80 million on Medicaid

In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’
The democrats won't rest till it is 100% of Americans, except for those in government. No, they will have better.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
>And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?

For one, not closing everything down. Working people frequently either get health care benefits or buy their own.

Trump knew that a strong economy and full employment fixes just about every problem...
- Poverty & hunger
- Crime
- Social Security solvency
- Health care funding
- Military threats
- etc.

Get people off unemployment and back to work.

At least 25 Republican-led states are now rejecting Biden's extended $300/wk unemployment benefits...

What he may not have known is that boom and bust is massive in the US.

Pump the economy, and it will go bust soon
And when it does go boom, the rich will get richer and the poor poorer. Sooner or later we will be Brazil.

Yeah, look at 2008, 7 million people lost their homes. Billionaires got richer.
Yes. Likely the same happens again and like in the Great Recession our government will bailout the wealthy, while doing little to help the people.

Oh, it's inevitable it'll happen again. The high the economy goes, that harder it falls.
Yes. Wall Street is massively overpriced thanks to the Fed’s zero interest rate policy, absurd money printing, and asset purchases. As soon as interest rates go up, the crash begins.

Who knows what will trigger a crash this time. But the last recession was the second worst in US history. One of these days there'll be a recession that comes that is the worst.

It feels like Bitcoin, the need for ups and downs to keep investors interested is the main concern.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’
The democrats won't rest till it is 100% of Americans, except for those in government. No, they will have better.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
>And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?

For one, not closing everything down. Working people frequently either get health care benefits or buy their own.

Trump knew that a strong economy and full employment fixes just about every problem...
- Poverty & hunger
- Crime
- Social Security solvency
- Health care funding
- Military threats
- etc.

Get people off unemployment and back to work.

At least 25 Republican-led states are now rejecting Biden's extended $300/wk unemployment benefits...

What he may not have known is that boom and bust is massive in the US.

Pump the economy, and it will go bust soon
And when it does go boom, the rich will get richer and the poor poorer. Sooner or later we will be Brazil.

Yeah, look at 2008, 7 million people lost their homes. Billionaires got richer.
Yes. Likely the same happens again and like in the Great Recession our government will bailout the wealthy, while doing little to help the people.

Oh, it's inevitable it'll happen again. The high the economy goes, that harder it falls.
Yes. Wall Street is massively overpriced thanks to the Fed’s zero interest rate policy, absurd money printing, and asset purchases. As soon as interest rates go up, the crash begins.

Who knows what will trigger a crash this time. But the last recession was the second worst in US history. One of these days there'll be a recession that comes that is the worst.

It feels like Bitcoin, the need for ups and downs to keep investors interested is the main concern.
Yes there is no way to know what the idiots will do that will crash the economy. We can’t ever know all the information.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

80 million on Medicaid​

And the Mexicrat filth is still begging millions of wetbacks to invade...and you continue to not say shit about it...weird!

Right-wingers only complain about refugees not your useless drug and terror wars that create them.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

80 million on Medicaid​

And the Mexicrat filth is still begging millions of wetbacks to invade...and you continue to not say shit about it...weird!

Right-wingers only complain about refugees not your useless drug and terror wars that create them.
The fertility rate among dark filth creates it....nothing else.
Look at all dark nations...same problems. Animals in the animal kingdom are more intelligent.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

80 million on Medicaid​

And the Mexicrat filth is still begging millions of wetbacks to invade...and you continue to not say shit about it...weird!

Right-wingers only complain about refugees not your useless drug and terror wars that create them.
The fertility rate among dark filth creates it....nothing else.
Look at all dark nations...same problems. Animals in the animal kingdom are more intelligent.
Isn't right-wing fantasy wonderful.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

80 million on Medicaid​

And the Mexicrat filth is still begging millions of wetbacks to invade...and you continue to not say shit about it...weird!

Right-wingers only complain about refugees not your useless drug and terror wars that create them.
The fertility rate among dark filth creates it....nothing else.
Look at all dark nations...same problems. Animals in the animal kingdom are more intelligent.
Isn't right-wing fantasy wonderful.
You serious? You really didn't know that dark people can't stop themselves from breeding? You didn't know they have to rob whitey to pay for their litters of filth...seriously?
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
Yes, let's take a horrible, expensive and wasteful program and give it to every man, woman, and child here in this nation. That makes perfect sense!
Well since wages are what they are, it's very difficult for people to save enough for one bad illness. Some make the big bucks so it's not an issue, but the vast majority make enough to squeak by. Kids are expensive. We expect young married couples to have kids. Hard to raise a family on $20 per hour let alone less than that. Getting ahead in america nowadays is a daunting task. It's a no win situation.
I keep trying to tell you, and you keep ignoring, that $20 per hour is far above the prevailing wage in most areas because the cost of living is not as high as you apparently think it is.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
Yes, let's take a horrible, expensive and wasteful program and give it to every man, woman, and child here in this nation. That makes perfect sense!
Why don't you in the US just adopt a National Health Service as we have in the UK?
The NHS is considered our most valuable asset and sacred to the UK population.
Woe betide any politician who dares to try and mess with it.
Started in 1947 it has been running for 74 years along with the Welfare State that has provided a safety net for millions of Brits who have fallen on hard times.
It's simple, everybody, when they start their working lives, pays a National Insurance 'Stamp'. This averages at around 12% of our gross wage. Although this only covers 20%
of the cost, the other 80% is made up through General Taxation.
I was quite happy paying this 12% Stamp although working for 43 years I never needed a doctor and had no medical history. However, at 59 I was struck with terminal cancer and given 6 months to live. However, my body responded far better to the chemotherapy than my consultants anticipated and after 124 treatments I am still here seven years later thanks to the NHS I am still alive. At a cost of £6000 per treatment that adds up to £744,000, not including consultancy fees that are also covered.
The NI Stamp is simply a form of insurance. Some will pay all their lives and never need the NHS. Others will at some point need medical treatments and receive whatever treatment/s are necessary. One in two of us will develop some form of cancer during our lives. We in the UK don't need to worry about it.
You in the states believe in insurance don't you? So whats the problem?
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

