After decrying inequality, Obama golfs at personal course of mega-billionaire

American Thinker? :alcoholic: oxyRush used to hawk his magazine on his am radio show :tinfoil:

The worst thing a Repub-voter can do is bring up golfing :eusa_doh: given the last Repub admins love affair w/ that game while his wars were raging and casualties were being flown back to Dover.

i belive obama is putting record miles on Golf Cart One

i dont know why Republicans would be embarrassed about bringing up golfing; virtually EVERYTHING WAS BETTER WHEN REPUBLICANS RAN THINGS;


btw; bodies are still being flown back to Dover; have been for the last 7 straight years Dems have been the Majority Party in the USA

idiots and hypocrites
Bush blew it. His blunder of attacking a nation that was no threat cost 7000 lives

But he gave up golf to make up for it

pretty much the whole world considered Iraq a threat; including the next Presidential nominee of the Democrat Party; and Obama's current Secretary of State.

idiots and hypocrites

The UN didn't and told Bush if they had more time they could prove it. Bush attacked anyway.......cost 7000 Americans their lives

But to make up for his blunder, he gave up golf

I guess that is penance enough
With the dimwits voting for it and believing as Bush did even while clinton was in office. Idiots, yes you, now lie and get all mental. IDIOTS!!!!
pretty much the whole world considered Iraq a threat; including the next Presidential nominee of the Democrat Party; and Obama's current Secretary of State.

idiots and hypocrites

The UN didn't and told Bush if they had more time they could prove it. Bush attacked anyway.......cost 7000 Americans their lives

But to make up for his blunder, he gave up golf

I guess that is penance enough
With the dimwits voting for it and believing as Bush did even while clinton was in office. Idiots, yes you, now lie and get all mental. IDIOTS!!!!

The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud
Face it people, the Obama's don't feel or live what we do, never have...And they don't care if they shove it IN YOUR FACE because they FEEL they are ENTITLED

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