Zone1 A truth from Jesus

Jesus disagrees.......Jesus directly references Daniel 12:11 as recorded in Matthew 24:15 when foretelling of the destruction of Israel due to its history in mistreating the prophets of God as referenced in Matthew 23:33-39.

God made promises to inculde its total destruction if Israel should fail to fulfill its obligations to the Covenent of Moses (THE LAW of GOD). God promised to destroy Biblical Israel when it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39), They would be driven from the land (Deut 4:25-28), They would cease to be a Nation (Deut. 8:19-20)..........Biblical Israel was destroyed from Existence over 2000 years ago in the 1st century. The nation calling itself Israel is but a poor imitation with no Tribal IDs, No Royal Priesthood, No sacrifices as described in the King, governed by land of their own, the land they reside on was given to them by the United Nations, not God........No Temple nor any possiblity of building another........

Read the quote from Jesus, "Therefore when you see the Abomination of Desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet; standing in the Holy Place (Jerusalem and the Temple)......LET THE READER UNDERSTAND (something you fail to comprehend.....) -- Matthew 24:15 Jesus goes on to warn His disciples about the coming destruction of Jerusalem with Israel to be scattered around the globe.....

As a Christian...........I am forbidden "private interpretation" of prophecy, as the prophets who revealed the message self interpreted (2 Peter 1:19-20)..........I am also forbidden (unlike you and your personal biased opinions) TO GO BEYOND THAT WHICH IS WRITTEN........(1 Cor.4:6) I shall continue to worship IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH (as recorded by the inspired Apostles of Christ) -- John 4:24

Who am I to accept as truth? Your personal biased opinion in promoting the false doctrine of Islam......or The Word of God which is written and reads the same for everyone that would but read it? I choose door number 2. "As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord." Ex. 10:26

What you fail to comprehend is the fact that the Apostles of Christ were commissioned to "Reveal the Mystery"......that had been hidden by God from mankind until His appointed time to reveal that mystery. (Col. 1:26-27) Some still can't comprehend the mystery, even when its recorded in writting. God had a plan before time itself and the world use the sacrifice of His only begotten Son to offer salvation to all of mankind, "For God so loved the world......."

That mystery that has existed from the beginning of time is now revealed and man is without excuse when he worships false doctrines. (1 Peter 1:20........2 Tim.1:9) God would have none lost and would have all men be saved by coming to the knowledge of that truth (1 Tim. 2:3-4).

She doesn't believe that Daniel was a Prophet DESPITE the fact that Jesus said he was.
I already showed you thats impossible--Where is the death will be no more then?
There are already perhaps millions of living beings on earth that will never know what it is to die.

When all people learn to comply with the instruction of the Law there will be no more curse, the death associated failing to do so. It will happen as soon as all people 'see' Jesus by understanding his teaching that came to him from God like manna from heaven that the words used in the Law are figurative and the subjects hidden. Understanding the metaphors and the lessons conveyed was easy enough to be understood by the children of Hebrew shepherds thousands of years ago.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it. It's simple. If all people from every nation and kingdom on earth find the will to do the will of God then and only then 'death' will cease to exist.At that time even if everyone on earth died they they will continue to live in the realm of God.
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She doesn't believe that Daniel was a Prophet DESPITE the fact that Jesus said he was.
There are a great many individuals that "Don't believe their own eyes and reading comprehension"..........they are the product of cult indoctrination and fail to accept the truth........even when they read it for themsevles. This is the quint essential demonstration of a "reprobate mind", their mind is set, its immovable. All one can do to is present the truth as recorded in the Word of God as salvation is a individual endeavor based upon free will one can be saved "if at first they don't believe".

Just as Jesus encountered those of such mind........His advise still stands best. Stop casting pearls among swine......meaning....regardless of how one attempts to present the truth it will be rejected and some will actually turn on you and attack you because you presented the truth.

Its obvious why many are called and few are chosen..........Narrow is the gate of truth and wide is the path that leads to destruction. The Apostles were commissioned to "Reveal the Mysteries"........what mysteries? The mysteries propagated by the prophets of God........the duty of an Apostle was to prove thru a demonstration of signs and wonders that the word they were preaching and spreading (the gospel truth) was the fulfillment of God's prophecies leading up to the Messiah of promise (the savior).......proving that Jesus was the Lord and Christ promised by God.

