a rich white racist misogynist is rising in the dem race for POTUS !

AND HIS NAME IS Bloomberg ! with video tape and witnesses showing some of the most racist misogynistic statements and beliefs coming from this man how can the woke left support him ? but support him the surely do ! and the the leftwing labeled filthy rich member of the hated evil billionaire class may even win the dem nomination ! now we all know that the left will claim that Trump is worse but come on the lefts runs on identity politics ! they paint all conservatives as sexist and racist so how can they support someone like Bloomberg ??its simple folks the left uses race identity and class warfare to divide the country and get votes ! and the surge of Bloomberg and the left wing medias support of this man should show everyone that the left is full of crap !KAG 2020!
heres just one example of the lefts racist newest hope to defeat Trump

There is NOTHING racist in that clip. NOTHING

Stating FACTS is not racist.

There are plenty of reasons to pick at Bloomberg, this is not one of them.

Way to go Gramps... keeping it real. The statement was offensive and short sighted but doesn’t prove he was racists. Plus his subsequent actions show otherwise. You’re right it’s a losing position that the partisan hacks are trying to pounce on.

If a Republican had said it, all of your ilk would be calling it "racist."

Who do you think you're fooling?

I’m just calling it like I see it. You’re the one playing mind reader and pretending to know what other people would say and think
President Trump has kept his promises. Bloomberg has some issues with keeping promises, and the only promises Democrats make is to enrich each other, leaving the entire 100,000,000 Americans who are conservative out of the loop. Trump believes in giving whoever is jobless a job, and his numbers show a successful transition of welfare folks going for the jobs that pay the best.
Trump is riding a hot economy but is perhaps the most polarizing, offensive and disliked president that we’ve seen in a generation. I know who you’re voting for but there is a very opposite reaction and perception of him.
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

My point is that Trump did do some things to ensure the economy thrives. Obama is still known as the food stamp President. He did inherit a shit storm from Bush
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

The Bush administration already started putting the band aids on with bailouts and TARP. It wasn’t all BHO when it comes to the recovery
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.
Trump is riding a hot economy but is perhaps the most polarizing, offensive and disliked president that we’ve seen in a generation. I know who you’re voting for but there is a very opposite reaction and perception of him.
Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

My point is that Trump did do some things to ensure the economy thrives. Obama is still known as the food stamp President. He did inherit a shit storm from Bush

I agree, there is good and bad to look at with Trump. Some goes for Obama. I don’t think he was an economic genius... but I also don’t think he bombed our economy. He righted the ship. Slowly with some bumps along the way but he got us to where we are today. Trump has kept it going. Made some improvements, also made some mistakes that we will be paying for in the years to come.
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

The Bush administration already started putting the band aids on with bailouts and TARP. It wasn’t all BHO when it comes to the recovery

Agreed, I think presidents are given way too much credit for their influence in the economy. There are MANY factors that are just out of their control.
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.

Reagan’s recession was worse?! Are you high?
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.

Glad you brought up Regans deregulation as what he did with the financial industry was a contributor to the abuse that cause the crash in 2008. I like deregulation but it needs to be smart and responsible or bad stuff can happen.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.

Glad you brought up Regans deregulation as what he did with the financial industry was a contributor to the abuse that cause the crash in 2008. I like deregulation but it needs to be smart and responsible or bad stuff can happen.

I didn't mention Reagan's deregulation. I mentioned Obama's massive increases in regulations.

You're actually trying to blame Reagan for the 2008 financial crisis? That was 30 years prior, moron. The CRA and its increased enforcement is primarily for the financial collapse in 2008. Force banks to give mortgages to can't pay them generally tends to cause banks to have financial problems.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.

To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.

There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.

Reagan’s recession was worse?! Are you high?

Not a bit:

Trump is riding a hot economy fueled by *OMG* millions of jobs for everyone, 700,000 of whom used to be welfare recipients. And all the loyal opposition can say, like you, that: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And it's coming down on us any time now!" :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301:
I’m not saying the sky is falling... I just don’t think Trump is a respectable leader and I don’t think he is directly responsible for all this economic bliss. I think the economy is in the same state as it was in 2014,2015 and 2016 before Trump took over and when he was running around with his scorched earth (sky is falling) campaign.
That’s not necessarily true. Prime rate was 3.25% for most of BHOs presidency and we still had a record number of people on welfare. It started going up under Trump as sits at 4.75% now after being as high as 5.5%. That means borrowing costs are higher for the Govt and businesses. Our interest expense on our debt is costing us 150bps more, that’s huge on $23tr (nearly $350bn).

