A drop in US IQ elected Biden.

“The causes in IQ increases over time and now the decline is due to environmental factors,” said Rogeburg, who believes the change is not due to genetics.

“It’s not that dumb people are having more kids than smart people, to put it crudely. It’s something to do with the environment, because we’re seeing the same differences within families,” he said.

These environmental factors could include changes in the education system and media environment, nutrition, reading less and being online more, Rogeberg said."

There is a systematic and formulaic dumbing down of America.

American public education is in fact child abuse.

That last line I quoted says it all really.

"These environmental factors could include changes in the education system and media environment, nutrition, reading less and being online more, Rogeberg said."
What electing an intellectual moron brought us

"I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse," Birx told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."
And didn't about a third of those take place in two idiot blue states? NY and NJ? Maybe more than a third.
True Dat

The pandemic hit NY, NJ and Connecticut first and those states United to fight it. There were no known rules and they were making things up as they went along based on best available guidance.

Those states successfully fought off that first surge and leveled the curve.

Did Red States take advantage of the advanced warning and lessons learned? With Trumps encouragement, they thumbed their noses at COVID and hundreds of thousands died unnecessarily
The price of fuel is rising globally.

How many have died at the border?
What is the crisis? Too many brown people?
America was energy independent under Trump. That's all changed under the senile dope, Joe Biden.

What's the problem at the border? Trump had the border under control.
Now under the senile dope, Joe Biden, the system is being swamped by covid infected illegals swamping our
ability to handle the tsunami of people looking for handouts and a soft life.

So let's review...Trump had us in a very good position and Biden swindled his way into office
and we have made a U turn for the worse.

And you like it now but didn't like America then. So idiots like you have fucked up the country.
Got it?
US was energy independent under Obama
Nothing has changed under Biden

The border is secure. Biden is dealing with a humanitarian crisis and doing a good job.

Trump left the country in worse condition than any modern President. Thankfully, we have President Biden to save us.
Wacko alert!
The price of fuel is rising globally.

How many have died at the border?
What is the crisis? Too many brown people?
America was energy independent under Trump. That's all changed under the senile dope, Joe Biden.

What's the problem at the border? Trump had the border under control.
Now under the senile dope, Joe Biden, the system is being swamped by covid infected illegals swamping our
ability to handle the tsunami of people looking for handouts and a soft life.

So let's review...Trump had us in a very good position and Biden swindled his way into office
and we have made a U turn for the worse.

And you like it now but didn't like America then. So idiots like you have fucked up the country.
Got it?
US was energy independent under Obama
Nothing has changed under Biden

The border is secure. Biden is dealing with a humanitarian crisis and doing a good job.

Trump left the country in worse condition than any modern President. Thankfully, we have President Biden to save us.
Wacko alert!
Short Bus chimes in
As Americans watch what is tantamount to a long dead Egyptian mummy with a microphone strapped to it, Joe Biden’s vacuous gaze is a ubiquitous sight on Cable TV. Reporters that are emissaries of permanent Washington genuflect and pay homage to a naked emperor in single-file sycophancy reminiscent of groveling beta dogs waiting for scraps. It is a bizarre sight to behold in the wake of a national ballot stuffing election that ushered in an unprecedented drop in average intelligence among the US population.

There has been growing concern among sociologists about declining IQs in the United States and that corrupt presidential election would never have been possible fifty years ago. The New Deal which turned out to be a raw deal and the Great society that resulted in a failed society, caused decent dignified employment to vanish along with company pensions and affordable health insurance. They were replaced with electric shopping carts and handicap parking spaces while US politicians managed second and third homes and traveled the globe on Chinese lobby largesse.

If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

But the situation is much worse than just stupid citizens walking around with college degrees. American academia saw a chance to brainwash many minds that were never college material to begin with. There has even been an attempt to repackage the Jewish Holocaust with a best-selling book by American Academic Robin D’Angelo titled “White Fragility”. The Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air incited by campus Caucasian hate speech on the heels of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory that are contemporary scapegoating shadow representations of Nazi ideology.

American education does nothing to make more intelligent citizens. It has evolved to overthrow the US Constitution and submit to a new world order by propagating a decline in cognitive awareness among US citizens. This has happed before in fascist countries. Young students are forced to apologize for their existence and then bow to a central government.
There was diffidently a drop in American IQ...in 2016
What electing an intellectual moron brought us

"I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse," Birx told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."
And didn't about a third of those take place in two idiot blue states? NY and NJ? Maybe more than a third.
True Dat

The pandemic hit NY, NJ and Connecticut first and those states United to fight it. There were no known rules and they were making things up as they went along based on best available guidance.

Those states successfully fought off that first surge and leveled the curve.

