Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

"If the world is judged by you, are you not competent to constitute the smallest law courts?"

That's Paul to the church of Corinth.

Here's James:

Do not speak against one another, [James 1:16; 5:7, 9, 10] brethren He who speaks against a brother or [Matt 7:1; Rom 14:4] judges his brother, speaks against [James 2:8] the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not [James 1:22] a doer of the law but a judge of it.

Do not complain, [James 5:7, 10] brethren, against one another, so that you yourselves may not be judged; behold, [1 Cor 4:5; James 4:12; 1 Pet 4:5] the Judge is standing [Matt 24:33; Mark 13:29] right at the door.

Here's Jesus. He's speaking to believers. "Brothers" are brothers in Christ. It's a specific term used to distinguish believers.

1"(A)Do not judge so that you will not be judged.

2"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and (B)by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.

3"Why do you (C)look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

4"(D)Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye?

5"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

6"(E)Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Jesus is speaking directly to believers about their dealings with other believers, and telling them not to waste their time or energy on those who choose not to believe. Which I should take to heart.

Jesus was not afraid to be friends with non-believers, looking past the sin in their lives to see who God created them to be. (Luke 19:7) He understood that accepting the person is not the same thing as accepting their sins. As the old saying goes, “Love the sinner, not the sin.”

Jesus was ridiculed for being a friend to sinners. He accepted prostitutes, lepers, publicans, and the poor. He believed the kingdom of heaven was available to any who would turn to him.

When Jesus called Matthew to be a disciple, the tax-collector got a bunch of his tax-collecting friends together for a large banquet with Jesus. (Luke 5:30) Jesus jolted the religious culture by hanging out with a group of people who were stereotyped as spiritually bankrupt.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (emphasis mine). We are to care, just as Christ cares, for the lost souls of men.

I would assume that this also means that you should be kind and not judge.
"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."
The Bible says judge not, lest ye be judged, refering to believers judging each other. It is followed by the assertion that believers can and should judge non-believers.

I was going to unload on you for being stupid enough to think that jebus authorized judging non-believers but it looks like BrianH thoroughly took care of it already.

Indeed, for a guy you think should have been out condemning sinners he sure was quick to hang out with the dregs of his society...

Jesus was not afraid to be friends with non-believers, looking past the sin in their lives to see who God created them to be. (Luke 19:7) He understood that accepting the person is not the same thing as accepting their sins. As the old saying goes, “Love the sinner, not the sin.”

Jesus was ridiculed for being a friend to sinners. He accepted prostitutes, lepers, publicans, and the poor. He believed the kingdom of heaven was available to any who would turn to him.

When Jesus called Matthew to be a disciple, the tax-collector got a bunch of his tax-collecting friends together for a large banquet with Jesus. (Luke 5:30) Jesus jolted the religious culture by hanging out with a group of people who were stereotyped as spiritually bankrupt.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (emphasis mine). We are to care, just as Christ cares, for the lost souls of men.

I would assume that this also means that you should be kind and not judge.
"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

Jesus accepted all believers, regardless of their past sins. That's not to say we should discount non-believers, or refuse to eat with them.

But Jesus was talking to believers, about believers. Yes, he had no problem with sin. We all sin. That's the point. You don't judge the sin in other non-believers, we all have it, and Jesus has paid the price. But this baloney about "JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED" is not, as non believers like to crow, about believers judging the unsaved. It's about believers judging each other. The bible specifically tells us that we are capable of judging non-believers, as we will be judges after the second coming.

Compassion is fine, and we're supposed to testify and spread the word. But when Jesus said cast not your pearls before swine, and don't give what is holy to dogs, he was talking about attempting to reason with non believers. Not recent believers who have a history, or people who have never heard the word, but those who have heard and chose to walk away.
You are a hypocrite if you say you don't believe in a soul while at the same time condemning people who believe souls can be lost.

The Bible says judge not, lest ye be judged, refering to believers judging each other. It is followed by the assertion that believers can and should judge non-believers.

I'm not judging what level of Christian you are, which is exactly what Paul was talking about in that excerpt. He was speaking to a church and admonishing members not to judge how good a Christian this person or that person was.

You might also keep in mind that in the end, the Saints will be judging. You may have to answer to someone you ridiculed or insulted in the past. Wouldn't THAT be awkward.
Please show where I stated that I do not believe in souls. You are so foolish. Are you having conversations in your head and attributing them to me?

Plus, no where in the Bible does it say that believers can and should judge non-believers. That is simply false. I stand by every statement that I have ever made. I denounce the claims that Christ was divine...and so did he.

But before your head explodes because I dare to state that Christ is not God, let's go back a few steps.

Prove that I ever said I do not believe in souls.
Jesus accepted all believers, regardless of their past sins. That's not to say we should discount non-believers, or refuse to eat with them.

