AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America's Morally Bankrupt Israel Policy


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America's Morally Bankrupt Israel Policy*|*Stephen M. Walt

It is obvious that Israel wants tension and war to achieve the murder and expulsion of the Palestinians, and AIPAC the American Israeli PAC owns our government lock, stock and barrel...We need a Political Revolution of Campaign Finance Laws!

The official name for Israel's latest assault on Gaza is "Operation Protective Edge." A better name would be "Operation Déjà Vu." As it has on several prior occasions, Israel is using weapons provided by U.S. taxpayers to bombard the captive and impoverished Palestinians in Gaza, where the death toll now exceeds 500. As usual, the U.S. government is siding with Israel, even though most American leaders understand Israel instigated the latest round of violence, is not acting with restraint, and that its actions make Washington look callous and hypocritical in the eyes of most of the world. This Orwellian situation is eloquent testimony to the continued political clout of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and the other hardline elements of the Israel lobby. There is no other plausible explanation for the supine behavior of the U.S. Congress--including some of its most "progressive" members--or the shallow hypocrisy of the Obama administration, especially those officials known for their purported commitment to human rights.

The immediate cause of this latest one-sided bloodletting was the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli hikers in the occupied West Bank, followed shortly thereafter by the kidnapping and fatal burning of a Palestinian teenager by several Israelis. According to J.J. Goldberg's reporting in the Jewish newspaper Forward, the Netanyahu government blamed Hamas for the kidnappings without evidence and pretended the kidnapped Israelis were still alive for several weeks, even though there was evidence indicating the victims were already dead. It perpetrated this deception in order to whip up anti-Arab sentiment and make it easier to justify punitive operations in the West Bank and Gaza.
And why did Netanyahu decide to go on another rampage in Gaza? As Nathan Thrall of the International Crisis Group points out, the real motive is neither vengeance nor a desire to protect Israel from Hamas' rocket fire, which has been virtually non-existent over the past two years and is largely ineffectual anyway. Netanyahu's real purpose was to undermine the recent agreement between Hamas and Fatah for a unity government. Given Netanyahu's personal commitment to keeping the West Bank and creating a "greater Israel," the last thing he wants is a unified Palestinian leadership that might press him to get serious about a two-state solution. Ergo, he sought to isolate and severely damage Hamas and drive a new wedge between the two Palestinian factions.
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thanks Pballs------for volunteering to enter a closed room into which 3 kassam rockets
will be launched -----so that YOU CAN PROVE they are 'harmless"------when will this event take
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"It is obvious that Israel wants tension and war to achieve the murder and expulsion of the Palestinians"

Only to deluded lefties like you Pbel.....
thanks Pballs------for volunteering to enter a closed room into which 3 kassam rockets
will be launched -----so that YOU CAN PROVE they are 'harmless"------when will this event take

oh gee----the chicken shit lump of scum ------is AFRAID OF A LITTLE OLD HARMLESS KASSAM
"It is obvious that Israel wants tension and war to achieve the murder and expulsion of the Palestinians"

Only to deluded lefties like you Pbel.....

What would you know about morality? You mock the decency in trying to save some people in their ancestral land...genetically the Palestinians are proven that they are more closely related to the ancient Jews of Israel than you or the vast majority of Jews in Israel...

Yet you mock decency and avarice is your creed, righty!
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pbel, et al,

I think Israel has been quite restrained.

As Nathan Thrall of the International Crisis Group points out, the real motive is neither vengeance nor a desire to protect Israel from Hamas' rocket fire, which has been virtually non-existent over the past two years and is largely ineffectual anyway.

In the past two years (July 2012 to July 2014), HAMAS has fired well over 1000 rockets and mortars into Israel. Whether they were effective launches has more to do with the competence of the Hostile Palestinian than the danger they represent.

I would be willing to bet that the US would not wait until a 1000 rockets landed inside the US to respond to a hostile threat. More than 5000 rockets and mortars since 2009.

As for "Israel instigated the latest round of violence!!!!" Yes, of course it did. The virtual and perpetual victim that the Palestinians are, sneaked into Gaza and fired the rockets at themselves. (Said with a Tongue and Cheek smile!)

The Western world understands what the Palestinians are doing.

As for being morally bankrupt, that is a joke. What is moral about firing rockets and mortars into Israel? Where does the Palestinian get off judging Israel's morals?

Most Respectfully,
pbel, et al,

I think Israel has been quite restrained.

As Nathan Thrall of the International Crisis Group points out, the real motive is neither vengeance nor a desire to protect Israel from Hamas' rocket fire, which has been virtually non-existent over the past two years and is largely ineffectual anyway.

In the past two years (July 2012 to July 2014), HAMAS has fired well over 1000 rockets and mortars into Israel. Whether they were effective launches has more to do with the competence of the Hostile Palestinian than the danger they represent.

I would be willing to bet that the US would not wait until a 1000 rockets landed inside the US to respond to a hostile threat. More than 5000 rockets and mortars since 2009.

As for "Israel instigated the latest round of violence!!!!" Yes, of course it did. The virtual and perpetual victim that the Palestinians are, sneaked into Gaza and fired the rockets at themselves. (Said with a Tongue and Cheek smile!)

The Western world understands what the Palestinians are doing.

