AFL-CIO Calls for Amnesty for Illegal U.S. Workers


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Jobs: In a dramatic shift, federation urges repeal of law that criminalized hiring undocumented immigrants. Prospects for legislation are unclear, but support from business groups is likely.

Claiming U.S. immigration policy is "broken and needs to be fixed," the AFL-CIO on Wednesday called for a new amnesty for millions of undocumented workers and the repeal of the 1986 law that criminalized hiring them.
The position, adopted unanimously by the federation's executive council at its winter meeting in New Orleans, represents a dramatic shift for the AFL-CIO, which backed the so-called employer sanctions law 15 years ago.
At the time, immigrants were viewed by many labor activists as competitors for jobs or potential strikebreakers. The demographics of the U.S. work force are very different now, with foreign-born workers dominating many industries and accounting for a large share of new union members.
The Immigration and Naturalization Service estimates that 275,000 workers enter the country illegally every year, and that 6 million now live here--about the same number who lived in the United States in 1986, when the last amnesty law was passed as part of the Immigration Reform and Control Act.
While the prospects for actual legislation are unclear, labor leaders noted that many new voters are immigrants and legislators are looking for ways to court them.
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The AFL-CIO, needs to be dismantled if this is the best they can do.

What part of illegal do people fail to understand?

Pretty obvious they are nothing more than money grubbing, power grabbing suck ups if they have to go this low to keep their membership up.
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Sound like a truly bad idea for Americans, but a good thing for the AFL-CIO, to me.
The AFL-CIO, needs to be dismantled if this is the best they can do.

What part of illegal do people fail to understand?

Pretty obvious they are nothing more than money grubbing, power grabbing suck ups if they have to go this low to keep their membership up.

You're missing the point. Us union/labor people don't want them here competing for our jobs, but it is a fact that we have jobs here in America that Americans aren't taking, so we have/need these migrant workers, or so they tell us.

So if that is true, then we might as well make them legal, collect taxes and know who's here working in our country. And then when they go to the emergency room, we can actually give them a bill and they will actually have to pay, rather than put it on the government.

And give the now DOCUMENTED Workers ID/Drivers licences. And give them a credit score to worry about.

Do you get where we are going with this? You don't realize that what you want to do is not an option. You probably want to round them all up and send them home, right? Well apparently that isn't a real option.

So you got a better option than the AFL CIO? Let's here it.

And yes, the Dems are going to cater to the hispanic vote. The GOP prayed on Hispanics because they are traditionally conservative people. Sorry we are stealing your votes. Now you can't take them for granted.
Sound like a truly bad idea for Americans, but a good thing for the AFL-CIO, to me.

I don't think so. As a born again Republican, we need this cheap labor. I don't compete with these labor workers, so fuck it. If they are going to be here, they might as well be documented and pay taxes.

And if we have 5 million of them living here right now, why is it a bad idea to make them all citizens?

Isn't it better to have them inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in?
The AFL-CIO has seen a drop in membership and so they want to fill the gap with undocumented workers. But to do that, they need them to be legalized. That's why they are supporting amnesty. They are afraid of losing their power.
The AFL-CIO, needs to be dismantled if this is the best they can do.

What part of illegal do people fail to understand?

Pretty obvious they are nothing more than money grubbing, power grabbing suck ups if they have to go this low to keep their membership up.

You're missing the point. Us union/labor people don't want them here competing for our jobs, but it is a fact that we have jobs here in America that Americans aren't taking, so we have/need these migrant workers, or so they tell us.

So if that is true, then we might as well make them legal, collect taxes and know who's here working in our country. And then when they go to the emergency room, we can actually give them a bill and they will actually have to pay, rather than put it on the government.

And give the now DOCUMENTED Workers ID/Drivers licences. And give them a credit score to worry about.

Do you get where we are going with this? You don't realize that what you want to do is not an option. You probably want to round them all up and send them home, right? Well apparently that isn't a real option.

So you got a better option than the AFL CIO? Let's here it.

And yes, the Dems are going to cater to the hispanic vote. The GOP prayed on Hispanics because they are traditionally conservative people. Sorry we are stealing your votes. Now you can't take them for granted.

I'm not missing anything sealy. I can assure you though that the AFL CIO just slit their own throats, add in the throats of those who have supported them in the past even though they were not affiliated with them.

The last mention of amnesty brought in a flood of illegal immigrants and the unemployment situation is worse now than it was then.

It is obvious by this proposal by the AFL CIO that they really don't give a shit about the legitimate American citizen or the people that come into this country who have honor and respect for the laws of the country.

Rounding up the illegals is not the problem in as much as rounding up the companies and people that are using illegals in order to fill their own greedy needs.

"Stealing votes", what a load of crap. More like trying to shove your shit down the throats of the Ameican public in order to line your own pocket book and get a few extra votes from the current illegal workers in the states. I can tell you there ain't enough of them to make up for the votes and the support just lost.

I can picture the idiots in charge talking, "Duh they are bitching about taxes and the masses are gathering. What are we gonna do?". "A oh I know, let's just get some more slaves paying taxes via another amnesty program. We can tell the masses it's a good thing and that it will lessen their tax burden. See problem solved."

It is obvious that you are willing to take the country farther into the abyss of united slavery for the middle class in favor of a few corporates and a few businesses willing to cheat in order to make a buck or two.

The last big amnesty program in 1998 brought in a flood that the average American citizen is still suffering the effects of the loss wages and inflation charged to the masses in favor of power brokers pockets being filled. Maybe you want to be a corporate slave but the majority is not into working for the company, paying the company and being forced or given little to no choice but to buy from the company. Shoot even those who work for the corporates are fed up with it. Can't you hear the rumbing in their voices? Oh, that's right you can hear it so you're scheming a way to overcome what you know you are getting ready to lose.

Coincidental or not. Did you know that the biggy banks started making their biggest move in 1998 to take over? Bet you had not considered that. The AFL CIO is either in on that big move or nothing more than pawns in the corporate game.
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The AFL-CIO has seen a drop in membership and so they want to fill the gap with undocumented workers. But to do that, they need them to be legalized. That's why they are supporting amnesty. They are afraid of losing their power.

Yep, taking a page right from the Oblahblah administration handbook.......
There are sectors of the financial class that profit from the trade liberalization that has created international wage differentials and thus provided an incentive for illegal immigration. The nature of their profit comes from the internal class conflict brought about by scapegoating illegal immigrants, and thus plays a role in preventing working class victories. This AFL-CIO policy is thus a welcome beginning for the unity of the working class.

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