A Conspiracy Theory on Pot.

This is a culmination of my thoughts based on observations following this subject here in Florida and nation wide. I have labeled it a C.T. because I have no proof and if it is true, it certainly is a conspiracy. I welcome additions to this theory and/or criticisms. (Unless the "criticism" is nothing more than: "You are a conservative fuckwad!")

Here in Florida, the voters voted overwhelmingly to make medicinal pot legal, yet, our state government refuses to move on it. that has been one of the main areas of discussion for local and state politics. I used to think the reason was because they really thought the voters were wrong on this. Many people I've discussed this with believe that pot is bad for you and that it's a gateway drug. that is where the discussion mostly centers.

I now believe that the reason Florida and maybe other states are not acting is a bit more insidious.

Ever wonder why Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma are not getting into the market for pot both medicinal and recreational? It's already a multi-billion dollar industry with all indications of growing by incredible numbers in the future. Pot could certainly save Big Tobacco. the reason, I believe is that it's still a federal crime and that transportation across state lines is a federal crime. They are waiting, they don't have a choice. meanwhile, mom and pop pot businesses are growing, especially in the states where it is completely legal.

So what's happening here in Florida? Well the politicians, both democrat and republican are dragging their feet at the behest of their benefactors, both Big Pharma and Big Tobacco. Delay delay delay, pinch, squeeze, and then heavily regulate when you end up where you can no longer delay. They do not want to seem mom and pop stores getting rich like in Colorado and Washington before they have had a chance to see if they can stifle and control pot here.

I do not know where else in America this kind of thing is happening and that's part of the reason I'm sharing my theory here.

Discuss, support, criticize, or shoot down....GO

I actually agree with you on this one. Pot's not a gateway drug. If it was, Seth Rogen would be 100 pounds and constantly bleeding from his nose.
so should you, but you are already so dead you wouldnt feel a thing.....
Spoken like a true doper.
coming from a true alcoholic thats pretty funny....
Can you prove that? Medical records will do.

Druggies always support addicts and addictions. They justify it. Which is what you do. I don't support anything and justify nothing. Line up the alkies with the potheads. A bullet right between the eyes then reload.
can you prove im a true doper?....medical records will do.....and ill even go one further,show me were i have ever supported an addict or any addiction in these threads.....i support the decriminalization of pot,and that is just for the responsible users.....because unlike you i know the difference between someone who is a casual smoker and one who is an abuser of it.....and remember many people who are casual smokers have guns and know how to use them,unlike you who is just a big talker,you will get shot out of your walker before you even have a chance to aim....
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners
you will have to explain this one
People who drink justify getting drunk.
in a few of these threads you were claiming people who have a drink dont do it to get drunk,now you have a different view?....many people who drink to it to put a buzz on,not to get drunk....someday you will learn the difference between being drunk and not being drunk.....
People who are addicts justify using drugs.
sure addicts do....and what drugs are you talking about?....
There is no such thing as casual use.
prove that there are no casual smokers or drinkers....first get your dictionary out and look up the word "casual"....
There is no such thing as a responsible drug user
depends on what drug you are talking about
any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk.
yea no shit....when you are drunk you may not be too responsible for your actions....
even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
you wouldnt know,because you claim ignorance in this.....
This is a culmination of my thoughts based on observations following this subject here in Florida and nation wide. I have labeled it a C.T. because I have no proof and if it is true, it certainly is a conspiracy. I welcome additions to this theory and/or criticisms. (Unless the "criticism" is nothing more than: "You are a conservative fuckwad!")

Here in Florida, the voters voted overwhelmingly to make medicinal pot legal, yet, our state government refuses to move on it. that has been one of the main areas of discussion for local and state politics. I used to think the reason was because they really thought the voters were wrong on this. Many people I've discussed this with believe that pot is bad for you and that it's a gateway drug. that is where the discussion mostly centers.

I now believe that the reason Florida and maybe other states are not acting is a bit more insidious.

Ever wonder why Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma are not getting into the market for pot both medicinal and recreational? It's already a multi-billion dollar industry with all indications of growing by incredible numbers in the future. Pot could certainly save Big Tobacco. the reason, I believe is that it's still a federal crime and that transportation across state lines is a federal crime. They are waiting, they don't have a choice. meanwhile, mom and pop pot businesses are growing, especially in the states where it is completely legal.

