a rich white racist misogynist is rising in the dem race for POTUS !

Do you honestly think Bloomberg is a Racist and a Misogynist?
do you ??? if a tape of a republican came out with those kind of comments the left would be screaming racist !
Oh I’m sure a bunch of them would... my question was if YOU would.
and thats the question isnt it ?? and yes if a republican made those statements i would indeed say it was racist ! i find it amusing that the so called standard barer's of equality and racial justice [yeah right]the left turns a blind eye to black face , ex grand wizards , and remarks made about throwing minorities against the wall when the offender is one of their own !
I think many people are looking beyond a few old comments and taking into account. The whole picture... Bloomberg’s career and body of work which includes tremendous efforts to help minority and women’s groups.
yeah he helps them alright ! helps them get thrown against the wall and searched.
Is that all you know about him?
AND HIS NAME IS Bloomberg ! with video tape and witnesses showing some of the most racist misogynistic statements and beliefs coming from this man how can the woke left support him ? but support him they surely do ! and the leftwing labeled filthy rich member of the hated evil billionaire class may even win the dem nomination ! now we all know that the left will claim that Trump is worse but come on the lefts runs on identity politics ! they paint all conservatives as sexist and racist so how can they support someone like Bloomberg ??its simple folks the left uses race identity and class warfare to divide the country and get votes ! and the surge of Bloomberg and the left wing medias support of this man should show everyone that the left is full of crap !KAG 2020!

The DNC just commented that they refuse to nominate Bloomberg UNLESS he can prove he has painted his face black in the past.
yes you are correct it seems that dems want only rich old white racist billionaires or rich old white millionaire communist leaders for potus
President Trump has kept his promises. Bloomberg has some issues with keeping promises, and the only promises Democrats make is to enrich each other, leaving the entire 100,000,000 Americans who are conservative out of the loop. Trump believes in giving whoever is jobless a job, and his numbers show a successful transition of welfare folks going for the jobs that pay the best.
Trump is riding a hot economy but is perhaps the most polarizing, offensive and disliked president that we’ve seen in a generation. I know who you’re voting for but there is a very opposite reaction and perception of him.
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
do you ??? if a tape of a republican came out with those kind of comments the left would be screaming racist !
Oh I’m sure a bunch of them would... my question was if YOU would.
and thats the question isnt it ?? and yes if a republican made those statements i would indeed say it was racist ! i find it amusing that the so called standard barer's of equality and racial justice [yeah right]the left turns a blind eye to black face , ex grand wizards , and remarks made about throwing minorities against the wall when the offender is one of their own !
I think many people are looking beyond a few old comments and taking into account. The whole picture... Bloomberg’s career and body of work which includes tremendous efforts to help minority and women’s groups.
yeah he helps them alright ! helps them get thrown against the wall and searched.
Is that all you know about him?
it seems the dems dont like getting dealt the race card ! how does it feel ? i think we should correctly label every dem currently running for potus as a racist ....take your medicine and like it racist ! Trump2020 !:abgg2q.jpg:
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

The racist Bloomberg said giving loans to minorities caused the recession ! ! TRUMP 2020 !
we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle
Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.
To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.
There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.
Glad you brought up Regans deregulation as what he did with the financial industry was a contributor to the abuse that cause the crash in 2008. I like deregulation but it needs to be smart and responsible or bad stuff can happen.
I didn't mention Reagan's deregulation. I mentioned Obama's massive increases in regulations.

You're actually trying to blame Reagan for the 2008 financial crisis? That was 30 years prior, moron. The CRA and its increased enforcement is primarily for the financial collapse in 2008. Force banks to give mortgages to can't pay them generally tends to cause banks to have financial problems.
and his hero Obama was an attorney for acorn who staged bank protests and sit ins to strong arm banks into making loans to high risk borrowers with low credit scores !
Trump is riding a hot economy but is perhaps the most polarizing, offensive and disliked president that we’ve seen in a generation. I know who you’re voting for but there is a very opposite reaction and perception of him.
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
the US has had positive job growth for 79 straight months. How long has Trump been president? One more question...