But Jesus was talking to believers, about believers. Yes, he had no problem with sin. We all sin. That's the point. You don't judge the sin in other non-believers, we all have it, and Jesus has paid the price. But this baloney about "JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED" is not, as non believers like to crow, about believers judging the unsaved. It's about believers judging each other.

Compassion is fine, and we're supposed to testify and spread the word. But when Jesus said cast not your pearls before swine, and giving what is holy to dogs, he was talking about non believers. Not recent believers who have a history, or people who have never heard the word, but those who have heard and chose to walk away.

You are full of shit AND wrapping scripture around your opinion much like Fred Phelps does. It's too bad that you are the kind of christian ole jebus ended up with. I only wish it were the case that there were an afterlife and I couldt get a front row seat to you being told, "I Know ye not". It's truly amazing, but not at all surprising, that you are this ignorant about your own faith.

again, ONE MORE FUCKING TIME, I am the one who brought up there being no such thing as a soul. Not Taomon. Do I need to chisel this on a pair of stone tablets and give it to a jewish guy on top of a mountain for you to pay attention??
Jesus accepted all believers, regardless of their past sins. That's not to say we should discount non-believers, or refuse to eat with them.

But Jesus was talking to believers, about believers. Yes, he had no problem with sin. We all sin. That's the point. You don't judge the sin in other non-believers, we all have it, and Jesus has paid the price. But this baloney about "JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED" is not, as non believers like to crow, about believers judging the unsaved. It's about believers judging each other. The bible specifically tells us that we are capable of judging non-believers, as we will be judges after the second coming.

Compassion is fine, and we're supposed to testify and spread the word. But when Jesus said cast not your pearls before swine, and don't give what is holy to dogs, he was talking about attempting to reason with non believers. Not recent believers who have a history, or people who have never heard the word, but those who have heard and chose to walk away.
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Do you truly believe that in the Second Coming it will be Americanized Christians who judge the world?

Do you think Jesus would not talk to me, or Eots? And you wonder why Chrsitianity is reviled. You guys close your hearts to people. You hate the sin and you hate the sinner. As if you are any better than anyone else here.
again, ONE MORE FUCKING TIME, I am the one who brought up there being no such thing as a soul. Not Taomon. Do I need to chisel this on a pair of stone tablets and give it to a jewish guy on top of a mountain for you to pay attention??

He proves himself as a fool everytime he attacks me for your post. :rofl:
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Do you truly believe that in the Second Coming it will be Americanized Christians who judge the world?

Do you think Jesus would not talk to me, or Eots? And you wonder why Chrsitianity is reviled. You guys close your hearts to people. You hate the sin and you hate the sinner. As if you are any better than anyone else here.

I know why Christianity is reviled, and thanks for admitting it.

I don't hate the sinner. I feel sorry for them. If I hated you, I'd talk to you the way you and Shogun talk to Christians.

And honestly, I think people like you, Eots and Shogun will be crawling on your bellies to Jesus, and he will, as it says in the bible, not know you as you have not known him. (That's why I feel sorry for you). You can squawk all you want, that's the way of it.

Do you feel the same hatred for your Muslim buddies and their ideas of what it takes to get into heaven? Nope. Not really apropos of anything, but interesting all the same.
He proves himself as a fool everytime he attacks me for your post. :rofl:

You idiot, I'm not attacking you for Shogun's post. I'm not attacking you at all. I'm responding to specific questions and comments, and I recognize that of course you aren't a believer, either.
I know why Christianity is reviled, and thanks for admitting it.

I don't hate the sinner. I feel sorry for them. If I hated you, I'd talk to you the way you and Shogun talk to Christians.

And honestly, I think people like you, Eots and Shogun will be crawling on your bellies to Jesus, and he will, as it says in the bible, not know you as you have not known him. (That's why I feel sorry for you). You can squawk all you want, that's the way of it.

Do you feel the same hatred for your Muslim buddies and their ideas of what it takes to get into heaven? Nope. Not really apropos of anything, but interesting all the same.
I don't hate all Christians, nor do I hate all Muslims or Jews. Some of my best friends belong to one religion or another. I hate fundamentalists.

You are a fundamentalist. You believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, but what is worse and very sickening is that you do not even have a general idea of what the original Bible was about. You refuse to look beyond your fundamentalist sources, which are blatantly inaccurate.

Don't feel sorry for me. God made me as I am. There is a reason why I believe as I do. There is a reason why you cling to your dogma. I can think conceptually and you cannot. Conceptual thinkers do not need to characterize God as a humanesque entity. God is not some magic man in the sky. Jesus is not some Godhead coming back to judge the believers and non-believers.