So what's happening here in Florida? Well the politicians, both democrat and republican are dragging their feet at the behest of their benefactors, both Big Pharma and Big Tobacco. Delay delay delay, pinch, squeeze, and then heavily regulate when you end up where you can no longer delay. They do not want to seem mom and pop stores getting rich like in Colorado and Washington before they have had a chance to see if they can stifle and control pot here.

I do not know where else in America this kind of thing is happening and that's part of the reason I'm sharing my theory here.

Discuss, support, criticize, or shoot down....GO

If you get the ring around big pharma, then what you say about big tobacco isn't a c.t. they work the same way.

Big , big money, huge corporations, which control and dictate what is or isn't.

Big pharma paid off ANTI POT ads to lessen he chance of Arizona ppl voting yes on legalizing it.

Like we keep telling you all it's all in plain view..................................

Pharmaceutical companies that make billions off painkillers and police unions are two big heavy hitters in the fight against marijuana legalization. They throw their monetary support behind groups that fight legislation that would legalize pot — even medical marijuana — and lobby Congress."

Legalizing marijuana could, however, hurt the bottom line of drug companies that make money off drugs like Oxycontin and Vicodin. Medical marijuana could be a less-addictive alternative to treating lower-level pain that might otherwise be treated with prescription painkillers.

America's Drug Companies Are Bankrolling The Crusade Against Legal Weed

Montini: Colorado officials politely ask Arizona's anti-marijuana group to stop lying

According to the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, a group of elected officials from Colorado has sent a letter to the leaders of the anti-Proposition 205 group disputing the information (or misinformation) touted in the anti-marijuana campaign of Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy.

Montini: Colorado officials politely ask Arizona's anti-marijuana group to stop lying

Except that Pot has the potential to be a bigger money maker than those drugs ever were.

Just look at Colorado, Washinton, and Oregon at the revenue. It's pretty apparent marijuana will be a bigger money maker, especially in taxes.

How many people's lives have been ruined? Is that cost worth it?
This is a culmination of my thoughts based on observations following this subject here in Florida and nation wide. I have labeled it a C.T. because I have no proof and if it is true, it certainly is a conspiracy. I welcome additions to this theory and/or criticisms. (Unless the "criticism" is nothing more than: "You are a conservative fuckwad!")

Here in Florida, the voters voted overwhelmingly to make medicinal pot legal, yet, our state government refuses to move on it. that has been one of the main areas of discussion for local and state politics. I used to think the reason was because they really thought the voters were wrong on this. Many people I've discussed this with believe that pot is bad for you and that it's a gateway drug. that is where the discussion mostly centers.

I now believe that the reason Florida and maybe other states are not acting is a bit more insidious.

Ever wonder why Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma are not getting into the market for pot both medicinal and recreational? It's already a multi-billion dollar industry with all indications of growing by incredible numbers in the future. Pot could certainly save Big Tobacco. the reason, I believe is that it's still a federal crime and that transportation across state lines is a federal crime. They are waiting, they don't have a choice. meanwhile, mom and pop pot businesses are growing, especially in the states where it is completely legal.

So what's happening here in Florida? Well the politicians, both democrat and republican are dragging their feet at the behest of their benefactors, both Big Pharma and Big Tobacco. Delay delay delay, pinch, squeeze, and then heavily regulate when you end up where you can no longer delay. They do not want to seem mom and pop stores getting rich like in Colorado and Washington before they have had a chance to see if they can stifle and control pot here.

I do not know where else in America this kind of thing is happening and that's part of the reason I'm sharing my theory here.

Discuss, support, criticize, or shoot down....GO

If you get the ring around big pharma, then what you say about big tobacco isn't a c.t. they work the same way.

Big , big money, huge corporations, which control and dictate what is or isn't.

Big pharma paid off ANTI POT ads to lessen he chance of Arizona ppl voting yes on legalizing it.

Like we keep telling you all it's all in plain view..................................

Pharmaceutical companies that make billions off painkillers and police unions are two big heavy hitters in the fight against marijuana legalization. They throw their monetary support behind groups that fight legislation that would legalize pot — even medical marijuana — and lobby Congress."

Legalizing marijuana could, however, hurt the bottom line of drug companies that make money off drugs like Oxycontin and Vicodin. Medical marijuana could be a less-addictive alternative to treating lower-level pain that might otherwise be treated with prescription painkillers.

