Ahmadinejad using Bush administration tactics


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Ahmadinejad is over playing his hand on international relations much like the Bush administration. Let's hope they get the same results.

The international community does not like bullying tactics. Walk quietly and carry a big stick is the better way to go.

Ahmadinejad tactics will lose or weaken what little international support he has. His tactics are losing him support internally in Iran.

In the past the Iranians were united against the bullying tactics of the US. That unifying element was eliminated when Bush left office.

Ahmadinejad's international popularity is lower than George Bush's and his domestic popularity his heading towards Bush's domestic approval ratings. It would be ironic if using Bush's strategies is what actually brings down the despot and the Iranian regime.

We should send Dick Cheney and Karl Rove over to advise Ahmadinejad. That could seal his demise.
Ahmadinejad is over playing his hand on international relations much like the Bush administration. Let's hope they get the same results.

To what SPECIFIC BUSH POLICY are you referring, when you assert he 'overplayed his hand?'

The international community does not like bullying tactics. Walk quietly and carry a big stick is the better way to go.

Yawn... as a general rule, when one goes to such lengths to be as vague as possible, this tends to color the speaker as a bit of a sychophant coward...

Would you care to specify the Bush policy wherein you are comparing that policy to Iran's theocratic leftist leadership?

Ahmadinejad tactics will lose or weaken what little international support he has. His tactics are losing him support internally in Iran.

ROFL... What tactics are those? BE SPECIFIC!

In the past the Iranians were united against the bullying tactics of the US. That unifying element was eliminated when Bush left office.

To what 'US bullying tactics' are you referring?

Ahmadinejad's international popularity is lower than George Bush's and his domestic popularity his heading towards Bush's domestic approval ratings. It would be ironic if using Bush's strategies is what actually brings down the despot and the Iranian regime.

Repeat yourself much? This is the 5th paragraph in which you've referred to unstated 'tactics' of the Bush administration... If you're insufficiently familiar with the policy to even note it, then perhaps you should consider focusing more on READING and less on POSTING...

We should send Dick Cheney and Karl Rove over to advise Ahmadinejad. That could seal his demise.

So in effect the depth of your intellectual means is roughly that of a bumper sticker...

Now let me guess... you're firmly in the camp of the Audacious Hopers...

ROFL... Leftists...

Truly, the ONLY thing these idiots have to offer are empty platitudes and tired cliches...

This member serves to demonstrates, ONCE AGAIN, why leftists should be ostricized by the American culture and never allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.
Ahmadinejad is over playing his hand on international relations much like the Bush administration. Let's hope they get the same results.

To what SPECIFIC BUSH POLICY are you referring, when you assert he 'overplayed his hand?'

The international community does not like bullying tactics. Walk quietly and carry a big stick is the better way to go.

Yawn... as a general rule, when one goes to such lengths to be as vague as possible, this tends to color the speaker as a bit of a sychophant coward...

Would you care to specify the Bush policy wherein you are comparing that policy to Iran's theocratic leftist leadership?

ROFL... What tactics are those? BE SPECIFIC!

To what 'US bullying tactics' are you referring?

Ahmadinejad's international popularity is lower than George Bush's and his domestic popularity his heading towards Bush's domestic approval ratings. It would be ironic if using Bush's strategies is what actually brings down the despot and the Iranian regime.

Repeat yourself much? This is the 5th paragraph in which you've referred to unstated 'tactics' of the Bush administration... If you're insufficiently familiar with the policy to even note it, then perhaps you should consider focusing more on READING and less on POSTING...

We should send Dick Cheney and Karl Rove over to advise Ahmadinejad. That could seal his demise.

So in effect the depth of your intellectual means is roughly that of a bumper sticker...

Now let me guess... you're firmly in the camp of the Audacious Hopers...

ROFL... Leftists...

Truly, the ONLY thing these idiots have to offer are empty platitudes and tired cliches...

This member serves to demonstrates, ONCE AGAIN, why leftists should be ostricized by the American culture and never allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

Excuse me for not being more specific about Bush's tactics and strategies that turned international opinion against the US and his domestic approval ratings below 30%.

For starters let's go with the decision to go to war with Iraq. (A war of choice)
Bush ignored input from our allies that there was not enough evidence to go to war.

Ahmadinejad has given the finger to international opinion much like the Bush administration.

Bush continued to ignore our allies opinion in the evolving strategy in Iraq. The message to our allies was we want your help but not your opinion. You are either with us or against us. Bush did not try to collaborate with our allies he tried to bully them into helping us. The results speak for themself.

