
You didn't answer the question. Be honest. Do you know why government even exists? Our founders escaped tyranny and oppression. Why would they even introduce a governing body which inherently has power?
Do you know that the t is redundant in your name? Your name should be p@riot. That would have been much more clever.
You continue to contradict yourself. On multiple occasions now you've claimed that (and I quote) "we are too overpopulated". In addition, you've claimed multiple times in this last post "life simply isn't that precious".

Which then begs the question I previously posed to you - why don't people with your views commit suicide? If life isn't that precious and we're over populated, this is the perfect solution. More liberal contradictions.
Better question would be why don't I kill you?
Well I'm not the one who claims that life isn't precious. You are. If your life isn't precious and you feel we're over populated, why do you refuse to be part of the solution? Are you selfish? If so - your actions prove that you feel life (at the very least - your life) is precious. Otherwise you would absolutely kill yourself.

Typical liberal. Can't put their money where the mouth is - contradicts their own position. :eusa_doh:
Are you really saying every woman who gets an abortion is a murderer? We have a lot of murderers in America. I didn't realize. But a lot of them seem to move on and even later go on to be great parents to kids they have when they are ready.

How are all these murderers living among us? It's scary. I used to be afraid of black men but now I realize women are the murderers. We need more prisons. If a fetus is life we need to save them! Retards
First of all, I don't give a shit about their future if they kill people. Just like murderers let out of prison, should never happen for any first degree killers.

As for abortion, you're stopping a person from living, if it's not murder what is it?
What made you afraid of black men? I know many and have fun, now if they look a certain way and I don't know them, then yeah, apprehension can ensue, especially in certain parts of town, I live in Memphis and some parts you wouldn't want to be caught in, unless you have a ghetto pass.
Abortion is murder. Period. No debate. Don't spread your legs if you can't deal with the consequences.
Not in America it's not stupid
You didn't answer the question. Be honest. Do you know why government even exists? Our founders escaped tyranny and oppression. Why would they even introduce a governing body which inherently has power?
Do you know that the t is redundant in your name? Your name should be p@riot. That would have been much more clever.
You continue to contradict yourself. On multiple occasions now you've claimed that (and I quote) "we are too overpopulated". In addition, you've claimed multiple times in this last post "life simply isn't that precious".

Which then begs the question I previously posed to you - why don't people with your views commit suicide? If life isn't that precious and we're over populated, this is the perfect solution. More liberal contradictions.
Better question would be why don't I kill you?
Well I'm not the one who claims that life isn't precious. You are. If your life isn't precious and you feel we're over populated, why do you refuse to be part of the solution? Are you selfish? If so - your actions prove that you feel life (at the very least - your life) is precious. Otherwise you would absolutely kill yourself.

Typical liberal. Can't put their money where the mouth is - contradicts their own position. :eusa_doh:
Are you really saying every woman who gets an abortion is a murderer? We have a lot of murderers in America. I didn't realize. But a lot of them seem to move on and even later go on to be great parents to kids they have when they are ready.

How are all these murderers living among us? It's scary. I used to be afraid of black men but now I realize women are the murderers. We need more prisons. If a fetus is life we need to save them! Retards
First of all, I don't give a shit about their future if they kill people. Just like murderers let out of prison, should never happen for any first degree killers.

As for abortion, you're stopping a person from living, if it's not murder what is it?
What made you afraid of black men? I know many and have fun, now if they look a certain way and I don't know them, then yeah, apprehension can ensue, especially in certain parts of town, I live in Memphis and some parts you wouldn't want to be caught in, unless you have a ghetto pass.
Abortion is murder. Period. No debate. Don't spread your legs if you can't deal with the consequences.

Then why do 99% of the pro-life movement not want to punish the pregnant woman for having an abortion?
View attachment 81231
If you break my window, you are legally and financially responsible. If I shatter my own window, I have no legal recourse. Get it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bwahahaha! Nice try - but that is one of your weakest arguments yet. You see - that was his baby. Both Scot Peterson and John Welden (and others) did not kill someone else's baby. If they did, you might have some sort of case there (it would be weak as hell, but at least there would be something to work with). These guys shattered their own window wytchy. Would you like to try again?