Read what the Apostle declared about the Mystery of the Messiah, "I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you (the listner) to fulfill the Word of God, the mystery which has been hidden from ages and generations, but now has been revealed to His saints." -- Col. 1:25-26

This mystery has existed even before time itself began......since the beginning of the world. "But we (the apostles) speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained (fixed/established) before ages for our glory." -- 1 Cor. 2:7

God used the Apostles and Saints of the 1st century to reveal and confrim the hidden mystery of the promised Messiah.....God had hidden this mystery from mankind and even from the prophets who first revealed the mystery but failed to comprehend its meaning, acting only has God directed them through the Holy Spirit.

This is confirmed in scripture, "If indeed you have heard of dispensation of the Grace of God which was given to me for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery, which in other ages was not known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His Holy Apostles and prophets." -- Eph. 3:3,5

How do "WE" a Christian Nation today find out about the Truth and the revealed Mystery? We READ IT, "..........Whereby when you read, YE MAY UNDERSTAND MY KNOWLEDGE IN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST." -- Eph. 3:4

The Apostle Peter knew and comprehended that some who were under-educated or unstable in their faith might wrestle with Paul's revelations of the Mysteries of Prophecy concerning the Christ..........that many would wrestle with the actual words from the Holy Spirit....wrestle to the point that they would cause their own destruction through their continued ignorance and failure to accept the simple truth that the Apostles were THEY DID WITH ALL OTHER SCRIPTURES......other than Paul's writtings. Peter was pointing out how some would attempt to twist the Word of God in order for self gain or fame.....causing many of Christ's sheep to go astray.......never to be recovered. (2 Peter 3:16)

Today there are many that attempt to teach "UNSOUND DOCTRINE" and in its place use the fables of man. (2 Tim. 4:3-4)........and there are many who are all to willing to listen to these wolves in sheeps clothing.....having "itching ears". They want to "PLAY" church instead of "LIVE" in the kingdom of God as a Christian.
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Not according to JESUS.....its pointing to the destruction of Jerusalem, as Jesus stated His prophecy would come true within that very generation (in the 1st century)

Read Matthew 23:36.......leading up to Matthew 24 text about the Abomination of Desolation (Matt. 24:15)

"I (Jesus) say to you........ALL THESE THINGS WILL COME UPON "THIS GENERATION". (Matt. 23:36) In context, Jesus is addressing the religious leaders of HIS TIME (the 1st century) and charging them with a history of abusing and killing the prophets of God. Jesus warned them......their destruction was at hand. Jerusalem was destroyed in the late 1st century by the Roman Empire.

Its just like the Kingdom of God......came in the 1st century as recorded in scripture, some claim that kingdom has never come making Jesus a liar. "There will be some standing here that shall not taste of death until they see the Kingdom of God come with power......" Mark 9:1

Well it points to 1914--proving you are wrong. At rev 6 He receives his crown=1914 And peace will be taken from the earth, not a single war as you say-a world war=1914
Below is the translation of John 1:1 word for word from Interlinear bible on Here is John 1:1 from the KJV,
John 1:1 from KJV
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Here is the interlinear translation from

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with - God, and God was the Word.

John 1 - Click for Chapter
1 1722 [e]
1 En
1 Ἐν
1 In [the]
1 Prep
746 [e]
1510 [e]
3588 [e]

3056 [e]
Λόγος ,
2532 [e]
3588 [e]

3056 [e]
1510 [e]
4314 [e]
3588 [e]
2316 [e]
Θεόν ,
2532 [e]
2316 [e]
1510 [e]
3588 [e]

3056 [e]
Λόγος .

the only difference is that the KJV says, "and the Word was God" and the interlinear bible translation says, "and God was the Word." Whether you say it one way or the other, the Word = God, or God = the Word. Verse 14 tells us that Jesus was the Word. So I see no problem with the translation as you indicate. The interlinear translation from John 14 verifies this:

interlinear translation of John 1:14
and the Word flesh became and dwelt among us and we beheld the glory of him a glory as of an only begotten from the Father full of grace and truth.