Let's take Bush's handling of those in his administration. He had loyal conservatives who disagreed with him, Brent Scocroft, Colin Powell to name two. When they disagreed with him they were gone. If you disagreed with Bush you were gone. He Bullied his staff into not disagreeing with him.

Ahmadinejad and the supreme ruler do not accept any who disagree with them.

I think you get the idea.

If you paid attention at all to the last 8 years I should not have to give you any examples.

Your response tells me you could write a book to counter Obama's the Audacity of Hope.
Your book should be titled the Audacity of a Dope.
Ahmadinejad is over playing his hand on international relations much like the Bush administration. Let's hope they get the same results.

To what SPECIFIC BUSH POLICY are you referring, when you assert he 'overplayed his hand?'

Yawn... as a general rule, when one goes to such lengths to be as vague as possible, this tends to color the speaker as a bit of a sychophant coward...

Would you care to specify the Bush policy wherein you are comparing that policy to Iran's theocratic leftist leadership?

ROFL... What tactics are those? BE SPECIFIC!

To what 'US bullying tactics' are you referring?

Repeat yourself much? This is the 5th paragraph in which you've referred to unstated 'tactics' of the Bush administration... If you're insufficiently familiar with the policy to even note it, then perhaps you should consider focusing more on READING and less on POSTING...

We should send Dick Cheney and Karl Rove over to advise Ahmadinejad. That could seal his demise.

So in effect the depth of your intellectual means is roughly that of a bumper sticker...

Now let me guess... you're firmly in the camp of the Audacious Hopers...

ROFL... Leftists...

Truly, the ONLY thing these idiots have to offer are empty platitudes and tired cliches...

This member serves to demonstrates, ONCE AGAIN, why leftists should be ostricized by the American culture and never allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

Excuse me for not being more specific about Bush's tactics and strategies that turned international opinion against the US and his domestic approval ratings below 30%.

For starters let's go with the decision to go to war with Iraq. (A war of choice)
Bush ignored input from our allies that there was not enough evidence to go to war.

Ahmadinejad has given the finger to international opinion much like the Bush administration.

Bush continued to ignore our allies opinion in the evolving strategy in Iraq. The message to our allies was we want your help but not your opinion. You are either with us or against us. Bush did not try to collaborate with our allies he tried to bully them into helping us. The results speak for themself.

Let's take Bush's handling of those in his administration. He had loyal conservatives who disagreed with him, Brent Scocroft, Colin Powell to name two. When they disagreed with him they were gone. If you disagreed with Bush you were gone. He Bullied his staff into not disagreeing with him.

Ahmadinejad and the supreme ruler do not accept any who disagree with them.

I think you get the idea.

If you paid attention at all to the last 8 years I should not have to give you any examples.

Your response tells me you could write a book to counter Obama's the Audacity of Hope.
Your book should be titled the Audacity of a Dope.

Obama's book should have been called "The Audacity of Horseshit."

Bush's war of choice? Is that the same war that Obama's top picks (Hillary, Biden, Emanuel, etc) voted for and continued to support after there were no weapons to be found? If the war in Iraq was such a huge mistake, what does it say about Obama choosing staff members that championed it?
Obama's approval rating is currently in the upper 50's. Eventually people will get tired of the empty teleprompter promises.
Ahmadinejad is over playing his hand on international relations much like the Bush administration. Let's hope they get the same results.

To what SPECIFIC BUSH POLICY are you referring, when you assert he 'overplayed his hand?'

The international community does not like bullying tactics. Walk quietly and carry a big stick is the better way to go.

Yawn... as a general rule, when one goes to such lengths to be as vague as possible, this tends to color the speaker as a bit of a sychophant coward...

Would you care to specify the Bush policy wherein you are comparing that policy to Iran's theocratic leftist leadership?

ROFL... What tactics are those? BE SPECIFIC!

To what 'US bullying tactics' are you referring?

Ahmadinejad's international popularity is lower than George Bush's and his domestic popularity his heading towards Bush's domestic approval ratings. It would be ironic if using Bush's strategies is what actually brings down the despot and the Iranian regime.

Repeat yourself much? This is the 5th paragraph in which you've referred to unstated 'tactics' of the Bush administration... If you're insufficiently familiar with the policy to even note it, then perhaps you should consider focusing more on READING and less on POSTING...

We should send Dick Cheney and Karl Rove over to advise Ahmadinejad. That could seal his demise.

So in effect the depth of your intellectual means is roughly that of a bumper sticker...

Now let me guess... you're firmly in the camp of the Audacious Hopers...

ROFL... Leftists...

Truly, the ONLY thing these idiots have to offer are empty platitudes and tired cliches...

