A Former President Being Indicted Is Going To Be Boring - Relax


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

24 hours later....

Calm down bro....do you ever get tired of being a buck dancing minstrel?? In fact, everyone, calm down.....nothing is going to happen.....this ins't some monumental moment, this isn't some rubicon we have crossed into a totalitarian dystopia. This is a wealthy guy being indicted for something he will ultimately tie up in courts for years and most likely be acquitted of or at the worst, pay a small fine. Let's not forget that we have a sitting Lt Governor of Texas who has been under felony indictments for years...that is how privilege works...when Conservatives whine about a 2-tier justice system, they are lying...

Yes, we have a 2-tier justice system and the Conservatives want to keep it that way...that 2-tier justice system is what protects those with wealth and power....Did the world end when Trump's business was convicted on all counts? Did the world end when Trump's own CFO was sentenced to federal prison? He is about to get out next month, it's not that serious, so relax....don't go behave like that buck dancing clown in the videos posted above -- folks like him are just grifters...they will find someone else to leech onto once Trump is no longer the anointed one.
We haven’t seen the indictment yet, so we have no idea what kind of case is being made

But I agree, a white collar crime case is very boring and the public will lose interest

The cases in Georgia on influencing election officials, Florida on storing classified documents and DC on a Jan 6 will be more interesting to watch.

24 hours later....

Calm down bro....do you ever get tired of being a buck dancing minstrel?? In fact, everyone, calm down.....nothing is going to happen.....this ins't some monumental moment, this isn't some rubicon we have crossed into a totalitarian dystopia. This is a wealthy guy being indicted for something he will ultimately tie up in courts for years and most likely be acquitted of or at the worst, pay a small fine. Let's not forget that we have a sitting Lt Governor of Texas who has been under felony indictments for years...that is how privilege works...when Conservatives whine about a 2-tier justice system, they are lying...

Yes, we have a 2-tier justice system and the Conservatives want to keep it that way...that 2-tier justice system is what protects those with wealth and power....Did the world end when Trump's business was convicted on all counts? Did the world end when Trump's own CFO was sentenced to federal prison? He is about to get out next month, it's not that serious, so relax....don't go behave like that buck dancing clown in the videos posted above -- folks like him are just grifters...they will find someone else to leech onto once Trump is no longer the anointed one.

You really hate those black guys, huh?
Trump is a martyr anyway........because he is delicate and dainty and whines a lot
The reason why doesn't matter if this winds up just looking like pointless piling on and continually going after him and results in turning off independents from voting democrat. As always, democrats are playing a dangerous game that could very easily and quickly backfire on them.
The reason why doesn't matter if this winds up just looking like pointless piling on and continually going after him and results in turning off independents from voting democrat. As always, democrats are playing a dangerous game that could very easily and quickly backfire on them.
It's fun to watch Conservatives say shit they would have never said if Hillary, Obama, Biden, Hunter's laptop, Jimmy Carter's 3rd barber or just anyone even remotely associated with a Democratic president would have been indicted....

It is like this meme is literally true......


This threat of "If you Democrats do this, we are going to go after ex Democratic presidents" -- Like I give a fuck.......I don't idolize politicians, so them getting arrested for crimes means ZERO to me....if they are guilty, if you have the evidence, lock them up.....just make sure you don't leave out Bush....the biggest criminal of them all
It's fun to watch Conservatives say shit they would have never said if Hillary, Obama, Biden, Hunter's laptop, Jimmy Carter's 3rd barber or just anyone even remotely associated with a Democratic president would have been indicted....

It is like this meme is literally true......

View attachment 771406

This threat of "If you Democrats do this, we are going to go after ex Democratic presidents" -- Like I give a fuck.......I don't idolize politicians, so them getting arrested for crimes means ZERO to me....if they are guilty, if you have the evidence, lock them up.....just make sure you don't leave out Bush....the biggest criminal of them all
Oh, I definitely agree that no one should be beyond the reach of the law, but we have had a tradition of former presidents being somewhat immune to prosecution for a lot of things to avoid the banana republic tradition of prosecuting former leaders as political punishment.
We haven’t seen the indictment yet, so we have no idea what kind of case is being made

But I agree, a white collar crime case is very boring and the public will lose interest

The cases in Georgia on influencing election officials, Florida on storing classified documents and DC on a Jan 6 will be more interesting to watch.
Maybe. One would hope. But keep in mind that porn largely drives the internet still.
Oh, I definitely agree that no one should be beyond the reach of the law, but we have had a tradition of former presidents being somewhat immune to prosecution for a lot of things to avoid the banana republic tradition of prosecuting former leaders as political punishment.
Maybe. One would hope. But keep in mind that porn largely drives the internet still.

If the case had details about Trump banging Stormy, it would be interesting
It will be more about tracking payments between Trump and Cohen
If the case had details about Trump banging Stormy, it would be interesting
No, it would be disgusting.
It will be more about tracking payments between Trump and Cohen
Ultimately ending in either not guilty or a fine, which he could pay from his cash drawer. The only hope here for the democrats is to damage him in the election. That's the bottom line.
Pretty much handed Trump the Republican nomination.

The weaponization of the legal system will result in a massive backlash.

Aside from that...yeah, pretty boring.

I thought for a second there you pussies were going to chicken out.

We Trump supporters thankfully appreciate the gift you have given us.
Pretty much handed Trump the Republican nomination.

The weaponization of the legal system will result in a massive backlash.

Aside from that...yeah, pretty boring.

I thought for a second there you pussies were going to chicken out.

We Trump supporters thankfully appreciate the gift you have given us.
you're in the minority, red hat. Only pieces of shit would vote for a criminal.
you're in the minority, red hat. Only pieces of shit would vote for a criminal.
Haaaaave you met Reality?

Thanks for doing us a favor.

PS. Did you vote for Hillary?


Assuming you have taken the time to familiarize yourself with the supposed "case" behind the indictment...which is obviously not a safe assumption, as you dipshit democrats just support whatever you're told to support...that summary will sound awfully darn familiar.

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The Trump fanatics are shitting their pants since it was announced but yes, it will be boring.
Im no fanatic….I’ve been rooting for it to happen because it is going to blow up in the Left’s face. They’ve impeached him twice and have kept him in the News cycle everyday since January 2021. Things can only get better. Right?
I’ve been rooting for it to happen because it is going to blow up in the Left’s face.

I thought for sure they were going to pussy out. But Bragg couldn't back down and lose face. Ego is going to destroy him.

EVERYONE KNOWS this isn't about justice...it's about affecting the election...and by g-d, they aren't wrong.

It's going to affect the election.

Trump is going to win the Republican Nomination on the back of this indictment. Even DeSantis was forced to backtrack his "we are going to stay out of it" comments and defend Trump.

Two weeks ago, the one threat to Trump's nominations stepped directly on his crank so hard he had to backtrack this week. It really made DeSantis look like an Establishment Republican...

The backlash was so severe, DeSantis had to turn his messaging 180 degrees to salvage his Presidential Ambitions...


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