So you see that "the Word" was referring to Christ. Christ was the only begotten of the Father in the flesh. So, NO I don't believe I am being duped by the KJV. I think I'm being duped by you.

In the beginning the Logos was, and the Logos was with HO Theos, and the Logos was Theos--clearly showing he was not called The God as the true God was called in the second line--When Ho Theos and plain Theos is in the same paragraph-plain theos = small g god. It occurs 1 other time at 2 Cor 4:4--Plain Theos gets small g god-Ho Theos gets God. It works the same at both spots in translating.
In 1822 a Greek scholar A.Kneeland translated the NT from the Greek lexicons, He compared Greek to English side by side to prove to the world a god was correct, 19 other translations had it correct, 3 had was divine. All rejected by trinity clergys because truth exposes them as false religion.

If your way was correct, in simple english your second line reads-And God(word) was with God--thats more than 1 God.
There are already perhaps millions of living beings on earth that will never know what it is to die.

When all people learn to comply with the instruction of the Law there will be no more curse, the death associated failing to do so. It will happen as soon as all people 'see' Jesus by understanding his teaching that came to him from God like manna from heaven that the words used in the Law are figurative and the subjects hidden. Understanding the metaphors and the lessons conveyed was easy enough to be understood by the children of Hebrew shepherds thousands of years ago.

If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it. It's simple. If all people from every nation and kingdom on earth find the will to do the will of God then and only then 'death' will cease to exist.At that time even if everyone on earth died they they will continue to live in the realm of God.

No one who dies can think. nor do anything. Every living being who had life and arent here anymore died,.
In the beginning the Logos was, and the Logos was with HO Theos, and the Logos was Theos--clearly showing he was not called The God as the true God was called in the second line--When Ho Theos and plain Theos is in the same paragraph-plain theos = small g god. It occurs 1 other time at 2 Cor 4:4--Plain Theos gets small g god-Ho Theos gets God. It works the same at both spots in translating.
In 1822 a Greek scholar A.Kneeland translated the NT from the Greek lexicons, He compared Greek to English side by side to prove to the world a god was correct, 19 other translations had it correct, 3 had was divine. All rejected by trinity clergys because truth exposes them as false religion.

If your way was correct, in simple english your second line reads-And God(word) was with God--thats more than 1 God.
It does not say that the logos was with HO THEOS. It says, that HO logos was with Theon. No HO THEOS.



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Well it points to 1914--proving you are wrong. At rev 6 He receives his crown=1914 And peace will be taken from the earth, not a single war as you say-a world war=1914
I am wrong? You mean JESUS is wrong as His statement was provided by Book, Chapter and Verse? I did not present an opinion.......I presented the actual content of the N.T. canon from the Book of Matthew which reads, with no ambiguity whatsoever, that it was Jesus that stated the Abomination of Desolation as recorded by the Prophet Daniel would come within the "THIS GENERATION", the generation that Jesus was addressing in the 1st century........when He (Jesus) prophesied that the destruction of Jerusalem was at hand. Read Matthew 23 "in context", keeping the contexual integrity intact.

In this Chapter of Matthew (23), Jesus accuses the Jewish leadership of mistreating God's Law (the covenant of Moses...aka., THE LAW) -- (23:1-32).

He (Jesus) concludes His condemnation of these Jewish leaders by prophesying the consequences their erroneous ways of mistreating God's Law and ends with Jesus charging them with abusing and killing the prophets that God had commissioned.....and the consequences of those actions.

(Matthew 23:33-36) KJV, (33)"Ye serpents, YE GENERATION OF can you (that generation) escape the damnation of hell? (34) Wherefore, behold, I (God) sent unto you prophets and wise men, and scribes; and some of them ye shall kill and crucify (ye shall kill.......future tents meaning they are going to crucify some prophets in the near future); and some of them ye shall scourge in your synagogues; and persecute them from city to city. (35) That upon you (that generation that committed these acts.....that is recorded in the 1st century by sources other than the Holy Scriptures....some recorded by Roman historians) MAY COME ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH, from the righteous blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias the son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and altar. (36) Verily, I say unto you (the one's Jesus is speaking to).......ALL THESE THINGS SHALL COME UPON "THIS GENERATION".