Sorry, Puppy, that's not how it works. Her body, her choice. When men can carry a fetus to term, you'll have an argument. Push for the science, it's the only way to stop abortion. (Science and Education...sort of leaves you out, I know)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who the fuck made the woman responsible for the baby?

Nature and science. Send us pictures of your uterus and vagina if you want to dispute the biological differences between male and female humans.
Not sure if this baby had a vagina or a penis....you butchered too badly...but hands down, he/she would have voted Trump....if you didn't kill it....

Save the emotional drivel. I have no emotional investment in the fate of a fetus so you're knocking on the wrong door.
In recent news, Donald Trump got snookered by Chris Matthews with a hypothetical question about abortion. Chris got Donald to say that women should be punished if abortion was illegal.

For his entire campaign, Donald has seemed impervious to PC, until now. Now all of a sudden people seem to care about their abortion rights as it has negatively effected Donald in the polls. For you see, those who support Trump in large part are not really conservatives. They just want someone to kick start the economy and restore order at the border, so the abortion issue is like salt in their wounds because these same people don't want to be held financially responsible for their reproductive actions. For you see, all they care about is their money, just like Donald. In response, Trump has back peddled and said the question was a "gottcha" moment, which it was, but now refuses to talk about it other than saying he thinks it should be a state right issue.

Then enters Hillary. Hillary comes out and talks about the unborn as an "unborn person" and "unborn child". Big mistake in terms of the psychology of word play. She now is taking flack from both happy go lucky abortionists and those who oppose abortion. She then comes out and says that the "unborn children" have no Constitutional rights, BUT she thinks that there should be restrictions on abortion in the third trimester.


What I find the most hilarious of all is that I know neither candidate gives much of a damn about the abortion issue, and it shows. Their lack of introspective rigor on the issue is shining before us, as both slide down in the polls. Their half/half squeamish stance on abortion is on full display for all to see.

Donald Trump touched the third rail on abortion, sending women to prison, not something even pro-life people advocate for (even while claiming abortion is murder). Trump went there because he doesn't have a clue what the pro-life movement stance. Probably because he never gave it much though and quite honestly doesn't give a shit one way or another.

Yes, Trump supporters are conservative, they just aren't THAT conservative.
Well for one, I'm all for it. But you are correct, alot of people aren't ready for that right now. Like any murder you would treat the surgeon as the trigger man. The nurses as accomplises, the mother as the one who hired, and the father if he was involved. Also some men do force women into getting them, with emotional or physical abuse, which if they did that I would let the woman off and just charge the man.

I'm all for you guys advocating for throwing women in prison for murder as well, it's less hypocritical yet would also demonstrate how fucking insane the pro-life movement is.

I'm no hypocrite, but killing babies and sucking them out with vaccums trumps putting a woman in jail. Pro Lifers are more compassionate and want everyone to have a chance in life. Liberals, not so much, they tend to like the Nazi approach.

IOW you want to say abortion is murder, but you don't want it to BE murder. That's the kind intellectually absurd position that loses you this argument.
Do you know that the t is redundant in your name? Your name should be p@riot. That would have been much more clever.
Better question would be why don't I kill you?
Well I'm not the one who claims that life isn't precious. You are. If your life isn't precious and you feel we're over populated, why do you refuse to be part of the solution? Are you selfish? If so - your actions prove that you feel life (at the very least - your life) is precious. Otherwise you would absolutely kill yourself.

Typical liberal. Can't put their money where the mouth is - contradicts their own position. :eusa_doh:
Are you really saying every woman who gets an abortion is a murderer? We have a lot of murderers in America. I didn't realize. But a lot of them seem to move on and even later go on to be great parents to kids they have when they are ready.