Did Red States take advantage of the advanced warning and lessons learned? With Trumps encouragement, they thumbed their noses at COVID and hundreds of thousands died unnecessarily
The Red states had common sense and did nothing as stupid as NY or NJ, still with the worst statistics on the planet for Covid. The thousands that died were because of Killer Cuomo and his renegade band of Dim idiots. The red states had and maintained the lowest mortality rates, look it up.
The price of fuel is rising globally.

How many have died at the border?
What is the crisis? Too many brown people?
America was energy independent under Trump. That's all changed under the senile dope, Joe Biden.

What's the problem at the border? Trump had the border under control.
Now under the senile dope, Joe Biden, the system is being swamped by covid infected illegals swamping our
ability to handle the tsunami of people looking for handouts and a soft life.

So let's review...Trump had us in a very good position and Biden swindled his way into office
and we have made a U turn for the worse.

And you like it now but didn't like America then. So idiots like you have fucked up the country.
Got it?
US was energy independent under Obama
Nothing has changed under Biden

The border is secure. Biden is dealing with a humanitarian crisis and doing a good job.

Trump left the country in worse condition than any modern President. Thankfully, we have President Biden to save us.
Wacko alert!
Short Bus chimes in
Right, with the bell signalling your bus to Oz is ready.
Ok i'm gonna engage with you, because you seem to be doing this in good faith. But the reality is nothing works.

Charles Murray famously makes this point. And it's true. Borderline common knowledge which is why i haven't provided you any sources. If it was that easy we'd do it everywhere for everyone numb nuts. But here we go

We'll go with headstart because it has the most robust data set. It does have positive social outcomes, none of them related to academic skill or IQ tho

I'm a little confused.

Starting with the above link I get;
{ Specially collected data on adults in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics are used to provide evidence on the longer-term effects of Head Start, an early intervention program for poor preschool-age children. Whites who attended Head Start are, relative to their siblings who did not, significantly more likely to complete high school, attend college, and possibly have higher earnings in their early twenties. African-Americans who participated in Head Start are less likely to have been booked or charged with a crime. There is some evidence of positive spillovers from older Head Start children to their younger siblings. (JEL J24, I38) }

So that seems to support my contention.

This is a settled subject

The gains from headstart are not in IQ. Which was the real intent of the program. To make smarter children.

There are also twin studies that prove this. The two things that matter are genetics and "*nonshared environment" which basically means they don't know. Random stimulus, peer groups, random thoughts. We don't know. And it's well over 50% genetic.

No one will argue that genetics isn't the primary factor. The question is within a static subset, does stimulation affect cognitive ability in a positive manner? Each of your studies say that it does. The last three argue that the effect diminishes over time. However the 3rd link specifies that the motivational improvements of head start children is a substantial influence on later academic and financial success despite the closing gap in IQ scores vis a vis non-HS students.

We also have limited the subject group to economically disadvantaged children where parents are unlikely to be involved with children, offering an explanation for the closing gap after the child leaves the program. Essentially the stimulation stops.
What electing an intellectual moron brought us

"I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse," Birx told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."



What electing an intellectual moron brought us

"I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse," Birx told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."
And didn't about a third of those take place in two idiot blue states? NY and NJ? Maybe more than a third.
True Dat

The pandemic hit NY, NJ and Connecticut first and those states United to fight it. There were no known rules and they were making things up as they went along based on best available guidance.

Those states successfully fought off that first surge and leveled the curve.

Did Red States take advantage of the advanced warning and lessons learned? With Trumps encouragement, they thumbed their noses at COVID and hundreds of thousands died unnecessarily
The Red states had common sense and did nothing as stupid as NY or NJ, still with the worst statistics on the planet for Covid. The thousands that died were because of Killer Cuomo and his renegade band of Dim idiots. The red states had and maintained the lowest mortality rates, look it up.
Red States closed too late and opened too early
Cost hundreds of thousands their lives
What electing an intellectual moron brought us

"I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse," Birx told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."



View attachment 473894
I don’t think you know what a Strawman is

It is not any argument that you can’t refute.
US was energy independent under Obama

Uh, no.

You're just a fucking liar.

Nothing has changed under Biden

Uh, no.

You're just a fucking liar.

The border is secure. Biden is dealing with a humanitarian crisis and doing a good job.


What a fucking clown.

Trump left the country in worse condition than any modern President. Thankfully, we have President Biden to save us.

Thank GOD for Trump.

We would wait YEARS for a vaccine if not for him.

Standard Disclaimer: Yeah, it's likely China would have never launched the biological attack if Trump weren't in office - but admitting that means admitting that this WAS an attack.
As Americans watch what is tantamount to a long dead Egyptian mummy with a microphone strapped to it, Joe Biden’s vacuous gaze is a ubiquitous sight on Cable TV. Reporters that are emissaries of permanent Washington genuflect and pay homage to a naked emperor in single-file sycophancy reminiscent of groveling beta dogs waiting for scraps. It is a bizarre sight to behold in the wake of a national ballot stuffing election that ushered in an unprecedented drop in average intelligence among the US population.

