Abolition of Abortion

if not clinics it will go on elsewhere. Women have options of over the counter, online/mail or natural means.
don't want suicide rates going up or having to see women use coathangers
Jurisdiction over such issues as abortion and marriage should be left with the States unless specifically assigned to the federal government by the Constitution. We need to reaffirm the 10th Amendment.
Jurisdiction over such issues as abortion and marriage should be left with the States unless specifically assigned to the federal government by the Constitution. We need to reaffirm the 10th Amendment.
... or to the people.

the Articles of Confederation were replaced by the US Constitution that's why it is not left up to states and is affirmed by the 10th Amendment.
Jurisdiction over such issues as abortion and marriage should be left with the States unless specifically assigned to the federal government by the Constitution. We need to reaffirm the 10th Amendment.
They shouldn’t and they aren’t as originally intended by the Framers – and for good reason.

Americans are first and foremost citizens of the United States, residents of their respective states subordinate to that.

Americans have the fundamental right to move freely about the country, and wherever they might go their rights and protected liberties go with them, to whatever state or jurisdiction they might reside.

Citizens do not ‘forfeit’ their rights and protected liberties merely as a consequence of their state of residence, one’s right’s and protected liberties are not subject to ‘majority rule,’ and the majority may not determine who will or will not have his rights and protected liberties.

The right to privacy and the right to marry are fundamental, immune from attack by the state, safeguarded by the Constitution and its case law.

Everyone is pro-life, everyone wishes to see an end to abortion, and any solution to the problem of abortion must comport with the Constitution and its case law, respecting a woman’s right to privacy.
“First, a pro-life strategy of compromise—rather than principle—has failed to convince the public or the courts.”


The people have no desire to see women compelled to give birth against their will through force of law, nor do they wish to see the size and authority of government increased at the expense of individual liberty.

And the courts will continue to invalidate measures seeking to violate a woman’s right to privacy, where government has no authority to do so.

“Second, Republican judicial nominations have failed to overturn unconstitutional pro-abortion precedents and have even contributed to them.”


Republican judicial nominations have appropriately followed the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law – consistent with being an Americans jurist, consistent with that jurist’s oath of office to obey and defend the Constitution and its case law.

Privacy rights jurisprudence is settled and accepted, placing limits on the government’s authority to interfere in matters both personal and private, including deciding whether to have a child or not.

“And third, our constitutional system has failed to constrain the judiciary.”


Our Constitutional system has worked successfully and as originally intended by the Framers, consistent with a republican form of government, where citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; measures seeking to compel women to give birth against their will is evidence of that.

And when the states enact measures repugnant to the Constitution, citizens have the right to file suit in Federal court to seek relief, and have those un-Constitutional measures invalidated by the judiciary, such as the Texas law recently struck down as placing an undue burden on the privacy rights of women.
If given the choice, would you anti-life people kill yourselves?

Don't let me keep you waiting...

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.....

well not quite yet, but when my pain gets to be too much I have had my plans in place for over twenty years.

Not about being anti-life but simply being pro-choice. The woman's right to her body and options best for her
Why do we spay and neuter our animals but have so much objection to abortion?
It is not like a woman can never have children, just have them when she is ready.

Is it right to have millions of children without loving homes or the planet being over populated and unable to feed and provide for so many humans?

Children refugees are now killing themselves or asking parents to kill them they are so hungry and in so much pain, physical and mental.

Young single men are seeking to go to Europe and the US while most women with children are still in camps.

When animals are found wandering the streets and shelters try to find them homes, eventually they are euthanized.

Animals and people who are living breathing and feel pain as opposed to an embryo/fetus too small and under developed to feel pain, mostly a jelly mass.

We consider it a kindness to put animals and even humans out of their misery but people want to put women through misery of pregnancy and child birth they are not ready for and do not want? To force a woman to become a mother when she is not ready to love and care for the child, or to throw yet another child into an under funded poorly manages and often abusive system of foster care or institutions?

Women are not animals for breeding, they have rights to live their life as they want, even if that means not having a child till she is ready to give it the love a child should have.
Woman Tells Men To STFU About Abortion In 3 Glorious Sentences

if not clinics it will go on elsewhere. Women have options of over the counter, online/mail or natural means.
don't want suicide rates going up or having to see women use coathangers
How do you feel about minors being brought to the ER by ambulance due to receiving incomplete abortions by so called abortion doctors?
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if not clinics it will go on elsewhere. Women have options of over the counter, online/mail or natural means.
don't want suicide rates going up or having to see women use coathangers
How do you feel about minors being brought to the ER by ambulance due to receiving incomplete abortions by so called abortion doctors?

minor need either consent or informing parent(s) before an abortion can be done, except three states.

without those, minors seek back-street abortions instead of safe clinics. No being able to go to clinics without parent knowledge is why the have incomplete abortion.

Parents are financially responsible for abortions and complication. One way or the other parents will find out.

The later the abortion the more complication. Minors bodies are usually to small or immature for a safe pregnancy and childbirth. C-section have their own risks and deaths beyond just normal childbirth. Proper abortion are safer.
"Unless you have a penis, I don't want to hear your opinion on what rapists due with their own sex organs. In fact, it would be a delight if you ceased publishing female rape victim's letters about how rape traumatized them. Perhaps readership would grow if every time we opened a paper, we didn't have to read some old shrew's opinion about rape. You can't understand how a rapist feels because you're not a man".

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