America's Drug Companies Are Bankrolling The Crusade Against Legal Weed

Montini: Colorado officials politely ask Arizona's anti-marijuana group to stop lying

According to the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, a group of elected officials from Colorado has sent a letter to the leaders of the anti-Proposition 205 group disputing the information (or misinformation) touted in the anti-marijuana campaign of Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy.

Montini: Colorado officials politely ask Arizona's anti-marijuana group to stop lying

Except that Pot has the potential to be a bigger money maker than those drugs ever were.

Just look at Colorado, Washinton, and Oregon at the revenue. It's pretty apparent marijuana will be a bigger money maker, especially in taxes.

It’s already a billion dollar a year Industry.

That's hype. My school district in Florida had a budget of $6 billion a year.

A billion is pocket change!
Spoken like a true doper.
coming from a true alcoholic thats pretty funny....
Can you prove that? Medical records will do.

Druggies always support addicts and addictions. They justify it. Which is what you do. I don't support anything and justify nothing. Line up the alkies with the potheads. A bullet right between the eyes then reload.
can you prove im a true doper?....medical records will do.....and ill even go one further,show me were i have ever supported an addict or any addiction in these threads.....i support the decriminalization of pot,and that is just for the responsible users.....because unlike you i know the difference between someone who is a casual smoker and one who is an abuser of it.....and remember many people who are casual smokers have guns and know how to use them,unlike you who is just a big talker,you will get shot out of your walker before you even have a chance to aim....
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners
you will have to explain this one
People who drink justify getting drunk.
in a few of these threads you were claiming people who have a drink dont do it to get drunk,now you have a different view?....many people who drink to it to put a buzz on,not to get drunk....someday you will learn the difference between being drunk and not being drunk.....
People who are addicts justify using drugs.
sure addicts do....and what drugs are you talking about?....
There is no such thing as casual use.
prove that there are no casual smokers or drinkers....first get your dictionary out and look up the word "casual"....
There is no such thing as a responsible drug user
depends on what drug you are talking about
any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk.
yea no shit....when you are drunk you may not be too responsible for your actions....
even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
you wouldnt know,because you claim ignorance in this.....

90 Percent of Addictions Start in High School

Substance abuse is nation's No. 1 health problem, but there is hope

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

Saying there's no problem IS the problem.
so should you, but you are already so dead you wouldnt feel a thing.....
Spoken like a true doper.
coming from a true alcoholic thats pretty funny....
Can you prove that? Medical records will do.

Druggies always support addicts and addictions. They justify it. Which is what you do. I don't support anything and justify nothing. Line up the alkies with the potheads. A bullet right between the eyes then reload.
can you prove im a true doper?....medical records will do.....and ill even go one further,show me were i have ever supported an addict or any addiction in these threads.....i support the decriminalization of pot,and that is just for the responsible users.....because unlike you i know the difference between someone who is a casual smoker and one who is an abuser of it.....and remember many people who are casual smokers have guns and know how to use them,unlike you who is just a big talker,you will get shot out of your walker before you even have a chance to aim....
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.

Guess people better not take those prescribed meds any more . I mean after all prescribed meds never created any drug junkies oh wait it's more acceptable and denied to be a drug addicted when a doctor gives the drugs. Ok now we see it how it works lol.
coming from a true alcoholic thats pretty funny....
Can you prove that? Medical records will do.

Druggies always support addicts and addictions. They justify it. Which is what you do. I don't support anything and justify nothing. Line up the alkies with the potheads. A bullet right between the eyes then reload.
can you prove im a true doper?....medical records will do.....and ill even go one further,show me were i have ever supported an addict or any addiction in these threads.....i support the decriminalization of pot,and that is just for the responsible users.....because unlike you i know the difference between someone who is a casual smoker and one who is an abuser of it.....and remember many people who are casual smokers have guns and know how to use them,unlike you who is just a big talker,you will get shot out of your walker before you even have a chance to aim....
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners
you will have to explain this one
People who drink justify getting drunk.
in a few of these threads you were claiming people who have a drink dont do it to get drunk,now you have a different view?....many people who drink to it to put a buzz on,not to get drunk....someday you will learn the difference between being drunk and not being drunk.....
People who are addicts justify using drugs.
sure addicts do....and what drugs are you talking about?....
There is no such thing as casual use.
prove that there are no casual smokers or drinkers....first get your dictionary out and look up the word "casual"....
There is no such thing as a responsible drug user
depends on what drug you are talking about
any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk.
yea no shit....when you are drunk you may not be too responsible for your actions....
even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
you wouldnt know,because you claim ignorance in this.....