How are all these murderers living among us? It's scary. I used to be afraid of black men but now I realize women are the murderers. We need more prisons. If a fetus is life we need to save them! Retards
First of all, I don't give a shit about their future if they kill people. Just like murderers let out of prison, should never happen for any first degree killers.

As for abortion, you're stopping a person from living, if it's not murder what is it?
What made you afraid of black men? I know many and have fun, now if they look a certain way and I don't know them, then yeah, apprehension can ensue, especially in certain parts of town, I live in Memphis and some parts you wouldn't want to be caught in, unless you have a ghetto pass.
Abortion is murder. Period. No debate. Don't spread your legs if you can't deal with the consequences.

Then why do 99% of the pro-life movement not want to punish the pregnant woman for having an abortion?

Perhaps the same reason that many Christians have abortions
Do you know that the t is redundant in your name? Your name should be p@riot. That would have been much more clever.
Better question would be why don't I kill you?
Well I'm not the one who claims that life isn't precious. You are. If your life isn't precious and you feel we're over populated, why do you refuse to be part of the solution? Are you selfish? If so - your actions prove that you feel life (at the very least - your life) is precious. Otherwise you would absolutely kill yourself.

Typical liberal. Can't put their money where the mouth is - contradicts their own position. :eusa_doh:
Are you really saying every woman who gets an abortion is a murderer? We have a lot of murderers in America. I didn't realize. But a lot of them seem to move on and even later go on to be great parents to kids they have when they are ready.

How are all these murderers living among us? It's scary. I used to be afraid of black men but now I realize women are the murderers. We need more prisons. If a fetus is life we need to save them! Retards
First of all, I don't give a shit about their future if they kill people. Just like murderers let out of prison, should never happen for any first degree killers.

As for abortion, you're stopping a person from living, if it's not murder what is it?
What made you afraid of black men? I know many and have fun, now if they look a certain way and I don't know them, then yeah, apprehension can ensue, especially in certain parts of town, I live in Memphis and some parts you wouldn't want to be caught in, unless you have a ghetto pass.
Abortion is murder. Period. No debate. Don't spread your legs if you can't deal with the consequences.
Not in America it's not stupid
Explain you being here....:lol:
We don't see it as evil. Life simply isn't that precious.

Just like you don't insist we go green because pollution kills millions of people every year and may destroy the human race. It's a necessary evil.

We are too overpopulated.

Do you want 1 million more prisoners than we already have? Then ban abortions. No adoption isn't the solution. It's ridiculous to force a woman to have a baby. Life just isn't that precious or special that we have to force people to give birth. Just insane. So many real humans to worry about first.

Even if we eliminated poverty and $ wasn't an issue I'd still say women should be able to choose or decide for themselves.

And we are becoming less religious not more. So your numbers are shrinking
You didn't answer the question. Be honest. Do you know why government even exists? Our founders escaped tyranny and oppression. Why would they even introduce a governing body which inherently has power?
Do you know that the t is redundant in your name? Your name should be p@riot. That would have been much more clever.
We don't see it as evil. Life simply isn't that precious.

We are too overpopulated.

It's ridiculous to force a woman to have a baby. Life just isn't that precious or special that we have to force people to give birth.

You continue to contradict yourself. On multiple occasions now you've claimed that (and I quote) "we are too overpopulated". In addition, you've claimed multiple times in this last post "life simply isn't that precious".

Which then begs the question I previously posed to you - why don't people with your views commit suicide? If life isn't that precious and we're over populated, this is the perfect solution. More liberal contradictions.
Better question would be why don't I kill you?
Well I'm not the one who claims that life isn't precious. You are. If your life isn't precious and you feel we're over populated, why do you refuse to be part of the solution? Are you selfish? If so - your actions prove that you feel life (at the very least - your life) is precious. Otherwise you would absolutely kill yourself.

Typical liberal. Can't put their money where the mouth is - contradicts their own position. :eusa_doh:
Are you really saying every woman who gets an abortion is a murderer? We have a lot of murderers in America. I didn't realize. But a lot of them seem to move on and even later go on to be great parents to kids they have when they are ready.