Directly following Jesus charges against the Jewish leadership of the 1st generation and generations of the past........Matthew 24 continues. In context. Chapter 24 (vs 1)....Jesus went out from the Jewish leaders and allowed His disciples to show Him the buildings of the Jesus begins prophesying about the future of the Temple buildings..........(vs 2) Jesus declared that not ONE STONE would be left unturned. (vs 3) His disciples then asked Jesus when this destruction would take place. They first asked Jesus about the temple.......and in the next breath they asked Jesus about the end of the world......2 different events. Jesus then addressed the events IN ORDER of that WHICH was asked first. The next vesrses from 3 until 36 address the destruction of the buidlings of the Temple......then Jesus address the end of the world and concludes that NO MAN........not Jesus nor the Angels in heaven will know when that day will be........only the Father.......This (vs 36) begins Jesus' prophecy concerning the end of the world (vs 36) states that no one will know when this day will be........but Jesus compared it to the days of Noah.....where no one paid attention to Noah.....the end, just like in the days of Noah (judgment) would come upon mankind "like a thief in the night"...........Jesus concluded by declaring that one should live each day as if it were the last day.......for one day it will be the last.........unexpected and quick.

Almost exactly in the middle of Jesus addressing the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem we find this quote (Matthew 24:15), Jesus tells them that the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the Prophet Daniel would take place......WHEN? Chapter 23 tells us............."THIS VERY GENERATION" in the 1st century. History actual records that Rome destroyed the buildings and Temple......and Jerusalem in the late 1st century just as prophesied by Jesus......."IN THIS GENERATION" hardly 50 years removed from the act of the Jews crucifying our Lord and Savior. The same generation. Biblical Israel was destroyed and scattered around the globe.

If this is not true............where has Israel been up until the 1940s? You can't hide from TRUTH. A simple truth.......There is no longer a nation of Biblical Israel in a literal sense.........its a spiritual kingdom........with Jew and Gentile alike equal (Gal. 3:28-29) with only one path to salvation. "I am the way, the truth and the life; NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME (Jesus Christ)." -- John 14:6

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I am wrong? You mean JESUS is wrong as His statement was provided by Book, Chapter and Verse? I did not present an opinion.......I presented the actual content of the N.T. canon from the Book of Matthew which reads, with no ambiguity whatsoever, that it was Jesus that stated the Abomination of Desolation as recorded by the Prophet Daniel would come within the "THIS GENERATION", the generation that Jesus was addressing in the 1st century........when He (Jesus) prophesied that the destruction of Jerusalem was at hand. Read Matthew 23 "in context", keeping the contexual integrity intact.

In this Chapter of Matthew (23), Jesus accuses the Jewish leadership of mistreating God's Law (the covenant of Moses...aka., THE LAW) -- (23:1-32).

He (Jesus) concludes His condemnation of these Jewish leaders by prophesying the consequences their erroneous ways of mistreating God's Law and ends with Jesus charging them with abusing and killing the prophets that God had commissioned.....and the consequences of those actions.

(Matthew 23:33-36) KJV, (33)"Ye serpents, YE GENERATION OF can you (that generation) escape the damnation of hell? (34) Wherefore, behold, I (God) sent unto you prophets and wise men, and scribes; and some of them ye shall kill and crucify (ye shall kill.......future tents meaning they are going to crucify some prophets in the near future); and some of them ye shall scourge in your synagogues; and persecute them from city to city. (35) That upon you (that generation that committed these acts.....that is recorded in the 1st century by sources other than the Holy Scriptures....some recorded by Roman historians) MAY COME ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH, from the righteous blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias the son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and altar. (36) Verily, I say unto you (the one's Jesus is speaking to).......ALL THESE THINGS SHALL COME UPON "THIS GENERATION".

