A traitor in our midst?

20+ US Senators ready to turn on Trump and help convict him in the Senate, pending incoming evidence?

Entirely believable.

On the State level, in Illinois, in January 2009...

The Illinois House voted 114-1 to impeach, and the Illinois Senate voted 59-0 to strip the office from then-Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Given the level of corruption then (and now) rampant in Illinois, it was an extraordinary bipartisan ejection of a crushing political liability.

"Crushing political liability"

Let that sink in for a minute. :21:


When you spend all your time defending an Idiot Savant who insists on shooting himself in the foot over-and-over-and-over again...

there is no reason to impeach
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.

You mean like Hillary and the DNC did to Trump?

So if a political rival has a very questionable past, like his son working at a company in a country he had influence over, he should be exempt from investigation simply because he's a Democrat contender?

Doing it for free is not BS. Donald Trump has donated every single paycheck as President. He is doing it for free. Again, Trump was not a nobody before he took office. He didn't need the money, the fame, and he was never a professional politician in his life, he's a businessman. There could only be one reason for him to do this job, and it's not money, because that he has plenty of.
Ray, Trump made an unadvised decision, on a phone call in the middle of the night, with no thought or reason, or plan... he betrayed the Kurds who we used to fight ISIS.... our goal and mission.... which forever forward, has made us less safe due to the betrayal, friends will never trust us or give aid to us again...

Pretty much the way the Iraqis felt after DumBama pulled us out of there, but no complaints or concerns of betrayal that would jeopardize the trust others may have for us in the future by the left. Instead, while ISIS was burning eyes out of babies and nailing people to a cross to die, the left praised DumBama up and down.

Did Trump make the right move? Who knows. But the better question would be, how long did you want us involved over there?

We will be in the middle east, forever... even with this moving troops out of Syria, we are moving more in to Saudi Arabia...

We've had a pretty good operation in Syria with the Kurds on the front line, fighting ISIS, not Americans... we have lost 4 men in several years there, in the battle... 4 too many, but as far as accomplishments of our warring goals of killing and capturing ISIS, it has been a success... far moreso, than other middle eastern ventures...

I think with STRATEGIC PLANNING with allies, we could have left, without all of this betrayal, mayhem and deaths of Kurds...

I think you need to figure out what the mission is in Syria.

The only reason we went into Syria is because Obama abandoned Iraq and the Shiites took over their government.
This caused a reaction by former Republican guard troops which were made up of Saddam's main army. Their leaders were generals in the Iraq Army. They are made up of Sunnis....which are the same belief as Sunnis in Saudi Arabia. Iran is mostly Shiit Muslims.

While this was going on there was massive ethnic cleansing going on in Iraq to Sunni Muslims and Christians. The media totally ignored this. Obama pulled out and the Iraq troops abandoned their weapons and their vehicles....even threw off their uniforms....and this all was taken over by members of the renegade former Republican Guard. ISIS not only was being armed by Sunnis in the new Iraqi Army, but they were being funded by the US government.

The big secret is Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain were sent up to Syria to help organize and train ISIS members before they were called ISIS. They were supposed to take out Assad.

The problem with all of this is they can't control these folks.....and they made a big deal about all of the Medieval atrocities that were being committed after ignoring the atrocities that were committed by Shiites in Iraq, simply because Obama was trying to broker a deal with Iran. So Obama was arming and training Shiites while arming and training Sunnis......so what do you think will happen when you do this?

This is why we're in Syria. It was part of Obama's regime change policies. He got rid of Libyan President Qaddaffi, Egyptian President Mubarack, and tried to get rid of Syrian President Assad....but Assad enlisted the aide of Russia and Iran and stopped it. The Kurds sat back and watched all of this happen....and even participated in some of it.....yet now we're supposed to protect them from retribution from the Turks.....who hate everyone....and everyone hates them.....but not as much as America. There are no good guys in this mess....other than the peasants and farmers that are caught in the crossfire.

