A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming
All thanks to the Democrats in their crazed state.

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming | The American Spectator
2 Oct 19 ~ By Brandon J. Weichert
First, it is likely that President Donald Trump violated some cockamamie administrative rule when he recently spoke with the new Ukrainian president about the potential corrupt dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine. Fine. Can’t Trump just pay a fine or something? Yes, he should’ve been more careful (and he needs to tell Rudy Giuliani to calm down, as the former mayor risks perjuring himself before not one, but three Congressional committees). What Trump did was the equivalent of going 15 mph over the speed limit in rural Georgia: it happens. Rarely does anyone notice. Ignorance is still not a viable legal defense. But, usually, the state is lenient, given that the violation is minor. More importantly, though, can we not acknowledge, that — charges of “whataboutism” notwithstanding — what Trump did was nowhere near as bad as what his predecessor, the sainted Barack Obama, blatantly did to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign?
Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are the ones who should truly be investigated — and face hard jail time for their illegal acts. Further, part of any such investigation must include the detailed disclosure of all documents related to the involvement of the aforementioned Five Eyes. Not only would this destroy the ongoing transnational coup against all right-leaning populists, such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and even Benjamin Netanyahu, but it would also further cleanse the intelligence community of the odious corruption that has long pervaded it. Civil war is not coming. But, thankfully, a deep cleansing of our “Deep State” is underway. If it doesn’t happen, Trump will be wrongly removed from office, and our republic will be dead.

AG Barr is setting the table for a broad Conspiracy to Commit Sedition case against several top "elected leaders." Will the conspiracy of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Powers, McCabe, Strzok, Page or Rice come to any consequence for each of them?
So far investigations have exposed that the Obama and his key appointees were deeply involved in a failed coup d' etat against the duly elected 45th president of the United States of America. One has to question just how deeply the "Deep State" is embedded within our government. Our Republic is in danger, and not from global warming.
Please note how the double standard is at work here. Democrats and most of the press corps want to impeach Mr. Trump for inviting foreign help to investigate Joe Biden and his son’s role in Ukraine. But at the same time they want everyone to forget that the Clinton campaign in 2016 paid for foreign dirt that the FBI used to justify a secret surveillance warrant against the Trump campaign.
If you buy into the conspiracy theory claims that the left wing media is pushing, you are either so far left that you will claim anything, and keep lying, for your team (like Schiff) because all you care about is power, and getting rid of anyone that would derail the Obama Socialism train wreck that he started our nation on, and had Hillary won, we would be speeding towards Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist cliff of doom right now, or you are so incredible ignorant of the truth that you must be the laughing stock of your circle of friends and family. There is no other choice, as there is so much actual fact out there proving otherwise, that you are either incredible unintelligent, or you will say anything to keep our nation headed towards ruin by becoming a socialist nation. My view is you are not un intelligent.
If they get Donny over his Ukraine phone call, then the entire Congress and much of the federal bureaucracy needs to resign as they have all done much worse.
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
The best way to Drain the swamp is to impeach Trump and remove his cabinet.
That’s the opposite of draining the swamp. Of course I consider the swamp the Deep State and the corrupt ruling class. You probably don’t think the Deep State exists. LOL.
A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming
All thanks to the Democrats in their crazed state.

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming | The American Spectator
2 Oct 19 ~ By Brandon J. Weichert
First, it is likely that President Donald Trump violated some cockamamie administrative rule when he recently spoke with the new Ukrainian president about the potential corrupt dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine. Fine. Can’t Trump just pay a fine or something? Yes, he should’ve been more careful (and he needs to tell Rudy Giuliani to calm down, as the former mayor risks perjuring himself before not one, but three Congressional committees). What Trump did was the equivalent of going 15 mph over the speed limit in rural Georgia: it happens. Rarely does anyone notice. Ignorance is still not a viable legal defense. But, usually, the state is lenient, given that the violation is minor. More importantly, though, can we not acknowledge, that — charges of “whataboutism” notwithstanding — what Trump did was nowhere near as bad as what his predecessor, the sainted Barack Obama, blatantly did to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign?
Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are the ones who should truly be investigated — and face hard jail time for their illegal acts. Further, part of any such investigation must include the detailed disclosure of all documents related to the involvement of the aforementioned Five Eyes. Not only would this destroy the ongoing transnational coup against all right-leaning populists, such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and even Benjamin Netanyahu, but it would also further cleanse the intelligence community of the odious corruption that has long pervaded it. Civil war is not coming. But, thankfully, a deep cleansing of our “Deep State” is underway. If it doesn’t happen, Trump will be wrongly removed from office, and our republic will be dead.

