A WWII history lesson


Active Member
May 30, 2009
- for today's world.

Remember During WWII When FDR Praised Japanese Enemy's Religion? - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

August 22, 2009

Remember During WWII When FDR Praised Japanese Enemy's Religion?

It was after Pearl Harbor, after Midway, after many thousands of our American G.I.'s were killed in desperate battles with the Shintoist Japanese when President Franklin D. Roosevelt went on the radio and issued his heartfelt praise for Japan's Shinto religion.

To his American audience, in his celebratory message for Japan's Shinto religious practices, President Roosevelt issued the following line:

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Shinto's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings."

The outrage in America wad deafening. No one could deny that there were millions of Shintoists that never raised a finger against the U.S., but the leaders of the war effort were all Shintoists and their religious leaders used the creed as a basis to attack us. Worse, as Americans were dying at the hands of Shintoists, the anger in the nation was...

Well, you know that this never happened. Of course President Roosevelt was never heard praising our enemy during that vicious war with Japan's Shintoist fanatics. But that doesn't mean that this whole thing is fantasy, either, because we did have a president that issued a celebratory message to our enemy while American soldiers were engaged in daily battle with representatives of religious fanatics as deadly as the Shintoists of WWII.
... or rather we do have such a president.

That's right he's in office right now. President Obama issued such a celebratory statement for the religion of our enemy just this week with a Ramadan statement. And here is the actual line from above as issued by the White House today.

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.

"Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings"? Is this pandering fool kidding? As the loudest practitioners of Islam infest the whole of the world cutting off people's heads, stoning women who've been raped, hanging homosexuals, spending millions of dollars world wide to sponsor terrorism, bombing people into oblivion and sponsoring riots to force their ideological desires on democratic societies one has to wonder when Islam is going to start "advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings"?

Islam is the single most violent, oppressive, and dangerous religion currently in practice in the world today, yet President Obama is pandering to this rabble that has vocally called for all our deaths or forcible conversion to Islam?

Is Islam beyond redemption? With an internal reformation, it likely isn't. But no one of any prominence has made a move toward any such reformation. As it stands right now, there is little in Islam worth recommending much less praising.

It is a disgrace that as our soldiers are facing mortal danger from Islamists in many spots on the globe the president is celebrating the ideology that is used to justify our soldier's deaths, not to mention the religion that was used to justify the most outrageous attack on American civilians in our history, 9/11.

Roosevelt was a bad enough president. His actions led to the socialist mess we are living with today and his New Deal led to the lengthening of The Great Depression by up to seven years, but he was at least smart enough not to praise our enemy in the midst of a war with them.

Would that Obama were as smart.

We live in a society -
"of the Government, by the Government, for the Government".
We are now slaves to A GREEDY government.
Come now, Islam is a religion of peace. Well maybe pieces is more correct. After all it advocates such peaceful practices as forced conversion, murder of anyone that converts FROM Islam to another religion, stoning of women for not wearing head to toe sheets or going out in public without a male to escort them. Such American principles as murdering all homosexuals, imprisoning or stoning any woman dumb enough to let herself be raped, and who can forget the oh so peaceful practice of beheading captured soldiers and civilians?

They support other peaceful ideas too, like world wide terrorism, murder of innocent women and children for political reasons, and they support freedom of the press, you remember as long as it does not print any stories about the religion or its founder, any stories about the problems in the religion and BY GOD who can blame them for rioting when cartoons are made of their religions founder?

They believe in the right to a Democratic Government, as long as the Mullahs actually rule, make all laws, enforce all laws and who can forget their tolerant position on freedom of religion?

Yup a tolerant peaceful religion of wise men.
And what religions did the Germans of WW2 practice? What did Hitler publicaly call his religion? What was the religion of the Spanish Inquisition?

Only a fool would start a thread like this. Religions are composed of people, and most peoples have at one time or another committed atrocities against their own, or their neighbors.
Come now, Islam is a religion of peace.

They support other peaceful ideas too, like world wide terrorism, murder of innocent women and children for political reasons,
Christianity as a religion of Peace.

During WWII both Germany and Italy were Christian nations and their populations were overwhelmly Christian.

Both countries invaded and terrorized most of Europe and parts of N. Africia.

These Christian nations basically had the backing of the church to murder and torture innocent men, women, and childtrn as they pleased.

Yet I never heard of President Roosevelt condemning Christianity, or the church, or christian people.

I wonder why that was ?
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Only the truly irreligious would support such a statement as made by Soaring and seconded by Retired. To post such a thing means that the writer and supporter are ignorant, or mentally feeble, or morally malignant with the facts and interpretation, or simply all three. What an incredibly poor expression of critical thinking skills by these two whatever you call'ems.
- for today's world.

Remember During WWII When FDR Praised Japanese Enemy's Religion? - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

August 22, 2009

Remember During WWII When FDR Praised Japanese Enemy's Religion?