80 million on Medicaid​

And the Mexicrat filth is still begging millions of wetbacks to invade...and you continue to not say shit about it...weird!

Right-wingers only complain about refugees not your useless drug and terror wars that create them.
The fertility rate among dark filth creates it....nothing else.
Look at all dark nations...same problems. Animals in the animal kingdom are more intelligent.
Isn't right-wing fantasy wonderful.
You serious? You really didn't know that dark people can't stop themselves from breeding? You didn't know they have to rob whitey to pay for their litters of filth...seriously?
Black codes never had any Thing to do with Capitalism; only socialism on a national basis.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’
The democrats won't rest till it is 100% of Americans, except for those in government. No, they will have better.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
Republicans will do what they always do, which is pretend to want to do such things as secure the border, and when in power, don't. Or they will pretend to want to repeal and replace Obamacare, but when in power don't. Or they say they want to reduce spending, but when in power don't.

Currently, they are trying to decide on how to get rid of Trump once and for all so they can resume their idiot status quo.

Really the US has only had one party, and that be democrat party.

Orange man bad, besides, January 6th.
Exactly. Except the only party is really the R party. There is no progressive movement within our government. There is no socialism or communism or Marxism. Our government is a neocon operation.
The Republican party started the Progressive movement with Teddy Roosevelt which led to the first human fecal President known as Woodrow Wilson. I had no idea they could stack it that high

Or did you not know that?
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’

Pretty good indication we need universal healthcare like the UK, Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Canada, Austrailia and the Gulf States.
Yes, let's take a horrible, expensive and wasteful program and give it to every man, woman, and child here in this nation. That makes perfect sense!
Why don't you in the US just adopt a National Health Service as we have in the UK?
The NHS is considered our most valuable asset and sacred to the UK population.
Woe betide any politician who dares to try and mess with it.
Started in 1947 it has been running for 74 years along with the Welfare State that has provided a safety net for millions of Brits who have fallen on hard times.
It's simple, everybody, when they start their working lives, pays a National Insurance 'Stamp'. This averages at around 12% of our gross wage. Although this only covers 20%
of the cost, the other 80% is made up through General Taxation.
I was quite happy paying this 12% Stamp although working for 43 years I never needed a doctor and had no medical history. However, at 59 I was struck with terminal cancer and given 6 months to live. However, my body responded far better to the chemotherapy than my consultants anticipated and after 124 treatments I am still here seven years later thanks to the NHS I am still alive. At a cost of £6000 per treatment that adds up to £744,000, not including consultancy fees that are also covered.
The NI Stamp is simply a form of insurance. Some will pay all their lives and never need the NHS. Others will at some point need medical treatments and receive whatever treatment/s are necessary. One in two of us will develop some form of cancer during our lives. We in the UK don't need to worry about it.
You in the states believe in insurance don't you? So whats the problem?
The U.S. cannot afford a U.K. Style NHS for the entire population, we have 5 times the U.K population, massive existing structural deficits and a heck of a lot more geographic and demographic complexity than the U.K does, not to mention that the NHS was established in 1947 and has had all that time to work out the kinks, the U.S. can’t afford to spend that much time debugging such a revolutionary new system, we’ll go broke trying to do it.

Our current system that in many ways is similar to the NHS (MediCARE) is currently in the hole to the tune of $55 TRILLION over 75 years, meaning we are likely to default on the promises we’ve already made to current generations regarding health care when they become elderly.

It’s an interesting thought but just because it works for the U.K is not evidence that it will work for the U.S. since it’s not an apples to apples comparison.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’
That's really quite incredible. Less than 150M working people out of 330M have to pay for their own health care and also these 80M others' health care.

A family of two has to pay for the health care of three.

Unless you have experienced govt he is my I car e, none of you know anything about it.
In the richest nation on earth. That’s a lot of poor suffering Americans.

What a great country!
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’
The democrats won't rest till it is 100% of Americans, except for those in government. No, they will have better.
And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?
>And what are your beloved Rs doing about this?

For one, not closing everything down. Working people frequently either get health care benefits or buy their own.

Trump knew that a strong economy and full employment fixes just about every problem...
- Poverty & hunger
- Crime
- Social Security solvency
- Health care funding
- Military threats
- etc.

Get people off unemployment and back to work.

At least 25 Republican-led states are now rejecting Biden's extended $300/wk unemployment benefits...

Trump doesn’t know shit. Being dumb is why he lost to a corrupt establishment lackey with dementia.
No. Voters being dumb and lazy is why we are now saddled with a corrupt,child sniffing lackey with dementia.

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