After decrying inequality, Obama golfs at personal course of mega-billionaire


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Oracle billionaire Larry Ellison ranks 3rd on Forbes 400 richest's his 249 acre Rancho Mirage private golf course that Obama and his childhood buddies are playing on this long's obvious that lefties like Obama do not hate the who are the rich people he's attacking....?

The ultra-rich are not and never will be the real target of Democratic Party rants against inequality. Instead, they reserve their venom for the hard-working entrepreneurial and technical/professional classes who seek to rise from upper middle-class ranks into bourgeois affluence. These strivers are the real enemy because they give the lie to the cant of victimhood and unfairness that mobilizes the Democrat voting base. It is much easier to hate your boss, or the person whose nice house you drive past every day, than it is to hate George Soros, or Larry Ellison, or Bill Gates, whose personal digs are distant, inaccessible, and unthinkably remote in terms of achievement.

If ordinary people all across America show that hard work, savings in order to accumulate capital, and focused intellect actually create and then enjoy new wealth, then others may get the notion that they, too, don't really need big government to ensure their shot at happiness. If wealth creation seems a real possibility because you have personally seen others do it in your city or town, that is truly subversive to the vision of a transformed America the Obamas and the Democrats are peddling.

So never mind the 1% of the 1% with whom Barack Obama plays. They are not the enemy he demonizes (although he may remind them from time to time that he is the only thing that stands between them and the pitchforks as he shakes them down). His real hatred is for people more visible to the masses --the term dear to Marxists -- in their daily lives, whose achievements validate a system that makes the government-as-economic-savior irrelevant.

Read more: Blog: After decrying inequality, Obama golfs at personal course of mega-billionaire
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Rising income inequality is not the fault of the rich or the middle class. It is a result of markets that neither group controls. The fault and responsibility to fix lies at the feet of government.
Rising income inequality is not the fault of the rich or the middle class. It is a result of markets that neither group controls. The fault and responsibility to fix lies at the feet of government.

no thanks...You can go somewhere where a government FIXES everything...try Venezuela
Rising income inequality is not the fault of the rich or the middle class. It is a result of markets that neither group controls. The fault and responsibility to fix lies at the feet of government.

no thanks...You can go somewhere where a government FIXES everything...try Venezuela

I am not that hopeful in our government either. What is the alternative?
The Obama are shameless hypocrites and frauds....who act like a King and Queen

How dare they preach to us about how we as country are greedy and unfair...Everyone need to have skin in the game they love to preach...All of the people they hang with are Millionaires

If you little people want to romp with the Obama's you have to pay for it by entering a raffle that donates to him and the Democrat party
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How many rounds of golf is Obama up to now?

Come on Republicans, you should know off the top of your head
[ame=]Louie teaches Jane that life isn't always fair. - YouTube[/ame]
With all the Billionaires in the world, it still wouldn't be enough to get this country out of debt. That is only about 30% of what the US debt is
Obama is a politician...and nearly all politicians are crooks similar to Al Capone...though Al Capone did not have the power to damage all Americans and the nation....but Al Capone went to jail for his crimes...Obama will make millions laughing all the way....thanks to the millions of dupes.
In 2005, Oracle Corporation paid Ellison a $975,000 salary, a $6,500,000 bonus, and other compensation of $955,100.[12]*In 2007, Ellison earned a total compensation of $61,180,524, which included a base salary of $1,000,000, a cash bonus of $8,369,000, and options granted of $50,087,100.[13]*In 2008, he earned a total compensation of $84,598,700, which included a base salary of $1,000,000, a cash bonus of $10,779,000, no stock grants, and options granted of $71,372,700.[14]*In the year ending May 31, 2009 he made $56.8 million.[15]*In 2006,Forbes*ranked him as the richest Californian.[2]...
Ellison agreed to settle a four year-old insider-trading lawsuit by offering to pay $100 million in October 2012.[26]*As of September 2012, Ellison was listed on the Forbes List of Billionaires as the third richest American citizen, behind Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, with a net worth of $44 billion...

yep, Obama really believes in living what he preaches, uh huh. Not.
In 2005, Oracle Corporation paid Ellison a $975,000 salary, a $6,500,000 bonus, and other compensation of $955,100.[12]*In 2007, Ellison earned a total compensation of $61,180,524, which included a base salary of $1,000,000, a cash bonus of $8,369,000, and options granted of $50,087,100.[13]*In 2008, he earned a total compensation of $84,598,700, which included a base salary of $1,000,000, a cash bonus of $10,779,000, no stock grants, and options granted of $71,372,700.[14]*In the year ending May 31, 2009 he made $56.8 million.[15]*In 2006,Forbes*ranked him as the richest Californian.[2]...
Ellison agreed to settle a four year-old insider-trading lawsuit by offering to pay $100 million in October 2012.[26]*As of September 2012, Ellison was listed on the Forbes List of Billionaires as the third richest American citizen, behind Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, with a net worth of $44 billion...

yep, Obama really believes in living what he preaches, uh huh. Not.

We're did Obama ever preach that Ellison, Buffet and Gates shouldn't be rich?

I'm sure you got it somewhere

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