Trump eased many stupid regulations too.

we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle

My point is that Trump did do some things to ensure the economy thrives. Obama is still known as the food stamp President. He did inherit a shit storm from Bush

I agree, there is good and bad to look at with Trump. Some goes for Obama. I don’t think he was an economic genius... but I also don’t think he bombed our economy. He righted the ship. Slowly with some bumps along the way but he got us to where we are today. Trump has kept it going. Made some improvements, also made some mistakes that we will be paying for in the years to come.

My issue with BHO was not his economic policy.
we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle
Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.
To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.
There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.
Glad you brought up Regans deregulation as what he did with the financial industry was a contributor to the abuse that cause the crash in 2008. I like deregulation but it needs to be smart and responsible or bad stuff can happen.
I didn't mention Reagan's deregulation. I mentioned Obama's massive increases in regulations.

You're actually trying to blame Reagan for the 2008 financial crisis? That was 30 years prior, moron. The CRA and its increased enforcement is primarily for the financial collapse in 2008. Force banks to give mortgages to can't pay them generally tends to cause banks to have financial problems.
Oh yeah, Reagan, Bush and Clinton all had policies that contributed to that debacle... the combination between Ronnies deregulation and Clinton’s push to extend loans and increase homeownership in a reckless way were perhaps the largest contributors
we had what a 6 year trend of job growth and unemployment decrease? Reaching full employment in Trumps first year. Yes of course, I eve we hit that point the trend moves to wages increase and welfare reduction. That’s how it works.

Fed rates should go up during growth years and depressed during recessions. The rate hikes were not huge and were done responsibly. It’s a weak excuse to defend the fact that Trump railed on Obama for not breaking 3% growth while promising to get 4-5% and he hasn’t even broken 3% himself while managing the “best economy ever”. It’s gonna be fun to see his own rhetoric from 2016 thrown back in his face this election cycle
Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.
To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.
There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.
Reagan’s recession was worse?! Are you high?
Not a bit:

Thank you, that graph proves my point. Unemployment jumped more under Obama’s recession plus you gotta take into account the other factors that happened in the lending industry.
Obama was in office for 8 years, not six. He had the weakest and longest recovery in American history. Growth should be easy immediately after a recession. All you douchebag Dims try to paint being in office at the beginning of a recovery as a challenge. It isn't. Recoveries are automatic after a recession. Our economy would have recovered faster if Obama had done nothing. Instead he went on an orgy of spending and drove is further into debt.
To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.
There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.
Reagan’s recession was worse?! Are you high?
Not a bit:

Thank you, that graph proves my point. Unemployment jumped more under Obama’s recession plus you gotta take into account the other factors that happened in the lending industry.
You must be reading a different graph. The blue line shows unemployment during the Reagan administration. That one goes higher than the red one (Obama).
To address your comment about Obama, He was in more than a typical recovery, we were hit with a great blow that put many people out of work and out of their homes. We saw some of our largest industries on the brink of collapse. That’s a little different than the typical yo-yo of economic tides. If you were honest you could acknowledge that.
There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.
Reagan’s recession was worse?! Are you high?
Not a bit:

Thank you, that graph proves my point. Unemployment jumped more under Obama’s recession plus you gotta take into account the other factors that happened in the lending industry.
You must be reading a different graph. The blue line shows unemployment during the Reagan administration. That one goes higher than the red one (Obama).
Higher doesn’t mean the recession was worse smart guy... a better gauge would be the change... and 2007 had the larger change. But as I mentioned there are many other factors. You can keep trying to argue this point but there’s no way you can find facts to back it up. You’re just plain wrong
There's no difference, dumbass. The sharper the recession, the more vigorous the recovery. Reagan's recession was worse, and we observed up to 8% growth during that recovery. 3% is the best that Obama could muster. Spending endless amounts of money and running up the debt do not help the economy recover. Massive increases in regulation also don't help.

I've already disputed your argument several times. That dog won't hunt.
Reagan’s recession was worse?! Are you high?
Not a bit:

Thank you, that graph proves my point. Unemployment jumped more under Obama’s recession plus you gotta take into account the other factors that happened in the lending industry.
You must be reading a different graph. The blue line shows unemployment during the Reagan administration. That one goes higher than the red one (Obama).
Higher doesn’t mean the recession was worse smart guy... a better gauge would be the change... and 2007 had the larger change. But as I mentioned there are many other factors. You can keep trying to argue this point but there’s no way you can find facts to back it up. You’re just plain wrong
I said it was "worse," and that's what you disputed. I don't see how anyone can seriously claim that 11% unemployment is better than 10% unemployment.

When it comes to unemployment, the only measure that counts is the absolute level.
Reagan’s recession was worse?! Are you high?
Not a bit:

Thank you, that graph proves my point. Unemployment jumped more under Obama’s recession plus you gotta take into account the other factors that happened in the lending industry.
You must be reading a different graph. The blue line shows unemployment during the Reagan administration. That one goes higher than the red one (Obama).
Higher doesn’t mean the recession was worse smart guy... a better gauge would be the change... and 2007 had the larger change. But as I mentioned there are many other factors. You can keep trying to argue this point but there’s no way you can find facts to back it up. You’re just plain wrong
I said it was "worse," and that's what you disputed. I don't see how anyone can seriously claim that 11% unemployment is better than 10% unemployment.