This member serves to demonstrates, ONCE AGAIN, why leftists should be ostricized by the American culture and never allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

Herein lies your problem PubliusInfinitum...you staunchly defend George W. Bush, who is not a classic liberal, which you "claim" to be, he is not a conservative which you ALSO "claim" to be... Bush is an authoritarian... You are a classic example of an authoritarian follower... a Monica Lewinsky type...
Ahmadinejad is over playing his hand on international relations much like the Bush administration. Let's hope they get the same results.

To what SPECIFIC BUSH POLICY are you referring, when you assert he 'overplayed his hand?'

Yawn... as a general rule, when one goes to such lengths to be as vague as possible, this tends to color the speaker as a bit of a sychophant coward...

Would you care to specify the Bush policy wherein you are comparing that policy to Iran's theocratic leftist leadership?

ROFL... What tactics are those? BE SPECIFIC!

To what 'US bullying tactics' are you referring?

Repeat yourself much? This is the 5th paragraph in which you've referred to unstated 'tactics' of the Bush administration... If you're insufficiently familiar with the policy to even note it, then perhaps you should consider focusing more on READING and less on POSTING...

We should send Dick Cheney and Karl Rove over to advise Ahmadinejad. That could seal his demise.

So in effect the depth of your intellectual means is roughly that of a bumper sticker...

Now let me guess... you're firmly in the camp of the Audacious Hopers...

ROFL... Leftists...

Truly, the ONLY thing these idiots have to offer are empty platitudes and tired cliches...

This member serves to demonstrates, ONCE AGAIN, why leftists should be ostricized by the American culture and never allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

Excuse me for not being more specific about Bush's tactics and strategies that turned international opinion against the US and his domestic approval ratings below 30%.

For starters let's go with the decision to go to war with Iraq. (A war of choice)
Bush ignored input from our allies that there was not enough evidence to go to war.

Ahmadinejad has given the finger to international opinion much like the Bush administration.

Bush continued to ignore our allies opinion in the evolving strategy in Iraq. The message to our allies was we want your help but not your opinion. You are either with us or against us. Bush did not try to collaborate with our allies he tried to bully them into helping us. The results speak for themself.

Let's take Bush's handling of those in his administration. He had loyal conservatives who disagreed with him, Brent Scocroft, Colin Powell to name two. When they disagreed with him they were gone. If you disagreed with Bush you were gone. He Bullied his staff into not disagreeing with him.

Ahmadinejad and the supreme ruler do not accept any who disagree with them.

I think you get the idea.

If you paid attention at all to the last 8 years I should not have to give you any examples.

Your response tells me you could write a book to counter Obama's the Audacity of Hope.
Your book should be titled the Audacity of a Dope.

Wow! You seem to have a different view of the world than the actual chain of events.

Saying that the world disagreed with the war in Iran is a little simplistic. Just like saying the Dems did so. Intelligence from many countries, including France, led to the invasion. The public outcry here was more like a crescendo of exhortation than one of restraint. After thoughts and hind sight do serve to clarify what actually happened but do not always clarify the why so clearly.

This can be put into clearer focus by the Bush administration rejection of help from the allies in the occupation. USA rejects. Rejects what? The offer. If the opposition was universal and deeply held, why was this offer made? There was indicision on the part of the allies.

Now, can the rantings of a theocratic demogogue who is plainly a true believer and therefore out of touch with reality and, additionally, reigned in by the "Supreme Leader" be compared to the invasion of a sovereign state by another? Well, yes, but the comparrison immediately fails in magnitude.

Bush's greatest ideal was freedom for all and his fatal flaw was his desire to impose it. Imposing freedom on a society is little like imposing creativity on a student. Some things cannot be imposed, they can only be. Those who yearn to breath free can be focused by a Yeltzin shouting from the top of an immobilized tank.

No yearning? Nobody listens to the shouting.

In this, Bush's administration could be a Greek tradgedy.

All of that said, is the turd in Iran like Bush? In some ways, yes, in most ways, no. The primary tactics used by this little poop smear is the bag of tricks imported from China to deal with insurrection. Snipers to spread terror of going on the streets in crowds. I.D. the leaders and disappear them at night out of sight of the crowds. Decapitate the movement and the movement dies.

Bush was a heavy handed idealist who was no good at diplomacy. An American Cowboy with all of the good and bad that that implies. History will be his judge. Right now, Obama is doing what Egytian Pharohs used to do, defacing the image of the predacessor. Bad form in my opinion, but Obama is a black, Chicago, Democratic politician and this is what they do. He had me fooled. Leopard. Spots.

