50 Year Old Diner/Bakery Closed Down due to Covid related setbacks...

Do you still eat at open restaurants/fast food places?

  • Only Drive Thru's

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  • Only places I can order from and eat in my car

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Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind

Being here in Texas, a lot of full service restaurants have outdoor dining, or enclosed patios that have windows that can be opened. Some places like Cafe Brazil and On The Border have walls of huge window-doors that can be pushed back like partitions and the whole restaurant can be "outdoors" during the cool season.

I think it's relevant to keep in mind that this absurdemic has created a huge inconsistent flow of goods and services now. Even living in a state that is basically self-sufficient and self-sustaining, lots of stores continue to have empty shelves of this or that. I've been trying to find anybody that has La Choy's Sweet n Sour sauce on their shelves.......and I have yet to find one. La Choy says they haven't stopped making the stuff, and they don't know why the stores I've been to don't have any in stock.

Lots of restaurants here are open less frequently, and have shorter opened hours as well. Many have added all the "goodies" to their services though........delivery, curbside pickup, outside dining, as well as the standard inside dining. Whatever they can do to get you to continue to buy from their restaurants, they are doing it. It's sad though, to have to see places go out of business because they just can't get their usual deliveries.

On the bright side, this has help grow a LOT of mom and pop places. Since many things are hard to find, or the prices have been jacked so high nobody but the rich can afford them anymore...........the mom and pop places don't seem to have a problem with keeping the basic needs in stock, and people are finding it's easier and faster to go to a privately owned store, than to a big box retail store.

The "foodemic" may not last long, and may not hit a lot of states, but it does have it's spidery tentacles in many operations right now.

I really haven't been concerned, because most of the things I can't find anymore are "luxury" items......things I want, but don't really need. So it's not that bad around here, as basics have always been in stock.

What do you think about all this?

Do you still eat at open restaurants?

Do you still go thru the drive thru's?

Are your grocery stores doing good with keeping things in stock?

And.....hopefully you DON'T know anyone who is having problems with obtaining food supplies.
If you do, hopefully you are kind and generous enough to keep them supplied with as much as you are able!!!

This country wastes BILLIONS of dollars worth of food a year. I don't care who they are, what they worship, or what political leanings they have.........there is NO REASON anybody in this country should EVER, EVER, EVER go hungry!!!

If you can afford to buy some cases of canned or boxed goods, especially staples like sugar, flour, pasta, canned veggies, dry milk, dry boxed potatoes, and cheese..........Food Pantry's all over this country would be GRATEFUL for any and all food donations!!! If you can afford to do so, a monthly donation would be awesome. There are still people out there fighting to find a job, get rent paid, find food, try and get their vehicles repaired so they can FIND a job, etc..... Any and all donations to reputable and honest charities are always a blessing and accepted with a smile.

If you are in the market for a commercial property, you will find no better time to shop than in the next year, especially restaurant buildings.

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