what period created more jobs... Obama’s last 3 years or Trumps first 3 years?
Oh I’m sure a bunch of them would... my question was if YOU would.
and thats the question isnt it ?? and yes if a republican made those statements i would indeed say it was racist ! i find it amusing that the so called standard barer's of equality and racial justice [yeah right]the left turns a blind eye to black face , ex grand wizards , and remarks made about throwing minorities against the wall when the offender is one of their own !
I think many people are looking beyond a few old comments and taking into account. The whole picture... Bloomberg’s career and body of work which includes tremendous efforts to help minority and women’s groups.
yeah he helps them alright ! helps them get thrown against the wall and searched.
Is that all you know about him?
it seems the dems dont like getting dealt the race card ! how does it feel ? i think we should correctly label every dem currently running for potus as a racist ....take your medicine and like it racist ! Trump2020 !:abgg2q.jpg:
Take my medicine? I’ve defended Trump against racist smears many times. Wanna stop hypocritically arguing against a strawman and just debate me at face value? It would be much more productive. Are you up for it?
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
the US has had positive job growth for 79 straight months. How long has Trump been president? One more question...

what period created more jobs... Obama’s last 3 years or Trumps first 3 years?


Enrollment in the food stamp program — officially the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — has soared by 70 percent in the years since President Obama first took office, a new report finds.

The government said the recession ended in 2009, The Wall Street Journal reports, but enrollment in the food stamp program didn’t wane, as would be expected in an improving economy. Since 2008, it’s been on a steady rise, The Journal reports.

A record 47.8 million people participate in the program, as of December 2012 — a figure that translates into a 70 percent rise since 2008, The Journal says.
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

The racist Bloomberg said giving loans to minorities caused the recession ! ! TRUMP 2020 !

So you’re going to complain when the “Left” misuses the race card and then go ahead and do the same thing to Bloomberg. And what effect do you think that has? Makes a strong point or makes you a hypocrite? I’ll give you a hint.. it’s the later.
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
the US has had positive job growth for 79 straight months. How long has Trump been president? One more question...

what period created more jobs... Obama’s last 3 years or Trumps first 3 years?


Enrollment in the food stamp program — officially the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — has soared by 70 percent in the years since President Obama first took office, a new report finds.

The government said the recession ended in 2009, The Wall Street Journal reports, but enrollment in the food stamp program didn’t wane, as would be expected in an improving economy. Since 2008, it’s been on a steady rise, The Journal reports.

A record 47.8 million people participate in the program, as of December 2012 — a figure that translates into a 70 percent rise since 2008, The Journal says.

Obama is a democrat and his party supports welfare programs more than their counterparts. That’s not a surprising stat. Plus once we hit “full employment” the natural progression is then higher wages and less welfare.
AND HIS NAME IS Bloomberg ! with video tape and witnesses showing some of the most racist misogynistic statements and beliefs coming from this man how can the woke left support him ? but support him they surely do ! and the leftwing labeled filthy rich member of the hated evil billionaire class may even win the dem nomination ! now we all know that the left will claim that Trump is worse but come on the lefts runs on identity politics ! they paint all conservatives as sexist and racist so how can they support someone like Bloomberg ??its simple folks the left uses race identity and class warfare to divide the country and get votes ! and the surge of Bloomberg and the left wing medias support of this man should show everyone that the left is full of crap !KAG 2020!

Does anyone find it at all odd that he represents who and what Democrats actually are in real life?
AND HIS NAME IS Bloomberg ! with video tape and witnesses showing some of the most racist misogynistic statements and beliefs coming from this man how can the woke left support him ? but support him they surely do ! and the leftwing labeled filthy rich member of the hated evil billionaire class may even win the dem nomination ! now we all know that the left will claim that Trump is worse but come on the lefts runs on identity politics ! they paint all conservatives as sexist and racist so how can they support someone like Bloomberg ??its simple folks the left uses race identity and class warfare to divide the country and get votes ! and the surge of Bloomberg and the left wing medias support of this man should show everyone that the left is full of crap !KAG 2020!
Jewish, Not racist democrat.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
the US has had positive job growth for 79 straight months. How long has Trump been president? One more question...

what period created more jobs... Obama’s last 3 years or Trumps first 3 years?