90 Percent of Addictions Start in High School

Substance abuse is nation's No. 1 health problem, but there is hope

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

Saying there's no problem IS the problem.

This is a culmination of my thoughts based on observations following this subject here in Florida and nation wide. I have labeled it a C.T. because I have no proof and if it is true, it certainly is a conspiracy. I welcome additions to this theory and/or criticisms. (Unless the "criticism" is nothing more than: "You are a conservative fuckwad!")

Here in Florida, the voters voted overwhelmingly to make medicinal pot legal, yet, our state government refuses to move on it. that has been one of the main areas of discussion for local and state politics. I used to think the reason was because they really thought the voters were wrong on this. Many people I've discussed this with believe that pot is bad for you and that it's a gateway drug. that is where the discussion mostly centers.

I now believe that the reason Florida and maybe other states are not acting is a bit more insidious.

Ever wonder why Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma are not getting into the market for pot both medicinal and recreational? It's already a multi-billion dollar industry with all indications of growing by incredible numbers in the future. Pot could certainly save Big Tobacco. the reason, I believe is that it's still a federal crime and that transportation across state lines is a federal crime. They are waiting, they don't have a choice. meanwhile, mom and pop pot businesses are growing, especially in the states where it is completely legal.

So what's happening here in Florida? Well the politicians, both democrat and republican are dragging their feet at the behest of their benefactors, both Big Pharma and Big Tobacco. Delay delay delay, pinch, squeeze, and then heavily regulate when you end up where you can no longer delay. They do not want to seem mom and pop stores getting rich like in Colorado and Washington before they have had a chance to see if they can stifle and control pot here.

I do not know where else in America this kind of thing is happening and that's part of the reason I'm sharing my theory here.

Discuss, support, criticize, or shoot down....GO

I actually agree with you on this one. Pot's not a gateway drug. If it was, Seth Rogen would be 100 pounds and constantly bleeding from his nose.

And Snoop Dog would be dead by now.
Spoken like a true doper.
coming from a true alcoholic thats pretty funny....
Can you prove that? Medical records will do.

Druggies always support addicts and addictions. They justify it. Which is what you do. I don't support anything and justify nothing. Line up the alkies with the potheads. A bullet right between the eyes then reload.
can you prove im a true doper?....medical records will do.....and ill even go one further,show me were i have ever supported an addict or any addiction in these threads.....i support the decriminalization of pot,and that is just for the responsible users.....because unlike you i know the difference between someone who is a casual smoker and one who is an abuser of it.....and remember many people who are casual smokers have guns and know how to use them,unlike you who is just a big talker,you will get shot out of your walker before you even have a chance to aim....
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.

Guess people better not take those prescribed meds any more . I mean after all prescribed meds never created any drug junkies oh wait it's more acceptable and denied to be a drug addicted when a doctor gives the drugs. Ok now we see it how it works lol.
Here are the alternatives. No pain prescriptions at all. Tell people to cowboy up and shake it off.

Second alternative. When the prescription runs out, stop taking pain pills.

You're right. Guess those pill poppers better get used to no more pills.
If dem-controlled states can generate more tax revenue they'll do it. Never mind that they've increased the level of intoxicated drivers and embolden public pot use despite injecting pot into others in public, including children. Never mind that ER visits for children have quadrupled in Colorado since it was made legal there. Gotta make that sloth tax money and accommodate more lying addicts.
Public pot smokers should be executed.
I've been doing it for 37 years, better get a good aim...
coming from a true alcoholic thats pretty funny....
Can you prove that? Medical records will do.

