6 Jan Committee Was a 1-sided Partisan 'Get Trump 3.0' Shite Show By Design to Intentionally Leave Out Alot


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Nancy Pelosi carefully picked her 'Select' committee members carefully. They consisted of Trump-obsessed, Impeachment proven criminals, and Democrats posing as Republicans.

This was a partisan, 1-sided committee from the start by design to hide the truth and make false accusations and narratives without any opposing interference.

For instance, Democrats attempted to make it seem that Trump and Republicans challenging election results is Illegal, Un-Constitutional, a threat to our Drmocracy ... while not bringing up the fact that Democrats have challenged 3 times more election results than Republicans. Democrats even attempted to disenfranchise voters - entire states.

Let's take a look at what Democrats did NOT want brought up today in their committee hearing:


In 2000 over a dozen Democratic House members objected to the allocation of Florida’s Electoral College votes to Bush. Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) called Florida’s result into question, citing the alleged “overwhelming evidence of official misconduct” in his state.

Al Gore called for an entire new vote in Florida. When he was told this could not be done because overseas absentee votes (heavily mikitary who HEAVILY vote Republican) coud not be recast and returned in time, Gore suggested NOT allowing overseas votes to count in the 3nd Florida vote he demanded.




In 2004, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) stopped the counting of electoral votes with a formal objection. Boxer sought to disenfranchise every voter in Ohio.

No other Democratic senator voted in favor of Boxer’s objection, leading the motion to fail in the Senate by a 74-1 vote.



In 2016, a tense electoral process saw some raise the possibility of faithless electors; the idea failed to gain necessary support, however, as some at the time predicted. On Jan. 6, several Democratic House members raised objections to the electoral vote count, citing voter suppression, among other things. However, as in 2000, the objectors were unable to gain the support from the Senate, dooming their efforts.



in 2000, it was the outgoing Democratic Vice President, Joe Biden, who put a stop to Democrat election objections. Biden refused to allow additional House members to explain their objections, conclusively stating, “It is over.”

Of course few Americans know anything about these instances when Democrats challenged elections and even attempted to disenfranchise entire states' voters by seeking to throw out their entire election.

The fake news pro-Democrat media were not going to make a big thing of it, and the 6 Jan Committee, who stacked the court and tossed any and all opposition party and anyone who would attempt to bring up both sides, was not going to tell Americans not only challenged elections but did so 3 times as much.
What about 2020?


In 2020, a group of 14 Republican Senators and as many as 140 Republican House members announced their intention to object to the Electoral College votes of at least some states. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) gave House Republicans’ objections legitimacy when he became the first senator to sign on to the effort on Dec. 30.

Hawley’s announcement cited Democratic objections in 2004 and 2016 ... Hawley pointed out the proven, fact that these Dmocrats' states had VIOLATED THEIR OWN STATE ELECTION LAWS.

The 6 Jan Committed

The Repiblicans' legal. Constitutional challenge to the election was CONVENIATELY stopped by a breach of the Capitol where it has been established there were FBI informants and special operatives, some of who not only were identified but detected by protestors the night before who chanted, "Fed, Fed, Fed" when the FBI operative began telling the crowd, "Tomorrow we have to make it into the Capitol."
-- When R-Cruz asked an FBI Rep under other oath during a committee hearing if this person was an FBI agent, was he I. itibg the crowd, etc... the FBI rep refused to answer to the Committee, answering, 'I can not answer.' At this point the Committee should have stopped and called for an FBI Rep who could answer - already proven dirty FBI Director Wray.

Recently Leftist Rachel Maddow voiced her disagreement with the 6 Jan Committee's 'false narrative' that President Trump's supporters initiated the violence at the Capitol and the breach inside it. Maddow accurately pointed out that Trump's supporters were NOT at the Capitol when the violence began or when the Capitol was breached. - they were still peacefully making their way to the Capitol.

Maddow also accurately pointed out none of the people who were at the Capitol when the riot vegan and the breach occurred attended President Trump's rally.

1. Trump Illegally / Un-Constitutionally challenged the election and initiated a 'coup'

The 6 Jan Committee left out the facts that the Constitution and law has created a way to challenge elections, that the Democrats have challenged every election dating back at least a dozen years, and that a President is not exempt from participating in it.

President Trump had every right to call on Pence to oppose certification of the election, but Pence was under no obligation to comply.

President Trump had every right to ask state reps to challenge their elections and the certification of the election results, especially after their state had violated its own election laws. (When Maxine Waters challenged election results it was based on novie oroduced by fat, liberal producer Michael Moore.) As with Pence, these state reps were not obligated to comply.

2. President Trump called for an 'ordered' his followers to committ an Insurrection. Again, official records and transcripts and Leftist media person Rachel Maddow helped debunk these lies / false narratives.

Democrats falsely accused President Trump of inciting violence at the Capitol, but official records and transcrips debunked their lies / claims by calling for supporters to peacefully walk to the Capitol to show the 14 Republicans Constututionally challenging the election results their suppor, to remain NON-violent, to obey laws, and to respect / obey the Capitol Police.
In the weeks prior to 6 Jan did President Trump voice his belief that the election was stolen, not a smart idea to continue to do; however, it was no more smarter than Democrats engaging in such violent rhetoric that they incited a public assassination attempt against GOP politicians, getting R-Steve Scalise shot.

