A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It's clear Obama and many on the left don't care if people want to find out what sex their unborn baby is before deciding to abort them or not.

What if it's true that Homosexuality is really genetic?

What if they were to isolate that gene?

What if they were able to say definitively that their child is gonna be straight or Gay and people decided to abort the child accordingly?

What if people started using sexual orientation as a reason to snuff that unborn baby out of existence?

Would you feel the same way about Gendercide...or in this case Homocide.

Just asking.
It's their choice dude...in another thread you're going to talk about how freedom is good in every way, not in this one
When Barry Hussein was a state senator he used his power to continue a unique form of infanticide where Chicago hospitals would induce premature birth in women who wished a late term abortion. The hospital would then leave the baby naked on a cold table without so much as a blanket to comfort it as it struggled to breathe and died. A janitor found a living baby in the trash and alerted a nurse who blew the whistle on the secret manslaughter. Barry made sure she was fired and the procedure continued.
When Barry Hussein was a state senator he used his power to continue a unique form of infanticide where Chicago hospitals would induce premature birth in women who wished a late term abortion. The hospital would then leave the baby naked on a cold table without so much as a blanket to comfort it as it struggled to breathe and died. A janitor found a living baby in the trash and alerted a nurse who blew the whistle on the secret manslaughter. Barry made sure she was fired and the procedure continued.

The Chinese have "Dying Rooms" for newborns when the child is not authorized.
I have just one thought. Forcing a person to raise a child they will dislike or resent as some sort of punishment for gendercide is the wrong way to go. This is a child that will need love and care, and forcing it on someone who really does not want it will most likely not lead to a happy child. If you want to punish it then find some other way to do it.
Blah, blah fucking blah.

How many threads are you people going to flood the board with that are all variations on the exact same subject?

Hey everybody, we failed to make our point in the previous thread on this subject...

So let's pretend it never happened, and start a whole new thread with the same old talking points!

Oh, and add on some BS about homosexuality to make it seem like it's a new subject.
So you clowns don't want a woman to decide about abortion based on the sex of the fetus,

but you also want to force her to see an ultrasound, and thus learn the sex of the fetus?

The only news network reporting on this is FNC. The left wing networks are afraid this story about a vote in congress will further polarize the viewing public against the Democrat party, the Pres, and others who have no problem with it. It is that of which we will not speak.

If it was a winner for the advocates of selectively aborting females in the womb, then it would be announced as another saga in the "Republican war against women" execept this realy amounts to a war against women instituted by the so called "pro choice" supporters.

Seen in that light, the outlandish disproportionate abortions of African American babies could be interpreted as a war against African Americans, another potentially sensitive subject too close to the reality to contemplate.
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So you clowns don't want a woman to decide about abortion based on the sex of the fetus,

but you also want to force her to see an ultrasound, and thus learn the sex of the fetus?


It's hard for your average person to decipher the sex of a child on ultrasound. Either way, this is a slippery slope. If abortion can be based on gender will sexual identity be next? Skin color, eye color, obesity? If Gene GABRG3 is found, will one abort because he/she has an increased risk of alcoholism?

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