America blames ......

I'm a female and I do not an education, and what WMD did they have?[/QUOTE]
Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.

You're an idiot too. WMDs don't just evaporate into thin air. Personally, I don't rely on the Democrats as any kind of source for truth. If that's who you want to rely on....well like I said, you're an idiot.

before you go on-----can you define "WMD"?

If he knew the definition of an WMD he would not be claiming Iraq didn't have any. He needs an education. Please give him one. Thank you.

I'm a girl and what WMD did they have?

they murdered 100s of thousands using gases and techniques like shoving populations into swamps and
throwing electrical currends thru the waters-----they also had
scud missiles ----the noses of which could jettison all kinds
of poisons around including radioactive materials and they
had Nitrogen mustard gas------compliments of your hero ---
Adolf Hitler >>> grand mufti al husseini >>>Baathist pig---gamel abdel Nasser >>>Baathist pig ----sadaam Hussein----
people in Iraq died MASSIVELY--------Kurds in the northern part of the country and Shiites ---mostly south----
Last edited:
Rosie already told you. Read this thread. Then comment. That is the correct order. If you desire to examine the evidence before forming an opinion, Penelope. Read the thread first.
America blames ...... NK for the Sony attack
Russia (or Pro Russian rebels) for the Malaysian airliner.

It then goes on to action, but never publishes evidence.

Is this reasonable?
Here's more from - According to them everyone is the problem: liberals are destroying Christmas, conservatives are destroying economy, gays are destroying marriages, Nazis and Islamo Fascists are trying to steal our freedoms, Illegal Mexicans are living off our hard labor, Russian speaking population in Ukraine are a threat to our democracy, Chinese are stealing our jobs, and on top of all that lazy people who gave up their properties to banks or tax men and decided to sit on welfare at the expense of, presumably political experts who get to talk about them on television and the international bankers who are nice enough to bail them out.

your point? people have been complaining about similar issues for thousands of years--------we are nothing new
What wmd "bullshit"-------I agree that the majority of people are so stupid that they equate WMD and NUCLEAR WEAPON-------I am in the minority------since I never heard or read the words "nuclear bombs"-----I did not assume that WMD means "nuclear weapon"---------It is possible that the people who said WMD understood that stupid people would
think "NUCLEAR BOMB"-----at worst-they may have taken advantage of the stupidity of you idiots

Oh look, an idiot.

"He's had years to get good at it and we know he has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons," Cheney said. - Did the Bush Administration exaggerate the threat from Iraq - Jul. 8 2003

Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.

You're an idiot too. WMDs don't just evaporate into thin air. Personally, I don't rely on the Democrats as any kind of source for truth. If that's who you want to rely on....well like I said, you're an idiot.

before you go on-----can you define "WMD"?

If he knew the definition of an WMD he would not be claiming Iraq didn't have any. He needs an education. Please give him one. Thank you.

I'm a girl and what WMD did they have?

they murdered 100s of thousands using gases and techniques like shoving populations into swamps and
throwing electrical currends thru the waters-----they also had
scud missiles ----the noses of which could jettison all kinds
of poisons around including radioactive materials and they
had Nitrogen mustard gas------compliments of your hero ---
Adolf Hitler >>> grand mufti al husseini >>>Baathist pig---bamel abdel Nasser >>>Baathist pig ----sadaam Hussein----
people in Iraq died MASSIVELY--------Kurds in the northern part of the country and Shiites ---mostly south----

The US gave them chemical weapons to use against Iran, what in the hell does Hitler or WWII Jewish exaggerated holocaust have to with this , except Israel took it upon themselves to bomb Iraq's nuclear reactor that France was helping them build, which also was not even designed to make nuclear weapons. Then the US sanctions had the kids drinking scank water ad dying of disease and we then proceeded to bomb them in 03 with chemical weapons.
before you go on-----can you define "WMD"?

Wankers Making Delusions.