AG Barr is setting the table for a broad Conspiracy to Commit Sedition case against several top "elected leaders." Will the conspiracy of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Powers, McCabe, Strzok, Page or Rice come to any consequence for each of them?
So far investigations have exposed that the Obama and his key appointees were deeply involved in a failed coup d' etat against the duly elected 45th president of the United States of America. One has to question just how deeply the "Deep State" is embedded within our government. Our Republic is in danger, and not from global warming.
Please note how the double standard is at work here. Democrats and most of the press corps want to impeach Mr. Trump for inviting foreign help to investigate Joe Biden and his son’s role in Ukraine. But at the same time they want everyone to forget that the Clinton campaign in 2016 paid for foreign dirt that the FBI used to justify a secret surveillance warrant against the Trump campaign.
If you buy into the conspiracy theory claims that the left wing media is pushing, you are either so far left that you will claim anything, and keep lying, for your team (like Schiff) because all you care about is power, and getting rid of anyone that would derail the Obama Socialism train wreck that he started our nation on, and had Hillary won, we would be speeding towards Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist cliff of doom right now, or you are so incredible ignorant of the truth that you must be the laughing stock of your circle of friends and family. There is no other choice, as there is so much actual fact out there proving otherwise, that you are either incredible unintelligent, or you will say anything to keep our nation headed towards ruin by becoming a socialist nation. My view is you are not un intelligent.
A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming
All thanks to the Democrats in their crazed state.

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming | The American Spectator
2 Oct 19 ~ By Brandon J. Weichert
First, it is likely that President Donald Trump violated some cockamamie administrative rule when he recently spoke with the new Ukrainian president about the potential corrupt dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine. Fine. Can’t Trump just pay a fine or something? Yes, he should’ve been more careful (and he needs to tell Rudy Giuliani to calm down, as the former mayor risks perjuring himself before not one, but three Congressional committees). What Trump did was the equivalent of going 15 mph over the speed limit in rural Georgia: it happens. Rarely does anyone notice. Ignorance is still not a viable legal defense. But, usually, the state is lenient, given that the violation is minor. More importantly, though, can we not acknowledge, that — charges of “whataboutism” notwithstanding — what Trump did was nowhere near as bad as what his predecessor, the sainted Barack Obama, blatantly did to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign?
Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are the ones who should truly be investigated — and face hard jail time for their illegal acts. Further, part of any such investigation must include the detailed disclosure of all documents related to the involvement of the aforementioned Five Eyes. Not only would this destroy the ongoing transnational coup against all right-leaning populists, such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and even Benjamin Netanyahu, but it would also further cleanse the intelligence community of the odious corruption that has long pervaded it. Civil war is not coming. But, thankfully, a deep cleansing of our “Deep State” is underway. If it doesn’t happen, Trump will be wrongly removed from office, and our republic will be dead.

AG Barr is setting the table for a broad Conspiracy to Commit Sedition case against several top "elected leaders." Will the conspiracy of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Powers, McCabe, Strzok, Page or Rice come to any consequence for each of them?
So far investigations have exposed that the Obama and his key appointees were deeply involved in a failed coup d' etat against the duly elected 45th president of the United States of America. One has to question just how deeply the "Deep State" is embedded within our government. Our Republic is in danger, and not from global warming.
Please note how the double standard is at work here. Democrats and most of the press corps want to impeach Mr. Trump for inviting foreign help to investigate Joe Biden and his son’s role in Ukraine. But at the same time they want everyone to forget that the Clinton campaign in 2016 paid for foreign dirt that the FBI used to justify a secret surveillance warrant against the Trump campaign.
If you buy into the conspiracy theory claims that the left wing media is pushing, you are either so far left that you will claim anything, and keep lying, for your team (like Schiff) because all you care about is power, and getting rid of anyone that would derail the Obama Socialism train wreck that he started our nation on, and had Hillary won, we would be speeding towards Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist cliff of doom right now, or you are so incredible ignorant of the truth that you must be the laughing stock of your circle of friends and family. There is no other choice, as there is so much actual fact out there proving otherwise, that you are either incredible unintelligent, or you will say anything to keep our nation headed towards ruin by becoming a socialist nation. My view is you are not un intelligent.
As president, Trump has rights BEYOND anything he said-this is just a political stunt by Democrats.
Yep. I can feel it this time. Get ready. Get really really ready already.