How are all these murderers living among us? It's scary. I used to be afraid of black men but now I realize women are the murderers. We need more prisons. If a fetus is life we need to save them! Retards
Are you saying the baby is not alive? What is it then? An Amstel light bottle?

The fetus is living tissue that a woman might rightfully choose to have removed.

The fetus has no constitutional protection as a person, and no chance of getting it.
You didn't answer the question. Be honest. Do you know why government even exists? Our founders escaped tyranny and oppression. Why would they even introduce a governing body which inherently has power?
Do you know that the t is redundant in your name? Your name should be p@riot. That would have been much more clever.
You continue to contradict yourself. On multiple occasions now you've claimed that (and I quote) "we are too overpopulated". In addition, you've claimed multiple times in this last post "life simply isn't that precious".

Which then begs the question I previously posed to you - why don't people with your views commit suicide? If life isn't that precious and we're over populated, this is the perfect solution. More liberal contradictions.
Better question would be why don't I kill you?
Well I'm not the one who claims that life isn't precious. You are. If your life isn't precious and you feel we're over populated, why do you refuse to be part of the solution? Are you selfish? If so - your actions prove that you feel life (at the very least - your life) is precious. Otherwise you would absolutely kill yourself.

Typical liberal. Can't put their money where the mouth is - contradicts their own position. :eusa_doh:
Are you really saying every woman who gets an abortion is a murderer? We have a lot of murderers in America. I didn't realize. But a lot of them seem to move on and even later go on to be great parents to kids they have when they are ready.

How are all these murderers living among us? It's scary. I used to be afraid of black men but now I realize women are the murderers. We need more prisons. If a fetus is life we need to save them! Retards
Are you saying the baby is not alive? What is it then? An Amstel light bottle?

The fetus is living tissue that a woman might rightfully choose to have removed.

The fetus has no constitutional protection as a person, and no chance of getting it.
In recent news, Donald Trump got snookered by Chris Matthews with a hypothetical question about abortion. Chris got Donald to say that women should be punished if abortion was illegal.

For his entire campaign, Donald has seemed impervious to PC, until now. Now all of a sudden people seem to care about their abortion rights as it has negatively effected Donald in the polls. For you see, those who support Trump in large part are not really conservatives. They just want someone to kick start the economy and restore order at the border, so the abortion issue is like salt in their wounds because these same people don't want to be held financially responsible for their reproductive actions. For you see, all they care about is their money, just like Donald. In response, Trump has back peddled and said the question was a "gottcha" moment, which it was, but now refuses to talk about it other than saying he thinks it should be a state right issue.

Then enters Hillary. Hillary comes out and talks about the unborn as an "unborn person" and "unborn child". Big mistake in terms of the psychology of word play. She now is taking flack from both happy go lucky abortionists and those who oppose abortion. She then comes out and says that the "unborn children" have no Constitutional rights, BUT she thinks that there should be restrictions on abortion in the third trimester.


What I find the most hilarious of all is that I know neither candidate gives much of a damn about the abortion issue, and it shows. Their lack of introspective rigor on the issue is shining before us, as both slide down in the polls. Their half/half squeamish stance on abortion is on full display for all to see.

Donald Trump touched the third rail on abortion, sending women to prison, not something even pro-life people advocate for (even while claiming abortion is murder). Trump went there because he doesn't have a clue what the pro-life movement stance. Probably because he never gave it much though and quite honestly doesn't give a shit one way or another.

Yes, Trump supporters are conservative, they just aren't THAT conservative.
Well for one, I'm all for it. But you are correct, alot of people aren't ready for that right now. Like any murder you would treat the surgeon as the trigger man. The nurses as accomplises, the mother as the one who hired, and the father if he was involved. Also some men do force women into getting them, with emotional or physical abuse, which if they did that I would let the woman off and just charge the man.