In other words, you do not know the definition of a weapon of mass destruction. Thank you for the response. It explains a lot about why you are slandering a member of this board rather than countering her post.

famous quote remembered:

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.
What wmd "bullshit"-------I agree that the majority of people are so stupid that they equate WMD and NUCLEAR WEAPON-------I am in the minority------since I never heard or read the words "nuclear bombs"-----I did not assume that WMD means "nuclear weapon"---------It is possible that the people who said WMD understood that stupid people would
think "NUCLEAR BOMB"-----at worst-they may have taken advantage of the stupidity of you idiots

Oh look, an idiot.

"He's had years to get good at it and we know he has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons," Cheney said. - Did the Bush Administration exaggerate the threat from Iraq - Jul. 8 2003

You're an idiot too. WMDs don't just evaporate into thin air. Personally, I don't rely on the Democrats as any kind of source for truth. If that's who you want to rely on....well like I said, you're an idiot.

before you go on-----can you define "WMD"?

If he knew the definition of an WMD he would not be claiming Iraq didn't have any. He needs an education. Please give him one. Thank you.

I'm a girl and what WMD did they have?

they murdered 100s of thousands using gases and techniques like shoving populations into swamps and
throwing electrical currends thru the waters-----they also had
scud missiles ----the noses of which could jettison all kinds
of poisons around including radioactive materials and they
had Nitrogen mustard gas------compliments of your hero ---
Adolf Hitler >>> grand mufti al husseini >>>Baathist pig---bamel abdel Nasser >>>Baathist pig ----sadaam Hussein----
people in Iraq died MASSIVELY--------Kurds in the northern part of the country and Shiites ---mostly south----

The US gave them chemical weapons to use against Iran, what in the hell does Hitler or WWII Jewish exaggerated holocaust have to with this , except Israel took it upon themselves to bomb Iraq's nuclear reactor that France was helping them build, which also was not even designed to make nuclear weapons. Then the US sanctions had the kids drinking scank water ad dying of disease and we then proceeded to bomb them in 03 with chemical weapons.

A Jewish exaggerated holocaust? Did you really just write that, Penelope?
America blames ...... NK for the Sony attack
Russia (or Pro Russian rebels) for the Malaysian airliner.

It then goes on to action, but never publishes evidence.

Is this reasonable?
Here's more from - According to them everyone is the problem: liberals are destroying Christmas, conservatives are destroying economy, gays are destroying marriages, Nazis and Islamo Fascists are trying to steal our freedoms, Illegal Mexicans are living off our hard labor, Russian speaking population in Ukraine are a threat to our democracy, Chinese are stealing our jobs, and on top of all that lazy people who gave up their properties to banks or tax men and decided to sit on welfare at the expense of, presumably political experts who get to talk about them on television and the international bankers who are nice enough to bail them out.

your point? people have been complaining about similar issues for thousands of years--------we are nothing new

Have a nice afternoon, Rosie.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.

Speaking of...

Quit speaking. You're removing all doubt.

Thank goodness. For a moment there I thought you were going to slander me, or something.

Me? Not a chance. I have to go feed my bull some hay.
Bye now.
What wmd "bullshit"-------I agree that the majority of people are so stupid that they equate WMD and NUCLEAR WEAPON-------I am in the minority------since I never heard or read the words "nuclear bombs"-----I did not assume that WMD means "nuclear weapon"---------It is possible that the people who said WMD understood that stupid people would
think "NUCLEAR BOMB"-----at worst-they may have taken advantage of the stupidity of you idiots

Oh look, an idiot.

"He's had years to get good at it and we know he has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons," Cheney said. - Did the Bush Administration exaggerate the threat from Iraq - Jul. 8 2003

You're an idiot too. WMDs don't just evaporate into thin air. Personally, I don't rely on the Democrats as any kind of source for truth. If that's who you want to rely on....well like I said, you're an idiot.

before you go on-----can you define "WMD"?

If he knew the definition of an WMD he would not be claiming Iraq didn't have any. He needs an education. Please give him one. Thank you.