Oh, well. Fool me once...

Bush was not real good, but he was no Ahmadinajad (?). Comparing the two does no good. One is incompetent and the other is actively evil by Western Morality standards.
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To what SPECIFIC BUSH POLICY are you referring, when you assert he 'overplayed his hand?'

Yawn... as a general rule, when one goes to such lengths to be as vague as possible, this tends to color the speaker as a bit of a sychophant coward...

Would you care to specify the Bush policy wherein you are comparing that policy to Iran's theocratic leftist leadership?

ROFL... What tactics are those? BE SPECIFIC!

To what 'US bullying tactics' are you referring?

Repeat yourself much? This is the 5th paragraph in which you've referred to unstated 'tactics' of the Bush administration... If you're insufficiently familiar with the policy to even note it, then perhaps you should consider focusing more on READING and less on POSTING...

So in effect the depth of your intellectual means is roughly that of a bumper sticker...

Now let me guess... you're firmly in the camp of the Audacious Hopers...

ROFL... Leftists...

Truly, the ONLY thing these idiots have to offer are empty platitudes and tired cliches...

This member serves to demonstrates, ONCE AGAIN, why leftists should be ostricized by the American culture and never allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

Excuse me for not being more specific about Bush's tactics and strategies that turned international opinion against the US and his domestic approval ratings below 30%.

For starters let's go with the decision to go to war with Iraq. (A war of choice)
Bush ignored input from our allies that there was not enough evidence to go to war.

Ahmadinejad has given the finger to international opinion much like the Bush administration.

Bush continued to ignore our allies opinion in the evolving strategy in Iraq. The message to our allies was we want your help but not your opinion. You are either with us or against us. Bush did not try to collaborate with our allies he tried to bully them into helping us. The results speak for themself.

Let's take Bush's handling of those in his administration. He had loyal conservatives who disagreed with him, Brent Scocroft, Colin Powell to name two. When they disagreed with him they were gone. If you disagreed with Bush you were gone. He Bullied his staff into not disagreeing with him.

Ahmadinejad and the supreme ruler do not accept any who disagree with them.

I think you get the idea.

If you paid attention at all to the last 8 years I should not have to give you any examples.

Your response tells me you could write a book to counter Obama's the Audacity of Hope.
Your book should be titled the Audacity of a Dope.

Wow! You seem to have a different view of the world than the actual chain of events.

Saying that the world disagreed with the war in Iran is a little simplistic. Just like saying the Dems did so. Intelligence from many countries, including France, led to the invasion. The public outcry here was more like a crescendo of exhortation than one of restraint. After thoughts and hind sight do serve to clarify what actually happened but do not always clarify the why so clearly.

This can be put into clearer focus by the Bush administration rejection of help from the allies in the occupation. USA rejects. Rejects what? The offer. If the opposition was universal and deeply held, why was this offer made? There was indicision on the part of the allies.

Now, can the rantings of a theocratic demogogue who is plainly a true believer and therefore out of touch with reality and, additionally, reigned in by the "Supreme Leader" be compared to the invasion of a sovereign state by another? Well, yes, but the comparrison immediately fails in magnitude.

Bush's greatest ideal was freedom for all and his fatal flaw was his desire to impose it. Imposing freedom on a society is little like imposing creativity on a student. Some things cannot be imposed, they can only be. Those who yearn to breath free can be focused by a Yeltzin shouting from the top of an immobilized tank.

No yearning? Nobody listens to the shouting.

In this, Bush's administration could be a Greek tradgedy.

All of that said, is the turd in Iran like Bush? In some ways, yes, in most ways, no. The primary tactics used by this little poop smear is the bag of tricks imported from China to deal with insurrection. Snipers to spread terror of going on the streets in crowds. I.D. the leaders and disappear them at night out of sight of the crowds. Decapitate the movement and the movement dies.

Bush was a heavy handed idealist who was no good at diplomacy. An American Cowboy with all of the good and bad that that implies. History will be his judge. Right now, Obama is doing what Egytian Pharohs used to do, defacing the image of the predacessor. Bad form in my opinion, but Obama is a black, Chicago, Democratic politician and this is what they do. He had me fooled. Leopard. Spots.

Oh, well. Fool me once...

Bush was not real good, but he was no Ahmadinajad (?). Comparing the two does no good. One is incompetent and the other is actively evil by Western Morality standards.

I agree with much of what you say. I agree that Ahmnadinejad is far worse than Bush but in some strategies and the heavy handedness there are similarities that hopefully catch up with Ahmadinejad as it did Bush.

I still support Obama. We need to give him more time before an accurate judgement can be made.

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