Druggies always support addicts and addictions. They justify it. Which is what you do. I don't support anything and justify nothing. Line up the alkies with the potheads. A bullet right between the eyes then reload.
can you prove im a true doper?....medical records will do.....and ill even go one further,show me were i have ever supported an addict or any addiction in these threads.....i support the decriminalization of pot,and that is just for the responsible users.....because unlike you i know the difference between someone who is a casual smoker and one who is an abuser of it.....and remember many people who are casual smokers have guns and know how to use them,unlike you who is just a big talker,you will get shot out of your walker before you even have a chance to aim....
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners
you will have to explain this one
People who drink justify getting drunk.
in a few of these threads you were claiming people who have a drink dont do it to get drunk,now you have a different view?....many people who drink to it to put a buzz on,not to get drunk....someday you will learn the difference between being drunk and not being drunk.....
People who are addicts justify using drugs.
sure addicts do....and what drugs are you talking about?....
There is no such thing as casual use.
prove that there are no casual smokers or drinkers....first get your dictionary out and look up the word "casual"....
There is no such thing as a responsible drug user
depends on what drug you are talking about
any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk.
yea no shit....when you are drunk you may not be too responsible for your actions....
even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
you wouldnt know,because you claim ignorance in this.....

90 Percent of Addictions Start in High School

Substance abuse is nation's No. 1 health problem, but there is hope

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

Saying there's no problem IS the problem.
you sure know how to follow conversations dont you?....were in all of this have i said there is no addiction problem in this country?....and i notice you skipped over what we were talking about,as you usually do.....could it be because you cant dispute what was said?.......just like you are in every pot thread....
People will manufacture or find illegal sources no matter the legal consequences...Just like they did during alcohol prohibition..Might as well regulate it and have a better control over health issues associated with it, cause there will always be a market..
Can you prove that? Medical records will do.

Druggies always support addicts and addictions. They justify it. Which is what you do. I don't support anything and justify nothing. Line up the alkies with the potheads. A bullet right between the eyes then reload.
can you prove im a true doper?....medical records will do.....and ill even go one further,show me were i have ever supported an addict or any addiction in these threads.....i support the decriminalization of pot,and that is just for the responsible users.....because unlike you i know the difference between someone who is a casual smoker and one who is an abuser of it.....and remember many people who are casual smokers have guns and know how to use them,unlike you who is just a big talker,you will get shot out of your walker before you even have a chance to aim....
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners
you will have to explain this one
People who drink justify getting drunk.
in a few of these threads you were claiming people who have a drink dont do it to get drunk,now you have a different view?....many people who drink to it to put a buzz on,not to get drunk....someday you will learn the difference between being drunk and not being drunk.....
People who are addicts justify using drugs.
sure addicts do....and what drugs are you talking about?....
There is no such thing as casual use.
prove that there are no casual smokers or drinkers....first get your dictionary out and look up the word "casual"....
There is no such thing as a responsible drug user
depends on what drug you are talking about
any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk.
yea no shit....when you are drunk you may not be too responsible for your actions....
even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
you wouldnt know,because you claim ignorance in this.....

90 Percent of Addictions Start in High School

Substance abuse is nation's No. 1 health problem, but there is hope

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

Saying there's no problem IS the problem.
you sure know how to follow conversations dont you?....were in all of this have i said there is no addiction problem in this country?....and i notice you skipped over what we were talking about,as you usually do.....could it be because you cant dispute what was said?.......just like you are in every pot thread....
You lost track of what you were talking about.
This is a culmination of my thoughts based on observations following this subject here in Florida and nation wide. I have labeled it a C.T. because I have no proof and if it is true, it certainly is a conspiracy. I welcome additions to this theory and/or criticisms. (Unless the "criticism" is nothing more than: "You are a conservative fuckwad!")

Here in Florida, the voters voted overwhelmingly to make medicinal pot legal, yet, our state government refuses to move on it. that has been one of the main areas of discussion for local and state politics. I used to think the reason was because they really thought the voters were wrong on this. Many people I've discussed this with believe that pot is bad for you and that it's a gateway drug. that is where the discussion mostly centers.

I now believe that the reason Florida and maybe other states are not acting is a bit more insidious.

Ever wonder why Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma are not getting into the market for pot both medicinal and recreational? It's already a multi-billion dollar industry with all indications of growing by incredible numbers in the future. Pot could certainly save Big Tobacco. the reason, I believe is that it's still a federal crime and that transportation across state lines is a federal crime. They are waiting, they don't have a choice. meanwhile, mom and pop pot businesses are growing, especially in the states where it is completely legal.

