A drop in US IQ elected Biden.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As Americans watch what is tantamount to a long dead Egyptian mummy with a microphone strapped to it, Joe Biden’s vacuous gaze is a ubiquitous sight on Cable TV. Reporters that are emissaries of permanent Washington genuflect and pay homage to a naked emperor in single-file sycophancy reminiscent of groveling beta dogs waiting for scraps. It is a bizarre sight to behold in the wake of a national ballot stuffing election that ushered in an unprecedented drop in average intelligence among the US population.

There has been growing concern among sociologists about declining IQs in the United States and that corrupt presidential election would never have been possible fifty years ago. The New Deal which turned out to be a raw deal and the Great society that resulted in a failed society, caused decent dignified employment to vanish along with company pensions and affordable health insurance. They were replaced with electric shopping carts and handicap parking spaces while US politicians managed second and third homes and traveled the globe on Chinese lobby largesse.

If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

But the situation is much worse than just stupid citizens walking around with college degrees. American academia saw a chance to brainwash many minds that were never college material to begin with. There has even been an attempt to repackage the Jewish Holocaust with a best-selling book by American Academic Robin D’Angelo titled “White Fragility”. The Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air incited by campus Caucasian hate speech on the heels of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory that are contemporary scapegoating shadow representations of Nazi ideology.

American education does nothing to make more intelligent citizens. It has evolved to overthrow the US Constitution and submit to a new world order by propagating a decline in cognitive awareness among US citizens. This has happed before in fascist countries. Young students are forced to apologize for their existence and then bow to a central government.
As Americans watch what is tantamount to a long dead Egyptian mummy with a microphone strapped to it, Joe Biden’s vacuous gaze is a ubiquitous sight on Cable TV. Reporters that are emissaries of permanent Washington genuflect and pay homage to a naked emperor in single-file sycophancy reminiscent of groveling beta dogs waiting for scraps. It is a bizarre sight to behold in the wake of a national ballot stuffing election that ushered in an unprecedented drop in average intelligence among the US population.

There has been growing concern among sociologists about declining IQs in the United States and that corrupt presidential election would never have been possible fifty years ago. The New Deal which turned out to be a raw deal and the Great society that resulted in a failed society, caused decent dignified employment to vanish along with company pensions and affordable health insurance. They were replaced with electric shopping carts and handicap parking spaces while US politicians managed second and third homes and traveled the globe on Chinese lobby largesse.

If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

But the situation is much worse than just stupid citizens walking around with college degrees. American academia saw a chance to brainwash many minds that were never college material to begin with. There has even been an attempt to repackage the Jewish Holocaust with a best-selling book by American Academic Robin D’Angelo titled “White Fragility”. The Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air incited by campus Caucasian hate speech on the heels of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory that are contemporary scapegoating shadow representations of Nazi ideology.

American education does nothing to make more intelligent citizens. It has evolved to overthrow the US Constitution and submit to a new world order by propagating a decline in cognitive awareness among US citizens. This has happed before in fascist countries. Young students are forced to apologize for their existence and then bow to a central government.
Great post. It would be a lot easier on me if I didn't actually believe all of it. Hopefully shedding a little light on the subject as you just did will help us to overcome what's happening before it's too late. And it most certainly is a matter of time as in 'the sooner the better'.
As Americans watch what is tantamount to a long dead Egyptian mummy with a microphone strapped to it, Joe Biden’s vacuous gaze is a ubiquitous sight on Cable TV. Reporters that are emissaries of permanent Washington genuflect and pay homage to a naked emperor in single-file sycophancy reminiscent of groveling beta dogs waiting for scraps. It is a bizarre sight to behold in the wake of a national ballot stuffing election that ushered in an unprecedented drop in average intelligence among the US population.

There has been growing concern among sociologists about declining IQs in the United States and that corrupt presidential election would never have been possible fifty years ago. The New Deal which turned out to be a raw deal and the Great society that resulted in a failed society, caused decent dignified employment to vanish along with company pensions and affordable health insurance. They were replaced with electric shopping carts and handicap parking spaces while US politicians managed second and third homes and traveled the globe on Chinese lobby largesse.

If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

But the situation is much worse than just stupid citizens walking around with college degrees. American academia saw a chance to brainwash many minds that were never college material to begin with. There has even been an attempt to repackage the Jewish Holocaust with a best-selling book by American Academic Robin D’Angelo titled “White Fragility”. The Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air incited by campus Caucasian hate speech on the heels of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory that are contemporary scapegoating shadow representations of Nazi ideology.

American education does nothing to make more intelligent citizens. It has evolved to overthrow the US Constitution and submit to a new world order by propagating a decline in cognitive awareness among US citizens. This has happed before in fascist countries. Young students are forced to apologize for their existence and then bow to a central government.
Great post. It would be a lot easier on me if I didn't actually believe all of it. Hopefully shedding a little light on the subject as you just did will help us to overcome what's happening before it's too late. And it most certainly is a matter of time as in 'the sooner the better'.