Trump's continued voicing his belief in a stolen election was no more dangerous and criminal as D-Chuck Schumer, making direct threats against USSC Justices and calling for the illegal intimidation of and violence against Justices, resulting in the doxxing of Conservative Justices an an attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh.
The entire reason Pelosi made sire there was no partisan participation in / on the 6 Jan Committee (Cheney & Kinsinger are Trump-hating Dems) is because she did not want fair and honest investigation that voveted both sides, ALL angles, facts, and arguments.

Pelosi intended this to be a tax payer-funded infomercial for Democrats, a one-sided 'Get Trump 3.0' shit show. She had no intention of any of the stuff above getting out to the American people. On what they hoped to be 'must see tv' but ended up bring an all but ignored ratings bust they once again accused Trump and Republicans of doing what THEY have done many more times than Republicans have.

And try as they did to distract from Biden's failed policies and presidency that continued to destroy the nation, they failed. Americans have ignored Pelosi and Democrats 'fiddling' while 'Rome burns'.

How Democrats Attempted a 2016 Electoral College Coup
I expected nothing less than a Witch Trial...
In the 1300's they would throw the victim (those who opposed the current people in power) into the water. IF she drowned, they declared her pure. If she floated, she was bound and burned at the stake. In either event the outcome was assured, the witch was dead simply due to the accusation. That is the whole purpose of the Jan 6 shitt show..
I expected nothing less than a Witch Trial...
In the 1300's they would throw the victim (those who opposed the current people in power) into the water. IF she drowned, they declared her pure. If she floated, she was bound and burned at the stake. In either event the outcome was assured, the witch was dead simply due to the accusation. That is the whole purpose of the Jan 6 shitt show..

J6 is a Soviet style kangaroo court.

The Democrats are presently about halfway between Stalinists and Nazis.
Which is why Trump will never be indicted or tried. This nonsense is to ruin his reputation and make him unelectable. In a real case, Trump would be able to answer the charges, confront witnesses and, present a defense. Enemy democrats can't allow that to happen.
wow.. your a liar... Pelosi was the one who hand selected who SHE WANTED... now go find your safe space libtard
Yeah, I remember how Pelosi likes to micromanage her witvh hunts, not allowing GOP reps who would poke holes in the Democrats lies, no witnesses of their own, no cross-examinations, no bringing up massive hypocritical, damaging facts on the Democrats, etc... like I pointed out above.

Again, Candy, this was a 1-sided, heavily orchestrated 'Get Trump' shit show, a waste of tax dollars, and we are no closer to finding out what happened before, during, or after 6 Jan at the Capitol, what obvious role the FBI, what was the breakdown in security, and who was responsible for the many failures in decisions and avtions. Pelosi and Democrats made it all about Trump, Trump, Trump...which was her intent from the start.

Of course, that's great if you are a crazed, obsessed, TDS-suffering netball who still wants to take down Trump after 6 years, despite the real problems going on 1.5 years into another President's term....like you.

You'd rather focus on Pelosi's 2022 DEMOCRAT campaign infomercial - 'Orange Man Still Bad' - and attempted distraction from dementia Joe burning down the country.

Luckily the 6 Jan Committee's piss-poor ratings show there aren't many moreTrump-obsessed nutbags, that Americans have moved on and are focused on the pain and struggle Biden is causing them every day.
The evidence being presented is largely based on testimony from Republicans who served in the administration. Are you making the claim that the testimony is being misrepresented? Because I haven't read anything, anywhere to suggest that's the case.
The evidence being presented is largely based on testimony from Republicans who served in the administration.
What were they brought to testify on?


Pelosi refused to testify. Most of the main players who had role in 6 Jan events did not testify.

Democrats falsely accused Trump of beginning a coup when his own wirds clearly debunked their narrative, and even Democrats like Rachel Maddow destroyed the false narrative that Trump supporters at his rally started the riot and stormed the Capitol.

They attempted to convince Americans the Constitution for challenging election results doesn't exist when it does and they have done it 3 times more than the GOP....AND TRIED TO DISENFANCHISE VOTERS, EVEN ENTIRE STATES MORE THAN ONCE.

They tried to claim a President does not have a role in the challenge process, but he does.

This is all explained above, everything this committee did not want the American people to hear, everything they did not let the American people to hear.

You KNOW this was an intentional 1-sided partisan Trump-focused 'Get Trump 3.0' political theater shit show that accomplished nothing ... though you won't ever admit it.
What ere they brought to testify on?


Pelosi refused to testify. Most of the main players who had role in 6 Jan events did not testify.
What role did Nancy play in the plot to have Pence reject the electors? What role did she play in trying to cause a constitutional crisis by having 1/6 come and go without Biden being certified?

What role did Nancy play in the plot to have Pence reject the electors? What role did she play in trying to cause a constitutional crisis by having 1/6 come and go without Biden being certified?

Thank you for proving you have read NOTHING above, ALL of which was covered ... AND DEBUNKED.

Get back to me when you have read it, when you have educated yourself, attempted to get rid of your willing ignorance, and your TDS-suffering obsession, like Pelosi, with 'getting Trump' after 6 years.

...which means, if you met the conditions, I would never hear from you again ... but we a thow that's not going to happen.

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