‘A lot of people are jaded’: Dems despair amid DC gridlock...Progressives are no longer so pleasantly thrilled with the Biden era


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Five months into the post-Trump era, the promise of Democrat-occupied Washington is crashing into reality. Donald Trump may be gone, but the sense of hope that permeated the Democratic Party’s rank-and-file after his defeat — and the accompanying capture of Congress — is being replaced by a haze of disillusionment that threatens the party’s prospects of generating enthusiasm in the run-up to a critical midterm election.

More significant, the number of Democrats who say things broadly are heading in the wrong direction is ticking up. The percentage of Americans who believe the country is off on the wrong track hit 57 percent in a Monmouth University poll last week, and that includes nearly a third of Democrats. An Economist/YouGov poll found one-fifth of voters who cast their ballots for Biden last year now think the country is heading in the wrong direction.

Ever since Congress passed Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill earlier this year, Simpson said, “we’re flatlined. There’s no real significant change that we can see for anything else on the horizon.”

If Democrats can’t break the logjam, she said, the party will pay for it in 2022. “I think it hurts the energy. I think it hurts the momentum.”
As usual, the party out of power went full drama queen, assuming that the President was going to go psycho and be able to push through a bunch o' commie stuff.

Fortunately, thanks to people like Manchin and Sinema, the system is proving them wrong again.

A majority of the country wants these people to grow up, drop the theater, ignore their feral bases and work together.
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I side with doing nothing is better than doing the wrong thing.
As usual, the party out of power went full drama queen, assuming that the President was going to go psycho and be able to push through whatever he wanted.

Fortunately, thanks to people like Manchin and Sinema, the system is proving them wrong again.

A majority of the country wants these people to grow up, drop the theater, ignore their feral bases and work together.
Lol, Biden is a failure. All that work in cheating him in is coming back to bite you in the ass! Lol, I love it!
As usual, the party out of power went full drama queen, assuming that the President was going to go psycho and be able to push through whatever he wanted.

Fortunately, thanks to people like Manchin and Sinema, the system is proving them wrong again.

A majority of the country wants these people to grow up, drop the theater, ignore their feral bases and work together.
Lol, Biden is a failure. All that work in cheating him in is coming back to bite you in the ass! Lol, I love it!
Progressives are not progressive, they just think they are elites. That is why stupidity always gets precisely the reality it deserves.
majority of the country wants these people to grow up, drop the theater, ignore their feral bases and work together.
Do the dems know how to contact you?

If they ignore their base voters dems will need replacements to set policy for them

And I suppose you want all your ideas fulfilled
Reality sure does suck for some people. Those that voted for that stupid ass are getting what they voted for. Disaster.

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