Abortion and the 14th Amendment - Just Who are Persons?

Surprisingly, discussions about abortion and the 14th Amendment may have a common thread: Just who are "persons"for the purpose of applying their provisions? According to current (mis)interpretation of the 14th Amendment, U.S. Congressional districts are apportioned according to the number of persons, rather than citizens, living in each district. (This means that the actual numbers of legal voters can vary widely between districts, thereby creating additional opportunities for gerrymandering.)

Similarly, discussions about abortion often involve the issue of when a fetus becomes a "person" with legal rights. This distinction seems analogous to that between illegal aliens and citizens in the U.S. Although these aliens and fetuses are "undocumented," there is no question of their existence and residence in this country. The only thing standing between them and full legal recognition is the necessary paperwork; either a "green card" or a U.S. birth certificate.

However, this analogy fails when it comes to government benefits. While illegal aliens are entitled to food, shelter and medical care, many fetuses are deprived of the same. Why is that? Aren't they both persons?
No. A fetus doesn't have rights under the law.
When the 14 th amendment was passed in America children and women were property and no better off than the slaves legally.
Its control they want total control of your lives.
NO, it is control of the lives of the fetuses. For them, it is a matter of life & death. For the potential mothers, it is relatively minor. A matter of inconvenience.

Notic how leftists always put the focus on the women, and never on the people who would be born and live productive lives (as thousands of people whose mothers contemplated abortion attest)
I'm sure it will. I'm well enough off to travel to blue states to get the abortion.
Better hurry up. McConnell has said he will try to make abortion banned nationwide. it is also feasible that a red wave in November might be so enormous that Republican majorities in both house of Congress could be large enough to override a Biden veto.

And there is always the Supreme court too. - but maybe you could go to Canada (or there could be abortion exceptions)
Better hurry up. McConnell has said he will try to make abortion banned nationwide. it is also feasible that a red wave in November might be so enormous that Republican majorities in both house of Congress could be large enough to override a Biden veto.

And there is always the Supreme court too. - but maybe you could go to Canada (or there could be abortion exceptions)

Oh I can travel overseas and get it done also. You can't stop me if I want it.

Hell they aren't even prosecuting women for self abortion.

Hope this doesn't ruin your day. 😂😂😂
All they want is to control what you do with your body. They want to call something not having a heart beat as alive.
You are uninformed (perhaps deliberatley misled). Fetus heartbeats begin as early as the fifth or sixth weeks of gestation.

Oh I can travel overseas and get it done also. You can't stop me if I want it.

Hell they aren't even prosecuting women for self abortion.

Hope this doesn't ruin your day. 😂😂😂
It has already ruined yours. You're just too mindless to know it. When your abortion takes place - you'll know it then.
You are uninformed (perhaps deliberatley misled). Fetus heartbeats begin as early as the fifth or sixth weeks of gestation.

That's why I like the morning after pill. I just pop it and the baby doesn't get to form. It's done.

And I can cruise for to Europe and get it done. Or go to Canada. I think Canada has it legal.

Good luck stopping abortion when you can't stop illegals or drugs.
A person is simply a human being. And from a scientific standpoint, it's an undeniable fact that the preborn baby is a human being, just in the earliest stages of life.

Of course I have problem with abortion, which is as UNNATURAL as anything could ever be. Biology and nature are pregnancy and birth. Abortion is the contradiction of the nature, and it is murder.

Those, like you who condone it, are nothing more than filthy murderers, who ought to be arrested and executed in a way that is at least as painful and trumatic as the abortion you insanely condone.
Wrong again you dipshit. Abortion isn't a contradiction of nature. Hell, entire species go extinct and nature could not give less of a fuck. It doesn't care if the dominant species on the planet are mammals, reptiles or insects. And as for murder, all carnivores murder to eat. Ever seen a pack of wild dogs in Africa eating a gazelle alive? Or they murder to take control of the pride. Lions will kill the children of the last dominant male to assert their control over the group. Nature doesn't care. You do. Stop hiding behind it you cowardly fuck. 😄

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