I'm all for you guys advocating for throwing women in prison for murder as well, it's less hypocritical yet would also demonstrate how fucking insane the pro-life movement is.

I'm no hypocrite, but killing babies and sucking them out with vaccums trumps putting a woman in jail. Pro Lifers are more compassionate and want everyone to have a chance in life. Liberals, not so much, they tend to like the Nazi approach.

IOW you want to say abortion is murder, but you don't want it to BE murder. That's the kind intellectually absurd position that loses you this argument.
I do, killing is killing......A lot more people die of abortion than the Police
Donald Trump touched the third rail on abortion, sending women to prison, not something even pro-life people advocate for (even while claiming abortion is murder). Trump went there because he doesn't have a clue what the pro-life movement stance. Probably because he never gave it much though and quite honestly doesn't give a shit one way or another.

Yes, Trump supporters are conservative, they just aren't THAT conservative.
Well for one, I'm all for it. But you are correct, alot of people aren't ready for that right now. Like any murder you would treat the surgeon as the trigger man. The nurses as accomplises, the mother as the one who hired, and the father if he was involved. Also some men do force women into getting them, with emotional or physical abuse, which if they did that I would let the woman off and just charge the man.

I'm all for you guys advocating for throwing women in prison for murder as well, it's less hypocritical yet would also demonstrate how fucking insane the pro-life movement is.

I'm no hypocrite, but killing babies and sucking them out with vaccums trumps putting a woman in jail. Pro Lifers are more compassionate and want everyone to have a chance in life. Liberals, not so much, they tend to like the Nazi approach.

IOW you want to say abortion is murder, but you don't want it to BE murder. That's the kind intellectually absurd position that loses you this argument.
I do, killing is killing......A lot more people die of abortion than the Police
50,000,000+ to date....
In recent news, Donald Trump got snookered by Chris Matthews with a hypothetical question about abortion. Chris got Donald to say that women should be punished if abortion was illegal.

For his entire campaign, Donald has seemed impervious to PC, until now. Now all of a sudden people seem to care about their abortion rights as it has negatively effected Donald in the polls. For you see, those who support Trump in large part are not really conservatives. They just want someone to kick start the economy and restore order at the border, so the abortion issue is like salt in their wounds because these same people don't want to be held financially responsible for their reproductive actions. For you see, all they care about is their money, just like Donald. In response, Trump has back peddled and said the question was a "gottcha" moment, which it was, but now refuses to talk about it other than saying he thinks it should be a state right issue.

Then enters Hillary. Hillary comes out and talks about the unborn as an "unborn person" and "unborn child". Big mistake in terms of the psychology of word play. She now is taking flack from both happy go lucky abortionists and those who oppose abortion. She then comes out and says that the "unborn children" have no Constitutional rights, BUT she thinks that there should be restrictions on abortion in the third trimester.


What I find the most hilarious of all is that I know neither candidate gives much of a damn about the abortion issue, and it shows. Their lack of introspective rigor on the issue is shining before us, as both slide down in the polls. Their half/half squeamish stance on abortion is on full display for all to see.

Donald Trump touched the third rail on abortion, sending women to prison, not something even pro-life people advocate for (even while claiming abortion is murder). Trump went there because he doesn't have a clue what the pro-life movement stance. Probably because he never gave it much though and quite honestly doesn't give a shit one way or another.

Yes, Trump supporters are conservative, they just aren't THAT conservative.
Well for one, I'm all for it. But you are correct, alot of people aren't ready for that right now. Like any murder you would treat the surgeon as the trigger man. The nurses as accomplises, the mother as the one who hired, and the father if he was involved. Also some men do force women into getting them, with emotional or physical abuse, which if they did that I would let the woman off and just charge the man.

I'm all for you guys advocating for throwing women in prison for murder as well, it's less hypocritical yet would also demonstrate how fucking insane the pro-life movement is.

I'm no hypocrite, but killing babies and sucking them out with vaccums trumps putting a woman in jail. Pro Lifers are more compassionate and want everyone to have a chance in life. Liberals, not so much, they tend to like the Nazi approach.

