5 Reasons Why Chick Fil-A Is Not What You Think

Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans


^^^^^^^^^^ Gawd! I love that man. :D
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

They couldn't get OBL...but they DID get Chick-fil-A! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

I don't know why this is so difficult for you.
We had a couple mayors publicly vowing to keep a business out of their towns based on a ceo's opinions regarding marriage.
The action by these mayors generated anger that led to the business in question to be supported. That was accomplished by purchasing their product via a rallying day.
In this case it was food, if it would have been T-shirts the same thing would have occured.
Simple really.
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

I don't know how eating junk food means you are supporting the ban on same sex marriage, but I am sure the Republicans know the secret.

Oh geeze, you really are having difficulty getting this ?
How the fuck else do you display support for a business to sell its products? Are you really this stupid or just playing games?

And you do realize this was thrown together AFTER the left declared august 3rd as kiss in day. Now tell me what's a more logical response. The left had a knee jerk reaction and it's blown up in their face. Don't blame the right.
i imagine if you tried harder, you could miss the point by a wider margin, but i don't think so.

hint: it's got nothing to do with gay marriage

It has everything to do with gay marriage, and anti-gay rights. It is all but entirely partisan.

When is the last time you saw conservatives rally en masse to defend 'rights' when they didn't agree with the beliefs of the people they were defending?
You mean like the Dixie Chicks...?

I don't remember any mayors trying to keep Dixie Chick merchandise out of the local stores.
The people chose to either support the Chicks, or boycott them. The government officials didn't get involved.

so let me get this straight... it's ok for rick santorum and the tweeting twit to SUPPORT chick-fil-a but not ok for a politician to call them what they are.

cool... got it.

That is a dishonest portrayal, it is a mayor that is actively keeping a restaurant out of "his" city, because of a belief system he perceives as wrong. Government has no right to interfere or be selective.

What position does Santorium hold? None, he is entitled to his opinion, so is the mayor, but they both must follow the Constitution.
Underneath all this is the real 'right' that most conservatives support, i.e.,

the 'right' of business owners to discriminate against anyone they want.
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

The Right wouldn't have engaged in its foolishness if the Left hadn't engaged in its foolishness, letting loose the PC Police on one guy and his company for his opinions
I'm sure he thanks you for your efforts.


Ok since you don't understand, I don't agree with keeping a company out of an area for what they say. What Im saying is that the most effective protest strategy that the right can come up with is "eat stuff"! Not contacting you reps or letters, emails etc. Noooo, that would require doing something or god forbid...going somewhere that isn't a lunch counter.

It's funny and not effective.

Fuck man, what is wrong with you ? Why is this so difficult ? We rallied to support the business, it happened to be food !
You mean like the Dixie Chicks...?

I don't remember any mayors trying to keep Dixie Chick merchandise out of the local stores.
The people chose to either support the Chicks, or boycott them. The government officials didn't get involved.

so let me get this straight... it's ok for rick santorum and the tweeting twit to SUPPORT chick-fil-a but not ok for a politician to call them what they are.

cool... got it.

rick Santorum isn't threatening to keep the business out of their cities for speaking their opinion...man jilly..
Seriously? Did Republicans actually convince people to eat at Chik Fil A in support for opposing gays? Instead of protests this is the only grass roots idea I've seen happen for repubs and it consists of going out and.... stuffing your pie holes?

Didya have some Freedom Fries with it? :lol: Republicans

I don't know how eating junk food means you are supporting the ban on same sex marriage, but I am sure the Republicans know the secret.

For me it was NOTHING about the gays. It was about our Freedoms in this Nation. Shit you dont even live in this country why are you even on this board
How the fuck else do you display support for a business to sell its products? Are you really this stupid or just playing games?

And you do realize this was thrown together AFTER the left declared august 3rd as kiss in day. Now tell me what's a more logical response. The left had a knee jerk reaction and it's blown up in their face. Don't blame the right.

Oh I dont know how about applying pressure to lift the ban on Chick Fil A in that area? No, would that be to direct? You wouldnt stuff your face in "support" but you would be able to directly address the problem you have.

Ooooooor you can wolf down a Milk Shake and feel like you did something.
I don't remember any mayors trying to keep Dixie Chick merchandise out of the local stores.
The people chose to either support the Chicks, or boycott them. The government officials didn't get involved.

so let me get this straight... it's ok for rick santorum and the tweeting twit to SUPPORT chick-fil-a but not ok for a politician to call them what they are.

cool... got it.