It was after Pearl Harbor, after Midway, after many thousands of our American G.I.'s were killed in desperate battles with the Shintoist Japanese when President Franklin D. Roosevelt went on the radio and issued his heartfelt praise for Japan's Shinto religion.

To his American audience, in his celebratory message for Japan's Shinto religious practices, President Roosevelt issued the following line:

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Shinto's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings."

The outrage in America wad deafening. No one could deny that there were millions of Shintoists that never raised a finger against the U.S., but the leaders of the war effort were all Shintoists and their religious leaders used the creed as a basis to attack us. Worse, as Americans were dying at the hands of Shintoists, the anger in the nation was...

Well, you know that this never happened. Of course President Roosevelt was never heard praising our enemy during that vicious war with Japan's Shintoist fanatics. But that doesn't mean that this whole thing is fantasy, either, because we did have a president that issued a celebratory message to our enemy while American soldiers were engaged in daily battle with representatives of religious fanatics as deadly as the Shintoists of WWII.
... or rather we do have such a president.

That's right he's in office right now. President Obama issued such a celebratory statement for the religion of our enemy just this week with a Ramadan statement. And here is the actual line from above as issued by the White House today.

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.

"Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings"? Is this pandering fool kidding? As the loudest practitioners of Islam infest the whole of the world cutting off people's heads, stoning women who've been raped, hanging homosexuals, spending millions of dollars world wide to sponsor terrorism, bombing people into oblivion and sponsoring riots to force their ideological desires on democratic societies one has to wonder when Islam is going to start "advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings"?

Islam is the single most violent, oppressive, and dangerous religion currently in practice in the world today, yet President Obama is pandering to this rabble that has vocally called for all our deaths or forcible conversion to Islam?

Is Islam beyond redemption? With an internal reformation, it likely isn't. But no one of any prominence has made a move toward any such reformation. As it stands right now, there is little in Islam worth recommending much less praising.

It is a disgrace that as our soldiers are facing mortal danger from Islamists in many spots on the globe the president is celebrating the ideology that is used to justify our soldier's deaths, not to mention the religion that was used to justify the most outrageous attack on American civilians in our history, 9/11.
Roosevelt was a bad enough president. His actions led to the socialist mess we are living with today and his New Deal led to the lengthening of The Great Depression by up to seven years, but he was at least smart enough not to praise our enemy in the midst of a war with them.

Would that Obama were as smart.

We live in a society -
"of the Government, by the Government, for the Government".
We are now slaves to A GREEDY government.

I doubt that your soldiers would thank you for using their name to support your bigoted agenda. As a serving soldier myself, I spit on your misguided rhetoric. You, sir, are part of the problem we face...not the solution.

Yes, there are Islamic extremists, but they are the minority. But then, I see just as many religious extremists residing in your country. Christian fundamentalists, every bit as despicable and dangerous as Islamic fundamentalists. And then there's extremists like you.

Tell me, what are you doing about fighting terrorism, or do you just crawl out from under your rock to post hate speech on the Internet?
Come now, Islam is a religion of peace.

They support other peaceful ideas too, like world wide terrorism, murder of innocent women and children for political reasons,
Christianity as a religion of Peace.

During WWII both Germany and Italy were Christian nations and their populations were overwhelmly Christian.

Both countries invaded and terrorized most of Europe and parts of N. Africia.

These Christian nations basically had the backing of the church to murder and torture innocent men, women, and childtrn as they pleased.

Yet I never heard of President Roosevelt condemning Christianity, or the church, or christian people.

I wonder why that was ?
Sunni, you tell the same lies over and over again. You bring nothing to this forum. You should be banned.
Oh the deafining hypocrisy. If you turn your attention to your OWN religion you will find it is BATHED in blood and even TODAY the most extreme of your fellow practitioners engage in TERRORISM of abortion providers and others who do not share their extreme views of the world. Get off your soap box get down on your knees and ask God to teach you the TRUE meaning of your religion.
Come now, Islam is a religion of peace.

They support other peaceful ideas too, like world wide terrorism, murder of innocent women and children for political reasons,
Christianity as a religion of Peace.

During WWII both Germany and Italy were Christian nations and their populations were overwhelmly Christian.

Both countries invaded and terrorized most of Europe and parts of N. Africia.

These Christian nations basically had the backing of the church to murder and torture innocent men, women, and childtrn as they pleased.

Yet I never heard of President Roosevelt condemning Christianity, or the church, or christian people.

I wonder why that was ?
Sunni, you tell the same lies over and over again. You bring nothing to this forum. You should be banned.
What lies??

So Germany and Italy wern't Christian nations during WWII ?

Seens like the Catholic church is based in Italy.

And even Hitler publicly stated he was a Christian.
Christianity as a religion of Peace.

During WWII both Germany and Italy were Christian nations and their populations were overwhelmly Christian.

Both countries invaded and terrorized most of Europe and parts of N. Africia.

