America is Superior, Change my mind

well, the US has a lot of people/land/resources was able to not only grow and develop, but also to put controls/learning/schools/etc in place, thus making a very stable/productive/great/etc country
...England-- a very tiny island country with little resources ''ruled the world'' at one time
I'd place England very high on the list....and Japan....Germany

....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world + England ''very quickly'' with innovative tactics in we have 1 country beating 2.....they also conquered a lot of territory--a lot of Russia, France, Norway, etc etc ..the combat was only one part of it--the logistics was the other, very huge, important part..this takes great organization, innovation, discipline,etc they are an economic powerhouse
“....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world...”? Did you miss the part where its heart, Berlin, was reduced to rubbble at war’s end? How about the Bits virtually blowing Goring’s Luftwaffe out of the war in the Battle of Britain in, gee, 1940?

America was superior when it bailed Europe out of Hitler’s grasp at great cost of young American lives and billions of dollars, and she’s just as superior today!
Well, let's see here.

We have had a system in place for years that created a melting pot culture where those who were the rejected people from other countries could come and make a life for themselves free from the limitations placed upon them by their native cultures. They embraced being an American, contributed their own particular spice to the mix, but melted into society. Not only did our culture take in all these rejects, but became the most prosperous, productive and influential country in the world.

We are still that country, but some people don't want us to be They embrace multiculturalism instead of the great melting pot, identity politics instead of actual liberalism and they hey want us Balkanized and at each other's throats. They do not believe in values, only moral relativism, they champion the most backwards and barbaric people in the world under the guise of political correctness and they sneer at anybody who does take any pride in all the great tings our country has brought to the world. They are too busy pitting people against one another and promoting victimology to ever contribute something positive to our country because they live in a world of nothing but negativity.

We have met the enemy and they is us.
America Superior

Military Strength........Yes
Natural Resources......Yes
History of Democracy.....Yes
Scientific Achievement....Yes
Expanding our culture....Yes

Healthcare availability....No
Wealth equity....No
Public Safety/Murder Rate.........No
America Superior

Military Strength........Yes
Natural Resources......Yes
History of Democracy.....Yes
Scientific Achievement....Yes
Expanding our culture....Yes

Healthcare availability....No
Wealth equity....No
Public Safety/Murder Rate.........No
Must... Save... the richest... Brainwash.
well, the US has a lot of people/land/resources was able to not only grow and develop, but also to put controls/learning/schools/etc in place, thus making a very stable/productive/great/etc country
...England-- a very tiny island country with little resources ''ruled the world'' at one time
I'd place England very high on the list....and Japan....Germany

....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world + England ''very quickly'' with innovative tactics in we have 1 country beating 2.....they also conquered a lot of territory--a lot of Russia, France, Norway, etc etc ..the combat was only one part of it--the logistics was the other, very huge, important part..this takes great organization, innovation, discipline,etc they are an economic powerhouse
“....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world...”? Did you miss the part where its heart, Berlin, was reduced to rubbble at war’s end? How about the Bits virtually blowing Goring’s Luftwaffe out of the war in the Battle of Britain in, gee, 1940?

America was superior when it bailed Europe out of Hitler’s grasp at great cost of young American lives and billions of dollars, and she’s just as superior today!
Germany beat TWO countries--''fast''--France and England
kicked them off the continent
France did not beat Germany
England did not beat Germany
it was many countries--with the 2 LARGEST included
Russia did not beat 2 countries alone
the US did not beat 2 countries alone
but Germany did
France had one of the most powerful, if not the most, armies in 1939--and Germany beat them fast--Blitzkrieg---

and it's not just the battles that count--as stated before takes great organization/logistics/discipline/etc --which a lot of countries did not and do not have
like I said, Japan and Germany are up there
well, the US has a lot of people/land/resources was able to not only grow and develop, but also to put controls/learning/schools/etc in place, thus making a very stable/productive/great/etc country
...England-- a very tiny island country with little resources ''ruled the world'' at one time
I'd place England very high on the list....and Japan....Germany

....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world + England ''very quickly'' with innovative tactics in we have 1 country beating 2.....they also conquered a lot of territory--a lot of Russia, France, Norway, etc etc ..the combat was only one part of it--the logistics was the other, very huge, important part..this takes great organization, innovation, discipline,etc they are an economic powerhouse
“....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world...”? Did you miss the part where its heart, Berlin, was reduced to rubbble at war’s end? How about the Bits virtually blowing Goring’s Luftwaffe out of the war in the Battle of Britain in, gee, 1940?