Directly following Jesus charges against the Jewish leadership of the 1st generation and generations of the past........Matthew 24 continues. In context. Chapter 24 (vs 1)....Jesus went out from the Jewish leaders and allowed His disciples to show Him the buildings of the Jesus begins prophesying about the future of the Temple buildings..........(vs 2) Jesus declared that not ONE STONE would be left unturned. (vs 3) His disciples then asked Jesus when this destruction would take place. They first asked Jesus about the temple.......and in the next breath they asked Jesus about the end of the world......2 different events. Jesus then addressed the events IN ORDER of that WHICH was asked first. The next vesrses from 3 until 36 address the destruction of the buidlings of the Temple......then Jesus address the end of the world and concludes that NO MAN........not Jesus nor the Angels in heaven will know when that day will be........only the Father.......This (vs 36) begins Jesus' prophecy concerning the end of the world (vs 36) states that no one will know when this day will be........but Jesus compared it to the days of Noah.....where no one paid attention to Noah.....the end, just like in the days of Noah (judgment) would come upon mankind "like a thief in the night"...........Jesus concluded by declaring that one should live each day as if it were the last day.......for one day it will be the last.........unexpected and quick.

Almost exactly in the middle of Jesus addressing the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem we find this quote (Matthew 24:15), Jesus tells them that the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the Prophet Daniel would take place......WHEN? Chapter 23 tells us............."THIS VERY GENERATION" in the 1st century. History actual records that Rome destroyed the buildings and Temple......and Jerusalem in the late 1st century just as prophesied by Jesus......."IN THIS GENERATION" hardly 50 years removed from the act of the Jews crucifying our Lord and Savior. The same generation. Biblical Israel was destroyed and scattered around the globe.

If this is not true............where has Israel been up until the 1940s? You can't hide from TRUTH. A simple truth.......There is no longer a nation of Biblical Israel in a literal sense.........its a spiritual kingdom........with Jew and Gentile alike equal (Gal. 3:28-29) with only one path to salvation. "I am the way, the truth and the life; NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME (Jesus Christ)." -- John 14:6

That was a different prophecy. This prophecy in Daniel was the establishment of Gods kingdom in heaven=Rev 6-He receives his crown--2520 years from the removal of the last king in Jerusalem= 607 bce + 2520=1914--And peace will be taken from the earth( Rev 6)=world war --proving the prophecy correct.
Ugh. Maybe you should read what I wrote more carefully until you understand and then try again.
The bible is clear--All thought stops on the day of ones death. As well Ecclesiastes 9:10= All that your hands find to do, do with your very power, for there is no work, nor devising, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in Sheol the place to where you are going. Sheol= Hades.
That was a different prophecy. This prophecy in Daniel was the establishment of Gods kingdom in heaven=Rev 6-He receives his crown--2520 years from the removal of the last king in Jerusalem= 607 bce + 2520=1914--And peace will be taken from the earth( Rev 6)=world war --proving the prophecy correct., comprehend...........Jesus stated, The abomination of desolation foretold by the prophet Daniel would occur "WITHIN THIS GENERATION"

(Matthew 23) (vs.1) Who was Jesus speaking to? "Then Jesus spake to the multitude, AND TO HIS DISCIPELS" Jesus was speaking directly to a 1st century gathering of peoples.........He was not progecting into some imagined future generation.

Mattew 23:36, "VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU (who? the crowd of peoples he was addressing), ALL THESE THINGS SHALL COME UPON THIS GENERATION (the generation he was addressing)"

Matthew 24 is simply a continuance of Jesus addressing His disciples in the 1st century. (vs. 1), "And Jesus went out (out from where? The buildings of the temple from which He addressed the multitude and His disciptles), and departed from the temple; and His disciples came came to Him for to show Him the buildings of the temple."

(vs. 2) Jesus begins to make prophecy concerning the buildings and the temple (when is Jesus making these predictions? at the time He was speaking to His disceples in the 1st century) "See ye not all these things? verily, I say unto you, there shalt not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

(vs. 3) While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives.........His disciples came to Him "privately" (no crowds, just His disciples) and asked 2 questions. Question 1. "Tell us when these things shall be......." Question 2. AND (and indictates another question) ".......and what shall be the sign of Your coming and the end of the world?"