It's likely the education system will have to be wrested from the Left by force. They will not easily give up their greatest asset.
Now you know why they are pushing the narrative of a global "resurgence" of covid19, even after vaccinations

Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'
Biden White House Plans 'Vaccine Passports'

The White House is working on a COVID-19 vaccine passport initiative that could be required for travel, sporting events and even eating out, reports The Washington Post.

Leave while you can. May already be too late.
They are going to finish the wall.....but it won't be to keep people out

In a few years, you will be prosecuted (maybe executed) for your past public comments. It's coming.
Meanwhile, the imbeciles continue to mock you (and me)
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If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

Only pedantic and low life people actually believe this shit from ancient dinosaurs that waste air breathing.
America is celebrating the return of responsible leadership

So is the rest of the world

Gullible Americans are celebrating a stimulus check..a payoff of sort for gross incompetence.

The world wants the US to come BACK to them. Biden is well on his way to having the US digress. Democratic lemmings will never get it.
America is celebrating the return of responsible leadership

So is the rest of the world
hahah yeah...the rest of the world is certainly celebrating....China has waited four years to be able to come to the United States and tell us we are in no position of strength....

Trump isolated the US from the rest of the world.

His inept leadership was mocked around the world.....as were those dumb enough to vote for him
America is celebrating the return of responsible leadership

So is the rest of the world
hahah yeah...the rest of the world is certainly celebrating....China has waited four years to be able to come to the United States and tell us we are in no position of strength....
We do it all the time them.

When did this twisted idea of "fairness" come into play in American politics? "We do it to them so it's okay if they do it to us."

Is that how you run your life?
America is celebrating the return of responsible leadership

So is the rest of the world
hahah yeah...the rest of the world is certainly celebrating....China has waited four years to be able to come to the United States and tell us we are in no position of strength....
We do it all the time them.
historically yes, but not since January of this year.

The world has been celebrating a lot since the Dems took Washington...

Not just China...Putin is mocking the President and challenging him to public debates....Iran is refuses to deal with Xiden....but were able to get Xiden to lift sanctions

Yep...the world is in full celebration from the Xiden admin...
As Americans watch what is tantamount to a long dead Egyptian mummy with a microphone strapped to it, Joe Biden’s vacuous gaze is a ubiquitous sight on Cable TV. Reporters that are emissaries of permanent Washington genuflect and pay homage to a naked emperor in single-file sycophancy reminiscent of groveling beta dogs waiting for scraps. It is a bizarre sight to behold in the wake of a national ballot stuffing election that ushered in an unprecedented drop in average intelligence among the US population.

There has been growing concern among sociologists about declining IQs in the United States and that corrupt presidential election would never have been possible fifty years ago. The New Deal which turned out to be a raw deal and the Great society that resulted in a failed society, caused decent dignified employment to vanish along with company pensions and affordable health insurance. They were replaced with electric shopping carts and handicap parking spaces while US politicians managed second and third homes and traveled the globe on Chinese lobby largesse.

If you are going to sellout a people you need to dumb them down first which is what a modern college education is for. After the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957 a federal cash bonanza appeared that guaranteed student loans so US colleges immediately dropped academic standards to get as many people in college as possible. With college graduates leaving school today with a 1960’s eighth grade education it is little wonder that a bogus election was so easily pulled off.

But the situation is much worse than just stupid citizens walking around with college degrees. American academia saw a chance to brainwash many minds that were never college material to begin with. There has even been an attempt to repackage the Jewish Holocaust with a best-selling book by American Academic Robin D’Angelo titled “White Fragility”. The Black Lives Matter Movement materialized out of thin air incited by campus Caucasian hate speech on the heels of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory that are contemporary scapegoating shadow representations of Nazi ideology.

American education does nothing to make more intelligent citizens. It has evolved to overthrow the US Constitution and submit to a new world order by propagating a decline in cognitive awareness among US citizens. This has happed before in fascist countries. Young students are forced to apologize for their existence and then bow to a central government.
Banjo Boy Biden

America is celebrating the return of responsible leadership

So is the rest of the world
hahah yeah...the rest of the world is certainly celebrating....China has waited four years to be able to come to the United States and tell us we are in no position of strength....

Trump isolated the US from the rest of the world.

His inept leadership was mocked around the world.....as were those dumb enough to vote for him
Not sure where you were...but we were anything but isolated....he might of helped end the needless lose of lives from Obama/Biden endless wars....but were were certainly present in the world....he got the US better trade deals, confronted our allies that were taking advantage of us, got allies to spend more of their OWN money for their defense....not sure where you get this isolation idea...we hadn't been this more present, since well...the fall of the Soviet Bloc

Remind me again, when a foreign power like China came to the US during the Trump admin and told us we weren't in a position of strength? Didn't happen

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