A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.1 That’s an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third were killed by an intimate partner.2

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Intimate Partner Violence or Battering)
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.3 According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4 Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.5

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That’s more than 600 women every day.6 Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim’s feeling that nothing can/will be done and the personal nature of the incident.7

Young women, low-income women and some minorities are disproportionately victims of domestic violence and rape. Women ages 20-24 are at greatest risk of nonfatal domestic violence8, and women age 24 and under suffer from the highest rates of rape.9 The Justice Department estimates that one in five women will experience rape or attempted rape during their college years, and that less than five percent of these rapes will be reported.10 Income is also a factor: the poorer the household, the higher the rate of domestic violence — with women in the lowest income category experiencing more than six times the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence as compared to women in the highest income category.11 When we consider race, we see that African-American women face higher rates of domestic violence than white women, and American-Indian women are victimized at a rate more than double that of women of other races.12

According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, “growing up in a violent home may be a terrifying and traumatic experience that can affect every aspect of a child’s life, growth and development. . . . children who have been exposed to family violence suffer symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, such as bed-wetting or nightmares, and were at greater risk than their peers of having allergies, asthma, gastrointestinal problems, headaches and flu.” In addition, women who experience physcial abuse as children are at a greater risk of victimization as adults, and men have a far greater (more than double) likelihood of perpetrating abuse. 13

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that the cost of domestic violence in 2003 was more than over $8.3 billion. This cost includes medical care, mental health services, and lost productivity. 14

In 1994, the National Organization for Women, the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund (now called Legal Momentum), the Feminist Majority and other organizations finally secured passage of the Violence Against Women Act, which provided a record-breaking $1.6 billion to address issues of violence against women.15 However it took nearly an additional year to force the Newt Gingrich-led Congress to release the funding. An analysis estimated that in the first six years after VAWA was passed, nearly $14.8 billion was saved in net averted social costs.16 VAWA was reauthorized in 2005, with nearly $4 billion in funding over five years.17

How does killing the children stop domestic violence? All your quoted article does is prove that what's being done today doesn't work but my suggestion that women think about who would be a good father BEFORE having sex with someone is the right solution to the problem of abuse and abortion.
Men have rights, unborn have rights, political parties have rights, and women are supposed to cater to them. If you had a clue how liberating abortion is, how it gave women, millions of them, a new lease on life, how it enabled them to sure up their finances, and keep the ground they gained in the workforce, (which is the real problem), you wouldn't be so harsh on abortion. Women are trying to this world a favor by not bringing millions of children, (who are tax dependent) into the world. She is trying to hold on to what she has worked for. She is thinking about herself and no one else and that is truly the problem. You can't use abortion to get ahead and stay ahead of men in the workforce, so say the highly moral men and women in America.

If a woman is pregnant with a baby she doesn't want then she was thinking only for and of herself when she did the deed that got her pregnant.
In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.1 That’s an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third were killed by an intimate partner.2

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Intimate Partner Violence or Battering)
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.3 According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year.4 Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.5

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That’s more than 600 women every day.6 Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim’s feeling that nothing can/will be done and the personal nature of the incident.7

Young women, low-income women and some minorities are disproportionately victims of domestic violence and rape. Women ages 20-24 are at greatest risk of nonfatal domestic violence8, and women age 24 and under suffer from the highest rates of rape.9 The Justice Department estimates that one in five women will experience rape or attempted rape during their college years, and that less than five percent of these rapes will be reported.10 Income is also a factor: the poorer the household, the higher the rate of domestic violence — with women in the lowest income category experiencing more than six times the rate of nonfatal intimate partner violence as compared to women in the highest income category.11 When we consider race, we see that African-American women face higher rates of domestic violence than white women, and American-Indian women are victimized at a rate more than double that of women of other races.12

According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, “growing up in a violent home may be a terrifying and traumatic experience that can affect every aspect of a child’s life, growth and development. . . . children who have been exposed to family violence suffer symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, such as bed-wetting or nightmares, and were at greater risk than their peers of having allergies, asthma, gastrointestinal problems, headaches and flu.” In addition, women who experience physcial abuse as children are at a greater risk of victimization as adults, and men have a far greater (more than double) likelihood of perpetrating abuse. 13

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that the cost of domestic violence in 2003 was more than over $8.3 billion. This cost includes medical care, mental health services, and lost productivity. 14

In 1994, the National Organization for Women, the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund (now called Legal Momentum), the Feminist Majority and other organizations finally secured passage of the Violence Against Women Act, which provided a record-breaking $1.6 billion to address issues of violence against women.15 However it took nearly an additional year to force the Newt Gingrich-led Congress to release the funding. An analysis estimated that in the first six years after VAWA was passed, nearly $14.8 billion was saved in net averted social costs.16 VAWA was reauthorized in 2005, with nearly $4 billion in funding over five years.17

How does killing the children stop domestic violence? All your quoted article does is prove that what's being done today doesn't work but my suggestion that women think about who would be a good father BEFORE having sex with someone is the right solution to the problem of abuse and abortion.