(Vss. 4-14) Jesus is warning His disciples that some claiming to be Jesus risen from the dead would come unto not be deceived there would be many false prophets coming.......the powers that be will deliever you up to be afflicted and killed.........nation will fight aganist nation.......the gospel shall spread around the known world.........but when you see armies surrounding Jerusalem, the people would suffer from poverty......pestilences, and earth quakes (there was a historical account of earthquakes during the 1st century in that reigion) And the people of Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside were captured, inslaved, killed.......etc.,

The greatest warning about the fall of Jerusalem was when Jesus stated (Vs. 15-16) "WHEN YE THEREFORE SEE THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION SPOKEN OF BY DANIEL THE PROPHET, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE (whosoever readeth, let him understand)............ (how do we know this is a local event? read what Jesus stated next) ..........then let them which be in JUDAEA (the southern part of Palestine) flee to the mountains."

In context........WHO WAS JESUS ADDRESSING? His disciples in the first century. Then He directly addressed them and said, "When YE (who? His disciples).............see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION SPOKEN OF DANIEL THE PROPHET........."

Are you logically and with a straight face attempting to mold your false doctrine cult propaganda around your opinion and suggest that SOME OF JESUS' DISCIPLES that came to Him privately on the Mount of Olives........will still be alive 2500 years into their future in order to wittness Daniel's prophecy............or did Jesus lie again?

This is the problem with all the false cults............they do not allow the scriptures to interpret themselves via the 1. subject matter. 2. context........and the surrounding text that continues addrssing the subject matter. No where in Matthew 23 or 24 can one conclude........when he/she reads both chapters and stays loyal to the "contextual integrity" of the subject matter project Daniels prophacy concerning the abomination of desolation make a claim that it did not happen in the 1st century.

Facts. 1. Jesus declared All Judea would be punished for their actions against God's prophet and their blood would be on the Jewish leadership..........He declared that blood sentence would come "IN THIS GENERATION".

Facts 2. In Matthew 24, Jesus is privately addressing His disciples and warns them that when they see the Abomination of Desolation spoken by Daniel.......they should run for the hills.

Fact 3. Israel disappeared from the face of the earth within the time frame of Jesus prophecy concerning "This Generation"
Jerusalem was totally destroyed by the Roman Empirie ....that Jesus called, "Abomination of Desolation".(Matthew 24:15)

htttps://, comprehend...........Jesus stated, The abomination of desolation foretold by the prophet Daniel would occur "WITHIN THIS GENERATION"

(Matthew 23) (vs.1) Who was Jesus speaking to? "Then Jesus spake to the multitude, AND TO HIS DISCIPELS" Jesus was speaking directly to a 1st century gathering of peoples.........He was not progecting into some imagined future generation.

Mattew 23:36, "VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU (who? the crowd of peoples he was addressing), ALL THESE THINGS SHALL COME UPON THIS GENERATION (the generation he was addressing)"

Matthew 24 is simply a continuance of Jesus addressing His disciples in the 1st century. (vs. 1), "And Jesus went out (out from where? The buildings of the temple from which He addressed the multitude and His disciptles), and departed from the temple; and His disciples came came to Him for to show Him the buildings of the temple."

(vs. 2) Jesus begins to make prophecy concerning the buildings and the temple (when is Jesus making these predictions? at the time He was speaking to His disceples in the 1st century) "See ye not all these things? verily, I say unto you, there shalt not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

(vs. 3) While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives.........His disciples came to Him "privately" (no crowds, just His disciples) and asked 2 questions. Question 1. "Tell us when these things shall be......." Question 2. AND (and indictates another question) ".......and what shall be the sign of Your coming and the end of the world?"

(Vss. 4-14) Jesus is warning His disciples that some claiming to be Jesus risen from the dead would come unto not be deceived there would be many false prophets coming.......the powers that be will deliever you up to be afflicted and killed.........nation will fight aganist nation.......the gospel shall spread around the known world.........but when you see armies surrounding Jerusalem, the people would suffer from poverty......pestilences, and earth quakes (there was a historical account of earthquakes during the 1st century in that reigion) And the people of Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside were captured, inslaved, killed.......etc.,

The greatest warning about the fall of Jerusalem was when Jesus stated (Vs. 15-16) "WHEN YE THEREFORE SEE THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION SPOKEN OF BY DANIEL THE PROPHET, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE (whosoever readeth, let him understand)............ (how do we know this is a local event? read what Jesus stated next) ..........then let them which be in JUDAEA (the southern part of Palestine) flee to the mountains."