Enrollment in the food stamp program — officially the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — has soared by 70 percent in the years since President Obama first took office, a new report finds.

The government said the recession ended in 2009, The Wall Street Journal reports, but enrollment in the food stamp program didn’t wane, as would be expected in an improving economy. Since 2008, it’s been on a steady rise, The Journal reports.

A record 47.8 million people participate in the program, as of December 2012 — a figure that translates into a 70 percent rise since 2008, The Journal says.

Obama is a democrat and his party supports welfare programs more than their counterparts. That’s not a surprising stat. Plus once we hit “full employment” the natural progression is then higher wages and less welfare.

We can certainly debate this but numbers do not lie. Corporate jobs and Gov't jobs came back as rates were at an all time low but people milked the system.
AND HIS NAME IS Bloomberg ! with video tape and witnesses showing some of the most racist misogynistic statements and beliefs coming from this man how can the woke left support him ? but support him they surely do ! and the leftwing labeled filthy rich member of the hated evil billionaire class may even win the dem nomination ! now we all know that the left will claim that Trump is worse but come on the lefts runs on identity politics ! they paint all conservatives as sexist and racist so how can they support someone like Bloomberg ??its simple folks the left uses race identity and class warfare to divide the country and get votes ! and the surge of Bloomberg and the left wing medias support of this man should show everyone that the left is full of crap !KAG 2020!

No, no, no........he is allowed to be a misogynist because he gives lots of money to help women kill their babies......if you do that, you can treat women like crap.......
we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle
there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
the US has had positive job growth for 79 straight months. How long has Trump been president? One more question...

what period created more jobs... Obama’s last 3 years or Trumps first 3 years?


Enrollment in the food stamp program — officially the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — has soared by 70 percent in the years since President Obama first took office, a new report finds.

The government said the recession ended in 2009, The Wall Street Journal reports, but enrollment in the food stamp program didn’t wane, as would be expected in an improving economy. Since 2008, it’s been on a steady rise, The Journal reports.

A record 47.8 million people participate in the program, as of December 2012 — a figure that translates into a 70 percent rise since 2008, The Journal says.
Obama is a democrat and his party supports welfare programs more than their counterparts. That’s not a surprising stat. Plus once we hit “full employment” the natural progression is then higher wages and less welfare.

We can certainly debate this but numbers do not lie. Corporate jobs and Gov't jobs came back as rates were at an all time low but people milked the system.
I don’t disagree... there is certainly a percentage of people who totally take advantage of the welfare system. I’ll always support improving that process but I also believe it is imperative that we are proactive in helping and providing resources for those in need. Those truly in need far out weigh those who scheme and abuse.
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
the US has had positive job growth for 79 straight months. How long has Trump been president? One more question...

what period created more jobs... Obama’s last 3 years or Trumps first 3 years?

pal i was employed during the recession of the early 80s and during the the last recession ! and let me tell you something that i saw when Trump took over ! i saw this economy skyrocket ! so you can sit back and talk all the crap you want about the historic recovery and boom going on right now under the current administration ..but the facts are the facts ! your truth [a term used by leftist like you] matters not ! and when he gets reelected and we take back the house and kick the crooked obstructionist out of office even more will get done to help this country ! and even though early in Obama's admin more jobs were created it was after the economy bottomed out ! it was Americas and Americans strength and resilience that caused that ! not Obamas policies ! and it was not sustained growth nor were they the manufacturing jobs that were the backbone of this country ! wages did not increase like they have now ! the average household is bringing in nearly 5000 more a yr ! no Obama did not save this country he hampered growth ! we should have come out of the recession a lot faster than we did ! remember it was Obama that said under his administration that energy costs [the fuel of our economy ] would necessarily skyrocket ! and that manufacturing jobs were a thing of the past ! what regs did Obama cut or taxes did he lower to help business ?? what bad trade deals did he get us out of and what new and better trade deals did he push ? you hate Trump i get it ... and for you its personal ... its emotional ...but you better get used to the fact that he's going to be reelected and win by a landslide .
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
the US has had positive job growth for 79 straight months. How long has Trump been president? One more question...

what period created more jobs... Obama’s last 3 years or Trumps first 3 years?

