Adam Kinzinger Issues Ominous Warning About Possible Civil War: "A year ago I would have said no, not a chance"

Im on the side with the guns and ammo.

fuck Adam Kinzinger. Hes a traitorous POS and I hope he's one of the first to go!!
If it is a left versus right war….who would win? The side that promotes SAFE SPACES for people who hear something that makes them cry, or the side with the guns?
there's gonna be civil wars inside the civil wars...democrats among themselves and republicans among themselves

The America that we’re living in today is so dystopian, with people sleeping in their cars so they can work a second job without health care. And we’re told to settle down?

At some point, these chronic realities do reach a breaking point, and I think for our generation it’s reached that
In Milwaukee in 2006, Adam Kinzinger “subdued a knife-wielding man who had slashed his girlfriend’s throat during a street dispute. Kinzinger, then a 28-year-old unarmed bystander, wrested away the knife and jumped atop the man till police arrived.”

"i fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and didn't get killed. wouldn't it be something if i got killed in a civil war or a similar act of terror like that of Jan 6?" - Rep Kinzinger
the biggest danger of a civil war is that not enough people realize there's gonna be a civil war. it makes me pull my hair out

just like the biggest danger of a fascist takeover on the right or left is that not enough people realize there's gonna be a fascist takeover

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