They're all going down this time, no doubt about it.

The evidence is clearly piling up all over the place, to the north and south of reality, west and over to the east.....it's everywheres'.
Yep. I can feel it this time. Get ready. Get really really ready already.

They're all going down this time, no doubt about it.

The evidence is clearly piling up all over the place, to the north and south of reality, west and over to the east.....it's everywheres'.
What, CNN is finally going to tell the truth about something?
A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming
All thanks to the Democrats in their crazed state.

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming | The American Spectator
2 Oct 19 ~ By Brandon J. Weichert
First, it is likely that President Donald Trump violated some cockamamie administrative rule when he recently spoke with the new Ukrainian president about the potential corrupt dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine. Fine. Can’t Trump just pay a fine or something? Yes, he should’ve been more careful (and he needs to tell Rudy Giuliani to calm down, as the former mayor risks perjuring himself before not one, but three Congressional committees). What Trump did was the equivalent of going 15 mph over the speed limit in rural Georgia: it happens. Rarely does anyone notice. Ignorance is still not a viable legal defense. But, usually, the state is lenient, given that the violation is minor. More importantly, though, can we not acknowledge, that — charges of “whataboutism” notwithstanding — what Trump did was nowhere near as bad as what his predecessor, the sainted Barack Obama, blatantly did to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign?
Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are the ones who should truly be investigated — and face hard jail time for their illegal acts. Further, part of any such investigation must include the detailed disclosure of all documents related to the involvement of the aforementioned Five Eyes. Not only would this destroy the ongoing transnational coup against all right-leaning populists, such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and even Benjamin Netanyahu, but it would also further cleanse the intelligence community of the odious corruption that has long pervaded it. Civil war is not coming. But, thankfully, a deep cleansing of our “Deep State” is underway. If it doesn’t happen, Trump will be wrongly removed from office, and our republic will be dead.

AG Barr is setting the table for a broad Conspiracy to Commit Sedition case against several top "elected leaders." Will the conspiracy of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Powers, McCabe, Strzok, Page or Rice come to any consequence for each of them?
So far investigations have exposed that the Obama and his key appointees were deeply involved in a failed coup d' etat against the duly elected 45th president of the United States of America. One has to question just how deeply the "Deep State" is embedded within our government. Our Republic is in danger, and not from global warming.
Please note how the double standard is at work here. Democrats and most of the press corps want to impeach Mr. Trump for inviting foreign help to investigate Joe Biden and his son’s role in Ukraine. But at the same time they want everyone to forget that the Clinton campaign in 2016 paid for foreign dirt that the FBI used to justify a secret surveillance warrant against the Trump campaign.
If you buy into the conspiracy theory claims that the left wing media is pushing, you are either so far left that you will claim anything, and keep lying, for your team (like Schiff) because all you care about is power, and getting rid of anyone that would derail the Obama Socialism train wreck that he started our nation on, and had Hillary won, we would be speeding towards Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist cliff of doom right now, or you are so incredible ignorant of the truth that you must be the laughing stock of your circle of friends and family. There is no other choice, as there is so much actual fact out there proving otherwise, that you are either incredible unintelligent, or you will say anything to keep our nation headed towards ruin by becoming a socialist nation. My view is you are not un intelligent.
Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president
Has there ever been a more corrupt POTUS than Donald Trump?

2 Giuliani Associates Arrested for Campaign Finance Violations
The best way to Drain the swamp is to impeach Trump and remove his cabinet.
You ARE an IDIOT. Congratulations!

In no particular order:

Mick Mulvaney just said the swampiest thing ever

"If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you." - Mick Mulvaney

President Trump Urged Rex Tillerson to Help Drop DOJ Charges for Giuliani Client

HUD spent $31,000 in 2017 on new dining room set for Carson's office

The 7 trips Steven Mnuchin took on government planes for $811,800

Trump's top health official traded tobacco stock while leading anti-smoking efforts

Rex Tillerson Gets Fired the Day After He Criticized Russia

Paul Manafort charged with conspiracy against the U.S.