America was superior when it bailed Europe out of Hitler’s grasp at great cost of young American lives and billions of dollars, and she’s just as superior today!
really?? Germany lost???
Germany's military was much better than England's
Camelot Dung

America was the greatest because it proved that racial supremacy was right and birth-class supremacy was wrong. With that in mind, who do you think turned the unfit races loose on us, starting in the 1960s? Richkids are told by their doting Daddies that they have inherited superior genes and have evolved beyond their race into a smarter and kinder replacement for it.

So this nightmare won't end until we outlaw all birth privileges. Not likely to happen as long as we get brainwashed as children into hating our Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling us.
well, the US has a lot of people/land/resources was able to not only grow and develop, but also to put controls/learning/schools/etc in place, thus making a very stable/productive/great/etc country
...England-- a very tiny island country with little resources ''ruled the world'' at one time
I'd place England very high on the list....and Japan....Germany

....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world + England ''very quickly'' with innovative tactics in we have 1 country beating 2.....they also conquered a lot of territory--a lot of Russia, France, Norway, etc etc ..the combat was only one part of it--the logistics was the other, very huge, important part..this takes great organization, innovation, discipline,etc they are an economic powerhouse
“....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world...”? Did you miss the part where its heart, Berlin, was reduced to rubbble at war’s end? How about the Bits virtually blowing Goring’s Luftwaffe out of the war in the Battle of Britain in, gee, 1940?

America was superior when it bailed Europe out of Hitler’s grasp at great cost of young American lives and billions of dollars, and she’s just as superior today!
Germany beat TWO countries--''fast''--France and England
kicked them off the continent
France did not beat Germany
England did not beat Germany
it was many countries--with the 2 LARGEST included
Russia did not beat 2 countries alone
the US did not beat 2 countries alone
but Germany did
France had one of the most powerful, if not the most, armies in 1939--and Germany beat them fast--Blitzkrieg---
View attachment 203127
and it's not just the battles that count--as stated before takes great organization/logistics/discipline/etc --which a lot of countries did not and do not have
like I said, Japan and Germany are up there
Dictatorships do well when they start wars with liberal democracies.... For a while. Many thanks to the disastrous GOP for Wrecking the League of Nations, the Versailles treaty, the world economy in the 1920s--leading to the rise of militarism and fascism in Japan, isolationism allowing them to run wild...

Without amphetamines the Nazis would have had a harder time in 1940, Plus many examples of incredible luck...
well, the US has a lot of people/land/resources was able to not only grow and develop, but also to put controls/learning/schools/etc in place, thus making a very stable/productive/great/etc country
...England-- a very tiny island country with little resources ''ruled the world'' at one time
I'd place England very high on the list....and Japan....Germany

....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world + England ''very quickly'' with innovative tactics in we have 1 country beating 2.....they also conquered a lot of territory--a lot of Russia, France, Norway, etc etc ..the combat was only one part of it--the logistics was the other, very huge, important part..this takes great organization, innovation, discipline,etc they are an economic powerhouse
“....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world...”? Did you miss the part where its heart, Berlin, was reduced to rubbble at war’s end? How about the Bits virtually blowing Goring’s Luftwaffe out of the war in the Battle of Britain in, gee, 1940?

America was superior when it bailed Europe out of Hitler’s grasp at great cost of young American lives and billions of dollars, and she’s just as superior today!
Germany beat TWO countries--''fast''--France and England
kicked them off the continent
France did not beat Germany
England did not beat Germany
it was many countries--with the 2 LARGEST included
Russia did not beat 2 countries alone
the US did not beat 2 countries alone
but Germany did
France had one of the most powerful, if not the most, armies in 1939--and Germany beat them fast--Blitzkrieg---
View attachment 203127
and it's not just the battles that count--as stated before takes great organization/logistics/discipline/etc --which a lot of countries did not and do not have
like I said, Japan and Germany are up there
Dictatorships do well when they start wars with liberal democracies.... For a while. Many thanks to the disastrous GOP for Wrecking the League of Nations, the Versailles treaty, the world economy in the 1920s--leading to the rise of militarism and fascism in Japan, isolationism allowing them to run wild...
well, the US has a lot of people/land/resources was able to not only grow and develop, but also to put controls/learning/schools/etc in place, thus making a very stable/productive/great/etc country
...England-- a very tiny island country with little resources ''ruled the world'' at one time
I'd place England very high on the list....and Japan....Germany

....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world + England ''very quickly'' with innovative tactics in we have 1 country beating 2.....they also conquered a lot of territory--a lot of Russia, France, Norway, etc etc ..the combat was only one part of it--the logistics was the other, very huge, important part..this takes great organization, innovation, discipline,etc they are an economic powerhouse
“....Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world...”? Did you miss the part where its heart, Berlin, was reduced to rubbble at war’s end? How about the Bits virtually blowing Goring’s Luftwaffe out of the war in the Battle of Britain in, gee, 1940?