In context........WHO WAS JESUS ADDRESSING? His disciples in the first century. Then He directly addressed them and said, "When YE (who? His disciples).............see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION SPOKEN OF DANIEL THE PROPHET........."

Are you logically and with a straight face attempting to mold your false doctrine cult propaganda around your opinion and suggest that SOME OF JESUS' DISCIPLES that came to Him privately on the Mount of Olives........will still be alive 2500 years into their future in order to wittness Daniel's prophecy............or did Jesus lie again?

This is the problem with all the false cults............they do not allow the scriptures to interpret themselves via the 1. subject matter. 2. context........and the surrounding text that continues addrssing the subject matter. No where in Matthew 23 or 24 can one conclude........when he/she reads both chapters and stays loyal to the "contextual integrity" of the subject matter project Daniels prophacy concerning the abomination of desolation make a claim that it did not happen in the 1st century.

Facts. 1. Jesus declared All Judea would be punished for their actions against God's prophet and their blood would be on the Jewish leadership..........He declared that blood sentence would come "IN THIS GENERATION".

Facts 2. In Matthew 24, Jesus is privately addressing His disciples and warns them that when they see the Abomination of Desolation spoken by Daniel.......they should run for the hills.

Fact 3. Israel disappeared from the face of the earth within the time frame of Jesus prophecy concerning "This Generation"
Jerusalem was totally destroyed by the Roman Empirie ....that Jesus called, "Abomination of Desolation".(Matthew 24:15)


It was a different prophecy--The establishment of Gods kingdom rule in heaven=1914
It was a different prophecy--The establishment of Gods kingdom rule in heaven=1914
Yeah........there is no such aninmal as English Composition and Comprehension.........and some of the disciples of Jesus from the 1st century are still alive patiently awaiting the Abomination of Desolation that never happened in the 1st Jesus failed in His prophecy and Israel was never destroyed by the armies of the Roman Empire around 70AD.....its all a conspiracy.

While you are learning English Composition and Comprehension...........look up the following terms.

Reprobate: (someone that refuses to believe they are actively sinning against the Doctrine of Jesus Christ) Antichrist: (Anyone that refuses to accept Jesus as the Christ of prophecy and current ruler over the Kingdom of God.)

There can be no Kingdom without a King. God's Kingdom was established in the 1st century with Jesus as its Lord and Christ.....the King of Kings.

"Therefore let all of Israel know assuredly that God has made this same Jesus, whom you have crucified, BOTH LORD AND CHRIST" -- Acts 2:36 Look up LORD:.............Look up Lord and Christ. Ruler and Savior

How do you enter Jesus' kingdom whom He is Lord and Christ reigning over it at the right hand of the Fahter (Acts 2:34)? "Repent and be batpized everyone of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.........." (Acts 2:38)

And on that day (the day of Pentecost after the asscention of Jesus into heaven in the clouds accompained by angels of heaven (Acts 1:9-11) ".........some 3000 souls were added unto them (the apostles who preached the gospel of the kingdom of God)" -- Act 2:41

People have been entering the Kingdom of God for well over 2000 years total over 2.2 Billion souls have gained entrance into the kingdom of God as of today.

You see.......Jesus identified the church and the kingdom as one in the same. (Matthew 16)

Its a Spiritual Kingdom that exists within the heart of the believer (Luke 17:21) the Christ made quite clear, "Jesus answered and said, "MY KINGDOM is not of this world............but now is MY KINGDOM not from hence." -- John 18:36

You keep saying........"LOOK HERE!.........or.........."LOOK THERE!".......the kingdom did not come until 1914

What do the scriptures......The Word of God declare?
"..........the Kingdom of God cometh not with OBSERVATION......... Neither shall they say, "Lo here!" or "Lo there!"..........the kingdom of God is within YOU." -- Luke 17:20-21

Is it of any wonder YOUR OBSERVED KINGDOM...........has not shown up in the previous "8" times your cult has predicted it would come? Your cult and its "works" speak for themselves. Fool me once? How about 8 times?
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Yeah........there is no such aninmal as English Composition and Comprehension.........and some of the disciples of Jesus from the 1st century are still alive patiently awaiting the Abomination of Desolation that never happened in the 1st Jesus failed in His prophecy and Israel was never destroyed by the armies of the Roman Empire around 70AD.....its all a conspiracy.

