70 babies under 1 year of age forced to appear in court without legal representation. WTF?

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Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation.

However, the officials, who were not identified, said some of the infants were only branded "unaccompanied" after they were separated from their parents under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which was rescinded in June.


It seems like the next bit of news we get from what Republicans are doing, it's like the worst thing we've ever heard.

Now you see how ridiculous the GOP's claim they are the party of morals and family values.

Extremely sad is most Republicans agree with what Trump has done. In fact, most Republicans don't see a problem. How can you explain to people who don't see a problem why this is wrong?
Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation.

However, the officials, who were not identified, said some of the infants were only branded "unaccompanied" after they were separated from their parents under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which was rescinded in June.


It seems like the next bit of news we get from what Republicans are doing, it's like the worst thing we've ever heard.

Now you see how ridiculous the GOP's claim they are the party of morals and family values.

Extremely sad is most Republicans agree with what Trump has done. In fact, most Republicans don't see a problem. How can you explain to people who don't see a problem why this is wrong?
the babies were forced to appear?....did they verbally resist?...
Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation.

However, the officials, who were not identified, said some of the infants were only branded "unaccompanied" after they were separated from their parents under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which was rescinded in June.


It seems like the next bit of news we get from what Republicans are doing, it's like the worst thing we've ever heard.

Now you see how ridiculous the GOP's claim they are the party of morals and family values.

Extremely sad is most Republicans agree with what Trump has done. In fact, most Republicans don't see a problem. How can you explain to people who don't see a problem why this is wrong?

Ok Einstein, what's your solution. Just turn them loose? Let the sex traffickers take them? Or is your only purpose to piss and moan?
Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation.

However, the officials, who were not identified, said some of the infants were only branded "unaccompanied" after they were separated from their parents under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which was rescinded in June.


It seems like the next bit of news we get from what Republicans are doing, it's like the worst thing we've ever heard.

Now you see how ridiculous the GOP's claim they are the party of morals and family values.

Extremely sad is most Republicans agree with what Trump has done. In fact, most Republicans don't see a problem. How can you explain to people who don't see a problem why this is wrong?
This is the consequence of Trump's incompetence and bigotry.
Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation.

However, the officials, who were not identified, said some of the infants were only branded "unaccompanied" after they were separated from their parents under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which was rescinded in June.


It seems like the next bit of news we get from what Republicans are doing, it's like the worst thing we've ever heard.

Now you see how ridiculous the GOP's claim they are the party of morals and family values.

Extremely sad is most Republicans agree with what Trump has done. In fact, most Republicans don't see a problem. How can you explain to people who don't see a problem why this is wrong?

Sacre Bleu! No one discussed their cases with them? Even a paralegal? Oh, the humanity!

Pile them into a wheelbarrow and run them back over the border. They'll love the ride.
Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation.

However, the officials, who were not identified, said some of the infants were only branded "unaccompanied" after they were separated from their parents under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which was rescinded in June.


It seems like the next bit of news we get from what Republicans are doing, it's like the worst thing we've ever heard.

Now you see how ridiculous the GOP's claim they are the party of morals and family values.

Extremely sad is most Republicans agree with what Trump has done. In fact, most Republicans don't see a problem. How can you explain to people who don't see a problem why this is wrong?
the babies were forced to appear?....did they verbally resist?...

I heard they all demanded legal representation......and some new onesies.
However, the officials, who were not identified,....

Well that says it all..

See Obama ships children all over the country and the far left was silent.

Many schools experienced health issues after this, the far left said nothing!
So what you are saying is it's OK.

See what I mean about family values and morals? It's always someone else's fault. Say it often enough and people will believe it.
However, the officials, who were not identified,....

Well that says it all..

See Obama ships children all over the country and the far left was silent.

Many schools experienced health issues after this, the far left said nothing!
So what you are saying is it's OK.

See what I mean about family values and morals? It's always someone else's fault. Say it often enough and people will believe it.

Exactly you far left drones were ok with a lot of things that Obama did that were worse than Trump.

Your fake outrage is just that fake.
However, the officials, who were not identified,....

Well that says it all..

See Obama ships children all over the country and the far left was silent.

Many schools experienced health issues after this, the far left said nothing!
So what you are saying is it's OK.

See what I mean about family values and morals? It's always someone else's fault. Say it often enough and people will believe it.

What are you suggesting we do with them?
Drive em across the border and drop em off in the desert?
However, the officials, who were not identified,....

Well that says it all..

See Obama ships children all over the country and the far left was silent.

Many schools experienced health issues after this, the far left said nothing!
So what you are saying is it's OK.

See what I mean about family values and morals? It's always someone else's fault. Say it often enough and people will believe it.

Wasn't we just reading about 71 children that can't be united with their perceived parents because "the government" doesn't know where the parents are. It has been announced and these perceived parents are not available, just running around America free, not wanted to be saddled with their perceived kids.

See what I mean about family values and morals
I see the compassion from the right here for infants is pretty much non existant.

No wonder America ended up with a draft dodging wanna B dictator as 'fake' POTUS
Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation.

However, the officials, who were not identified, said some of the infants were only branded "unaccompanied" after they were separated from their parents under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which was rescinded in June.


It seems like the next bit of news we get from what Republicans are doing, it's like the worst thing we've ever heard.

Now you see how ridiculous the GOP's claim they are the party of morals and family values.

Extremely sad is most Republicans agree with what Trump has done. In fact, most Republicans don't see a problem. How can you explain to people who don't see a problem why this is wrong?
Send them back to Mexico.
It's the equivlent of arraignment in a criminal case or a fact finding appearance. The government isn't required to furnish legal counsel but a defendant can hire one. Here's a thought lefties. Instead of whining about a case you think has legal merit, get yourself a lawyer, travel to the border and do the right thing. Better still, adopt half a dozen of the "unaccompanied infants" and quit bothering the rest of us with bull shit attacks against the heroic ICE people who are protecting our borders.
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