Ask yourself why Obama, Hillary, and the US government would want endless wars in the Middle East.....because that is what they caused.
Last edited:
...Whaddya mean "pending evidence"? We have tRump's confession. That's all that is needed.
Nope. Let the Inquiry play itself out. By that time, there will be enough evidentiary material to sink a battleship.
We already have that evidentiary, and guess who's going to jail. Obama, Clinton, and Biden.

They did really bad things, and they will be there for awhile. And that's what I think.
You are living in a fantasy world.
I sure as hell am living in a fantasy world. My world is the USA where freedom rings in spite of YOU. Dopus.

Well reality will be here when you're ready.
me: My world is the USA where freedom rings in spite of YOU.
Creepy: Well reality will be here when you're ready.
You have evidence that the mounting evidence against Obama, Clinton, and Biden for calumny, money laundering and the tax evasion that goes along with it, disloyalty to the Constitution, the flag, and the current President is not important?

Put up or shut up. Oh, wait. It's close to Halloween. Creepy critters can keep howling inanities for the next 12 days. :rolleyes:
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

Oh God....Another Democrat 'gotcha'...meh
you have a crook in the wh , he must be dealt with sooner or later .....ah republicans have to face facts
Oh, hep me. :rolleyes: More calumny from the atheist Democrats after they pillaged the public for another $45 million and aren't satisfied with the innocence of President Trump that they "uncovered." :cuckoo: Why am I not surprised they continue on beating the same dead horse, making lies up about the President to make their projection as notorious as possible? :dunno:
Oh God....Another Democrat 'gotcha'...meh
Dems are desperate now. They want his tax returns so they can complain he should have paid another two dollars in 2010.
With Trump's particular no-nonsense CPAs who run his numbers, it won't be off two cents, much less two dollars. CPAs absolutely do not tolerate errors when it comes to the bottom line. I know I've worked for 3 of them before starting my own business with no-nonsense attention to the honesty and integrity I learned from CPA bosses who I saw chasing criminals who wanted this date change, and that obfuscation done, on and on. Why I saw a criminal wanna be get yelled at to the front door and straight out of it for suggesting that he deserved special treatment when he lied about money to the IRS the year before.

CPA's in the state I lived in were honest injuns from the get go. I have a feeling Certified Public Accountants in every state insist on honest clients and will not tolerate fudging. That's what cerfication means. Intolerance of any fiscal corruption whatever including hiding from the law when you cheat somebody else or the government. I reckon if a small state like Wyoming would risk losing a customer for dishonesty, imagine how that would be in a huge state like President Trump's state of New York that depends on honest accounting to furnish government services to others through accurate fiscal accounting. I reckon it's at least insistent on 100% honesty, no holds barred.

And if you Democrats keep insisting that a Biden is so highly royal he doesn't have to account honestly, you better look at his accountants to make certain they are fulfilling their certifications. If you don't, we sure as hell will, and you Democrats won't like the upcoming disaster your lying leaders are begging.
Okay, Friday night and no Big Giant Impeachment Vote .. my gosh, it's a pattern!!! lol
We'll see how much LOL'ing you're doing after the Inquiry releases its findings (and, quite possibly, the Articles of Impeachment).
Kondor, dear, the DNC lies going around so far have crash landed around the feet of your leaders, and they're becoming quite toeless. :rolleyes:
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.
and A Republican with ethics ??? Not one in the senate Guess they haven't read the emoluments clause
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.
and A Republican with ethics ??? Not one in the senate Guess they haven't read the emoluments clause
Lay off the prunes, Eddie. You're full of them. :rolleyes:
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.

You mean like Hillary and the DNC did to Trump?

So if a political rival has a very questionable past, like his son working at a company in a country he had influence over, he should be exempt from investigation simply because he's a Democrat contender?