While you are learning English Composition and Comprehension...........look up the following terms.

Reprobate: (someone that refuses to believe they are actively sinning against the Doctrine of Jesus Christ) Antichrist: (Anyone that refuses to accept Jesus as the Christ of prophecy and current ruler over the Kingdom of God.)

There can be no Kingdom without a King. God's Kingdom was established in the 1st century with Jesus as its Lord and Christ.....the King of Kings.

"Therefore let all of Israel know assuredly that God has made this same Jesus, whom you have crucified, BOTH LORD AND CHRIST" -- Acts 2:36 Look up LORD:.............Look up Lord and Christ. Ruler and Savior

How do you enter Jesus' kingdom whom He is Lord and Christ reigning over it at the right hand of the Fahter (Acts 2:34)? "Repent and be batpized everyone of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.........." (Acts 2:38)

And on that day (the day of Pentecost after the asscention of Jesus into heaven in the clouds accompained by angels of heaven (Acts 1:9-11) ".........some 3000 souls were added unto them (the apostles who preached the gospel of the kingdom of God)" -- Act 2:41

People have been entering the Kingdom of God for well over 2000 years total over 2.2 Billion souls have gained entrance into the kingdom of God as of today.

You see.......Jesus identified the church and the kingdom as one in the same. (Matthew 16)

Its a Spiritual Kingdom that exists within the heart of the believer (Luke 17:21) the Christ made quite clear, "Jesus answered and said, "MY KINGDOM is not of this world............but now is MY KINGDOM not from hence." -- John 18:36

You keep saying........"LOOK HERE!.........or.........."LOOK THERE!".......the kingdom did not come until 1914

What do the scriptures......The Word of God declare?
"..........the Kingdom of God cometh not with OBSERVATION......... Neither shall they say, "Lo here!" or "Lo there!"..........the kingdom of God is within YOU." -- Luke 17:20-21

Is it of any wonder YOUR OBSERVED KINGDOM...........has not shown up in the previous "8" times your cult has predicted it would come? Your cult and its "works" speak for themselves. Fool me once? How about 8 times?

Israel was attacked by Rome in 70 ce, They had Jerusalem surrounded, but they couldnt break through, they left for no apparent reason, Those that believed Jesus fled the city, the Romans came back in a short time, estimated that 800,000 to over a million Israelites were killed once Romans broke through. Even the supply lines were cut off from the city, it was said that they started eating their young who died. Always best to listen to Jesus.
The prophecy pointed to Rev 6 being 1914--Can you read english-He received his crown= Jesus sitting on the throne=The presence--No one else on earth saw the kingdom come to power in heaven but C.T,Russell.
The bible is clear--All thought stops on the day of ones death. As well Ecclesiastes 9:10= All that your hands find to do, do with your very power, for there is no work, nor devising, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in Sheol the place to where you are going. Sheol= Hades.

The death where all thinking stops, (the dead know nothing) , is the death consequent to defying divine law. If you don't believe me try to have a rational conversation with yourself. According to the very Jesus whom you misrepresent those who listen to his teaching will never know what it is to die, not in some distant future but now, ever since Jesus first walked the earth.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

In the very day that you decided to perjure yourself in the name of the Lord who never instructed you to peddle JW 1914 war in heaven Jesus already came bullshit you died and descended into the netherworld, hades, the realm of the dead, where you remain tormented day and night to this day by reality which like a fire that will never go out contradicts your irrational specious delusions.
The death where all thinking stops, (the dead know nothing) , is the death consequent to defying divine law. If you don't believe me try to have a rational conversation with yourself. According to the very Jesus whom you misrepresent those who listen to his teaching will never know what it is to die, not in some distant future but now, ever since Jesus first walked the earth.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

In the very day that you decided to perjure yourself in the name of the Lord who never instructed you to peddle JW 1914 war in heaven Jesus already came bullshit you died and descended into the netherworld, hades, the realm of the dead, where you remain tormented day and night to this day by reality which like a fire that will never go out contradicts your irrational specious delusions.

The prophecy in Daniel pinpoints 1914-- Rev 6-He receives his crown, and peace will be taken from the earth=ww1 it is 100% accurate.

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