I'm a girl and what WMD did they have?

they murdered 100s of thousands using gases and techniques like shoving populations into swamps and
throwing electrical currends thru the waters-----they also had
scud missiles ----the noses of which could jettison all kinds
of poisons around including radioactive materials and they
had Nitrogen mustard gas------compliments of your hero ---
Adolf Hitler >>> grand mufti al husseini >>>Baathist pig---bamel abdel Nasser >>>Baathist pig ----sadaam Hussein----
people in Iraq died MASSIVELY--------Kurds in the northern part of the country and Shiites ---mostly south----

The US gave them chemical weapons to use against Iran, what in the hell does Hitler or WWII Jewish exaggerated holocaust have to with this , except Israel took it upon themselves to bomb Iraq's nuclear reactor that France was helping them build, which also was not even designed to make nuclear weapons. Then the US sanctions had the kids drinking scank water ad dying of disease and we then proceeded to bomb them in 03 with chemical weapons.

Since you were candid about the fact that you are completely uneducated ---I will help you------You have revealed your sickness by mentioning "jewish exaggerated holocaust"----
no one else but you mentioned the holocaust indicated that you have JOOOOS on your idiot brain being the islamo Nazi that you are. ANY facility capable of making radioactive
materials can come up with stuff useful in Terrorism---it does not even have to be actual NUCLEAR BOMBS ----just radioactive stuff. Iraqis ----in various parts of Iraq have been drinking skank waters for centuries AND COUNTING ---which is why they have episodic outbreaks of cholera----which they have traditionally blamed on jews----they still have have the cholera and now even PLAGUE----(yersinnia pestis) without
any jews being around. The US gave Iraq chemicals----which can be used for all kinds of good things-----but your pal diverted them to the MAKING OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS----
chlorine gas bombs are killing children in Syria right now----to make them all you need is regular laundry bleach. The US never bombed Iraq with chemical weapons
What wmd "bullshit"-------I agree that the majority of people are so stupid that they equate WMD and NUCLEAR WEAPON-------I am in the minority------since I never heard or read the words "nuclear bombs"-----I did not assume that WMD means "nuclear weapon"---------It is possible that the people who said WMD understood that stupid people would
think "NUCLEAR BOMB"-----at worst-they may have taken advantage of the stupidity of you idiots

Oh look, an idiot.

"He's had years to get good at it and we know he has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons," Cheney said. - Did the Bush Administration exaggerate the threat from Iraq - Jul. 8 2003

before you go on-----can you define "WMD"?

If he knew the definition of an WMD he would not be claiming Iraq didn't have any. He needs an education. Please give him one. Thank you.

I'm a girl and what WMD did they have?

they murdered 100s of thousands using gases and techniques like shoving populations into swamps and
throwing electrical currends thru the waters-----they also had
scud missiles ----the noses of which could jettison all kinds
of poisons around including radioactive materials and they
had Nitrogen mustard gas------compliments of your hero ---
Adolf Hitler >>> grand mufti al husseini >>>Baathist pig---bamel abdel Nasser >>>Baathist pig ----sadaam Hussein----
people in Iraq died MASSIVELY--------Kurds in the northern part of the country and Shiites ---mostly south----

The US gave them chemical weapons to use against Iran, what in the hell does Hitler or WWII Jewish exaggerated holocaust have to with this , except Israel took it upon themselves to bomb Iraq's nuclear reactor that France was helping them build, which also was not even designed to make nuclear weapons. Then the US sanctions had the kids drinking scank water ad dying of disease and we then proceeded to bomb them in 03 with chemical weapons.

A Jewish exaggerated holocaust? Did you really just write that, Penelope?

She threw it in even though no one mentioned it-----I think she imagines that her pal Adolf used nitrogen mustard gas on jews in Auschwitz------have some compassion----she admitted
that she is completely uneducated except for the islamo Nazi propaganda Penelope----your pal Adolf did not use nitrogen mustard gas in Auschwitz-----Germany used it in World war I and Adolf passed it to your pal AL HUSSEINI in the early 30s and Baathist pig al Husseini passed it to
Baathist pig Gamal Abdel Nasser and Gamal passed it to
Baathist pig----Sadaam-----Sadaam moved all kinds of stuff to his Baathist pig friends ASSAD-----they have bunkers carved into the mountain ranges ------done by Iran however it was established long ago that he had large stores of Nitrogen mustard gas------which he could even make himself with the right chemicals-------He has both the chemicals and persons with that level of expertise and he was doing it
America blames ...... NK for the Sony attack
Russia (or Pro Russian rebels) for the Malaysian airliner.

