Alexander Vindman: War Profiteer


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Now the skunk is out of the bag, as to Vindman's percentage in impeachment fraud #1....It risked interfering with his war-is-sell grift in Ukraine.


Vindman proposed that for $12 million in initial funding, his company Trident Support would bring support closer to the front lines by providing a logistical midpoint from which equipment could be distributed.

The idea behind the proposal is that Trident Support would be a middle-man between NATO weapons and Ukrainian forces, teaching the latter how to operate and repair the equipment, while taking an exorbitant fee from Ukraine to do it.

Now the skunk is out of the bag, as to Vindman's percentage in impeachment fraud #1....It risked interfering with his war-is-sell grift in Ukraine.


Vindman proposed that for $12 million in initial funding, his company Trident Support would bring support closer to the front lines by providing a logistical midpoint from which equipment could be distributed.

The idea behind the proposal is that Trident Support would be a middle-man between NATO weapons and Ukrainian forces, teaching the latter how to operate and repair the equipment, while taking an exorbitant fee from Ukraine to do it.

LtCol Vindman is a prime example of the left turning treason and espionage into a legal act if you're a Democrat.

Personally if this POS was in my unit I would have a difficult time not beating the holy fuck out of him.
Now the skunk is out of the bag, as to Vindman's percentage in impeachment fraud #1....It risked interfering with his war-is-sell grift in Ukraine.


Vindman proposed that for $12 million in initial funding, his company Trident Support would bring support closer to the front lines by providing a logistical midpoint from which equipment could be distributed.

The idea behind the proposal is that Trident Support would be a middle-man between NATO weapons and Ukrainian forces, teaching the latter how to operate and repair the equipment, while taking an exorbitant fee from Ukraine to do it.

You see this as a part of your country's domestic political fight.
I see it as you letting your guard down on exposing America's guilt for the war against Russia.
And yet another proggy icon is revealed as just another corrupt & lying POS.

How long till the minions come on to claim it's all fake news?
See my comment to oddball. There's value for domestic political reasons in exposing Vindman, but it's a sacrifice of US foreign policy propaganda lies.
There's no "guard" up for these warmongering scumbags....They belong in GITMO for the rest of their murderous lives.
I'm fine with you avoiding the fact that your domestic politics has compromised foreign policy propaganda lies.
Or is it just over your paygrade to under;stand?
I'm fine with you avoiding the fact that your domestic politics has compromised foreign policy propaganda lies.
Or is it just over your paygrade to under;stand?
I understand my position a lot better than you do, ya insolent little fucking creep.

Now go play in traffic.
There's no "guard" up for these warmongering scumbags....They belong in GITMO for the rest of their murderous lives.
You’re forgetting that Ukraine is fighting a war in self defense.
Clearly you are, by claiming they’re war mongering murderers.

They didn’t start the war. They’re not warmongers.
You really don’t think he was involved with this administration watching the weeks-long Russian military buildup on the Ukraine border and acting like nothing was happening, do you? That’s either extremely dishonest or naive.
You really don’t think he was involved with this administration watching the weeks-long Russian military buildup on the Ukraine border and acting like nothing was happening, do you? That’s either extremely dishonest or naive.
What a load of nonsense. Biden was the one sounding the alarm repeatedly about the buildup, which a lot of common wisdom in Europe and here thought was alarmist.

Sorry. You’re rewriting history.
This certainly shows what a tremendous assessor of character President Trump is. He recognized that VIndman was a real piece of shit and kept him out-of-the-loop and eventually banished out of the WH completely.

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