That is a dishonest portrayal, it is a mayor that is actively keeping a restaurant out of "his" city, because of a belief system he perceives as wrong. Government has no right to interfere or be selective.

What position does Santorium hold? None, he is entitled to his opinion, so is the mayor, but they both must follow the Constitution.

FTR and in the name of "honest betrayal", Boston's Mayor did not say he would not allow them to obtain permits to do business... He merely voiced his opinion too.

“Originally, I said I would do every*thing I can to stop them.’’ Menino said in an interview at City Hall. “And that was mostly using the bully pulpit of being mayor of the city and getting public support. But I didn’t say I would not allow them to go for permits or anything like that. I just said we would do everything we can, bully pulpit-wise.”

Menino caused a stir after he wrote an irate letter last Friday to the restaurant chain’s president, Dan Cathy, who told the Baptist Press this month that his company is ‘‘guilty as charged’’ for being a supporter of organizations rallying against same-sex marriage.

The company was considering opening a location on Union Street, across the street from City Hall and Faneuil Hall. After learning about the company leadership’s views on same-sex marriage, Menino issued a letter to Cathy, lambasting him.

“I was angry to learn on the heels of your prejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston,” Menino wrote. “There is no place for discrimination on Boston’s Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it.

“I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston.”

The letter drew intense reactions on both ends of the political spectrum.


But Menino clarified his view Thursday, saying that it would not be within his power to take any steps to prevent the business from establishing a franchise in the city and that he could not deny permits to the company. His only recourse, he said, is expressing his disapproval.

“Yes, people have criticized me; I understand that,” Menino said. “But I have feelings . . . I have my First Amendment rights also. I’m expressing them.”

Boston?s Mayor Menino clarifies Chick-fil-A stance - Boston.com
1. Cfa donated $5 million to hate groups -- yes, in liberal land, pro family groups are now hate groups. Geez, get over yourself already liberals.

2. The president has a christian p.o.v and he had the audacity to share it.
-- yea in libtardville, you can't express your beliefs any more; unless it's their beliefs of course. Then instead of being a demon, you're a saint, even a "civil rights activist" worthy of constant praise.

"are inviting god's judgment on our nation," and that we "shake our fist at him" when we do. Dan cathy also said same-sex marriage is the result of a "deprived" mind and called it "twisted up kind of stuff."

dc is not allowed to state his beliefs? He believes that it is natural for a man and woman to be in a union. I think nature would seem to be on his side since that is how we all got here and that is how we are all best nurtured.

So what's the problem? That he dares to say god said up that nature? Oh the humanity!

3. Cfa supports orgs that seek to help people to not engage in homosexual activity. -

"pray away the gay" -- despite the fact that practically every major medical organization has stated that this is not only impossible but dangerous and harmful.

who are these major medical organizations? Medical organizations generally regard the body and not the mind or the spirit. Let's not attribute undue power to these unnamed factions.

It'd be like me saying, every church has decided that obama is a menace to society. First off, that's not in their purview. And second off, i doubt that "every" religious person would have that opinion anyways.

even if you don't support same-sex marriage, do you support fake "science" that is known to harm the very people it claims to help?

i am so fucking tired of libs calling any obscure so-called scientific theory they agree with as scientific fact. Second off, cfa has beliefs. They don't worship your jury rigged science. And lastly, there are plenty of former gays who testify that they are much happier? and in the meantime who has the fucking highest suicide rate? Gay teens. There's your fucking science.

4. We shouldn't support cfa b/c they are a cult. first off, the term cult is just fearmongering. Only haters even use that term without damn good reason. You can call a hippie commune a cult. Am i supposed to hate on them b/c you called them a cult? And what about hollywood. How many of them are in the "cult" of scientology? Are libs writing editorials on boycotting hollywood? Nope.

5. Cfa is forcing women to be stay-home moms. i have not seen any proof of this. We are supposed to just take the writer's interpretation of "court documents" after he just got done shoveling a load of bologna.

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How the fuck else do you display support for a business to sell its products? Are you really this stupid or just playing games?

And you do realize this was thrown together AFTER the left declared august 3rd as kiss in day. Now tell me what's a more logical response. The left had a knee jerk reaction and it's blown up in their face. Don't blame the right.

Oh I dont know how about applying pressure to lift the ban on Chick Fil A in that area? No, would that be to direct? You wouldnt stuff your face in "support" but you would be able to directly address the problem you have.

Ooooooor you can wolf down a Milk Shake and feel like you did something.

There is no ban to protest dummy. This wasn't a protest it was a display of support.

How can you not grasp this VERY SIMPLE FACT

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