Doing it for free is not BS. Donald Trump has donated every single paycheck as President. He is doing it for free. Again, Trump was not a nobody before he took office. He didn't need the money, the fame, and he was never a professional politician in his life, he's a businessman. There could only be one reason for him to do this job, and it's not money, because that he has plenty of.
Ray all those donations of his paycheck are tax deductible We should just hope he doesn't claim double
If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.
and A Republican with ethics ??? Not one in the senate Guess they haven't read the emoluments clause
Lay off the prunes, Eddie. You're full of them. :rolleyes:
And you are a prime example of those who agree that trump could shoot some one on 5th Ave and not lose a vote It' amazes me you can't see this cheap crook for what he is
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.
Abuse of power is obvious No need for quid pro quo We have it on tape Even Mulvaney said it Now trying to walk it back Soon he'll want to be with his family
If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.
and A Republican with ethics ??? Not one in the senate Guess they haven't read the emoluments clause
Lay off the prunes, Eddie. You're full of them. :rolleyes:
Beautress GET OVER IT lol
If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.

You mean like Hillary and the DNC did to Trump?

So if a political rival has a very questionable past, like his son working at a company in a country he had influence over, he should be exempt from investigation simply because he's a Democrat contender?

Doing it for free is not BS. Donald Trump has donated every single paycheck as President. He is doing it for free. Again, Trump was not a nobody before he took office. He didn't need the money, the fame, and he was never a professional politician in his life, he's a businessman. There could only be one reason for him to do this job, and it's not money, because that he has plenty of.
Ray all those donations of his paycheck are tax deductible We should just hope he doesn't claim double

Do you even know what tax deductible is? Tax deductions don't add to very much, and certainly nothing of consideration for a man worth his kind of money.

I know as the USMB poster boy for TDS, you have to say that.
And then we have emoluments clause Ever read that Beatress It's a short read ,,,you can handle it
Anthony Scaramucci predicts group of Senate Republicans are about to turn on Trump

Anthony Scaramucci says President Donald Trump’s “meltdown” is going to get a whole lot worse.

On Wednesday night, the former White House communications director who was fired after just 10 days on the job said on CNN that Trump was looking at his future “and the future does not look good for him.”

“As more facts unfold about Syria, as more facts unfold about the people that have been arrested recently, and the conjoinment of all those issues over there, it’s going to be devastating for the president,” he said.

Scaramucci also predicted that Republicans in the Senate will soon turn on Trump and force him

Scaramucci hates Trump with a purple passion. You are suffering from TDS and will automatically believe anyone who attacks Trump.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?
This doing it for "free" is BS.

I"m sure he expected to (and is in some areas) profit from it.

It's a nice gesture right?

Why would he give it up? Ego. Power. Narcisism.

But that does NOT excuse what could be blatant corruption (among many other things). That is not love for country - using your position to attempt to extract dirt on personal political rivals is WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! And there is nothing that can excuse it.

You mean like Hillary and the DNC did to Trump?

So if a political rival has a very questionable past, like his son working at a company in a country he had influence over, he should be exempt from investigation simply because he's a Democrat contender?

Doing it for free is not BS. Donald Trump has donated every single paycheck as President. He is doing it for free. Again, Trump was not a nobody before he took office. He didn't need the money, the fame, and he was never a professional politician in his life, he's a businessman. There could only be one reason for him to do this job, and it's not money, because that he has plenty of.
Ray all those donations of his paycheck are tax deductible We should just hope he doesn't claim double

Do you even know what tax deductible is? Tax deductions don't add to very much, and certainly nothing of consideration for a man worth his kind of money.

I know as the USMB poster boy for TDS, you have to say that.
Are you a CPA ? I thought you drove a truck Not that there's anything wrong with that lol
Anthony Scaramucci predicts group of Senate Republicans are about to turn on Trump

Anthony Scaramucci says President Donald Trump’s “meltdown” is going to get a whole lot worse.

On Wednesday night, the former White House communications director who was fired after just 10 days on the job said on CNN that Trump was looking at his future “and the future does not look good for him.”

“As more facts unfold about Syria, as more facts unfold about the people that have been arrested recently, and the conjoinment of all those issues over there, it’s going to be devastating for the president,” he said.

Scaramucci also predicted that Republicans in the Senate will soon turn on Trump and force him

Scaramucci hates Trump with a purple passion. You are suffering from TDS and will automatically believe anyone who attacks Trump.
Bri an enemy of my enemy is my friend And Trump is Americas enemy Folks like you just don't get it Nixon was a pussy cat next to this despicable garbage we have now in our WH

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