pal i was employed during the recession of the early 80s and during the the last recession ! and let me tell you something that i saw when Trump took over ! i saw this economy skyrocket ! so you can sit back and talk all the crap you want about the historic recovery and boom going on right now under the current administration ..but the facts are the facts ! your truth [a term used by leftist like you] matters not ! and when he gets reelected and we take back the house and kick the crooked obstructionist out of office even more will get done to help this country ! and even though early in Obama's admin more jobs were created it was after the economy bottomed out ! it was Americas and Americans strength and resilience that caused that ! not Obamas policies ! and it was not sustained growth nor were they the manufacturing jobs that were the backbone of this country ! wages did not increase like they have now ! the average household is bringing in nearly 5000 more a yr ! no Obama did not save this country he hampered growth ! we should have come out of the recession a lot faster than we did ! remember it was Obama that said under his administration that energy costs [the fuel of our economy ] would necessarily skyrocket ! and that manufacturing jobs were a thing of the past ! what regs did Obama cut or taxes did he lower to help business ?? what bad trade deals did he get us out of and what new and better trade deals did he push ? you hate Trump i get it ... and for you its personal ... its emotional ...but you better get used to the fact that he's going to be reelected and win by a landslide .

Believe what ever you want. You obviously are not an Obama fan so I dont expect you to give him credit. Credit the republicans in congress like most Reps do... but you can’t deny that the numbers Trump brags about we’re there before he took the reins. In today’s world of a million narratives you can find whatever justification to blame or support whoever you want for any situation. Luckily, numbers don’t lie
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

The racist Bloomberg said giving loans to minorities caused the recession ! ! TRUMP 2020 !

So you’re going to complain when the “Left” misuses the race card and then go ahead and do the same thing to Bloomberg. And what effect do you think that has? Makes a strong point or makes you a hypocrite? I’ll give you a hint.. it’s the later.

hey pal in todays climate whats good for the goose is good for the democrats ! our side has been labeled racist ignorant sexist and much more not only by the left wing media but by the so called leaders of your party ! and yes you are a democrat ..so anytime i get a chance to throw it back im going to ... civility for the party of antifa .. civility for the party of corrupt lies investigations and coupe attempts! civility for socialist radicals! ....nah ...you see thats why we are going to win in 2020 ..we are not going to riot and break things like the communist left wing radicals..... no ! we are going to make a statement and that statement will be the reelection of Trump and the retaking of both houses of congress ! we are coming out in numbers never seen in the history of this nation to vote ! and it dose not matter if the left has the weakest candidate and no body turns out from the left to support that candidate we are still coming out to vote in record numbers ! record numbers to make a statement ! and that statement is America 1st ! get ready for very long and disappointing 5 yrs .
there are nearly 7 million job openings that arent filled in the US .... America is back ..but if your party is allowed back in the White house then business busting taxes and regs will undo it all .
the US has had positive job growth for 79 straight months. How long has Trump been president? One more question...

what period created more jobs... Obama’s last 3 years or Trumps first 3 years?


Enrollment in the food stamp program — officially the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — has soared by 70 percent in the years since President Obama first took office, a new report finds.

The government said the recession ended in 2009, The Wall Street Journal reports, but enrollment in the food stamp program didn’t wane, as would be expected in an improving economy. Since 2008, it’s been on a steady rise, The Journal reports.

A record 47.8 million people participate in the program, as of December 2012 — a figure that translates into a 70 percent rise since 2008, The Journal says.
Obama is a democrat and his party supports welfare programs more than their counterparts. That’s not a surprising stat. Plus once we hit “full employment” the natural progression is then higher wages and less welfare.

We can certainly debate this but numbers do not lie. Corporate jobs and Gov't jobs came back as rates were at an all time low but people milked the system.
I don’t disagree... there is certainly a percentage of people who totally take advantage of the welfare system. I’ll always support improving that process but I also believe it is imperative that we are proactive in helping and providing resources for those in need. Those truly in need far out weigh those who scheme and abuse.

Per the Brookings Institute (Left Leaning)

If you:

#1) Graduate HS

#2) Get a job

#3) Do not become a single parent

You have a 98% chance of not being poor. Seem like fairly attainable goals? If you cannot afford kids, don't have them.

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