IOW you want to say abortion is murder, but you don't want it to BE murder. That's the kind intellectually absurd position that loses you this argument.
Excuse me? I said it was murder and everyone involved with it, should be charged. So don't fucking tell me shit. I'm no hypocrite, but it would require you to read the thread, something you're not good with.

BTW what makes a person a person?
Well for one, I'm all for it. But you are correct, alot of people aren't ready for that right now. Like any murder you would treat the surgeon as the trigger man. The nurses as accomplises, the mother as the one who hired, and the father if he was involved. Also some men do force women into getting them, with emotional or physical abuse, which if they did that I would let the woman off and just charge the man.

I'm all for you guys advocating for throwing women in prison for murder as well, it's less hypocritical yet would also demonstrate how fucking insane the pro-life movement is.

I'm no hypocrite, but killing babies and sucking them out with vaccums trumps putting a woman in jail. Pro Lifers are more compassionate and want everyone to have a chance in life. Liberals, not so much, they tend to like the Nazi approach.

IOW you want to say abortion is murder, but you don't want it to BE murder. That's the kind intellectually absurd position that loses you this argument.
I do, killing is killing......A lot more people die of abortion than the Police
50,000,000+ to date....

That's a lot of stew meat.
Donald Trump touched the third rail on abortion, sending women to prison, not something even pro-life people advocate for (even while claiming abortion is murder). Trump went there because he doesn't have a clue what the pro-life movement stance. Probably because he never gave it much though and quite honestly doesn't give a shit one way or another.

Yes, Trump supporters are conservative, they just aren't THAT conservative.
Well for one, I'm all for it. But you are correct, alot of people aren't ready for that right now. Like any murder you would treat the surgeon as the trigger man. The nurses as accomplises, the mother as the one who hired, and the father if he was involved. Also some men do force women into getting them, with emotional or physical abuse, which if they did that I would let the woman off and just charge the man.

I'm all for you guys advocating for throwing women in prison for murder as well, it's less hypocritical yet would also demonstrate how fucking insane the pro-life movement is.

I'm no hypocrite, but killing babies and sucking them out with vaccums trumps putting a woman in jail. Pro Lifers are more compassionate and want everyone to have a chance in life. Liberals, not so much, they tend to like the Nazi approach.

IOW you want to say abortion is murder, but you don't want it to BE murder. That's the kind intellectually absurd position that loses you this argument.
Excuse me? I said it was murder and everyone involved with it, should be charged. So don't fucking tell me shit. I'm no hypocrite, but it would require you to read the thread, something you're not good with.

BTW what makes a person a person?

But you'll happily vote for politicians who don't really think abortion is murder.

And you'll vote against politicians who want to show kids how to properly wear a condom.
I'm all for you guys advocating for throwing women in prison for murder as well, it's less hypocritical yet would also demonstrate how fucking insane the pro-life movement is.

I'm no hypocrite, but killing babies and sucking them out with vaccums trumps putting a woman in jail. Pro Lifers are more compassionate and want everyone to have a chance in life. Liberals, not so much, they tend to like the Nazi approach.

IOW you want to say abortion is murder, but you don't want it to BE murder. That's the kind intellectually absurd position that loses you this argument.
I do, killing is killing......A lot more people die of abortion than the Police
50,000,000+ to date....

That's a lot of stew meat.
It's the only thing keeping Lamborghini in business...:lol:
According to a study by the Guttmacher Institute, "Almost three-quarters of women obtaining abortions in 2008 reported a religious affiliation. The largest proportion were Protestant (37 percent), and most of the rest said that they were Catholic (28 percent) or that they had no religious affiliation (27 percent). One in five abortion patients identified themselves as born-again, evangelical, charismatic or fundamentalist; 75 percent of these were Protestant.”

This is why abortion will not be overturned in the US. It is because many so called "Christians" have no moral fiber and view their faith as nothing more as a convenience, not a commitment.

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