As for being morally bankrupt, that is a joke. What is moral about firing rockets and mortars into Israel? Where does the Palestinian get off judging Israel's morals?

Most Respectfully,

you missed it Pballs has stated that 1000 kassams is NOTHING and he will be happy to sit in a closed
room into which 1000 kassams are launched
The casus belli du jour is far less important than the fact that Hamas is getting its ass kicked, and that the Israelis seem poised to finish off Hamas this time. All else is background noise.
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pbel, et al,

I think Israel has been quite restrained.

As Nathan Thrall of the International Crisis Group points out, the real motive is neither vengeance nor a desire to protect Israel from Hamas' rocket fire, which has been virtually non-existent over the past two years and is largely ineffectual anyway.

In the past two years (July 2012 to July 2014), HAMAS has fired well over 1000 rockets and mortars into Israel. Whether they were effective launches has more to do with the competence of the Hostile Palestinian than the danger they represent.

I would be willing to bet that the US would not wait until a 1000 rockets landed inside the US to respond to a hostile threat. More than 5000 rockets and mortars since 2009.

As for "Israel instigated the latest round of violence!!!!" Yes, of course it did. The virtual and perpetual victim that the Palestinians are, sneaked into Gaza and fired the rockets at themselves. (Said with a Tongue and Cheek smile!)

The Western world understands what the Palestinians are doing.

As for being morally bankrupt, that is a joke. What is moral about firing rockets and mortars into Israel? Where does the Palestinian get off judging Israel's morals?

Most Respectfully,

Rocco, all you know is battlefield games, I like Chess too, except in Chess the opponents are equal in strength...
The casus belli du jour is far less important than the fact that Hamas is getting its ass kicked, and that the Israelis seem poised to finish off Hamas this time. All else is background noise.

So, though the West Bank Palestinians are also dying, accusing the PA of being collaborators you think Israel will eliminate Hamas. Hamas will come out of this more popular than before, and that is a shame, but Israel's fault.
The casus belli du jour is far less important than the fact that Hamas is getting its ass kicked, and that the Israelis seem poised to finish off Hamas this time. All else is background noise.

So, though the West Bank Palestinians are also dying, accusing the PA of being collaborators you think Israel will eliminate Hamas. Hamas will come out of this more popular than before, and that is a shame, but Israel's fault.

Israel is mass producing tomorrow's Hamas Membership!
The casus belli du jour is far less important than the fact that Hamas is getting its ass kicked, and that the Israelis seem poised to finish off Hamas this time. All else is background noise.

So, though the West Bank Palestinians are also dying, accusing the PA of being collaborators you think Israel will eliminate Hamas. Hamas will come out of this more popular than before, and that is a shame, but Israel's fault.

Israel is mass producing tomorrow's Hamas Membership!

"Hamas gains popularity in West Bank for stand against Israel"

Hamas gains popularity in West Bank for stand against Israel - The Globe and Mail
The casus belli du jour is far less important than the fact that Hamas is getting its ass kicked, and that the Israelis seem poised to finish off Hamas this time. All else is background noise.

So, though the West Bank Palestinians are also dying, accusing the PA of being collaborators you think Israel will eliminate Hamas. Hamas will come out of this more popular than before, and that is a shame, but Israel's fault.
Even the Hydra could be killed, given sufficient cunning and courage, which the Israelis possess in great quantity.
The casus belli du jour is far less important than the fact that Hamas is getting its ass kicked, and that the Israelis seem poised to finish off Hamas this time. All else is background noise.

So, though the West Bank Palestinians are also dying, accusing the PA of being collaborators you think Israel will eliminate Hamas. Hamas will come out of this more popular than before, and that is a shame, but Israel's fault.
Even the Hydra could be killed, given sufficient cunning and courage, which the Israelis possess in great quantity.

But, there are not enough of them. In time, the locals will overcome the military disadvantage as has always happened in the past.
pbel, et al,

I think Israel has been quite restrained.

As Nathan Thrall of the International Crisis Group points out, the real motive is neither vengeance nor a desire to protect Israel from Hamas' rocket fire, which has been virtually non-existent over the past two years and is largely ineffectual anyway.

In the past two years (July 2012 to July 2014), HAMAS has fired well over 1000 rockets and mortars into Israel. Whether they were effective launches has more to do with the competence of the Hostile Palestinian than the danger they represent.

I would be willing to bet that the US would not wait until a 1000 rockets landed inside the US to respond to a hostile threat. More than 5000 rockets and mortars since 2009.

As for "Israel instigated the latest round of violence!!!!" Yes, of course it did. The virtual and perpetual victim that the Palestinians are, sneaked into Gaza and fired the rockets at themselves. (Said with a Tongue and Cheek smile!)

The Western world understands what the Palestinians are doing.

As for being morally bankrupt, that is a joke. What is moral about firing rockets and mortars into Israel? Where does the Palestinian get off judging Israel's morals?

Most Respectfully,

Thank you for spouting Israeli propaganda.
It's always depressing when people resort to the tired old conspiranutter BS filth to 'explain' what they don't want to accept: that the majority of US citizens have chosen to support Israel because they feel Israel merits US support and HAMAS and the PA are never going to be other than inimical to the US and its aims and goals.

The moral bankruptcy belongs to the people like Walt and those who quote him.

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