It empowers women. Women have the right to abortion. Gosh I wish this old world was as pretty as you paint it.
A question for Republicans who say let their grandparents die:

oh never mind, I don’t want to hear from those awful people.

Really? Republicans? No; that's Democrats. Cuomo killed thousands of elderly in New York. Intentionally. He planned it years ago when he chose not to purchase ventilators and, instead, said to plan how to prioritize the use of what they already had in a pandemic. The left has always been about death panels. No Republican has ever supported letting their grandparents die.

You've all given up on defending abortion - because you know you can't, and now you're just throwing red herrings around like confetti.

False on all counts.
Men have rights, unborn have rights, political parties have rights, and women are supposed to cater to them. If you had a clue how liberating abortion is, how it gave women, millions of them, a new lease on life, how it enabled them to sure up their finances, and keep the ground they gained in the workforce, (which is the real problem), you wouldn't be so harsh on abortion. Women are trying to this world a favor by not bringing millions of children, (who are tax dependent) into the world. She is trying to hold on to what she has worked for. She is thinking about herself and no one else and that is truly the problem. You can't use abortion to get ahead and stay ahead of men in the workforce, so say the highly moral men and women in America.

And you sound like you want the Handmaid's tale to come to fruition.
No women gets to have an abortion, they have to have an abortion.
And you sound like you want the Handmaid's tale to come to fruition.
(I think we are the same page in most)

You wrote this:
Men have rights, unborn have rights, political parties have rights, and women are supposed to cater to them. If you had a clue how liberating abortion is, how it gave women, millions of them, a new lease on life, how it enabled them to sure up their finances, and keep the ground they gained in the workforce, (which is the real problem), you wouldn't be so harsh on abortion. Women are trying to this world a favor by not bringing millions of children, (who are tax dependent) into the world. She is trying to hold on to what she has worked for. She is thinking about herself and no one else and that is truly the problem. You can't use abortion to get ahead and stay ahead of men in the workforce, so say the highly moral men and women in America.

I really don't know how to take this. Can you help me try to understand your reasoning?

Why never again? A coat hanger can't possibly be worse for the baby. And I don't give a shit if mothers die in the act of murdering their children. I wish, instead, they wouldn't murder their children but there's a price to pay for such behavior. If they don't want to risk it, don't stick a coat hanger up their uterus. And if they don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex.
Do you remember when you were in the womb??
No... But it's possible to measure the difference between an active brain and the Medulla oblongata or brain stem in general.
I don't either, and most kids don't until they are about 2 or 3, and our memories are of memories.
I think people should have an abortion when they learn they are pg. if they want one, but many have to round up the money and have funds for travel. (needed in a lot areas of the US)

Its different for some who have health ins. , they just go in and get a D&C, and nobody is the wiser.
I don't either, and most kids don't until they are about 2 or 3, and our memories are of memories.
Yeah... I have some from around 3.
I think people should have an abortion when they learn they are pg. if they want one, but many have to round up the money and have funds for travel. (needed in a lot areas of the US)
From my standpoint... If you have to round up money for an abortion, you REALLY shouldn't be a parent. Admittedly I'm very bias on that though... I think people in general are fools for living paycheck to paycheck with or without kids. Personally, I think three months is enough time.

And of course I agree with Planned Parenthood for this time.
The documented evidence I posted earlier shows that women who have abortions - that's all of them across the board, have 2 to 6 times the suicide rate,

And that in no way shows abortion was the cause. It only shows that mentally unstable women are more likely to have abortions.

You're failing at basic statistics. Correlation is not causation. And your belligerent stupidity is not an attractive quality. Given your ineptness with facts and logic, you really have no business bothering the grownups.
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Do you support killing Downs' Syndrome babies just because they have Down Syndrome?

90% of detected Downs pregnancies are aborted. That means most of the pro-lifers are aborting Downs pregnancies as well.

Why do you think pro-lifers on this issue are just like all those other evildoers?

I would say it's because rational people consider the quality of life of the future person when deciding to take a pregnancy to term.

Oh, you've got a major fallacy going. You think that women will just randomly have kids, instead of saying "no, this is enough.". An aborted Downs pregnancy general means a new pregnancy will follow, so there's no loss of life. That new life wouldn't have happened if the abortion hadn't happened.

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