It then goes on to action, but never publishes evidence.

Is this reasonable?
Here's more from - According to them everyone is the problem: liberals are destroying Christmas, conservatives are destroying economy, gays are destroying marriages, Nazis and Islamo Fascists are trying to steal our freedoms, Illegal Mexicans are living off our hard labor, Russian speaking population in Ukraine are a threat to our democracy, Chinese are stealing our jobs, and on top of all that lazy people who gave up their properties to banks or tax men and decided to sit on welfare at the expense of, presumably political experts who get to talk about them on television and the international bankers who are nice enough to bail them out.

your point? people have been complaining about similar issues for thousands of years--------we are nothing new

Have a nice afternoon, Rosie.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.

Speaking of...

Quit speaking. You're removing all doubt.

Thank goodness. For a moment there I thought you were going to slander me, or something.

Me? Not a chance. I have to go feed my bull some hay.
Bye now.

Jeremiah-----that red cloak you are carrying is not enough
protection-------you need---uhm EL PICADOR (?) he's the man on a horse with a sword-----he gets the bull with the sword before the bull gets to ------uhm-----stick his horns into
the matadora -----I think ----I am not sure
NK for the Sony attack
Russia (or Pro Russian rebels) for the Malaysian airliner.

It then goes on to action, but never publishes evidence.

Is this reasonable?

What action did we go to for sony? Or the Malaysian jet liner for that matter? Most of the sanctions are over the Crimea. Do you think they gave us enough information to show Russia did that one too, or are you still on the fence?
What wmd "bullshit"-------I agree that the majority of people are so stupid that they equate WMD and NUCLEAR WEAPON-------I am in the minority------since I never heard or read the words "nuclear bombs"-----I did not assume that WMD means "nuclear weapon"---------It is possible that the people who said WMD understood that stupid people would
think "NUCLEAR BOMB"-----at worst-they may have taken advantage of the stupidity of you idiots

Oh look, an idiot.

"He's had years to get good at it and we know he has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons," Cheney said. - Did the Bush Administration exaggerate the threat from Iraq - Jul. 8 2003

before you go on-----can you define "WMD"?

If he knew the definition of an WMD he would not be claiming Iraq didn't have any. He needs an education. Please give him one. Thank you.

I'm a girl and what WMD did they have?

they murdered 100s of thousands using gases and techniques like shoving populations into swamps and
throwing electrical currends thru the waters-----they also had
scud missiles ----the noses of which could jettison all kinds
of poisons around including radioactive materials and they
had Nitrogen mustard gas------compliments of your hero ---
Adolf Hitler >>> grand mufti al husseini >>>Baathist pig---bamel abdel Nasser >>>Baathist pig ----sadaam Hussein----
people in Iraq died MASSIVELY--------Kurds in the northern part of the country and Shiites ---mostly south----

The US gave them chemical weapons to use against Iran, what in the hell does Hitler or WWII Jewish exaggerated holocaust have to with this , except Israel took it upon themselves to bomb Iraq's nuclear reactor that France was helping them build, which also was not even designed to make nuclear weapons. Then the US sanctions had the kids drinking scank water ad dying of disease and we then proceeded to bomb them in 03 with chemical weapons.

Since you were candid about the fact that you are completely uneducated ---I will help you------You have revealed your sickness by mentioning "jewish exaggerated holocaust"----
no one else but you mentioned the holocaust indicated that you have JOOOOS on your idiot brain being the islamo Nazi that you are. ANY facility capable of making radioactive
materials can come up with stuff useful in Terrorism---it does not even have to be actual NUCLEAR BOMBS ----just radioactive stuff. Iraqis ----in various parts of Iraq have been drinking skank waters for centuries AND COUNTING ---which is why they have episodic outbreaks of cholera----which they have traditionally blamed on jews----they still have have the cholera and now even PLAGUE----(yersinnia pestis) without
any jews being around. The US gave Iraq chemicals----which can be used for all kinds of good things-----but your pal diverted them to the MAKING OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS----
chlorine gas bombs are killing children in Syria right now----to make them all you need is regular laundry bleach. The US never bombed Iraq with chemical weapons

So you offer to " help" someone and then break into condescension?

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