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to making false statements to Congress

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act

Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

Trump agriculture nominee Sam Clovis confirms he has no hard-science credentials, withdraws over ties to Russia probe

Before Trump the criticism of whatever passed for "deep state" was they protected multi-nationals, and the US had become essentially an oligarchy in which both parties, and the govt careerists, worked to preserve the oligarchy's econ interests. I wasn't totally buying in, but it was pretty clear that aside from Clinton-Obama pressing for education aid and money to support workers, who used to have unions, healthcare …. there wasn't much.

But until the great recession, workers' lives were still improving … on the whole. That's changed and our kids now face having declining econ prospects.

Whatever deep state Trump is bloating about … it has nothing to do with that. Rather, his admin is a mixture of grievances of people who are rich, envy, ego, personal vendettas and economic incompetence.
A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming
All thanks to the Democrats in their crazed state.

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming | The American Spectator
2 Oct 19 ~ By Brandon J. Weichert
First, it is likely that President Donald Trump violated some cockamamie administrative rule when he recently spoke with the new Ukrainian president about the potential corrupt dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine. Fine. Can’t Trump just pay a fine or something? Yes, he should’ve been more careful (and he needs to tell Rudy Giuliani to calm down, as the former mayor risks perjuring himself before not one, but three Congressional committees). What Trump did was the equivalent of going 15 mph over the speed limit in rural Georgia: it happens. Rarely does anyone notice. Ignorance is still not a viable legal defense. But, usually, the state is lenient, given that the violation is minor. More importantly, though, can we not acknowledge, that — charges of “whataboutism” notwithstanding — what Trump did was nowhere near as bad as what his predecessor, the sainted Barack Obama, blatantly did to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign?
Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are the ones who should truly be investigated — and face hard jail time for their illegal acts. Further, part of any such investigation must include the detailed disclosure of all documents related to the involvement of the aforementioned Five Eyes. Not only would this destroy the ongoing transnational coup against all right-leaning populists, such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and even Benjamin Netanyahu, but it would also further cleanse the intelligence community of the odious corruption that has long pervaded it. Civil war is not coming. But, thankfully, a deep cleansing of our “Deep State” is underway. If it doesn’t happen, Trump will be wrongly removed from office, and our republic will be dead.

AG Barr is setting the table for a broad Conspiracy to Commit Sedition case against several top "elected leaders." Will the conspiracy of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Powers, McCabe, Strzok, Page or Rice come to any consequence for each of them?
So far investigations have exposed that the Obama and his key appointees were deeply involved in a failed coup d' etat against the duly elected 45th president of the United States of America. One has to question just how deeply the "Deep State" is embedded within our government. Our Republic is in danger, and not from global warming.
Please note how the double standard is at work here. Democrats and most of the press corps want to impeach Mr. Trump for inviting foreign help to investigate Joe Biden and his son’s role in Ukraine. But at the same time they want everyone to forget that the Clinton campaign in 2016 paid for foreign dirt that the FBI used to justify a secret surveillance warrant against the Trump campaign.
If you buy into the conspiracy theory claims that the left wing media is pushing, you are either so far left that you will claim anything, and keep lying, for your team (like Schiff) because all you care about is power, and getting rid of anyone that would derail the Obama Socialism train wreck that he started our nation on, and had Hillary won, we would be speeding towards Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist cliff of doom right now, or you are so incredible ignorant of the truth that you must be the laughing stock of your circle of friends and family. There is no other choice, as there is so much actual fact out there proving otherwise, that you are either incredible unintelligent, or you will say anything to keep our nation headed towards ruin by becoming a socialist nation. My view is you are not un intelligent.

No it's not, Trumptard

"Washington bureaucrats" no longer sounds ominous enough. The pseudocon propagandists have turned the fearmongering up to 11.

Now it's "D33p STAIT!!ZOMG!"

Don your tin foil hats, kids. We're taking you for a ride.
Before Trump the criticism of whatever passed for "deep state" was they protected multi-nationals, and the US had become essentially an oligarchy in which both parties, and the govt careerists, worked to preserve the oligarchy's econ interests. I wasn't totally buying in, but it was pretty clear that aside from Clinton-Obama pressing for education aid and money to support workers, who used to have unions, healthcare …. there wasn't much.

But until the great recession, workers' lives were still improving … on the whole. That's changed and our kids now face having declining econ prospects.

Whatever deep state Trump is bloating about … it has nothing to do with that. Rather, his admin is a mixture of grievances of people who are rich, envy, ego, personal vendettas and economic incompetence.

Way back when I studies Political Science that was just the nature of the Federal Bureaucracy.

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