America was superior when it bailed Europe out of Hitler’s grasp at great cost of young American lives and billions of dollars, and she’s just as superior today!
really?? Germany lost???
Germany's military was much better than England's
Fascist bastards are like that... For a while. And not the Navy or the Air Force, all England needed... Clever devils to have a Channel, like us with the Atlantic and Pacific. Anglo American devils LOL
Camelot Dung

America was the greatest because it proved that racial supremacy was right and birth-class supremacy was wrong. With that in mind, who do you think turned the unfit races loose on us, starting in the 1960s? Richkids are told by their doting Daddies that they have inherited superior genes and have evolved beyond their race into a smarter and kinder replacement for it.

So this nightmare won't end until we outlaw all birth privileges. Not likely to happen as long as we get brainwashed as children into hating our Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling us.
Or you could raise taxes on the rich and give the rest a fair chance like other modern countries...
Germany beat France--quickly --it's as simple as that
they are a great nation with great people
The U.S. is exceptional due to the concept, principles, and nature of its founding. Add its large size, great opportunity for success, and innovation, natural resources, and position with two large oceans separating it from other world powers makes it strategically placed.
Germany beat France--quickly --it's as simple as that
they are a great nation with great people
Not under Hitler they lost their way... Typical nationalist fascist BS that happens when the GOP wrecks the world economy AGAIN. FRANCE AND AMERICA ARE THE TWO GREAT REPUBLICS oops... Brainwashed fanatics are great soldiers but not so great people, dumbass. It's a hundred and twenty miles from Germany to Paris, and I'm sick of English people behind their Channel and Americans with the Atlantic and the Pacific going on about how Brave and clever they are...
Germany beat France--quickly --it's as simple as that
they are a great nation with great people
Not under Hitler they lost their way... Typical nationalist fascist BS that happens when the GOP wrecks the world economy AGAIN. FRANCE AND AMERICA ARE THE TWO GREAT REPUBLICS oops... Brainwashed fanatics are great soldiers but not so great people, dumbass. It's a hundred and twenty miles from Germany to Paris, and I'm sick of English people behind their Channel and Americans with the Atlantic and the Pacific going on about how Brave and clever they are...
I've had this discussion before
...alone, Germany beat one of the largest armies in the world [ France ] with England helping the French--and they beat them ''quickly''
...Germany was beaten by many countries--including the 2 largest with the largest armies
it's that simple
Germany beat France--quickly --it's as simple as that
they are a great nation with great people
They overplayed their hand and were destroyed
...they [ by themselves ] beat one of the largest armies in the world--quickly-with England helping France
do you people understand??
..England, the US, Russia, etc did not beat Germany by themselves
Not anymore after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and cuts for everyone else, not to mention the worst BS propaganda machines in our history. Thanks for 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars, and another corrupt World depression. What is so bad about a living wage Healthcare daycare good infrastructure paid parental leave cheap college and training, a national ID card to stop it illegals, like all other modern countries have? The GOP is a disgrace.
Franco!! still talking about that national ID card?
Not anymore after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and cuts for everyone else, not to mention the worst BS propaganda machines in our history. Thanks for 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars, and another corrupt World depression. What is so bad about a living wage Healthcare daycare good infrastructure paid parental leave cheap college and training, a national ID card to stop it illegals, like all other modern countries have? The GOP is a disgrace.
Franco!! still talking about that national ID card?
It is the solution and always has been...
Germany beat France--quickly --it's as simple as that
they are a great nation with great people
They overplayed their hand and were destroyed
...they [ by themselves ] beat one of the largest armies in the world--quickly-with England helping France
do you people understand??
..England, the US, Russia, etc did not beat Germany by themselves
German Army stayed awake for 8 Days against France. They they just had the best drugs and luck... And blind fanaticism...
Germany beat France--quickly --it's as simple as that
they are a great nation with great people
They overplayed their hand and were destroyed
...they [ by themselves ] beat one of the largest armies in the world--quickly-with England helping France
do you people understand??
..England, the US, Russia, etc did not beat Germany by themselves
Or maybe Russia did or could have... 80% of the Nazi war effort was against them the last 4 years...

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