These Christian nations basically had the backing of the church to murder and torture innocent men, women, and childtrn as they pleased.

Yet I never heard of President Roosevelt condemning Christianity, or the church, or christian people.

I wonder why that was ?
Sunni, you tell the same lies over and over again. You bring nothing to this forum. You should be banned.
What lies??

So Germany and Italy wern't Christian nations during WWII ?

Seens like the Catholic church is based in Italy.

And even Hitler publicly stated he was a Christian.

Well except for the whole point being the RELIGION did not support Hitler or Mussolini , you see dumb fuck, the Muslims USE their religion to Justify murder rape and mayhem. They USE their religion to justify homophobia, dictatorships and keeping females as virtual slaves.

Hitler did not use his religion and the religion itself did not support Hitler. Which is the whole fucking point you dumb asses want to ignore. By the way Hitler was no Christian.

Ohh and since America is NOT a christian nation according to you guys, then neither Germany or Italy are either. But they thanks for playing.
Hitler in several speeches declared that he was a Christian and was fighting for a Christian cause.

Italy was completely Christian, and Germany was also totally Christian after they weeded out the Jews.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLq_adIPLhk]YouTube - The Christian (Catholic) Hitler[/ame]
- for today's world.

Remember During WWII When FDR Praised Japanese Enemy's Religion? - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)

August 22, 2009

Remember During WWII When FDR Praised Japanese Enemy's Religion?

It was after Pearl Harbor, after Midway, after many thousands of our American G.I.'s were killed in desperate battles with the Shintoist Japanese when President Franklin D. Roosevelt went on the radio and issued his heartfelt praise for Japan's Shinto religion.

To his American audience, in his celebratory message for Japan's Shinto religious practices, President Roosevelt issued the following line:

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Shinto's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings."

The outrage in America wad deafening. No one could deny that there were millions of Shintoists that never raised a finger against the U.S., but the leaders of the war effort were all Shintoists and their religious leaders used the creed as a basis to attack us. Worse, as Americans were dying at the hands of Shintoists, the anger in the nation was...

Well, you know that this never happened. Of course President Roosevelt was never heard praising our enemy during that vicious war with Japan's Shintoist fanatics. But that doesn't mean that this whole thing is fantasy, either, because we did have a president that issued a celebratory message to our enemy while American soldiers were engaged in daily battle with representatives of religious fanatics as deadly as the Shintoists of WWII.
... or rather we do have such a president.

That's right he's in office right now. President Obama issued such a celebratory statement for the religion of our enemy just this week with a Ramadan statement. And here is the actual line from above as issued by the White House today.

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.

"Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings"? Is this pandering fool kidding? As the loudest practitioners of Islam infest the whole of the world cutting off people's heads, stoning women who've been raped, hanging homosexuals, spending millions of dollars world wide to sponsor terrorism, bombing people into oblivion and sponsoring riots to force their ideological desires on democratic societies one has to wonder when Islam is going to start "advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings"?

Islam is the single most violent, oppressive, and dangerous religion currently in practice in the world today, yet President Obama is pandering to this rabble that has vocally called for all our deaths or forcible conversion to Islam?

Is Islam beyond redemption? With an internal reformation, it likely isn't. But no one of any prominence has made a move toward any such reformation. As it stands right now, there is little in Islam worth recommending much less praising.

It is a disgrace that as our soldiers are facing mortal danger from Islamists in many spots on the globe the president is celebrating the ideology that is used to justify our soldier's deaths, not to mention the religion that was used to justify the most outrageous attack on American civilians in our history, 9/11.

Roosevelt was a bad enough president. His actions led to the socialist mess we are living with today and his New Deal led to the lengthening of The Great Depression by up to seven years, but he was at least smart enough not to praise our enemy in the midst of a war with them.

Would that Obama were as smart.

We live in a society -
"of the Government, by the Government, for the Government".
We are now slaves to A GREEDY government.

You are pretty long winded for a stupid fuck.

What part of traitor do you not underget?

This IS a time of war numbnutz. Watch your mouth. Loose lips .... etc...etc...
Hitler's religious beliefs and fanaticism

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." - Hitler

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)
Come now, Islam is a religion of peace.

They support other peaceful ideas too, like world wide terrorism, murder of innocent women and children for political reasons,
Christianity as a religion of Peace.

During WWII both Germany and Italy were Christian nations and their populations were overwhelmly Christian.

Both countries invaded and terrorized most of Europe and parts of N. Africia.

These Christian nations basically had the backing of the church to murder and torture innocent men, women, and childtrn as they pleased.

Yet I never heard of President Roosevelt condemning Christianity, or the church, or christian people.

I wonder why that was ?
Sunni, you tell the same lies over and over again. You bring nothing to this forum. You should be banned.

Sunni should be BANNED for saying things you don't LIKE!!?? Well who died and made YOU a moderator?

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