There has been growing concern among sociologists about declining IQs in the United States and that corrupt presidential election would never have been possible fifty years ago. The New Deal which turned out to be a raw deal and the Great society that resulted in a failed society, caused decent dignified employment to vanish along with company pensions and affordable health insurance. They were replaced with electric shopping carts and handicap parking spaces while US politicians managed second and third homes and traveled the globe on Chinese lobby largesse.

If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

But the situation is much worse than just stupid citizens walking around with college degrees. American academia saw a chance to brainwash many minds that were never college material to begin with. There has even been an attempt to repackage the Jewish Holocaust with a best-selling book by American Academic Robin D’Angelo titled “White Fragility”. The Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air incited by campus Caucasian hate speech on the heels of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory that are contemporary scapegoating shadow representations of Nazi ideology.

American education does nothing to make more intelligent citizens. It has evolved to overthrow the US Constitution and submit to a new world order by propagating a decline in cognitive awareness among US citizens. This has happed before in fascist countries. Young students are forced to apologize for their existence and then bow to a central government.
There was diffidently a drop in American IQ...in 2016
Was it really diffident? Odd.
What electing an intellectual moron brought us

"I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse," Birx told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."
And didn't about a third of those take place in two idiot blue states? NY and NJ? Maybe more than a third.
True Dat

The pandemic hit NY, NJ and Connecticut first and those states United to fight it. There were no known rules and they were making things up as they went along based on best available guidance.

Those states successfully fought off that first surge and leveled the curve.

Did Red States take advantage of the advanced warning and lessons learned? With Trumps encouragement, they thumbed their noses at COVID and hundreds of thousands died unnecessarily
The Red states had common sense and did nothing as stupid as NY or NJ, still with the worst statistics on the planet for Covid. The thousands that died were because of Killer Cuomo and his renegade band of Dim idiots. The red states had and maintained the lowest mortality rates, look it up.
Red States closed too late and opened too early
Cost hundreds of thousands their lives
Red states didn't cost near the lives of your Dim governor states....Kali, NY, NJ and Illinois have your "hundreds of thousands" in just 4 pathetic killer states....158k. Takes quite a few of those too late red states to equal that total bozo. Can you count?
As Americans watch what is tantamount to a long dead Egyptian mummy with a microphone strapped to it, Joe Biden’s vacuous gaze is a ubiquitous sight on Cable TV. Reporters that are emissaries of permanent Washington genuflect and pay homage to a naked emperor in single-file sycophancy reminiscent of groveling beta dogs waiting for scraps. It is a bizarre sight to behold in the wake of a national ballot stuffing election that ushered in an unprecedented drop in average intelligence among the US population.

There has been growing concern among sociologists about declining IQs in the United States and that corrupt presidential election would never have been possible fifty years ago. The New Deal which turned out to be a raw deal and the Great society that resulted in a failed society, caused decent dignified employment to vanish along with company pensions and affordable health insurance. They were replaced with electric shopping carts and handicap parking spaces while US politicians managed second and third homes and traveled the globe on Chinese lobby largesse.

If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

But the situation is much worse than just stupid citizens walking around with college degrees. American academia saw a chance to brainwash many minds that were never college material to begin with. There has even been an attempt to repackage the Jewish Holocaust with a best-selling book by American Academic Robin D’Angelo titled “White Fragility”. The Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air incited by campus Caucasian hate speech on the heels of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory that are contemporary scapegoating shadow representations of Nazi ideology.

American education does nothing to make more intelligent citizens. It has evolved to overthrow the US Constitution and submit to a new world order by propagating a decline in cognitive awareness among US citizens. This has happed before in fascist countries. Young students are forced to apologize for their existence and then bow to a central government.

Have you been chugging the kool-aid again?
US was energy independent under Obama

Uh, no.

You're just a fucking liar.

Nothing has changed under Biden

Uh, no.

You're just a fucking liar.

The border is secure. Biden is dealing with a humanitarian crisis and doing a good job.


What a fucking clown.

Trump left the country in worse condition than any modern President. Thankfully, we have President Biden to save us.

Thank GOD for Trump.

We would wait YEARS for a vaccine if not for him.

Standard Disclaimer: Yeah, it's likely China would have never launched the biological attack if Trump weren't in office - but admitting that means admitting that this WAS an attack.
Prove me wrong Skippy
I don’t think you know what a Strawman is

It is not any argument that you can’t refute.

You are a shit flinging feral baboon. You are a troll, and nothing but.

No one expects you to offer anything approaching a reasoned, rational, or honest argument - and you never do.

I wonder though, do you even know what the subject of the thread is? It isn't Brix.

Well, without fallacy, you Nazis would never have anything to do with logic.

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