When it comes to unemployment, the only measure that counts is the absolute level.
I can seriously claim it. How fast you get there and the surrounding factors play a huge roll in the severity of the recession. 2007 was the worst recession we’ve seen in our lifetime and the worst our country has experienced since the 1930s. Only bone heads would call the Great Recession of the 1980s worse. Where do you get this crap from?!
Not a bit:

Thank you, that graph proves my point. Unemployment jumped more under Obama’s recession plus you gotta take into account the other factors that happened in the lending industry.
You must be reading a different graph. The blue line shows unemployment during the Reagan administration. That one goes higher than the red one (Obama).
Higher doesn’t mean the recession was worse smart guy... a better gauge would be the change... and 2007 had the larger change. But as I mentioned there are many other factors. You can keep trying to argue this point but there’s no way you can find facts to back it up. You’re just plain wrong
I said it was "worse," and that's what you disputed. I don't see how anyone can seriously claim that 11% unemployment is better than 10% unemployment.

When it comes to unemployment, the only measure that counts is the absolute level.
I can seriously claim it. How fast you get there and the surrounding factors play a huge roll in the severity of the recession. 2007 was the worst recession we’ve seen in our lifetime and the worst our country has experienced since the 1930s. Only bone heads would call the Great Recession of the 1980s worse. Where do you get this crap from?!
No, they are irrelevant to the "severity of the recession." In fact, a longer time at a higher rate of unemployment makes a recession worse than a shorter one with a lower maximum rate of unemployment.

You tried to claim that Obama's recession was the worst ever, and that is patently false. 2007 was not the worst recession on my lifetime. The 1981 recession is the worst in my lifetime. The recovery was far short and far more vigorous.
Thank you, that graph proves my point. Unemployment jumped more under Obama’s recession plus you gotta take into account the other factors that happened in the lending industry.
You must be reading a different graph. The blue line shows unemployment during the Reagan administration. That one goes higher than the red one (Obama).
Higher doesn’t mean the recession was worse smart guy... a better gauge would be the change... and 2007 had the larger change. But as I mentioned there are many other factors. You can keep trying to argue this point but there’s no way you can find facts to back it up. You’re just plain wrong
I said it was "worse," and that's what you disputed. I don't see how anyone can seriously claim that 11% unemployment is better than 10% unemployment.

When it comes to unemployment, the only measure that counts is the absolute level.
I can seriously claim it. How fast you get there and the surrounding factors play a huge roll in the severity of the recession. 2007 was the worst recession we’ve seen in our lifetime and the worst our country has experienced since the 1930s. Only bone heads would call the Great Recession of the 1980s worse. Where do you get this crap from?!
No, they are irrelevant to the "severity of the recession." In fact, a longer time at a higher rate of unemployment makes a recession worse than a shorter one with a lower maximum rate of unemployment.

You tried to claim that Obama's recession was the worst ever, and that is patently false. 2007 was not the worst recession on my lifetime. The 1981 recession is the worst in my lifetime. The recovery was far short and far more vigorous.
I’ll say It again, unemployment is not the only relevant factor. 2007 had double the GDP decline and way more than double the Stock market drop than in 1981. Our country was in a much greater crisis.
AND HIS NAME IS Bloomberg ! with video tape and witnesses showing some of the most racist misogynistic statements and beliefs coming from this man how can the woke left support him ? but support him they surely do ! and the leftwing labeled filthy rich member of the hated evil billionaire class may even win the dem nomination ! now we all know that the left will claim that Trump is worse but come on the lefts runs on identity politics ! they paint all conservatives as sexist and racist so how can they support someone like Bloomberg ??its simple folks the left uses race identity and class warfare to divide the country and get votes ! and the surge of Bloomberg and the left wing medias support of this man should show everyone that the left is full of crap !KAG 2020!
Do you honestly think Bloomberg is a Racist and a Misogynist?
do you ??? if a tape of a republican came out with those kind of comments the left would be screaming racist !
Oh I’m sure a bunch of them would... my question was if YOU would.
and thats the question isnt it ?? and yes if a republican made those statements i would indeed say it was racist ! i find it amusing that the so called standard barer's of equality and racial justice [yeah right]the left turns a blind eye to black face , ex grand wizards , and remarks made about throwing minorities against the wall when the offender is one of their own !
I think many people are looking beyond a few old comments and taking into account. The whole picture... Bloomberg’s career and body of work which includes tremendous efforts to help minority and women’s groups.
yeah he helps them alright ! helps them get thrown against the wall and searched.

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