a choice between Biden and Hogan in a general election, I'd have to cast for Sleepy Joe.
Interesting how insiders feel. Seems only dead-enders are behind him now, which is still a large group of voters. I think they are not being entirely truthful in that last sentence, or the reporter can't read the room.

As Donald J. Trump prepares for his first public events since announcing his presidential campaign, dozens of members of the Republican Party’s governing body are expressing doubts about his ability to win back the White House and are calling for a competitive primary to produce a stronger nominee in 2024.

The 168 members of the Republican National Committee are gathering in Southern California to select their own leader on Friday, and interviews this week with 59 of them — more than one-third of the committee’s membership — found few eager to crown Mr. Trump their nominee for a third time. While they praised his policies and accomplishments as president, many expressed deep concerns about his age (he’s 76), temperament and ability to win a general election, often in unusually blunt terms.

“This isn’t 2016,” said Mac Brown, the chairman of the Republican Party of Kentucky. “People have moved on.”

Jonathan Barnett, an R.N.C. member from Arkansas who claims to have been the first member of the committee to endorse Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign, said the party would benefit from its nominee being forced to navigate a crowded primary field.

“I’ve been a supporter of Donald Trump in the past,” Mr. Barnett said. “I just think that we need choices this time. We’ve got to look at all of our options.”

The motivation to leave Mr. Trump behind is not ideological but political, the party leaders said: They worry he can’t win.

You're so bitter and frustrated
You don't get it. Larry Hogan supported Sleepy Joe in Biden's quest for the Presidency.

He doesn't have any credibility to attack him in a general election debate.

The truth is that if forced to make a choice between Biden and Hogan in a general election, I'd have to cast for Sleepy Joe.
You're so bitter and frustrated
The dead-ender magaloot fantasists who are still befouling the GOP will be dealt with by the GOP:

Reaction to Tucky "I hate Trump" the Entertainer's fractured fairytale may mark their existential need to Dump the Trump:

Some Republicans in Congress treated Carlson’s presentation with the scorn it deserved. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell associated himself with a statement by Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger complaining that Carlson’s presentation “conveniently cherry-picked from the calmer moments of our 41,000 hours of video.”
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) was pithier in his comment: “I was here. I saw what happened. I saw the violence. And you know, I thought it was an insurrection at that time. I still think it was an insurrection today.”
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) called the Carlson version of Jan. 6 “bullshit.”
Even wimpy little 'Throttlebottom' Pence is now willing to provoke a tantrump:

"I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable."
The Loser's mewling that he would pardon his anti-American goons (whom he loves) will further Republicans' resolve to fumigate their Party.

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The dead-ender magaloot fantasists who are still befouling the GOP will be dealt with by the GOP:

Reaction to Tucky "I hate Trump" the Entertainer's fractured fairytale may mark their existential need to Dump the Trump:

Some Republicans in Congress treated Carlson’s presentation with the scorn it deserved. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell associated himself with a statement by Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger complaining that Carlson’s presentation “conveniently cherry-picked from the calmer moments of our 41,000 hours of video.”
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) was pithier in his comment: “I was here. I saw what happened. I saw the violence. And you know, I thought it was an insurrection at that time. I still think it was an insurrection today.”
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) called the Carlson version of Jan. 6 “bullshit.”
Even wimpy little 'Throttlebottom' Pence is now willing to provoke a tantrump:

"I had no right to overturn the election, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know that history will hold Donald Trump accountable."
The Loser's mewling that he would pardon his anti-American goons (whom he loves) will further Republicans' resolve to fumigate their Party.

Sucks that your installed President is following orders to wipe the country down: our longest Allies the Brits and French don't trust us, China is making peace deals while Biden literally can't even negotiate a staircase

Hopefully, there is a team matching the people who smashed the doors and windows to known Antifa and/or FBI agents and assets. Many of us have said all along that this was the democrat Party's J6 Reichstag Fire

Trump, shamefully did not have Fauxi arrested, and, worse yet, never bothered to have in place infrastructure that would have caught the CCP/democrat Party Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team cheating in the tens of millions column in 2020. I'm not a Trump fan.

You Progressives have built the biggest pile of kindling in American history, bigger than 1775 and you only want to pile it higher. Enjoy!
Sucks that your installed President is following orders to wipe the country down: our longest Allies the Brits and French don't trust us, China is making peace deals while Biden literally can't even negotiate a staircase

Hopefully, there is a team matching the people who smashed the doors and windows to known Antifa and/or FBI agents and assets. Many of us have said all along that this was the democrat Party's J6 Reichstag Fire

Trump, shamefully did not have Fauxi arrested, and, worse yet, never bothered to have in place infrastructure that would have caught the CCP/democrat Party Sinaloa Cartel Dream Team cheating in the tens of millions column in 2020. I'm not a Trump fan.

You Progressives have built the biggest pile of kindling in American history, bigger than 1775 and you only want to pile it higher. Enjoy!

It's always Tucker Pucker time for some!

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