So what's happening here in Florida? Well the politicians, both democrat and republican are dragging their feet at the behest of their benefactors, both Big Pharma and Big Tobacco. Delay delay delay, pinch, squeeze, and then heavily regulate when you end up where you can no longer delay. They do not want to seem mom and pop stores getting rich like in Colorado and Washington before they have had a chance to see if they can stifle and control pot here.

I do not know where else in America this kind of thing is happening and that's part of the reason I'm sharing my theory here.

Discuss, support, criticize, or shoot down....GO
Thing about weed is that it's literally a weed, so anyone with half a green thumb can grow it.
can you prove im a true doper?....medical records will do.....and ill even go one further,show me were i have ever supported an addict or any addiction in these threads.....i support the decriminalization of pot,and that is just for the responsible users.....because unlike you i know the difference between someone who is a casual smoker and one who is an abuser of it.....and remember many people who are casual smokers have guns and know how to use them,unlike you who is just a big talker,you will get shot out of your walker before you even have a chance to aim....
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners
you will have to explain this one
People who drink justify getting drunk.
in a few of these threads you were claiming people who have a drink dont do it to get drunk,now you have a different view?....many people who drink to it to put a buzz on,not to get drunk....someday you will learn the difference between being drunk and not being drunk.....
People who are addicts justify using drugs.
sure addicts do....and what drugs are you talking about?....
There is no such thing as casual use.
prove that there are no casual smokers or drinkers....first get your dictionary out and look up the word "casual"....
There is no such thing as a responsible drug user
depends on what drug you are talking about
any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk.
yea no shit....when you are drunk you may not be too responsible for your actions....
even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
you wouldnt know,because you claim ignorance in this.....

90 Percent of Addictions Start in High School

Substance abuse is nation's No. 1 health problem, but there is hope

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

Saying there's no problem IS the problem.
you sure know how to follow conversations dont you?....were in all of this have i said there is no addiction problem in this country?....and i notice you skipped over what we were talking about,as you usually do.....could it be because you cant dispute what was said?.......just like you are in every pot thread....
You lost track of what you were talking about.
no i think you did....because i never said anything about abuse not being a problem.....you brought that up after you could not counter what i said,like you usually do....
Thing about weed is that it's literally a weed, so anyone with half a green thumb can grow it.
Someone in the alley behind me keeps planting pot. I keep pouring bleach on the plants. The potheads are so potted, they keep planting more.
You support drug addiction finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners. How can you justify that? It's like justifying drunk driving because even drunks have to get someplace and anyway, they are just casual drunks. It's not like they get drunk every day. People who drink justify getting drunk. People who are addicts justify using drugs. There is no such thing as casual use. The casual user is still an habitual user. There is no such thing as a responsible drug user any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk. Drug users, even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
finding a right to wreak mayhem on the non stoners
you will have to explain this one
People who drink justify getting drunk.
in a few of these threads you were claiming people who have a drink dont do it to get drunk,now you have a different view?....many people who drink to it to put a buzz on,not to get drunk....someday you will learn the difference between being drunk and not being drunk.....
People who are addicts justify using drugs.
sure addicts do....and what drugs are you talking about?....
There is no such thing as casual use.
prove that there are no casual smokers or drinkers....first get your dictionary out and look up the word "casual"....
There is no such thing as a responsible drug user
depends on what drug you are talking about
any more than there is such as thing as a responsible drunk.
yea no shit....when you are drunk you may not be too responsible for your actions....
even pot smokers, use to get high. There's no other reason for it.
you wouldnt know,because you claim ignorance in this.....

90 Percent of Addictions Start in High School

Substance abuse is nation's No. 1 health problem, but there is hope

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

NIDA - Drug Abuse and Addiction: One of America's Most Challenging Public Health Problems

Saying there's no problem IS the problem.
you sure know how to follow conversations dont you?....were in all of this have i said there is no addiction problem in this country?....and i notice you skipped over what we were talking about,as you usually do.....could it be because you cant dispute what was said?.......just like you are in every pot thread....
You lost track of what you were talking about.
no i think you did....because i never said anything about abuse not being a problem.....you brought that up after you could not counter what i said,like you usually do....

If abuse is the problem then prosecute the abusers. Duterte knows how.
I just read that in 1937, weed laws were based on the belief that it made white women want Black men.


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