Good people, who have not accepted Jesus into their hearts will still go to heaven. Sorry. Even Jesus said that good people will be accepted.
Not according to the Bible they won't. Faith, not works. I'm afraid your understanding of the bible is tainted by your own conceit that you know better.

Please, oh please, cite the passage where Jesus said that good people without faith will get to heaven.
You idiot, I'm not attacking you for Shogun's post. I'm not attacking you at all. I'm responding to specific questions and comments, and I recognize that of course you aren't a believer, either.
I believe in God. I do not cling to a specific religion because I have evolved past that. If you need to, fine. But you take it a step further and judge anyone who does not believe as you do.

You called me a hypocrit if I do not believe. You just stated that I do not believe. You are therefore attacking me by calling me a hypocrit.

But I believe in God. I live my life to be the best person I can be, by following my heart. My ethics mirror many religious traditions. But don't seem to want to accept that I am a believer in God, even though I reject the Christian churches.
Not according to the Bible they won't. Faith, not works. I'm afraid your understanding of the bible is tainted by your own conceit that you know better.
Show me where in the Bible it states that good people without a belief in Christ will not be accepted into heaven.
Satan believes in God, too. It doesn't mean he's saved.

And with regards to your idiotic, parrotlike-assertions that I'm calling you a hypocrite because you, specifically, don't believe, here's what I said:

"You are a hypocrite if you say you don't believe in a soul while at the same time condemning people who believe souls can be lost."

I'd say you're a hypocrite as well if you condemn people for judging others, then turn around and screech, "IT'S NO WONDER THE WORLD HATES YOU" and "I HATE FUNDAMENTALISTS".

What a spaz.
I know why Christianity is reviled, and thanks for admitting it.

I don't hate the sinner. I feel sorry for them. If I hated you, I'd talk to you the way you and Shogun talk to Christians.

And honestly, I think people like you, Eots and Shogun will be crawling on your bellies to Jesus, and he will, as it says in the bible, not know you as you have not known him. (That's why I feel sorry for you). You can squawk all you want, that's the way of it.

Do you feel the same hatred for your Muslim buddies and their ideas of what it takes to get into heaven? Nope. Not really apropos of anything, but interesting all the same.

Hey, hasn't it been seven years past the Thousands of years schtick already? Shouldn't you all be gone by now? You are going to die of old age before anyone grovels at the feet of your jebus fetish. Don't blame unbelievers because they revile your pathetic belifs; Trust me, YOU own that yourself, homey. Which, again, is exactly why i quoted a christian conveying the exact same thing. It's sad that the "message" you seem to have gotten was one of pity rather than love; superiority complex instead of salvation; A total bastardization of the entire point of jebus's example.

It's cool though.. you see, such bullshit isn't much of a threat this side of salem. Threatening revelations might work on a bunch of ignorant hayseeds who already throw spilled salt over their shoulder but I've seen scarier stories from B rated 80s movies from the VHS bargain bin. You really are no different than your witch burning ancestors who also got a little confused about the application of judgment.
You idiot, I'm not attacking you for Shogun's post. I'm not attacking you at all. I'm responding to specific questions and comments, and I recognize that of course you aren't a believer, either.

oh yes.. Bcause BABA is the DECIDER when it comes to personal faith!

judge not lest ye make shit up about the bible!

Not according to the Bible they won't. Faith, not works. I'm afraid your understanding of the bible is tainted by your own conceit that you know better.

Please, oh please, cite the passage where Jesus said that good people without faith will get to heaven.


holy SHIT.. I just found the definition of IRONY!
The Baba is allowed the same leeway as any of the other jerks on this site.

BTW, before you get too wrapped up in your superior understanding of the bible, remember that for all our curiosity over the second coming, we will not know the day. It's going to be a surprise.

Some will be more surprised than others.
The Baba is allowed the same leeway as any of the other jerks on this site.

BTW, before you get too wrapped up in your superior understanding of the bible, remember that for all our curiosity over the second coming, we will not know the day. It's going to be a surprise.

Some will be more surprised than others.

no, actually, given the dogma you wear on your sleeve, you are not. Did jesus give anyone a handjob while hanging with the prostitute? no.

Way to be an example for us sinner, Allie. Far be it for a christian to rationalize their own behavior at every corner while using the bible much like a post-op patient uses pain medication. Your personal interaction on this board does nothing but reaffirm every negative opinion i've ever had of nutter fundies.

And spare me.. I heard your kind of shit from 1988 all the way until counting down to the year 2000. You might think that no one remember how sure you thumpers were about the year 2000, and seven years later after THAT turned out poorly, but I have no problem feeding you back the same laughable bullshit about mystic second coming of a messiah that was an old story back when jebus shot out of a non-virgin's ass.

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