7 States Sue over Contraception Mandate. It's not just the Catholics, OBUMMER!

When you watch unions abuse employees, and close businesses (all those pensions are gone, along with healthcare, way of life, high wages, etc), rather than "compromise" during hard times, why would anyone want to stay in the union? )?

I've never seen a union abuse an employee in my life.

I've seen so much immoral shit done by businesses it makes my head spin.

Screw the businesses. They do business on our terms. Workers, consumers, voters.
Why can't employers only offer policies that don't offer things they don't want to offer? Should the Catholic Church be forced to provide a policy that provides abortions? Don't answer that, as I can already guess that you will say "Hell Yes!"


Hell, yeah.

I wish the Catholic Church would show as much outrage and concern about pedophile priests in their employ as they seem to be about whether their employees are wearing little rubber thingees when they had sex.

They're outraged they got caught.
When you watch unions abuse employees, and close businesses (all those pensions are gone, along with healthcare, way of life, high wages, etc), rather than "compromise" during hard times, why would anyone want to stay in the union? )?

I've never seen a union abuse an employee in my life.

I've seen so much immoral shit done by businesses it makes my head spin.

Screw the businesses. They do business on our terms. Workers, consumers, voters.

.... "I've never seen a union abuse an employee in my life." .... What do you call forcing a business out of business by bullying the union members into striking where people lose their jobs? How many businesses are closing/going bankrupt/selling out to competitors just to get out of union contracts (I'll give you, the business should not have agreed to the terms if they had no intention of full filling them)? How many ex-union employees are now living in "right to work" states because their great union job evaporated when the union bosses decided to lean on the "man" one time to many?

I guess you wouldn't see that, the gov't and the union is your religion, and you BELIEVE.
If you don't like it ,you can get another job.

Or we can just alter the way business is done in this country.

If the churches don't like it, they are free to go out of business. In fact, that would be just dandy by me.

Businesses are not obligated to employ you. Find another job

Nope, they aren't. But when they do, they have to follow the law, just like everyone else does.
Or we can just alter the way business is done in this country.

If the churches don't like it, they are free to go out of business. In fact, that would be just dandy by me.

Businesses are not obligated to employ you. Find another job

Businesses are obligated to obey the law.

Morals clauses are legal:confused:

I don't think the Church should be able to impose their morality on me just because they hired me to do a job.
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.... "I've never seen a union abuse an employee in my life." .... What do you call forcing a business out of business by bullying the union members into striking where people lose their jobs? How many businesses are closing/going bankrupt/selling out to competitors just to get out of union contracts (I'll give you, the business should not have agreed to the terms if they had no intention of full filling them)? How many ex-union employees are now living in "right to work" states because their great union job evaporated when the union bosses decided to lean on the "man" one time to many?

I guess you wouldn't see that, the gov't and the union is your religion, and you BELIEVE.

What I call that is getting cockscukers out of business who don't belong there. And good riddance.

this country was VASTLY more prosperous when we had a mostly unionized workforce.

It just was.

By your logic, since we've reduced union membership in the last 30 years, we should be at the height of prosperity today.

Ummm. Doesn't look like it to me. Kind of looks like the opposite.

Unions serve a purpose. Keeping business from cheating workers. Because left to their own devices, most of them will.
'When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty'

Hey, I have no problem with that. Let teh corporate bloodsuckers "resist". Then we can settle up with them once and for all.

You are the biggest blowhard.


No, practical.

I just don't see the practicality of destroying the middle class and empowering a communist dictatorship like China by sending them all our industry so a few rich douchebags can buy a few more polo ponies...

Can't see how that's good for America.
Hey, I have no problem with that. Let teh corporate bloodsuckers "resist". Then we can settle up with them once and for all.

You are the biggest blowhard.


No, practical.

I just don't see the practicality of destroying the middle class and empowering a communist dictatorship like China by sending them all our industry so a few rich douchebags can buy a few more polo ponies...

Can't see how that's good for America.

Obama is destroying the middle class. All that debt hurts those of us who have to borrow more than the rich who pay cash. Paying banks instead of homeowners for bad mortgages hurt the middle class way more.
It's not just the Catholics. It's the entire bible belt. Guess they're all pissed that they aren't getting to use their religion as an excuse from the law.
It's not just the Catholics. It's the entire bible belt. Guess they're all pissed that they aren't getting to use their religion as an excuse from the law.

Constitutional law will prevail. This law was poorly written and gave exceptions for several secular reasons. It was discriminatory to religion.
It's not just the Catholics. It's the entire bible belt. Guess they're all pissed that they aren't getting to use their religion as an excuse from the law.

Constitutional law will prevail. This law was poorly written and gave exceptions for several secular reasons. It was discriminatory to religion.

Don't count on it.

We'll have ACA for longer than any of us are alive. Our great grandchildren will be cussing us out royally... although the way things are going by that time, I doubt they will be able to speak out against their own government without risking immediate arrest and extermination as being a subversive.

You are the biggest blowhard.


No, practical.

I just don't see the practicality of destroying the middle class and empowering a communist dictatorship like China by sending them all our industry so a few rich douchebags can buy a few more polo ponies...

Can't see how that's good for America.

Obama is destroying the middle class. All that debt hurts those of us who have to borrow more than the rich who pay cash. Paying banks instead of homeowners for bad mortgages hurt the middle class way more.

First, Bush ran up as much debt as Obama did.

Second, while I think TARP set a horrible precedent, the alternative was far worse.
It's not just the Catholics. It's the entire bible belt. Guess they're all pissed that they aren't getting to use their religion as an excuse from the law.

Constitutional law will prevail. This law was poorly written and gave exceptions for several secular reasons. It was discriminatory to religion.

Don't count on it.

We'll have ACA for longer than any of us are alive. Our great grandchildren will be cussing us out royally... although the way things are going by that time, I doubt they will be able to speak out against their own government without risking immediate arrest and extermination as being a subversive.


I think you need to adjust your tinfoil hat and keep a lookout for those black UN Helicopters...

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