Advise to Trump supporters - From a Liberal


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or someone else tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
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Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,
You are not a liberal. Hispanics are voting GOP much faster than Irish, Italian and Poles ever did. We know you want to genocide whitey, bad idea.
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or someone else tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

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The failure of the court cases proves that judges play politics. They are supposed to interpret the law objectively but they often don't. Even Republican judges don't want to alienate people in their state they have to work with. They rule the popular way.
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or someone else tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
I hope a Biden adminstration leads to you losing your job and everything you own. Hope you are assaulted by BLM and Antifa terrorist. Don't give me advice you Marxist fuck.
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,
This ain't no game motherfuckers. The politicians need to get that straight.
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,
This ain't no game motherfucker.
who said it was a game butt nugget????
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or someone else tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:

Your condescending free advice is worth less than what I paid for it.

I want my 40 seconds back.
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,

These states made their own election rules. Voted on and approved by their legislators and signed off by their election officials. Either you believe in that Constitution or you don't. So which is it?
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,

These states made their own election rules. Voted on and approved by their legislators and signed off by their election officials. Either you believe in that Constitution or you don't. So which is it?
no they didnt,,,
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or someone else tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
The Election was complete Fraud...we aren't going to tone down--but more likely to tone up. Libs have crossed the shitline and there is going to be hell to pay. Trump had all the support, Biden had practically none---we see evidence everywhere of this.

Trumps people aren't the violent ones---and it is so hypocritical after the almost year of libs burning down cities, stores killing and looting to claim otherwise

CHANGING america is a hope of the globalist to weaken the US's unique stand by your own bootstraps mentality----bringing in 3rd world people seeking welfare and freebies does weaken the US and does introduce racism as idiots like AOC is basically openingly calling for discrimination against whites. Time to clean house---and start kicking out problems and non-contributors.

The election was fraud and we know it.
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,

These states made their own election rules. Voted on and approved by their legislators and signed off by their election officials. Either you believe in that Constitution or you don't. So which is it?
no they didnt,,,

Yes..they did. An example.
* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.
I can understand you are trying to brainwash the masses., but you can’t actually believe that B.S. yourself? No one can be that stupid… you are merely reveling in vicious hypocrisy. Four years of total scheming and corruption pretty much has proven that.
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Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,

These states made their own election rules. Voted on and approved by their legislators and signed off by their election officials. Either you believe in that Constitution or you don't. So which is it?
no they didnt,,,

Yes..they did. An example.
fake news,,, that only shows they started the process,, they never finished it as per their constitution,,,
nice try though,,

and what about the other states,,,
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or someone else tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
I am turning it up !! You Soviet Vermin stoled the election and you permeate massive hate and divide
We will never reconcile with you vermin and it’s time to beak this nation up
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or someone else tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:

You're no liberal
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,

These states made their own election rules. Voted on and approved by their legislators and signed off by their election officials. Either you believe in that Constitution or you don't. So which is it?

Yeah they did...illegally.
Trump Supporters. I know you're unhappy. Things didn't go your way this time around. A little friendly advise if I may:

* It would be helpful to do some serious research before making claims about massive, widespread voter fraud. Every bit of judicial discretion was cut in his Trump's favor by Donald Trump's own handpicked judges, who looked carefully at his evidence of voter fraud and concluded it didn't pass legal muster.

* Tone down the violence: When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost in 2000 and 2016, they were angry too, but chose to air their grievances in the courts rather than encouraging their supporters to storm the capital, destroy property, and kill people. Violence may give you an ego boost, but you'll lose supporters (and elections) in the long run.

* Take responsibility for your actions: Liberals aren't perfect by a longshot, but pointing your finger at Liberals misdeeds every time someone points out your own misdeeds is simply deflection, and turning a blind eye to your own faults.

* Accept changing demographics: Like it or not, white people will soon be in the minority in America. Putting up barriers, making racist comments, and alienating non white people will only shrink your voter base.

* Do your homework before you take a stand on something: This goes for the left wing as well, but just because Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham or some other group tells you something, doesn't make it the gospel of Jesus Christ.

* They'll always be another election: America took a slightly Liberal turn this time around, next time it may be the Conservatives turn. One disappointing election cycle is not the end of the world.

Thank You for tuning in - - :bye1:
it would be easier to boil it down to the 4-5 states that violated their own constitution which violated the fed constitution and changed the election rules without proper procedure,,,

that alone prove a bad election,,,

and I am not a trump supporter but a concerned american that is disgusted by both partys,,,
Yeah same goes for me,this was the most massive election fraud ever in mankind history and it’s concerning because it looks like nov 22nd 1963 all over again when a coup and transfer of power took place going from a president that served the people and stepped on powerful toes in Washington to a puppet president serving the elite,same exact same thing and thsts a hard pill to swallow.

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